Date: June 12th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Not So “Independent” Media

Folks, when you refer to independent media be careful about the accuracy of your assessment. There are a few so called independent media outlets, many of which have been embraced by the left, that are not as independent as one may think. When establishment institutions like the Rockerfella Foundation and the Ford Foundation are listed as supporters of these little bastions of truth, you might want to think of whose version of the truth you are actually hearing! Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

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U.S. Troop Buildup in Iraq Is Failing, UN's Ban Says
- Ban said the UN headquarters within the Green Zone was deemed not safe enough and, given the ``unacceptable security risks,'' staff there moved into ``more hardened'' facilities while a new building is built. A curfew and limits on travel inside the Green Zone have been imposed on UN workers, he said.

3 U.S. Troops Dead in Iraq Bridge Strike - The suicide explosion that destroyed a vital bridge outside the Iraqi capital killed three American soldiers guarding the span over a main highway, the U.S. military said Monday, as bulldozers worked to clear the shattered concrete.

U.S. troops mistakenly kill Afghan police - Afghan police mistakenly thought U.S. troops on a nighttime mission were Taliban fighters and opened fire on them, prompting U.S. forces to return fire and call in attack aircraft, killing seven Afghan police, officials said Tuesday.

The Pentagon shakeup, tough talk on Iran, and....look everybody, it's Paris Hilton! - This is pretty alarming stuff. So when is the war with Iran actually going to begin? What day is Paris going to be released again?

UK troops receiving 'trigger happy' drug - BRITISH troops are being prescribed with a controversial drug which has been blamed for making US pilots "trigger-happy" and causing friendly fire deaths.

Ex-Navy chief 'took private legal advice on Iraq' - The head of the Royal Navy at the time of the Iraq invasion was so worried about the legality of the conflict that he sought his own private legal advice on justification for the war.

US confirms it is arming Sunni insurgents, paper to report - With the four-month-old "surge" in American troops showing only modest success in curbing insurgent attacks, American commanders are turning to another strategy they acknowledge is fraught with risk: arming Sunni groups with insurgent links that have promised to fight al-Qaida."


- The case against Bush & Cheney: Peter Phillips, Project Censored

Fitzgerald wants Libby jailed now, while Secretary Rice hints at pardon - Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald sought the immediate imprisonment of former top White House Adviser I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby in papers filed Tuesday with a federal district court. At the same time, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hinted at the possibility of a pardon from President George W. Bush for the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney.

Bush Is Asked to Discipline GSA Chief in Hatch Act Inquiry - The U.S. special counsel has called on President Bush to discipline General Services Administration chief Lurita Alexis Doan "to the fullest extent" for violating the federal Hatch Act when she allegedly asked political appointees how they could "help our candidates" during a January meeting.
TVNL Comment: Bush does not punish criminals, he appoints them or promotes them!


Farm subsidies for the rich
- Microsoft Corp. co-founder Paul Allen, technology executive James Sorenson and Texas oil investor Lee Bass, all billionaires, are among the names found in a new database of U.S. agriculture subsidy recipients.

9/11 News :

9/11 Commission Report bars 503 1st responder eyewitnesses
- MacQueen (McMaster University, Ontario, Canada) narrowed down the testimony of 118 first responders as especially court-worthy testimony. But he notes the entire testimony was excluded by the 9/11 Commission, as well as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). [Part 1 of 2; Part 2:

Did dubious docs indeed docket dubious 9/11 doc? - This appears to be an attempt to bait NIST into explicitly endorsing claims made by the criminal federal agency FEMA regarding Boeing airliner crashes. One of the co-authors of the purported STJ911 RFC, Los Alamos' Mormon WMD developer Dr. Steven Jones, has cited obviously planted aircraft debris pimped by FEMA in its reports regarding 9/11.


Approval of Congress lowest in a decade - Only about a quarter of Americans approve of how it's doing its job, a poll shows; most see 'business as usual.'

GOP blocks Gonzales no-confidence vote - Republicans blocked the Senate's no-confidence vote on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Monday, rejecting a symbolic Democratic effort to prod him from office despite blistering criticism from lawmakers in both parties.


Mueller Often Uses FBI Jet Bought for Counterterrorism - In fact, Mueller's travel now accounts for nearly a quarter of the flight time for the lone FBI jet able to make international flights.

Immigration Judges Often Picked Based On GOP Ties - The Bush administration increasingly emphasized partisan political ties over expertise in recent years in selecting the judges who decide the fate of hundreds of thousands of immigrants, despite laws that preclude such considerations, according to an analysis by The Washington Post.

Court Rules on Overtime for Care Workers - The appeals court said it was "implausible" that Congress would have wanted the Labor Department to wipe out protection for an entire category of workers.

Education Department Whistle-Blower Says Agency Ignored His Report on Private Lending - A former U.S. Education Department researcher whose investigation into improper student-loan subsidies was squelched by his superiors now says his research into private lending was dismissed by the department.

Driver using alternative fuel faces fine - Penalty was levied because he didn't pay motor-fuel tax
TVNL Comment: Howis that for freedom? This is called extortion.

Federal judge orders party registration, vote ID for Miss. Primaries - U.S. District Judge W. Allen Pepper said political parties have a right to stop non-party members from voting in their primary elections. He said party registration and voter ID would do that.


Saltwater into fire - John Kanzius discovered that his radio frequency generator could release the oxygen and hydrogen from saltwater and create an incredibly intense flame.
TVNL Comment: Another revolutionary discovery that the establishment will not let us have and the establishment media will not propagate.


China warns of countermeasures if US Congress passes trade bill
- China warned Tuesday of unspecified countermeasures if the US Congress adopts a bill on Beijing's foreign exchange regime that could lead to higher US tariffs on Chinese imports.

UK cleared nuclear cargo to Iran - British officials have allowed the export to Iran of a cargo of radioactive material that experts believe could be used in a nuclear weapons programme
TVNL Comment: Then they will bomb Iran for having that material!

Putin’s Censored Press Conference: - On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an hour and a half-long press conference which was attended by many members of the world media. The contents of that meeting---in which Putin answered all questions concerning nuclear proliferation, human rights, Kosovo, democracy and the present confrontation with the United States over missile defense in Europe---have been completely censored by the press. Apart from one brief excerpt which appeared in a Washington Post editorial, (and which was used to criticize Putin) the press conference has been scrubbed from the public record. It never happened. (Read the entire press conference archived here )


3 Guardsmen Charged With Human Smuggling - Three members of the Texas National Guard helping patrol the Mexican border have been charged with human smuggling after federal agents found one of them in uniform driving a van crammed with 24 illegal immigrants north of Laredo, the Justice Department said Monday.

US Army wants to enlist illegal aliens quickly as recruitment falls - A senior US defense officials today urged the Congress to fast track a section of the stalled immigration bill that would allow the military to recruit illegal aliens, after recruitment figures released by Pentagon showed that the Army failed to reach its targets for May.

N.C. Marine camp's water under scrutiny - U.S. health officials here in Atlanta hope to finish a long-awaited study by year's end to examine whether the water tainted with solvents affected the health of children. It will influence the Pentagon's response to at least 850 pending legal claims by people who lived at the Marine base, officials said. The former residents, who together seek nearly $4 billion, believe their families were afflicted by water containing industrial solvents before the Marines shut off the bad wells in the mid-1980s.

One more sign of how 'thinly stretched' Army is now - The report continues, "Commanders say if an emergency happened elsewhere in the world, they could draw ground troops from Iraq and units recuperating at bases back in the U.S. But it won't be easy" because neither equipment nor personnel on leave would be immediately available. As a result, there are concerns about the ability of the military to respond to a crisis.

U.S. pilots in Israel for joint air force drill - Israel's air force held a joint drill with visiting U.S. pilots on Sunday, stirring interest in a region bracing for a possible armed showdown over Iran's nuclear programme.


Welcome to America. Now Get Your Hands Up - So now I'm staying at my traveling companion/x-girlfriends house. I haven't seen or heard from her in days. I know she's probably angry at me and I'm also thinking that there's a very strong possibility I'll disappear in the next few days or so, sent back as an undesirable once this is published.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Lies that Unleash Hell - Each day untold millions of US Americans unwittingly immerse themselves in an intellectual, social, cultural, economic, political and spiritual cesspool so rancid and toxic that even microbes with the most voracious appetites for human waste, vomit, and inanimate flesh would shun this infinitely repulsive sewer.

Hitler 1938... Cheney 2007? - Do the lessons of World War II have any bearing on today's ongoing showdown in the Persian Gulf? Is the "War Party" inside the Bush Administration, headed by Vice President Dick Cheney, borrowing a page from Hitler's 1936-39 playbook, carefully orchestrating a near- term war with Iran? Recent events, when viewed through the lens of history, suggest that this may be precisely what is going on.

BUSH SOWS SEEDS OF AMERICA'S DEMISE - It looks like Al Gore did win the 2000 presidential election after all.


Rather Attacks Couric: 'Dumb It Down, Tart It Up' - Rather vociferously derided the media’s obsession with celebrities, in particular the hyperbolic coverage of the Paris Hilton affair. (This is a fair point, but it’s a little odd to be making it on MSNBC, one of the worst offenders in Hilton overkill.)

War takes up less time on Fox News - On a winter day when bomb blasts at an Iraqi university killed dozens and the United Nations estimated that 34,000 civilians in Iraq had died in 2006, MSNBC spent nearly nine minutes on the stories during the 1 p.m. hour. A CNN correspondent in Iraq did a three-minute report about the bombings. - Neither story merited a mention on Fox News Channel that hour.

Robert Fisk: Lies and outrages... would you believe it? - It recalled vividly - and shamefully - how the world's newspapers covered the story of Egypt's "aggression" against Israel. In reality - Believe It or Not - it was Israel which attacked Egypt after Nasser closed the straits of Tiran and ordered UN troops out of Sinai and Gaza following his vituperative threats to destroy Israel.

Incendiary Weapons Are No 'Allegation' - Times corrects a minor error, ignores the big one




Nuremberg prosecutor says Guantanamo trials unfair - The U.S. war crimes tribunals at Guantanamo have betrayed the principles of fairness that made the Nazi war crimes trials at Nuremberg a judicial landmark, one of the U.S. Nuremberg prosecutors said on Monday.

US Interrogates Terror Suspects in Ethiopian Jails - The CIA's system of unlawful kidnappings of terrorist suspects known as "extraordinary renditions" appears to have been extended to the Horn of Africa.

Judges Rule Against U.S. On Detained 'Combatant' - The opinion is a blow to the Bush administration's assertion that the president has exceptionally broad powers to combat terrorism, including the authority to detain without charges foreign citizens living legally in the United States.

Colin Powell says Guantanamo should be closed - Rights groups and foreign governments have called for the prison to be closed, saying holding prisoners there for years without trial violated legal standards.


Remember when Bush told us he doesn't drink alcohol anymore? - Well, he lied.

Report says customers hanging up on offshore call centers - The study found that customers who believed they were dealing with a call center outside the United States rated their overall satisfaction 26 points lower than those who believed the center was U.S.-based. In addition, callers to foreign centers were almost twice as likely to sever business relations with the company.

Angelina Jolie Joins Council on Foreign Relations - The prestigious think tank officially approved Jolie's membership nomination, adding her to a group whose membership includes presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, ABC's Diane Sawyer, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and journalist Tom Brokaw.
TVNL Comment: They have to control her because her good intentions go against their agenda.

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