Date: June 22nd 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Is Anybody Going to Stop Dick Cheney?

When it comes to the multitude of crimes committed by Dick Cheney do we really need the smoking gun to be in the form of a mushroom cloud before we decide to haul him off in shackles? This is getting stupid, from the events of 9/11 to the blatant in your face self assertion that American laws don't apply to him, can anyone seriously say that Dick Cheney is not a criminal?

Virtually every crime committed by the Bush administration from starting a war based on lies. To outing a covert intelligence official, to the destruction of official records, has Dick Cheney's finger prints all over it! The outrageous behavior of Cheney has become a global joke, only there is nothing funny about it! Cheney is perhaps the biggest criminal in the history of the American political system and the most this nation is willing to do about it is tell jokes about him!

Is anyone living in the real world? Is there a human being left in our political system or judicial system that is willing to open his or her eyes and stop this mad man? Holy's one thing to be willing to look at the overwhelming evidence of his complicity in the events of 9/11/2001, but hell, this guys is simply looking us all in the face and telling us that laws don't apply to him! He is telling this to us with his own mouth! This is not conspiracy theory, this is confession! How much evidence does the American public need before they do something about the biggest criminal in American governmental history?

I must be dreaming. The people of the world can not be as crazy as they are acting. I'll go back to sleep now. Maybe I'll wake up to reality. I'll know that I am in a real world when I turn on my TV and see news reports about Cheney getting sentenced to hang in the gallows for high crimes and crimes against humanity! Until that happens I will have a hard time believing that my fellow Americans are part of any real world because they could not possibly allow this guy to continue his crime spree unopposed! Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

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US occupation troops' war videos on web:
- British based internet company has received videos from US soldiers showing them taunting Iraqis.

'EFPs' a big threat to U.S. forces in Iraq - Copper-plated explosives that pierce armored vehicles are proving so deadly that the military is advocating foot patrols instead.


Is Anybody Going to Stop Dick Cheney?
- This is not conspiracy theory, this is confession! How much evidence does the American public need before they do something about the biggest criminal in American governmental history?

Agency Is Target in Cheney Fight on Secrecy Data - For four years, Vice President Dick Cheney has resisted routine oversight of his office’s handling of classified information, and when the National Archives unit that monitors classification in the executive branch objected, the vice president’s office suggested abolishing the oversight unit, according to documents released yesterday by a Democratic congressman.

Oversight Committee on the Vice President and Classified Information - The Oversight Committee has learned that over the objections of the National Archives, Vice President Cheney exempted his office from the presidential order that establishes government-wide procedures for safeguarding classified national security information. The Vice President asserts that his office is not an “entity within the executive branch.”
TVNL Comment: Then he can not claim executive privilege!



9/11 News :

New Study from Pilots for 9/11 Truth: No Boeing 757 Hit the Pentagon
- A study of the black box data provided by the government to Pilots for 9/11 Truth has confirmed the previous findings of Scholars for 9/11 Truth that no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11. "We have had four lines of proof that no Boeing 757 hit the building," said James Fetzer, founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. "This new study by Pilots drives another nail into a coffin of lies told the American people by The 9/11 Commission".

911 Truckload of Explosives - Five celebrating Israeli "movers", (Mossad agents), were arrested and placed in solitary confinement for weeks after they were spotted in a white van suspected of attempting to blow up the George Washington Bridge.

911 Widows Demand CIA Inspector General's Report - "The report, prepared by the CIA's inspector general, is the only major 9/11 government review that has still not been made publicly available," Michael Isikoff reported in January.


McNulty says he didn't seek to mislead U.S. Congress - U.S. Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty said he never sought to mislead Congress about the firing of federal prosecutors but that his testimony earlier this year "was in some respects incomplete."

Senate Judiciary Committee Issues Subpoenas For NSA Domestic Spying Documents - The Senate Judiciary Committee just voted 13-3 to authorize chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) to issue subpoenas for documents related to the NSA warrantless surveillance program.

Amid boos, Pelosi declares Iraq was 'grotesque mistake' - Pelosi called the war in Iraq a "tragedy" and a "grotesque mistake," but her words elicited catcalls for her to do more. In response, Pelosi acknowledged the protesters and even challenged them.


Precedents Begin to Fall for Roberts Court - Both Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. assured their Senate questioners at their confirmation hearings that they, too, respected precedent. So why were they on the majority side of a 5-to-4 decision last week declaring that a 45-year-old doctrine excusing people whose “unique circumstances” prevented them from meeting court filing deadlines was now “illegitimate”? - It was the second time the Roberts court had overturned a precedent, and the first in a decision with a divided vote. It surely will not be the last.




New Photos Show Secret Pakistan Plutonium Plant; Fear of More Weapons Being Made
- A satellite photograph obtained by ABC News reveals Pakistan is nearing completion of a third, previously unknown plutonium production reactor, suggesting Pakistan may be planning to expand its nuclear weapons arsenal.


Pentagon confirms email system hacked - The report continued, "About one third of the computer users here in the Pentagon that work for Defense Secretary Robert Gates had their email system penetrated."

Missing Soldier's Wife May Be Deported - "I can't imagine a bigger injustice than that, to be deporting someone's wife who is fighting and possibly dying for our country," Kolken told the station.

Army sees spike in accidents, suicides - The acting secretary of the U.S. Army says he is seeing a troubling spike in key morale indicators among soldiers -- suicide, divorces and accidents.




What a joke - Traditional TV news is laughable compared to Jon Stewart's journalism, says Rick Rojas

Guest Of CNN’s Beck: Watching Someone Murder The Clintons Would Be ‘Great’ - Though Beck said he didn’t want to see the Clintons murdered on video, he smiled at the comments and failed to reprimand his guest or end the interview.

The list: Journalists who wrote political checks - The following 144 journalists made campaign contributions from 2004 through the first quarter of 2007, according to Federal Election Commission records studied by

Fair and Balanced, My Ass! The Bizarre Reality of Fox News - Of course, Fox News' one saving grace is that it's hilarious. Watching Hannity pummel Colmes won't make us better people, but it's kind of like seeing the school bully beat up the really irritating kid.




US air strike kills 25 Afghan civilians - A US air strike in southern Afghanistan has killed up to 25 civilians, a local police chief said today.

The CIA's torture teachers - Psychologists helped the CIA exploit a secret military program to develop brutal interrogation tactics -- likely with the approval of the Bush White House.

Group: 230 Afghan civilians killed in 2007 - Goodwill toward foreign forces has faded since the fall of the Taliban five years ago because of airstrikes and botched raids by U.S. and NATO troops that have killed at least 230 Afghan civilians so far this year, an umbrella group for aid agencies said Tuesday.


No offense, but isn't it about time for the Catholic Church to put up or shut up? - Here's the thing. The more you watch allegedly "religious people" (e.g., the Catholic hierarchy) walk with averted eyes around, say, a rape and murder in the streets, is the less you think of them as being religious AT ALL. - And that's what the Catholic Church has been doing about the murder of Mother Nature, the destruction of America's middle class, the unbridled greed of America's Dictatorship of the Rich, the contempt for science and education, the theft of America's retirement and health care programs and about 43 other things.

CIA to Air Decades of Its Dirty Laundry - The CIA will declassify hundreds of pages of long-secret records detailing some of the intelligence agency's worst illegal abuses -- the so-called "family jewels" documenting a quarter-century of overseas assassination attempts, domestic spying, kidnapping and infiltration of leftist groups from the 1950s to the 1970s, CIA Director Michael V. Hayden said yesterday.

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