Date: June 4th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: CNN Cloaks Gravel & Continues to Murder Democracy

The most important role of the press in a democracy is to keep the public informed about our government. This includes informing the public about the conduct of elected officials and it includes informing the public about people who offer to serve in public office.

Ronald Reagan helped to destroy our democracy by eliminating the legal provisions that required broadcast media outlets to provide equal time and coverage of all presidential candidates. The Internet has given our democracy a bit of a boost since it took the hit from Reagan in that it provides a forum for the people to learn about the candidates who are intentionally hidden from the public by our establishment media. But it took CNN to apply a stealth coating to a candidate who made such a large impression on the public that the establishment media could not justify ignoring him.

Tonight, CNN was forced to accept reality and welcome Mike Gravel to the Democratic debate but that did not stop them from keeping him from the public. They asked the former senator about three questions, allowed him a total of about 90 seconds of air time, and did not include him in a single issue of major import.

CNN again helped prove why the American establishment media are the greatest enemy of Democracy. No matter what we do, no matter how much information passes by the cloak of the media via the Internet, it is clear that the establishment media will continue to alter their methods in order to prevent the public from learning anything or about anyone that is not approved by the ruling elite establishment. The media in this nation must be exposed for what it is, the greatest enemy of the people. We must not fix the media, we must replace them. Think about it! Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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Report: U.S. Drive in Baghdad Falters
- U.S.-led forces have control of fewer than one-third of Baghdad's neighborhoods despite thousands of extra troops nearly four months into a security crackdown, a newspaper reported Monday - an assessment that came as the U.S. casualty toll soared.

US can forget about winning in Iraq: top retired general - he man who commanded US-led coalition forces during the first year of the Iraq war says the United States can forget about winning the war.

U.S. Announces 14 Troop Deaths in Iraq - A total of 127 U.S. soldiers were killed in May, the third-highest monthly total behind November 2004, when 137 were killed, and April the same year when another 135 died.

Mercenary firms fear bloodbath in Iraq - MERCENARY chiefs are urgently reviewing rules dictating when they can use force in Iraq, amid growing fears that another confrontation between private security operators and police could explode into a bloodbath.

Gates warns Turkey not to invade Iraq - Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Sunday cautioned Turkey against sending troops into northern Iraq, as it has threatened, to hunt down Kurdish rebels it accuses of carrying out terrorist raids inside Turkey.

Civilian death toll in Iraq spikes in May - The number of civilians killed in Iraq jumped to nearly 2,000 in May, the highest monthly toll since the start of a U.S.-backed security crackdown in February, according to figures released on Saturday.
TVNL Comment: Death toll "spikes?" Don't they really mean that the death toll "surges?"

Attacks on U.S. Troops in Iraq Grow in Lethality, Complexity - As U.S. troops push more deeply into Baghdad and its volatile outskirts, Iraqi insurgents are using increasingly sophisticated and lethal means of attack, including bigger roadside bombs that are resulting in greater numbers of American fatalities relative to the number of wounded.

Mounting Evidence Suggests Israeli Operatives Working in Occupied Iraq - The US general who ran Iraq's prisons before the Abu Ghraib scandal broke tells of "unusual" involvement of at least one Israeli agent in Iraqi prisons; but evidence of an Israeli presence in Iraq is less and less unusual.


Giuliani: Worse Than Bush
- He's cashing in on 9/11, working with Karl Rove's henchmen and in cahoots with a Swift Boat-style attack on Hillary. Will Rudy Giuliani be Bush III?

Mafia prosecutor now has Bush in his sights - Mr Bharara is spearheading the Democrat campaign to uncover corruption, mismanagement, incompetence and financial impropriety at the heart of the Bush administration.

Republican operative who orchestrated successful suppression of Bush AWOL story to exit West Wing - Another fat-bellied, satiated Republican rat slithers away from the administration’s sinking ship to spend more time with the nest: Dan Bartlett. Ah, memories:

Defense Officials Tried to Reverse China Policy, Says Powell Aide - The same top Bush administration neoconservatives who leap-frogged Washington’s foreign policy establishment to topple Saddam Hussein nearly pulled off a similar coup in U.S.-China relations—creating the potential of a nuclear war over Taiwan, a top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell says.

Rove Linked to Prosecution of Ex-Alabama Governor - Now Karl Rove, the President's top political strategist, has been implicated in the controversy. A longtime Republican lawyer in Alabama swears she heard a top G.O.P. operative in the state say that Rove "had spoken with the Department of Justice" about "pursuing" Siegelman, with help from two of Alabama's U.S. attorneys. The allegation was made by Dana Jill Simpson, a lifelong Republican and lawyer who practices in Alabama.

Bush, Cheney Want Visitor Logs Secret - The administration is seeking dismissal of two lawsuits by a private group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, demanding Secret Service visitor logs.


How the Super Rich Avoided Taxes; Despite Making Millions
- Accounting Firm Ernst & Young Allegedly Concocted Tax Schemes to Shelter Millions

Dell to cut 8,000 as 1Q earnings dip - Dell Inc. said Thursday that earnings fell slightly in preliminary first-quarter results, and the computer maker planned to lay off more than 8,000 employees over the next year as part of an ongoing restructuring.

GDP revised lower to 0.6% in first quarter - The U.S. economy slowed to a crawl in the first quarter, held back by falling investments in homes, shrinking inventories and a large trade gap, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.

Motorola to Shed 4,000 Jobs in Second Round of Cuts - Motorola Inc., the world's second- biggest mobile-phone maker, will eliminate 4,000 jobs, the second round of firings this year as it works to return to a profit.

9/11 News :

Greg Palast Discredits 911 truth - Calls Steven Jones a "fruitcake"
- Greg Palast displays his complete ignorance on 911 truth. When the interviewer asked about WTC7, stating that it was not hit by any planes, Greg Palast replied: "I saw the planes hitting the buildings!"

Analysis Of New Phony Al-CIAda Video - The tape itself is comical because Adam Yehiye Gadahn otherwise known as Adam Pearlman is a likely Israeli intelligence asset considering his grandfather Carl Pearlman was associated with the Anti-Defamation League an organization that has been previously caught spying on the United States.

Doctor sees blood cancers in WTC program - The head of the largest program tracking the health of World Trade Center site workers said several have developed rare blood cell cancers, raising fears that cancer will become a "third wave" of illnesses among those exposed to toxic dust after Sept. 11.

Future terror targets = Past terror targets-how much terrorism insurance did Silverstein take out on his new buildings? - This is the replacement for the building that seemed to crumple at the knees the evening of nine eleven after not having been hit by an airplane - etc... The replacement building appeared in no time atall - I wonder how much time it takes just to get building permits for something like that? Does Larry "7 BILLION" Silverstein have terrorism insurance on the new building 7?

Mossad Agent Pearlman Releases Phony "Al-Qaeda Tape" - Adam Pearlman, the Jewish Mossad agent who once wrote stinging essays condemning Muslims as "bloodthirsty terrorists", has once again popped up as an "Al-Qaeda spokesman" to frighten the dwindling number of Americans who still believe Al-Qaeda exists outside of U.S. intelligence circles.


Hustler offers $1 million for sex smut on Congress - It offered $1 million (500,000 pounds) for documented evidence of illicit intimate relations with a congressman, senator or other prominent officeholder.

Democrats hide pet projects from voters - After promising unprecedented openness regarding Congress' pork barrel practices, House Democrats are moving in the opposite direction as they draw up spending bills for the upcoming budget year.

Calling John Ashcroft - The House and Senate Intelligence Committees have asked the former attorney general to testify about his role in a dramatic showdown over a controversial eavesdropping program. Will he play ball?

Paging Sergeant Joe Friday, Paging Sergeant Friday. Please Report to the Democrats on Capitol Hill. They Need You Badly. - It’s amazing how many contortions the Dems go through in order to avoid actually holding the Bush Administration accountable for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Robert Greenwald vs. Jack Kingston - Jack Kingston takes personal shots at Robert Greenwald during testimony on private contracting in Iraq.

Conyers endorses national effort to impeach Bush, Cheney - U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., said Tuesday he supports a national effort calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, but stopped short of pledging to take action to back it.
TVNL Comment: He "supports" impeachment? Who is supposed to do the impeaching? He is a Congress person...he is supposed to impeach. We are supposed to support or oppose it, not him.


CIA Bars Plame From Publishing Materials It Released Publicly 15 Months Ago - Valerie Plame Wilson sued the CIA yesterday “over its refusal to allow her to publish a memoir that would discuss how long she had worked for the agency.” The CIA contends that her dates of service “remain classified” and that Plame’s publication of such details in her upcoming book “could have serious ramifications” for national security.

Panelists allege election tampering - Speaking during an evening forum at SUNY New Paltz, University of Pennsylvania Professor Steven Freeman said research conducted in an effort to understand discrepancies between exit polls and reported vote counts during the 2004 presidential election led him to closely follow the 2006 campaign and conclude that Democrats should have picked up even more seats in the House and Senate.

John Carman, Hero Federal Whistleblower Held - No Bail - John Carman has never been convicted a crime, and he is an American Citizen. Further, he worked for both the Secret Service and the U.S. Customs Service for many years and maintained a security clearance for these positions. Now, magically, he is being painted by the FBI as a flight risk and a danger. Oh yes, this is the very same FBI that John and I have repeatedly EXPOSED PUBLICALLY for not investigating the corruption that we identified in my book "BorderGate."

Violent Crime Up For Second Year - The number of violent crimes in the United States rose for a second straight year in 2006, marking the first sustained increase in homicides, robberies and other serious offenses since the early 1990s, according to an FBI report to be released Monday.

Connecticut Senate Leader Arrested - A legislative leader was arrested Friday on charges that he tried to have a businessman at the center of a federal racketeering probe arrange to rough up someone the senator believed was abusing a relative.

The corporate takeover of U.S. intelligence - The federal government relies more than ever on outsourcing for some of its most sensitive work, though it has kept details about its use of private contractors a closely guarded secret. Intelligence experts, and even the government itself, have warned of a critical lack of oversight for the booming intelligence business.


Revolutionary laundry soap product grows on trees, replaces laundry detergent with eco-friendly solution - Commercial laundry detergents, fabric softeners and dryer sheets contain alarmingly high levels of toxic chemicals well known to cause cancer, liver disorders, neurological disturbances and hormone disruption. I still haven't figured out why so many people actually wash their clothes in these dangerous chemicals and then wear them around all day, allowing the chemicals in the clothes to penetrate their skin and enter their bloodstream where they cause serious harm.

Bush facing pressure on global warming at G8 summit - President George W. Bush is under pressure from European allies to give ground on climate change at next week's meeting of the world's richest countries, but policy experts say prospects for a breakthrough are slim.


Israel concerned over British boycott bids
- Israeli ministers Sunday voiced concern over two initiatives in Britain to boycott Israeli universities and sanction trade with the Jewish state because of its policies towards Palestinians.

My search for the West Bank's 'invisible' town - Sarah Helm set off by car to see Palestinians in Jenin but soon found that her road map was of no use. In the four decades after the Six-Day War, a labyrinth of walls, unmarked roads and checkpoints has arisen, hiding whole towns from Israeli eyes

Putin threatens to target Europe with missiles - Mr. Putin, in an interview at his country residence outside Moscow, said he considers U.S. plans to build an eastern European anti-missile site to shoot down Iranian missiles a provocation aimed at Russia.

MPs write to U.S. House Speaker - More than 20 Members of Parliament have written to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, protesting against the dropping of charges against Luis Posada Carriles, wanted in Venezuela and Cuba for the bombing of a Cuban passenger jet in 1976.

Thousands to protest upcoming G-8 summit - "The world shaped by the dominance of the G-8 is a world of war, hunger, social divisions, environmental destruction and barriers against migrants and refugees," organizers said in leaflets handed out on the streets. "We want to protest against this and show the alternatives."

US may collapse as a superpower: analyst - A US military analyst who's served in the armed forces and has written on international affairs for more than two decades, is issuing a warning today about the collapse of the United States as a superpower.

'Shin Bet involved in 1976 hijacking' - The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) may have been involved in the hijack of an Air France plane in 1976 by Palestinian terrorists, according to newly declassified British government documents released Friday.

Putin issues sharp warning to US, vows to counter 'imperialism' - President Vladimir Putin issued an acerbic warning Friday to the United States, saying the recent test of a new Russian missile was a direct response to US actions and condemning "imperialism" in world affairs. - "Our American partners have quit the ABM Treaty," Putin told reporters after meeting his Greek counterpart, referring to the landmark 1972 US-Soviet treaty limiting the missile defenses of the Cold War superpower foes.
TVNL Comment: Another mission accomplished...the financial bonanza for Bush administration friends and family resulting from a new cold war.


'USS Liberty' veterans demand investigation - That on June 8, 1967, after eight hours of aerial surveillance, Israel launched a two-hour air and naval attack against USS Liberty, the world's most sophisticated intelligence ship, inflicting 34 dead and 173 wounded American servicemen (a casualty rate of 70 percent, in a crew of 294);

Soldier Says Army In Way Of Donating Kidney To Mother - "How would you tell your mom two weeks before the surgery that, 'Oop, I can't give you a kidney,'" Chapman told KSWO-TV in Lawton.

In Clash With Marines, Reservists Gain Ally in VFW - The national commander of the proud, patriotic, 2.4 million strong Veterans of Foreign Wars (motto: "Honor the dead by helping the living") took one look at the mushrooming dispute between three antiwar Marine reservists and the U.S. Marine Corps, and knew where his sympathies lay: with the protesters.

Cadet Repudiates Cheney at West Point Ceremony - Cheney then stood on stage and shook hands with each of the 1000 graduates: wait, make that 999. Because one courageous and principled cadet faced Cheney, looked him up and down, decided not to offer his hand and walked on. Cheney was visibly taken aback, and turned to glare after the parting cadet. (We can only imagine the repercussions that this cadet may now face.)

Marine Corps Wants America's Favorite Marine To Shut Up! - And while right-wingers had no problem mocking the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, they have a tougher time mocking an actual living Marine male veteran who actually fought in the war they just write about on their blogs. Plus, you get the feeling he wouldn’t mind beating the shit out of, say, the entire staff of National Review Online … and that they’d probably enjoy it, too.


Annals of Asymmetry:More Money to Combat IED’s than AIDS - Over the coming year the Pentagon will spend $4 billion dollars to defend against IED’s,–Improvised explosive devices—remote controlled makeshift bombs which are responsible for mounting U.S. casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. Compare that with $3.6 billion, the annual amount being spent by the Bush administration to combat AIDS worldwide.

Why I am Ashamed to be an American - Due to what appears to have been a rather serious lapse of judgment on the part of tens of millions of Americans, the voters, for whatever reason (perhaps it was a matter of fear), chose to place into power a President (a presidential administration) that: may well have laid the groundwork for 9-11 (the “new Pearl Harbor”) that, according to PNAC (Project for the New American Century) was needed in order to pave the way for our country’s military/economic takeover of the world...


CNN Cloaks Gravel & Continues to Murder Democracy - CNN again helped prove why the American establishment media are the greatest enemy of Democracy.

FNC's Housley Calls Guest "Son Of A Bitch" - Councilman Charles Barron (a supporter of Chavez) took aim at the FNC correspondent. Housley responded by calling the councilman a "son of a bitch:"

U.S. Government Gave Airtime to Terrorists, Official Admits - Al Hurra television, the U.S. government's $63 million-a-year effort at public diplomacy broadcasting in the Middle East, is run by executives and officials who cannot speak Arabic, according to a senior official who oversees the program.
TVNL Comment: As is the case with almose all Bush administration appointees and hires, job qualifiactions do not matter, only loyalty to the administration matters.

MySpace Censoring Ron Paul Supporters - Rupert Mudoch silencing Ron Paul supporters on MySpace?

The U.S. needs a Hugo media moment - People like Glenn Beck — the CNN "personality" who uses terms like Islamic terrorists, Muslim fanatics, Islamic Caliphate, and the fraudulent "wipe Israel off the map" misquote at almost the same frequency with which he uses the word "I" — know that as long as you repeat the same phrases and assertions over and over; bring people on the show who agree with your baseless viewpoints; and make sure you never face any real opposition, then you never have to be burdened with "the facts".

Outfoxed: Fox News' Carl Cameron sucks up to Bush - Carl Cameron's pre-interview with George W. Bush on the 2000 campaign trail that reveals Cameron's relationship with the campaign. As seen in Outfoxed.


Smokers told to quit or surgery will be refused - The ruling, authorised by Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt, comes after medical research conclusively showed smokers take longer to recover from surgery.

More Evidence HIV Was Made At Ft. Detrick - On the eve of the Blue Moon of May 31, 2007, I was sent the most explosive email I have ever received concerning possible insider evidence pertaining to the man-made epidemic of AIDS.

Drugs giant faces criminal charges over clinical trial - The US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has been slapped with criminal charges in Nigeria over a notorious clinical trial it conducted on children during a meningitis epidemic a decade ago. Patients became unwitting guinea pigs for a new, untested antibiotic and many of them either died or were left with permanent disabilities.

China sentences ex-head of FDA to death over drug company bribes - The penalty in China is death, in America it's business as usual. Zheng Xiaoyu, the former head of China's FDA, was sentenced to death for accepting $832,000 in drug company bribes and for dereliction of duty. Like China, our country is in the middle of a drug and food safety crisis. Why is FDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach, M.D. getting a free pass? Why did the Senate just pass legislation (S.1082) that gives von Eschenbach significantly more power to do whatever he pleases? And exactly what is it that von Eschenbach is doing? .
TVNL Comment: Now THAT is making good use of the death penalty!


Army hero quits over new 'abuse' inquiry - Colonel Jorge Mendonca, MBE, was one of seven soldiers to face a court martial relating to the alleged abuse of Iraqis, one of whom died, after their arrest as suspected insurgents in Basra in September 2003.

Detainee Abuse Was Well Planned - Many of the controversial interrogation tactics used against terror suspects in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo were modeled on techniques the U.S. feared that the Communists themselves might use against captured American troops during the Cold War, according to a little-noticed, highly classified Pentagon report released several days ago.

Israeli Army Damages Nablus Shops, Homes - Dozens of Palestinian shops and homes were damaged, and water, sewage and electrical lines were cut in the West Bank town of Nablus on Saturday by Israeli army blasting of concrete barriers blocking entrances to the crowded Old City, officials at City Hall said.

Israeli High Court allows Shin Bet to torture Palestinians, Public Committee Against Torture in Israel says - In the report, which is entitled "Ticking Bombs", PCATI harshly criticises the Israeli High Court's approval of the use of controversial methods to interrogate Palestinians, saying that, in Israel, there is "no effective barrier – not legal and certainly not ethical – that stands in the way of using torture."

Guantanamo prisoner in apparent suicide - A SAUDI prisoner died at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp today, apparently the fourth person to commit suicide at the controversial US enclave in southeastern Cuba.

"Verschärfte Vernehmung" - The phrase "Verschärfte Vernehmung" is German for "enhanced interrogation". Other translations include "intensified interrogation" or "sharpened interrogation". It's a phrase that appears to have been concocted in 1937, to describe a form of torture that would leave no marks, and hence save the embarrassment pre-war Nazi officials were experiencing as their wounded torture victims ended up in court. The methods, as you can see above, are indistinguishable from those described as "enhanced interrogation techniques" by the president.

Dugard Slams Israel for its Violation of International law in Gaza Strip - U.N. special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, John Dugard has slammed Israel for its violation of international law in the Gaza Strip and using an equal force and killing of civilians.

Goldsmith 'told Army to ignore Rights Act' in Iraq - Leaked emails between London and military chiefs in Iraq suggest Lord Goldsmith advised a "pragmatic" approach to handling prisoners rather than adherence to the "higher standards" of human rights.


Harvard legal expert vows to sue lecturers boycotting Israel - "I will obtain legislation dealing with this issue, imposing sanctions that will devastate and bankrupt those who seek to impose bankruptcy on Israeli academics," he told the journal.

Dead Guantanamo prisoner had U.S. military training - The Guantanamo prisoner who died in his cell this week was a Saudi army veteran who trained with U.S. soldiers before going to fight for the Taliban in Afghanistan, military records show.

Report: In Meeting, ‘Wild-Eyed’ Bush Thumped Chest While Repeating ‘I Am The President!’ - Friends of his from Texas were shocked recently to find him nearly wild-eyed, thumping himself on the chest three times while he repeated “I am the president!” He also made it clear he was setting Iraq up so his successor could not get out of “our country’s destiny.”

Remember the Liberty! - When Israel attacks, the Pentagon retreats

Daughter of Supreme Court justice pleads guilty to DUI - A daughter of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia pleaded guilty today to drunken driving in Wheaton in February.

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