Date: May 30th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Dick Cheney – The Teflon Don

How is it possible that Dick Cheney has not been cuffed and carried off by now? How is it possible for Cheney to still be a free man? I have lost count of the crimes committed by Dick Cheney yet he still seems to be the man who is running our government.

Cheney has applied God like exemptions to himself during his tenure as the high exalted OZ of the Bush administration. Since the election coup of 2000 granted him such power Cheney has pushed the limits of executive privilege like no other office holder before him. And then when that coincidental new Pearl Harbor came along on 9/11 the limits of his power were stretched to historical proportions, and he surely made use of that privilege!

The latests “revaluations” related to Cheney are that he ordered the Secret Service to destroy the logs that track visitors to the official home of the vice president and it is now becoming more obvious, according to Patrick Fitzgerald, that Cheney was deeply involved in the outting of a now confirmed covert CIA official. And is Cheney arrested, impeached or brought up on charges? No...he just keeps popping up on TV spouting lies and ludicrous assertions.

I often imagine Cheney when I see the movie Casino, with Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci. By the end of the movie some angry dudes had all they could take from the character played by Joe Pesci. Pesci. Like Dick Cheney, Pesci's character took it upon himself to pretty much do whatever he wanted throughout the movie. He broke any law that he wanted, he was overly violent, he pissed off the cops and even the local crime bosses. Finally, after quite a bit of outrage, his fellow gangsters set him and his brother up. They were so angry with him that killing him did not satisfy their desire to pay him back for the trouble he had caused. Instead they beat his brother to a bloody pulp as he was forced to watch. Then he was beaten to a bloody pulp. And then...they burried both Pesci and his brother...alive. All the while you can feel the anger in the men doing the beating as they yelled “no more!” As if to tell him they had enough of his vile cruel and arrogant behavior. Sorry, but I can not help but to view that scene as a metaphor where Pesci is Cheney and the men doing the beating are the American people, who finally wised up, realized what he has been doing and had enough!

For those of you new subscribers reading this newsletter for the first time...please excuse the less than journalistic content of today's message. Consider it a rare therapeutic cleansing of my journalistic palate. An editorial sorbet if you will. It would be better if we could have a governmental sorbet but for now I have to settle for this. Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

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5 Britons Kidnapped; 10 GIs Die in Iraq
- Gunmen in police uniforms and driving vehicles used by security forces kidnapped five Britons from an Iraqi Finance Ministry office Tuesday, and a senior Iraqi official said the radical Shiite Mahdi Army militia was suspected.

What Military Service Qualifies Bush To Lead Iraq War - This country is now paying a heavy price for Bush's lack of military experience, and his taunting invitation of "bring it on," that has resulted in a never ending stream of challengers traveling to Iraq to teach our loudmouth President a lesson.


PLEASE: Take just a few minutes to read this. You won't believe how much power a foreign nation has in the U.S. government. When you're done, if you'd like, you can do something about it. Just read the request at the end of the column.

Fitzgerald Again Points to Cheney - In Friday's eminently readable court filing, Fitzgerald quotes the Libby defense calling his prosecution "unwarranted, unjust, and motivated by politics." In responding to that charge, the special counsel evidently felt obliged to put Libby's crime in context. And that context is Dick Cheney.

Lawyer: Cheney visitor logs not recorded – A lawyer for Vice President Dick Cheney told the Secret Service in September to eliminate data on who visited Cheney at his official residence, a newly disclosed letter states.

Plame was ‘covert’ agent at time of name leak - An unclassified summary of outed CIA officer Valerie Plame's employment history at the spy agency, disclosed for the first time today in a court filing by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, indicates that Plame was "covert" when her name became public in July 2003.


Net taxes could arrive by this fall
- The era of tax-free e-mail, Internet shopping and broadband connections could end this fall, if recent proposals in the U.S. Congress prove successful.

9/11 News :

Donald Rumsfeld on 9/11: An enemy within
- What was Rumsfeld doing on 9/11? He deserted his post. He disappeared. The country was under attack. Where was the guy who controls America’s defense? Out of touch! --A senior White House official

911 The explosive reality - TVNL Comment: VIDEO

Activists Confront Giuliani Over 9/11 - An activist asks the former NYC mayor, "How do you sleep at night?"

Rosie O'Donnell 'View' Booking Of 9/11 Conspiracists Made ABC Nervous - Page Six reports that O'Donnell had reportedly booked the film's producers, Korey Rowe and Dylan Avery, for Thursday's show. But after the fight with Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Wednesday, and after her chief writer was caught defacing Hasselbeck's photos with mustaches, O'Donnell bolted from the show.


Records: Senators who OK'd war didn't read key report - For members of Congress to read the report, they had to go to a secure location on Capitol Hill. The Washington Post reported in 2004 that no more than six senators and a handful of House members were logged as reading the document.

Congress Fold Again - AIPAC Intervenes on Iran - It has happened again, and in the open. The American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC) which heads a network of pro-Israeli lobbies, persuaded Congress to drop a provision which would have required President Bush to ask for Congressional approval prior to attacking Iran.


Advisers Fault Harsh Methods in Interrogation - As the Bush administration completes secret new rules governing interrogations, a group of experts advising the intelligence agencies are arguing that the harsh techniques used since the 2001 terrorist attacks are outmoded, amateurish and unreliable.

Crews Watch Home Burn, Family Forced To Pay - Gilbert firefighters responded to the blaze and made sure no life was at risk, but did not fight the fire under a town policy because it is in an unincorporated area.
TVNL Comment: America, the greatest nation in the world. Keep repeating that to yourself.

Latest 5-4 Ruling Further Proof of the Alito Effect - "In her dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg accused the majority of straying far 'from interpretation of Title VII with fidelity to the Act's core purpose.' Having successfully argued so many important sex discrimination cases when she was an attorney, Justice Ginsburg must feel as though she is going back in time with each passing day. And she would be right.


Sweden aims to cut emissions by 30 percent by 2020 - "Sweden and the present government have been pushing for the 30 percent target in the EU. We were the only government sticking to the proposal throughout the process," Carlgren told Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet in an interview.

NASA: Danger Point Closer Than Thought From Warming - 'Disastrous Effects' of Global Warming Tipping Points Near, According to New Study

Everest ice forest melting due to global warming, says Greenpeace - One of the world's most spectacular ice formations - the towering serac forest near Mount Everest's base camp - is rapidly shrinking as a result of global warming, Greenpeace said today.


Nation of mortgage slaves among Britain's young couples
- A report warned that the spiralling price of housing means Britain is in danger of becoming the "grossly divided" society of have and have-nots not seen since Victorian times.

Man wrongly jailed for three years charged £7,000 by Home Office for 'board and lodging' - Torn from his family and sent to languish in jail as a convicted sex attacker, the innocent father-of-two imagined he was due a hefty sum for the miscarriage of justice. Instead, he was flabbergasted to learn the Home Office now intends to charge him nearly £7,000 for "board and lodging".

Pakistan Is Going Down the Road of the Shah’s Iran - Unfortunately, Pakistan probably has already been “lost,” and U.S. policy has played an important role in its demise.




THE KAKISTOCRACY EXPOSES ITS HAND - The publication of National Security Presidential Directive 51 (Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20) on 9 May 2007, now available on the White House’s web site, represents another major stage in the devolution of the United States from a constitutional republic to a Caesaristic police state. Inadvertently, though, it exposes the primary danger to the continuation of its own power that the Establishment now fears.


LEFT BEHIND: - The Skewed Representation of Religion in Major News Media

What does Propoganda look like in a democracy - Description of propoganda .. Ooophs .. PR

Bush now banning photo journalism of wounded troops - “They are not letting us cover the reality of war,” he added. “I think this has got little to do with the families or the soldiers and everything to do with politics.”

Amazon problems with Alexa Internet - We paid the cash and within a couple hours, our target website (not had moved up the Alexa rank from 4.2m to 50k—WOW! Toolbar manipulation you say... Actually, there were no visits to our target website.

Television's role in the coup against Chávez - We believe that the decision of the Venezuelan government not to renew the broadcasting licence of RCTV when it expires on May 27 (Chávez silences critical TV station, May 23; Comment and Letters, May 25) is legitimate given that RCTV has used its access to the public airwaves to repeatedly call for the overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Hugo Chávez.


US on Mad Cow: Don't Test All Cattle - The Bush administration said Tuesday it will fight to keep meatpackers from testing all their animals for mad cow disease .
TVNL Comment: How in the world can a living human being still think George W. Bush eihter cares about them or is keeping them safe? I can describe how stupid one has to be in order to appreciate Bush.

Well-connected drug company obtained anthrax vaccine contracts despite side effects - Two former high-ranking health officials with close ties to the Bush administration helped a Michigan-based pharmaceutical company secure sole-source, multi-million dollar federal contracts for the purchase of its controversial anthrax vaccine, a RAW STORY investigation has found.


New Swedish Documents Illuminate CIA Action - "Should Swedish officers have taken those measures, I would have prosecuted them without hesitation for the misuse of public power and probably would have asked for a prison sentence," the investigator, Mats Melin, said in an interview. He said he could not charge the CIA operatives because he was authorized to investigate only Swedish government officials, but he did not rule out the possibility that other Swedish prosecutors could do so.


Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq - If you think George W. Bush and the neoconservatives inducted "regime change" into American foreign policy's hall of fame? Think again. Long before Iraq, U.S. presidents, spies, corporate types and their acolytes abroad had honed the art of deposing foreign governments.

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