Date: June 10th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: An American Flag Made in China

The owner of the Amp & Guitar Wellness Center in Brooklyn is a very good friend of mine. His name is Jeff and he is a terrific guy. He is one of those rare business men who would rather make less money and do the right thing than cheat a customer. To me that is what America is supposed to be all about.

Six days per week Jeff, or one of his staff, pulls up the gates and opens the charming little music shop that is hidden away in a cozy corner of Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn; a tiny neighborhood filled with a mix of blue collar workers and six figure city folk. Every day it's the same thing; gates up, alarm off, and if the sky is clear the flag is raised in front of the shop. The American flag, that is. Jeff served his nation in the Army and now he pays his respect to his nation by presenting the flag each day.

Windsor Terrace is an ethnically diverse neighborhood, but it has not always been so. Until recently Windsor Terrace was primarily working class white; home to more that it's share of police, firefighters and sanitation workers. Republicans. Yellow ribbon “support the troops” types. To get a feel for the old world Windsor Terrace just pay a visit to Farrell's bar on Prospect Park West, any weekday, at 8:00, AM! Yep, even early in the morning you will see the shift workers unwinding in the only bar in the area that is open so early. And to answer your, they don't serve breakfast...just beer, and only one kind of beer, Bud...and of course the standard hard liquors. Don't expect to get a Margarita there either! Farrell's is an American bar! (Actually...they may serve Margaritas, but I bet you'll get a lot of funny looks if you order one!)

Peruse the neighborhood on any hard core American holiday and you will see more American flags than you can count. Homes and businesses alike all pay host to that star spangled banner. Windsor Terrace residence sure love their country and they show their support for their nation by hanging that American flag out every chance they get.

So I was in my friend Jeff's shop a few weeks back while he was drilling holes in the bricks in front of his shop. He was installing a new mount for his brand new American flag. You see the old one was getting a bit tattered so Jeff went out and bought a brand new American flag, complete with poll, mounting kit and a plastic eagle that sits atop the flag pole. The entire scene was like a living Norman Rockwell painting. A hard working American small business owner mounting an American flag in front of his small business in an American neighborhood filled with proud Americans. There was only one problem with this scene...the American flag that was about to be mounted had a little tag on it. Written on that tag...”MADE IN CHINA”!

I am not sure why I am writing about this or how I feel about this. But one thing hit me about seeing an American flag that was made in another nation...I wondered why in the world anybody would ever manufacture the flags of nations other than their own? I wondered what would lead to the need for Americans to import their own flag. I am not sure why I am disturbed by this, but I am. I can not exactly make a statement here other to say there is something very unsettling about living in a nation where we have to import our own flag!

I wonder how many of those gung ho American patriots in Windsor Terrace, or around America for that matter, have imported American flags. I wonder how many of those who do...realize it. And I wonder how many of those who realize Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

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US general paints candid picture of Iraq army, police
- Asked how ready Iraqi security forces were to take over from U.S. forces, he said: "Unanswerable in general and answerable when you talk about different parts of Iraq. I can't say they are all ready or they're not.

Gangs of Iraq: military quietly enlisting thousands of active gang members - With the unintended help of the U.S. Army, the Gangster Disciples are extending their reach worldwide
TVNL Comment: How's that for making us safe?




Russia calls for new economic world order
- He told an economic forum in St Petersburg many global trade and financial institutions tailored to meet the interests of a few key economies were ineffective and pointed to flexible regional groupings as an alternative.

9/11 News :

OK, the 911 issue is settled - by a complete idiot
- LINK - I just came across this article 'debunking' the 911 Truth movement- amazingly dimissive, uninformed, and evident of conclusions written inside the bubble of the United States propaganda machine.




Ethics cloud over California Republicans - Of 201 House Republicans, at least six are known to have attracted the attention of federal investigators — and four are from California. Their woes come in the wake of the lurid corruption scandal that sent ex-GOP Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham of San Diego to prison last year for taking $2.4 million in bribes.

Vt. Secession Movement Gains Traction - Disillusioned by what they call an empire about to fall, a small cadre of writers and academics hopes to put the question before citizens in March. Eventually, they want to persuade state lawmakers to declare independence, returning Vermont to the status it held from 1777 to 1791.

Blackwater Heavies Sue Families of Slain Employees for $10 Million in Brutal Attempt to Suppress Their Story - The following article is by the lawyers representing the families of four American contractors who worked for Blackwater and were killed in Fallujah. After Blackwater refused to share information about why they were killed, the families were told they would have to sue Blackwater to find out. Now Blackwater is trying to sue them for $10 million to keep them quiet.


Despite promises to fix it, the Gulf's dead zone is growing - It's not a natural phenomenon. Waste water and fertilizer runoff from farms and towns hundreds of miles up the Mississippi pour billions of pounds of excess nutrients into the Gulf, sparking unnatural algae blooms that choke off the oxygen needed for the food chain to survive.


Israel, 'Zionist ghetto' not state‎
- "It [Israel] can't work anymore. It's explosive. It's dynamite." said Burg, parliamentary speaker from 1999 to 2003. - Burg has newly written a book, Defeating Hitler in which Ha'aretz says he describes Israel as a "Zionist ghetto" and compares Israeli behavior in the occupied Palestinian territories against Palestinians to that of Nazi Germany.


Vietnam Agent Orange group takes its case to United States - Their case against the companies, including giants Dow Chemical and Monsanto, was thrown out in 2005, but on June 18 the plaintiffs will launch their appeal at a federal court in New York.

Officer Advises Dropping Haditha Charges - An investigating officer has recommended dismissing charges against a Marine lawyer accused of failing to probe the killings of 24 Iraqis in the town of Haditha, the defense attorney said Saturday.

Navy Assigns Openly Gay Sailor to Reserves - The United States Navy has again assigned an openly gay sailor to duty in the Individual Ready Reserves (IRR), according to paperwork obtained by Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN).


An American Flag Made in China - I wonder how many of those gung ho American patriots in Windsor Terrace, or around America for that matter, have imported American flags. I wonder how many of those who do…realize it. And I wonder how many of those who realize it…care.


Watchdog accuses Google of invading the privacy of its internet surfers - When it comes to snooping in cyberspace, internet giant Google is the online world's biggest brother, according to a new report.




ISRAELI APARTHEID ON FILM~~ THE CAMERA DOESN'T LIE - Israel's policy of segregation in the center of Hebron led to the closing of at least 1,014 commercial establishments during the Intifada. At least 659 Palestinian families had to leave their homes. These are the finding of a new report issued recently by B'Tselem and The Association for civil rights in Israel. Watch THIS video produced and presented by the two organisations.

Torture - Here are a couple of stories your local news outlet probably did not cover:

Report: CIA used NATO nations as prison sites - The CIA exploited NATO military agreements to help it run secret prisons in Poland and Romania where alleged terrorists were held in solitary confinement for months, shackled and subjected to other mental and physical torture, according to a European investigative report released here Friday.



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