Date: May 28th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Memorial Day: Remembering Troops Who Fought AGAINST Nazis, Not For Them

It is hard to imaging the shame I feel for my nation growing stronger than it has been during these past seven years but this week good old “shoot-em-in-the-face” Dick Cheney helped me to more than just imagine the shame I feel increase. Just days before the holiday on which our nation remembers their fallen soldiers, Dick Cheney was asked to speak at the graduation of our next generation of military officers at the West Point Military Academy. And guess what the ground zero of corruption vice president chose to share with the new military yes men: his criticism of the Geneva Conventions. Can anyone say Nazi Germany?

I hate to say this and I know I am going to get abused over this statement, but I am not one to play politics, so here I go: it is getting very very difficult to support the troops and I no longer support any of the troops who have signed up for the US military after the US invaded a sovereign nation, Iraq. Knowing that Cheney was welcomed to speak at the West Point graduation, as opposed so say, someone who actually served his nation honorably by joining the military at some point during his life instead of getting multiple deferments like Cheney did, really sent it home for me. Then hearing about what he spoke about was the nail in the coffin in which lies my support for the troops. Out of all the respectable former military persons who may have been invited to speak at this year's commencement, they chose Cheney. Well I say...screw them. They just lost my support.

Are this year's graduates of West Point idiots and suckers? Are they not aware that the man for whom which they applaud lied to their fellow troops and to the nation when he sent their fellow soldiers to war, to die and kill innocent people? Did they all rise and say “Thank you sir, may I have another” as they showed their masochistic support of a man who betrayed the troops like no other American leader in history?

As the vile criminal, Cheney, who very likely was deeply involved in delivering the attacks of 9/11 to our unformed unsuspecting nation, and who spat upon his obligation to fight for his nation, gave a speech that would have made Hitler proud, protesters were denied their civil rights to free speech and were not permitted to protest our Nazi vice president. I thought the troops were supposed to be protecting our freedom, not cheering the man who is responsible for eliminating it.

Dick Cheney is a enemy of the state. He is in office via election coup which makes him an invader and a criminal. Mountains of evidence exist indicating Cheney's involvement in the events of 9/11. He clearly was behind the effort to lie this nation into an illegal war and he was the central figure in exposing a covert intelligence agent. And Cheney has been the central figure behind the Bush administration's assault on the US Constitution. I don't want to support a military that welcomes a man like Dick Cheney, I want a military that protects us from a man like Dick Cheney! Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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U.S. Security Contractors Open Fire in Baghdad
- Employees of Blackwater USA, a private security firm under contract to the State Department, opened fire on the streets of Baghdad twice in two days last week, and one of the incidents provoked a standoff between the security contractors and Iraqi forces, U.S. and Iraqi officials said.

Bombs Kill 2 G.I.’s in Iraq as Death Toll Near Year’s High - With four days left in the month, not counting the unidentified body, 103 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq, according to Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, an independent Web site that monitors civilian and military casualties.

Doubts Grow as G.I.’s in Iraq Find Allies in Enemy Ranks - But now on his third deployment in Iraq, he is no longer a believer in the mission. The pivotal moment came, he says, this past February when soldiers killed a man setting a roadside bomb. When they searched the bomber’s body, they found identification showing him to be a sergeant in the Iraqi Army. “I thought, ‘What are we doing here? Why are we still here?’ ”

Ten US troops killed as Iraq debate heats up - Ten more American soldiers have been killed in fighting in Iraq, the military announced on Sunday, on the eve of war-weary Washington's annual Memorial Day commemoration of its war dead.

Lara Logan Returns To Iraq: “It looks like a wasteland” - Logan spoke about the deteriorating conditions in Bagdad and the underlying theme coming out of Iraq; sectarian killings are down, but U.S. troop deaths are up and the number of attacks on our soldiers are on the rise.

Behind the eyes of the warmongering US hawks - Military interventionists are still cynically manipulating public opinion, says matthew carr

U.S. military toll for May tops 100 - Total reaches 101 with eight more deaths. British call in airstrikes in Basra after militiamen attack bases in port city.

Turkish warplanes violate Iraq's northern airspace - A military source from Iraq's Kurdistan region said on Thursday two Turkish warplanes violated Iraqi northern Kurdistan airspace near the borders with Turkey.

U.S. show of force in Gulf alarming: Afghan paper - "This is ... greatly alarming news for the whole region lest American invaded Iran and create a blood bath of its people and another quagmire for itself," the newspaper said in an editorial.

Millennium Challenge coincidence: The war on Iraq began with war games too - The United States Joint Forces Command pretty much spells it out for you here. Expect a war on Iran ASAP.


Pat Lang & Lawrence Wilkerson Share Nightmare Encounters with Feith, Wolfowitz, and Tenet
- Jeff Stein of Congressional Quarterly has a great recap of what former Pentagon spy-master Pat Lang and former State Department Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson had to say at a University of District of Columbia forum on May 7th.

GOP rivals embrace unproven Iraq-9/11 tie - In defending the Iraq war, leading Republican presidential contenders are increasingly echoing words and phrases used by President Bush in the run-up to the war that reinforce the misleading impression that Iraq was responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Developing New Bush Scandal Helping Big Oil Companies Hide Billions from Government at Taxpayer Expense - As you might guess, Royalty-in-Kind was proposed and remains supported by the oil industry, and Bush implanted officials with deep ties to the oil industry in charge of the agency responsible for enforcing the program, the Minerals Management Service (MMS).

How Does the War Party Get Away with It? - While the architects of war, the Cheneys, Rumsfelds, and Wolfowitzs who sleep every night between clean sheets, deem these terrible costs to be worth bearing—as well they might, because they personally bear not an ounce of them—the members of the Peace Party often seem baffled.

Daily Show: Dissecting Goodling’s Testimony - Jon Stewart meticulously picks through Monica Goodling's testimony and finally figures out how the USAs were selected for firing…


MTA approves steep hikes for bus, rail fares
- Hundreds of people who depend on the buses to get to work, school, doctor's appointments, stores and elsewhere told the board and a standing-room-only crowd that the higher fares would create even starker choices in their daily lives.
TVNL Comment: But America can spend $1 billion per week in Iraq and we can give Israel $ billions even though they are a wealthy nation.

American men make 12.5 percent less than their fathers 30 years ago, report on mobility says - That's a 12.5 percent drop between 1974 and 2004, according to data from the Pew Charitable Trusts' Economic Mobility Project.

9/11 News :



Dems' Iraq surrender wasn't voters' wish - Still, no matter how you come down on the wisdom of a troop withdrawal timetable, it's hard not to conclude that the majority party became, in effect, the minority party again in caving in to the White House's $100 billion Iraq spending bill.
TVNL Comment: Congress has not represented the people since they turned ownership of this nation over to the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913.

What Congress Really Approved: Benchmark No. 1: Privatizing Iraq's Oil for US Companies - The members called it "supporting the troops." I call it stealing Iraq's oil - the second largest reserves in the world.

SEND YOUR SENATORS AND CONGRESSPERSON THEIR PINK SLIPS - TVNL Comment: Not that voting changes anything these days.

Daily Show: Democrats Throw a Pussy Party - Jon Stewart opines on the Democratic "compromise" over Iraq funding.

The Framers Got It Right: Congress is the Decider - In this new article by George Lakoff and Glenn Smith, the Rockridge Institute issues a call to action in response to Congress's passage of the Iraq supplemental spending bill.


Protesters Barred From Cheney’s West Point Speech - A federal appeals court on Friday denied an organization permission to stage an antiwar demonstration on Saturday on the grounds of the United States Military Academy at West Point, where Vice President Dick Cheney is to deliver the commencement address.

Ala. terror Web site angers activists - The Alabama Department of Homeland Security has taken down a Web site it operated that included gay rights and anti-war organizations in a list of groups that could include terrorists. - The Web site identified different types of terrorists, and included a list of groups it believed could spawn terrorists. The list also included environmentalists, animal rights advocates and abortion opponents.

No jobs for US citizens without Homeland Security approval - US citizens who apply for a job will need prior approval from Department of Homeland Security under the terms immigration bill passed by the Senate this week.

State asked to review '06 RTA vote - The documents, which were filed by the County Attorney's Office, don't reveal the basis for the complaint, other than noting that Risner was alleging "criminal activity," saying a Pima County elections employee "flipped" or electronically altered, the RTA election results.

US Atty Scandal Shines Light on Bush Adminstration Voter Suppression Efforts - This well-researched and timely article from the Washington Bureau of the McClatchy Newspapers shows how deep the Bush Administration's obsession with using the myth of voter fraud to support schemes to suppress the votes of minorities and other marginalized groups runs.


Apple Computer gets failing grade on toxic chemicals, e-waste recycling - Apple Inc. has been ranked worst among 14 leading electronics manufacturers in a new Greenpeace survey that evaluated companies based on their use of toxic chemicals and commitment to recycling obsolete products.

U.S. bluntly, and in red, rejects G8 climate draft - The United States has rejected Germany's bid to get the Group of Eight industrialized nations to agree to tough cuts in climate warming carbon emissions, according to a draft of the statement to be presented to next month's meeting.
TVNL Comment: Who is making this decision on behalf of Americans? Did you vote for this? Is this representative government or a dictatorship? I think you know the answer!


Secret memo shows Israel knew Six Day War was illegal
- A senior legal official who secretly warned the government of Israel after the Six Day War of 1967 that it would be illegal to build Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories has said, for the first time, that he still believes that he was right.

Pentagon issues blunt warning to China - The Pentagon is warning China in blunt language that despite Beijing’s massive military buildup, it lacks the power for a successful attack against rival Taiwan.


Memorial Day: Remembering Troops Who Fought AGAINST Nazis, Not For Them - I don’t want to support a military that welcomes a man like Dick Cheney, I want a military that protects us from a man like Dick Cheney!

Define Mercenary - Blackwater as an American firm working in Iraq hired under contracts with American governmental agencies clearly falls outside of the United Nations' definition of mercenary.

After the pain of loss in Iraq, families are dealt a second blow - But the Survivors Benefit Plan and Dependents Indemnity Compensation are provided for different reasons, and the offset leaves many military families with no survivors' benefits at all. Others receive only the pittance that's left over after the offset is deducted.

Iraq vet: 'My brain will not let go' - A year after coming home from Iraq, AJ Jefferson is still fighting the war in eerie nightmares about the bomb that left him and two comrades seriously wounded.

Young officers leaving service at 'alarming' rate - The percentage of career officers deciding not to stay in the military is the highest it has been since the Vietnam War and includes many West Point graduates, "creating a brain drain in the top ranks." A general interviewed by CNN expressed concern that "we're losing the next generation of future combat leaders for the army."


Our Government, Our Nation, Our Destruction - We are supposed to elect our leaders to do our will. Congressmen, Senators, the Administration, judges ... they are supposed to be people who are voted for in such a way as to be selected, by We the People, to do our will. The practice being to select men and women who promise to do that which their constituency elected them to do. But the 'practice' became the theory.


Venezuela court orders TV seizure - Venezuela's top court has allowed the government to take control of private TV transmitters as it prepares to replace commercial with state-run TV.


Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health - Research from a British university suggests a common preservative found in drinks such as Fanta and Pepsi Max has the ability to switch off vital parts of DNA.

New museum says dinosaurs were on Noah's Ark - The Christian creators of the sprawling museum, unveiled on Saturday, hope to draw as many as half a million people each year to their state-of-the-art project, which depicts the Bible's first book, Genesis, as literal truth.
TVNL Comment: Of course these "science" people have no scientific proof of what they are teaching.

FDA knew of heart risk dangers of Avandia drug years ago - Public Citizens once again demonstrates why the FDA has become the No. 1 threat to the health and safety of the American public…


Cheney criticizes the Geneva Conventions in Military Academy commencement address - Vice President Dick Cheney criticized the notion of applying the Geneva Conventions to individuals captured in the course of the war on terrorism in a Saturday commencement address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York.

Kevorkian Release Nears After 8 Years - "One of the driving forces of the (Oregon) law was to prevent the Jack Kevorkians from happening," said Kate Davenport, a communications specialist at the Death with Dignity National Center in Portland, Ore., which defended Oregon's law against challenges.

Medical experiments to be done without patients' consent - The federal government is undertaking the most ambitious set of studies ever mounted under a controversial arrangement that allows researchers to conduct some kinds of medical experiments without first getting the patients' permission.

Cheney criticizes the Geneva Conventions in Military Academy commencement address - Vice President Dick Cheney criticized the notion of applying the Geneva Conventions to individuals captured in the course of the war on terrorism in a Saturday commencement address at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York.
TVNL Comment: Do we really need a vice president who sounds more like a Nazi than an American?


Training Christian Terrorists - There you will find him extolling fellow "Christians" to go kill and die for their country, which this young man seems to have confabulated with serving God.

US rabbi convicted of child sex abuse arrested in southern India - An American rabbi convicted of sexually abusing children has been arrested in southern India after an 11-month manhunt across Asia, police said Wednesday.

Loud boos greet Card at UMass - When it came time for former White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. to receive an honorary doctorate degree yesterday, the din was so loud that few, if any, of those in attendance could hear the reasons for the honor.

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