Date: June 20th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: No News, All the Time! Another Missing Woman to Report...Cool!

Here we go again...the latest non-news item dominating news broadcasts...a missing mother...the latest national lead story that impacts less than one millionth of the nation! How stupid is this getting!

I think CNN did about three solid hours on this non-news item last night. That embarrassing joke of a...well I don't know what to call him but his name is Larry King on CNN, devoted an hour to discuss this local mystery. This guy has spent more time covering the most trivial unimportant issues known to the world and he receives accolades for his achievements! We celebrate his many years in broadcasting. In all his years this man has not once brought important news the American people. He is the Jerry Springer of news and in my opinion he can serve as the token symbol of the pathetic embarrassment American broadcast news has become and how stupid the Average American has become!

When exactly did the local tabloid like the National Enquirer take over our broadcast news networks? I really was not watching when it happened. Actually I am not sure that it has not been this way all along.

As the criminal news agencies continue to hide all the news that affects every American, American idiots continue to tune into programs like Larry Kink and networks like CNN. I am starting to wonder if they are worth my efforts to educate them! Maybe they deserve whatever happens to them at the hands of the people who control information in this nation. Maybe that is nature's latest iteration of natural selection! Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

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Iraq: US army reports 3 American soldiers killed
- The US military on Tuesday reported three US soldiers killed in separate attacks in Iraq, including one in an explosion in Diyala province where a new operation is under way to clear insurgents from the area northeast of Baghdad.

26 Iraqi soldiers killed, three civilians wounded in Kirkuk attack - Seven Iraqi soldiers were killed and 19 others were wounded on Tuesday in an armed attack on their convoy south of Kirkuk, the Iraqi police said.

US destroying Iraq with impunity - The United States and its allies are killing Iraqi civilians, stealing Iraq's oil and destroying the nation's heritage with total impunity, according to a report released jointly today by 30 NGOs which concluded that The US Coalition is the principal cause of Iraq’s current ills.

Taliban fighters seize south Afghan area - Days of fierce fighting with NATO and Afghan forces left Taliban militants in control of one southern Afghan district and battling to take over another Tuesday, officials said.


White House Personnel Had Those Separate Email Accounts 'From the First'
- So any correspondence about --- for example --- Chandra Levy and Gary Condit, 9/11 and Iraq, anthrax mailings and Judith Miller, will remain lost from public view until the advanced technology of un-deleting can sweep it up from the bottom of whatever files it has been submerged in to date.

White House budget chief Portman resigns - White House budget chief Rob Portman has resigned after holding office for little more than a year to spend more time with his family, a senior administration official said Tuesday.

Biggest Cheney Scandal Yet: U.S. To Open Investigation of BAE Corruption - The BAE scandal implicates some of Lyndon LaRouche's most significant enemies in Washington and London. British Prime Minister Tony Blair, U.S. Vice president Dick Cheney, and former British Ministry of Defense procurement officer Baroness Liz Symons are tied up in the biggest bribery scandal in memory, involving at least $2 billion in payoffs to Saudi Prince Bandar over a 22-year period to secure weapons deals, and billions more in slush funds paid out elsewhere.
TVNL Comment: Big, but not bigger than Cheney's involvement in 9/11!!!

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg leaves GOP - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Tuesday switched his party status from Republican to unaffiliated, a stunning move certain to be seen as a prelude to an independent presidential bid that would upend the 2008 race.


A Slow Demise in the Delta
- Most residents are black, but less than 5 percent of the money went to black farmers. They own relatively little land, and so they generally do not qualify for the payments. Ninety-five percent of the money went to large, commercial farms, virtually all of which have white owners.

9/11 News :

9/11 Bombshell: WTC7 Security Official Details Explosions Inside Building
- Says bombs were going off in 7 before either tower collpased


Sen. Stevens Aides Questioned in Probe - Former Capitol Hill aides to Sen. Ted Stevens are being questioned by the FBI as part of an investigation into the senator's relationship with a wealthy contractor.


NSA 'spy room' at AT&T exposed - Documents obtained by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) claim to show that US telco AT&T allowed the National Security Agency (NSA) to set up a 'secret room' in its offices to monitor internet traffic.

State treasurer indicted on drug charges - Ravenel in April was named the state chairman for former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s presidential campaign.

U.S. Appeals Court Rejects Administration's Claimed Ability to Declare Civilian an "Enemy Combatant" for Indefinite Military Detention - In a severe blow to the Bush administration’s claims of executive power, the federal Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit today said it would refuse to “alter the constitutional foundations” of the United States by upholding the government’s indefinite detention of a civilian in military custody in this country.


China overtakes US as world's biggest CO2 emitter - The surprising announcement will increase anxiety about China's growing role in driving man-made global warming and will pile pressure onto world politicians to agree a new global agreement on climate change that includes the booming Chinese economy.


UN Advisor Sentenced on Drug Charge
- A Canadian U.N. official who advised the Afghan government on eradicating opium poppy crops was sentenced Tuesday to four years in prison for smuggling and drug possession.
TVNL Comment: This article description is worth reading twice!

Blackberry ban for French elite - French government officials have been ordered not to use handheld Blackberry devices amid fears that foreigners could spy on them, reports say.


Troops' 1-month breaks blocked - U.S. commanders in Iraq are rejecting a recommendation by Army mental health experts that troops receive a one-month break for every three months in a combat zone, despite unprecedented levels of continuous fighting and worsening risks of mental stress.

Army Considers Longer Combat Tours Again - The Army is considering whether it will have to extend the combat tours of troops in Iraq if President Bush opts to maintain the recent buildup of forces through spring 2008.


When is Democracy Not Democracy ? - The arrogance that persuades the Israeli’s to ignore U.N. directives… the arrogance that persuades them to kill their allies (USS Liberty) and shell and kill troops of the U.N. peace keeping force… it is this contempt for International law which has led to this current political configuration.


No News, All the Time! Another Missing Woman to Report…Cool! - Here we go again…the latest non-news item dominating news broadcasts…a missing mother…the latest national lead story that impacts less than one millionth of the nation! How stupid is this getting!

Neo-Conning the Media - Click the images to view their Media Transparency page, search hundreds more, and see how the conservative movement has moved in to the Bush administration.

MEMRI is ‘propaganda machine,’ expert says - "They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis," Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine, told InFocus. "They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don’t like."


Coffee 'could prevent eye tremor' - Drinking coffee protects against an eyelid spasm that can lead to blindness, a study suggests.
TVNL Comment: The FDA would say that this makes coffee a drug. Get your prescriptions ready for your next trip to Dunkin Donuts!

Breast Cancer Drug Study Canceled - The federal government yesterday canceled a $100 million study designed to test a new generation of drugs to prevent breast cancer in women at risk for the disease.


Group: 230 Afghan civilians killed in 2007 - Goodwill toward foreign forces has faded since the fall of the Taliban five years ago because of airstrikes and botched raids by U.S. and NATO troops that have killed at least 230 Afghan civilians so far this year, an umbrella group for aid agencies said Tuesday.

Iraqi Kurdistan's Plea to World: Help Us - Health Minister Appeals for Drugs, Supplies to Provide Urgent Medical Care

Foreign forces blasted for Afghan civilian deaths - A group of Western and Afghan aid organizations in Afghanistan has launched a blistering attack on foreign troops for not doing more to prevent civilian deaths in their hunt for Taliban fighters and other insurgents.
TVNL Comment: So what? Yell and blast all you want, there is still no accountability.

Former MP in bid to prosecute Blair for war crimes - Former SNP MP Jim Sillars has launched a legal bid to prosecute Prime Minister Tony Blair for war crimes in Iraq under Scots law.


Airport boss snared by no-fly list in U.S. - During those four months, because Air Canada uses the same list for all flights, Baker faced the irony of having his name pop up on his own airport's security system on his way to Ottawa for a meeting of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority.

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