Date: June 18th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: A Point About Debt

I have spend a great deal of time trying to educate the public about the largest conspiracy facing our nation, the existence of the Federal Reserve. I want to make a few points in order to help illustrate an aspect of this conspiracy.

First of all if you are not already aware of this the Federal Reserve is neither federal or a reserve. It is a private bank that was illegally given complete control over American monetary policy and it is permitted to create money for themselves out of nothing. The money is not backed by gold or silver or anything of value. It is basically a loan shark with a fancy name.

You see the Federal Reserve acts like the godfather to the bank industry mafia. There is nothing illegal about the banking industry except for the fact that their profitability is based on the illegal and immoral conduct of the Federal Reserve. You see banks make money by doing one thing; lending you money. Actually thanks to fractional reserve banking they can lend you money that they do not have, charge you interest on that money, and then they can count that interest as an asset before you even pay them back! That's just one problem. The real problem is with the Federal Reserve. You see the Federal Reserve exists for two reasons; one is to keep the government in debt and the other is to keep you in debt. If we are not in debt then we are not borrowing money and the banks are not making money.

Congress won't touch this issue. You see the strength of the American economy is really all smoke and mirrors. Our economy grows only when money is borrowed. You see when someone borrows money from a bank or when the government borrows money from the Federal Reserve about 90% of that money is created out of thin air! The practice of fractional reserve banking allows banks, including the Fed, to lend out about 1000% of the actual money they have. The rest is simply created out of thin air. If a bank has $10 they can lend you $100. All they do is type in the rest of the money into your account. Then you pay the bank back, with interest and the bank will have the original $10, plus the $90 they created out of nothing plus the interest which will usually total more than the original loan. This is how banks make money.

If you don't need to borrow money this amazing money creation scam stops. The economy stops growing and the banks have to go back to doing what banks are supposed to do, hold your assets in a safe place for your convenience.

Now I have a personal theory about why Clinton was impeached and why Bush can not be impeached. You see during the Clinton years something terrible happened to this nation, personal savings reached an all time high. This is a disaster for the banks. Nobody needs to borrow money. While the smoke and mirror measurements of the US economy reflected an economy that is not growing (because new fake money was not being created to lend out), the people of this nation were experiencing personal economic growth. But you see the people don't matter here. They never have and they never will.

Now Bush on the other hand, has created an economic environment where personal savings is virtually nonexistent. People need to borrow money just to feed their families! This is wonderful for the banks. The nation is also at war which means it is spending money on the most expensive activity a nation can partake in; war. Now the nation has to borrow money to finance that war. And guess what, the nation has to borrow that money from the Federal Reserve, with interest! The nation can not do what all free nations are supposed to be able to do, borrow money from itself and pay itself back without interest! This is because on Christmas eve in 1913 a few criminal Senators took advantage of the holiday to sneak into law the laws that created the Federal Reserve system. Of course a few years later we all had to start paying income tax. You see income tax was not needed until the Federal Reserve showed up and started to charge our government interest for its own money! That interest had to come from somewhere!

You see my friends, it's a scam. It's a conspiracy. And until we do something about it people like George W. Bush are going to continue to run the show because the people who control money control government. Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

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Iraq on verge of genocidal war, warns ex-US official
- The man who led the initial American effort to reconstruct Iraq after the war believes the country is on the brink of a genocidal civil war and its government will fall apart unless the US changes course and allows a three-way federal structure. He has also urged talks with Iran and other regional players.

Troops head to Iraq as gloom deepens - The final contingent of United States troops in the "surge" against Iraq's resistance deployed yesterday amid deepening gloom in Washington at the military's failure to reduce violence and defeat the insurgency.

Millions of desperate Iraqis stream into Syria - Bush administration officials have long accused Syria of not doing enough to stop al-Qaida sympathizers from slipping into Iraq, but they barely mention the far larger number of Iraqis who cross the border in the other direction.

Residents emerge after Baghdad lockdown - Three U.S. soldiers were killed Saturday in explosions near their vehicles — two in Baghdad and one in Kirkuk province, the U.S. military reported.

3 U.S.-led coalition members, 1 Afghan interpreter killed in roadside blast in Afghanistan - A roadside blast hit a U.S.-led coalition vehicle in southern Afghanistan on Sunday, leaving three coalition members and their Afghan interpreter dead, a coalition statement said.

Blair knew US had no post-war plan for Iraq - Tony Blair agreed to commit British troops to battle in Iraq in the full knowledge that Washington had failed to make adequate preparations for the postwar reconstruction of the country.

Wounded British troops wait hours to reach hospital - A senior British Army surgeon said troops injured in the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan faced delays of several hours before being transported to field hospitals, newspapers reported Sunday.


Special Counsel Probe Into Rove’s Politicization Of Government Advances
- Eighteen agencies have been asked by the Office of Special Counsel to preserve electronic information dating back to January 2001 as part of its governmentwide investigation into alleged violations of the law that limits political activity in federal agencies.

Presidential Stone Walls - The template for the Bush administration’s mania for secrecy was signed by the president six years ago — Executive Order 13233, reversing the presumption of right of public access to presidential papers. This basic right of taxpayers and historians alike was embedded in the 1978 laws enacted after the Nixon administration. The reforms established a reasonable 12-year waiting period for access. But Mr. Bush’s reversal lets presidents or vice presidents (guess who?) keep their records sealed in perpetuity unless they or their heirs approve access.

New White House counselor owns lobbying business - The line between lobbying the federal government and running it just got blurrier. A new high-ranking adviser to President Bush will enter the White House with lobbying ties to dozens of companies seeking the federal government's help on everything from proposed acquisitions to patent disputes.

Justice Dept. Official To Quit - A fifth senior Justice Department official announced his resignation yesterday in the wake of the controversy over the firings of nine U.S. attorneys last year.

Pace says he refused to quit voluntarily - In his first public comments on the Bush administration's surprise decision to replace him as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Gen. Peter Pace disclosed that he had turned down an offer to voluntarily retire rather than be forced out.

White House on Libby: President will not intervene - White House Deputy Press Secretary Dana Perino issued the following statement following the news that a judge has order I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby to report to prison to serve his sentence while his attorneys appeal his case.

Judge won't delay Libby prison term - A federal judge said Thursday he will not delay a 2 1/2-year prison sentence for I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby in the CIA leak case, a ruling that could send the former White House aide to prison within weeks.


Foreclosures surge in subprime market, industry group reports
- Late payments and new foreclosures on adjustable-rate home mortgages made to people with spotty credit histories spiked to all-time highs in the first three months of this year.

Oil industry scales back refinery plans - A push from Congress and the White House for huge increases in biofuels, such as ethanol, is prompting the oil industry to scale back its plans for refinery expansions. That could keep gasoline prices high, possibly for years to come.

The end of the American dream? - So far, though, little of that growth has translated into the hands of the average worker, according to new research from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI).

Bank Shot: The President Shafts Enron's Victims - Wall Street's investment banks just got another step closer to making defrauding investors an accepted line of business. And Enron's employees who lost their pensions and the small investors who got fleeced in the Enron frauds just got shafted again -- this time at the urging of President George W. Bush.

Mortgage rates: biggest spike in 4 years - Rate on 30-year fixed mortgage climbed to to 6.74% in past week, highest level since July 2006.

9/11 News :

Flight 77: The Flight Data Recorder Investigation Files
- Calum Douglas presents his investigation into the flight data recorder from Flight 77 to an audience at the Indian YMCA in Fitzroy Square, London on 8th June 2007.


Ron Paul Introduces Legislation to Abolish the Federal Reserve - On Friday, Rep. Paul introduced H.R. 2755 To abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks, to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and for other purposes. The text of this bill is not yet available on-line but Rep. Paul introduced a similiar bill back in July of 2003 which never even made it into committee.

Senator Blocks Vote on Subpoenas Over Eavesdropping - A Republican senator blocked a vote in the Judiciary Committee on whether to authorize subpoenas to the Justice Department to obtain secret legal opinions and other documents related to the National Security Agency’s program of domestic eavesdropping.


Mother searches Tijuana for mentally disabled man she says was illegally deported - Guzman's relatives sued the Department of Homeland Security and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department last week in federal court, claiming Guzman was a U.S. citizen and had been wrongfully deported and demanding that U.S. authorities help find him.

U.S. attorneys fallout seeps into courts - Defense lawyers in different cases are raising new questions about government prosecutors and potential political biases.

Judge Orders FBI to Turn Over Thousands of Patriot Act Abuse Documents - Just one day after a news that an internal audit found that FBI agents abused a Patriot Act power more than 1000 times, a federal judge ordered the agency Friday to begin turning over thousands of pages of documents related to the agency's use of a powerful, but extremely secretive investigative tool that can pry into telephone and internet records.

Man calls for EMS, gets police Tasers - He said he still has no answer as to why police broke down his door with their guns drawn before shooting him multiple times with a Taser as he lay in bed.

Strain on U.S. grid to make blackouts common - As demand for electricity rises, especially in the hot summer months when air conditioners are humming, the result is an overstretched grid, exploding transformers, brownouts and blackouts.

Feds Corner Home Of Convicted Tax Evaders - The Browns, who insist federal income tax laws are invalid, were sentenced to 5½ years in prison in April.

Fiat Empire - A Closer Look at the Federal Reserve - This important documentary, is inspired by the well-known book, The Creature From Jekyl Island by G. Edward Griffin.

Judge Won't Order U.S. to Search for Man - A federal judge refused to order U.S. authorities to help in the search for a mentally disabled man whose family claims he was wrongly deported to Mexico.

FBI Finds It Frequently Overstepped in Collecting Data - An internal FBI audit has found that the bureau potentially violated the law or agency rules more than 1,000 times while collecting data about domestic phone calls, e-mails and financial transactions in recent years, far more than was documented in a Justice Department report in March that ignited bipartisan congressional criticism.

Judge received threats after sentencing Libby to prison in CIA leak case - The U.S. judge who oversaw the CIA leak trial of a former aide to Vice President Dick Chency said Thursday that he received threatening letters and phone calls after sentencing I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to prison.


A Sacred River Endangered by Global Warming - "This may be the first place on Earth where global warming could hurt our very religion.

SUV tax cut under attack - The new bill targets a controversial tax incentive that allows small businesses to write off up to $25,000 of the purchase of the largest pickups and sport utility vehicles.

Lowest Food Supplies In 50-100 Years - Today, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its first projections of world grain supply and demand for the coming crop year: 2007/08. USDA predicts supplies will plunge to a 53-day equivalent- their lowest level in the 47-year period for which data exists.


Italian judge suspends CIA trial
- The Italian government has asked the Constitutional Court to throw out the indictments against the 26 American defendants, all but one identified by prosecutors as CIA agents. They are accused of kidnapping an Egyptian terror suspect from a Milan street on Feb. 17, 2003.

Pakistan's soldiers 'huddling in their bases' in tribal regions - The Pakistani army is paralysed by the growing Taliban threat and some retired officers are covertly aiding the militants, according to a former CIA officer.


Pentagon Report Criticizes Troops' Mental-Health Care - U.S. troops returning from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan suffer "daunting and growing" psychological problems -- with nearly 40 percent of soldiers, a third of Marines and half of the National Guard members reporting symptoms -- but the military's cadre of mental-health workers is "woefully inadequate" to meet their needs, a Pentagon task force reported yesterday.

The General’s Report - How Antonio Taguba, who investigated the Abu Ghraib scandal, became one of its casualties.


A Point About Debt - You see the strength of the American economy is really all smoke and mirrors. Our economy grows only when money is borrowed. You see when someone borrows money from a bank or when the government borrows money from the Federal Reserve about 90% of that money is created out of thin air!

Neocon II: Lie Hard with a Vengeance - Despite the walloping defeat of the Republicans in the 2006 midterm elections that seemed to spell the end of neocon rule in Washington, the clowns are once again spilling out of the Volkswagen.


Iraqi Journalist Found Dead as Security Lags - The body of the political editor of a government-financed newspaper was found Sunday in the main Baghdad mortuary.

Watergate's 35th Anniversary: Would That Story Have Been Broken Today? - These reporters used the journalistic basics that I, and all other seasoned reporters, would learn and hopefully practice during our careers.

Great moments in TV journalism: Covering the Darfur crisis by talking to a New York cabbie - In fact, just seconds ago "Your Trusted Name in News" just aired one of the few full-length reports I've seen on the situation in Darfur, or more accurately the situation on 42nd Street in Manhattan, since the story was merely an interview with a cab driver who happens to have immigrated from Darfur.

Republicans told to blog, blog, blog - A guidebook issued to Republican Senate candidates said mainstream media is old news and encourages extensive use of videos and Internet blogging.


How the FDA is Becoming a Drug Company: Consumer Safety and Access to Natural Health Options Threatened - Under the false pretense of improved food and drug safety the FDA is re-inventing itself as a kingpin drug company. This charade has so far hoodwinked virtually all members of Congress. The Senate has already approved this FDA transformation. The House will bring similar legislation out of committee next week, with a vote in the full House likely in July.


Airstrike kills 7 Afghan children - U.S.-led coalition jets bombed a compound suspected of housing al-Qaida militants in eastern Afghanistan, killing seven children and several militants, a coalition statement said Monday.

US defense chiefs denied knowledge of Abu Ghraib abuse - But Rumsfeld testified before Congress the following day that he had no idea of the extent of the abuse, Taguba told the New Yorker magazine in an interview. "He's trying to acquit himself and a lot of people who are lying to protect themselves," the magazine quoted him as saying, referring to Rumsfeld's May 7, 2004 testimony.

Guantanamo inmate told: You can't return to UK, you've been away too long - Campaigners expressed fury after ministers said Jamil el-Banna's permission to stay in Britain had lapsed during the four-and-a-half years he has been held without charge at the US detention camp.


Diocese ordered to disclose records - A federal judge has ordered the Cleveland Catholic Diocese to turn over reams of financial rec ords, including information about a bank account controlled by former Bishop Anthony Pilla and payments made to the family of a clergyman after he was accused of molesting students.

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