Date: June 28th 2007 Presents
The News Most Vital to Americans


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The Most Embarrassing Night in American Television News History: On a Monumental News Day CNN's Larry King Interviews Paris Hilton

Let us for a moment forget about the fact that the US establishment news media are, by virtue of their complete complicity in hiding from the public virtually all vital information about our nation and the world, the greatest enemy of our democracy and the American people. Let's just pretend they are just not very competent when it comes to journalism.

Now even if we believe that the members of the US establishment news media are stupid enough to think that information related to the conduct and daily life of a person who has absolutely no impact on anyone outside of her family and social circle, like Paris Hilton, is of interest to the American people, can anyone really justify the fact that with all of the news that has come out on this given day, June 27th 2007, CNN's Larry King could not find a more important topic to cover for an entire hour on live TV...on a network that claims to be a NEWS network?

Now an hour of this embarrassing nonsense was not enough for CNN. The closet homosexual (according to my sources) Anderson Cooper followed up the one hour embarrassment with a panel discussion on the Paris Hilton coverage where he replayed portions of the interview (like the vital issue about Paris' favorite bible passage...which she has none...because she probably never heard of the bible), and discussed the interview in depth.

On a day that saw subpoenas related to criminal investigations issued to the White House and the most pathetic criminal do nothing Congress whose hard work has propelled the American government into and through its most anti-Constitutional, corrupt, illegal, incompetent and dangerous period in history, approved a pay raise for themselves.

On any given day all one has to do in order to see what your criminal American establishment media types are actively working to hide from you, visit the news page ( ); but today...holy cow, today was a news doozy! And yet the American people are force fed Paris Hilton! You see reality actually does get reported by our establishment media...but the people who decide how much ( if any ) attention is paid to each news item and how, when and where (broadcast, headline or tiny little article in some local paper) each news item is distributed for mass publication, make sure Americans are not made aware of unapproved reality! These people also decide how much discussion will take place on any given news item. That is why non-vital (non-vital on a national level) news items like a local murder or missing child or Paris Hilton systematically end up on every single news broadcast and other world changing news items like the discovery of technology to run cars and all engines on WATER, never get past a little report on some local news program. You see if reporters were told not to report stories the conspiracy would be obvious and well known. So the brilliant criminals simply control the proliferation of information and they bury most of the real news this way. You don't have to take my word for this, you just have to pay attention and observe that this is taking place. It happens every single day. Just compare any of our daily news reports to what you get from CNN, NBC or any of the establishment criminals and you'll understand.

The state of the media is no longer a joke, it is a serious threat to our well being. Irreversible harm is being done to our lives, personal wealth, food chain, air, water and our democracy. The criminals who are doing this harm are being protected by the media. At the same time solutions to serious problems and global crises like new clean free energy sources and health related discoveries are hidden from the public by the establishment media. If the so called patriots of this nation understood the ramifications of the conduct of the US establishment media they would be like me in understanding that the establishment media is indeed the greatest enemy of the American people for the enable all other enemies to harm us with impunity.

In a sad statement about the collective American intellect made possible by the dumbing down of America by the establishment media, there exists a television program called “Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?” It is not surprising that this program is on a FOX network. Well, to me it is obvious that Americans in general are far less intelligent than 5th graders should be for if they were as intelligent they would understand what is going on and they would take to the streets in order to defeat our most dangerous and harmful enemies, the members of the establishment any means necessary! Think about it. Jesse Richard – Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:

Hey! If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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20 Beheaded Bodies Found in Iraq
- Meanwhile, a parked car bomb ripped through a crowded transport hub in southwest Baghdad's Baiyaa neighborhood at morning rush hour, killing at least 20 people and wounding more than 50, another officer said on the same condition.

$19bn later, Iraqi forces fall short - Four years after the US invasion, 346,500 Iraqi military and police have been trained, but readiness is not evenly spread and there is strong evidence some newly trained troops are committing sectarian violence, the report said.

U.S. military shows serious doubt in Iraq troops - American military commanders now seriously doubt that Iraqi security forces will be able to hold the ground that U.S. troops are fighting to clear — gloomy predictions that strike at the heart of Washington's key strategy to turn the tide in Iraq.

Conditions in Iraq ‘terrifying’, says U.N. envoy - In an interview, Qadhi said the situation in Iraq was so ‘worrying’ and ‘terrifying’ that many countries in the world feared the current violence there might go far beyond neighboring countries if not contained.


White House lowers expectations of Bush-Putin meeting in Maine
- “I would caution against expecting grand new announcements,” White House press secretary Tony Snow said Wednesday of the meeting at the home of Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush. “This is, in fact, an opportunity for two leaders to talk honestly and candidly with one another.”

White House, Cheney's office, subpoenaed - The Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed the White House and Vice President Dick Cheney's office Wednesday for documents relating to President Bush's warrant-free eavesdropping program.

Report: Cheney backs off on claim that he is 'fourth branch of government' - With a vote looming in Congress on Thursday to defund the Office of the Vice President in the White House's annual appropriation, a report at The Politico claims that the White House will no longer advance the argument that the Vice President's office is not a part of the executive branch.

Leaving No Tracks - Because of Cheney's intervention, the government reversed itself and let the water flow in time to save the 2002 growing season, declaring that there was no threat to the fish. What followed was the largest fish kill the West had ever seen, with tens of thousands of salmon rotting on the banks of the Klamath River.

Bush's offices reportedly refused probe - A federal watchdog agency planned to inspect the president's executive offices in the White House in 2005 for evidence of suspected leaks of classified information, but it was rebuffed by Bush administration officials, congressional investigators have been told.


Hanesbrands to cut 5,300 jobs, close 9 facilities in 5 countries
- Hanesbrands Inc. announced Wednesday it will cut 5,300 jobs and close nine sewing and assembly operations in five countries.

9/11 News :



House Votes to Accept $4,400 Pay Raise - Despite record-low approval ratings, House lawmakers Wednesday voted to accept an approximately $4,400 pay raise that will increase their salaries to almost $170,000.


Jail, prison population jumps in 2006 - The total number of people incarcerated by federal or state authorities in the year ending June 30, 2006, was roughly 1.6 million, the government said Wednesday. That translated to a 2.8 percent increase from the previous year, due to people being put in prison at a faster rate than those released.

Group shows FEMA anticipated Katrina's destruction of New Orleans - A major report published Wednesday by a Washington, DC-based watchdog shows that the Federal Emergency Management Agency anticipated the destruction that would result from a major hurricane striking New Orleans, yet failed to follow through on its own internal warnings.

Report blasts U.S. for failures in fighting terrorism - The Government Accountability Office found that in one country a lack of clarity about the roles and responsibilities of the FBI and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency may have compromised several investigations intended to identify and disrupt potential terrorist activities.
TVNL Comment: This is because the Bush administration knows very well that terrorism is not a big problem. They know that events like 9/11 can not happen unless they are coordinated from within.




Kremlin lays claim to huge chunk of oil-rich North Pole
- It is already the world's biggest country, spanning 11 time zones and stretching from Europe to the far east. But yesterday Russia signalled its intention to get even bigger by announcing an audacious plan to annex a vast 460,000 square mile chunk of the frozen and ice-encrusted Arctic.

Environment and US policy top global fears - The US comes in for sharp criticism. "Global distrust of American leadership is reflected in increasing disapproval of the cornerstones of US foreign policy," the survey says. "Not only is there worldwide support for a withdrawal of US troops from Iraq but there is also considerable opposition to US and Nato operations in Afghanistan ... The US image remains abysmal in most Muslim countries in the Middle East and Asia and continues to decline among the publics of America's oldest allies."

Israel angers US Jewish charities - "In a country with a budget surplus of billions of shekels, this is very hard to understand, especially since the American Jewish community desperately needs to subsidize Jewish education in the US," the official, from an influential New York-based Jewish organization, said angrily. "We need this money, and if Israel doesn't, where do they come off?"

Embarrassment as U.S. probes '£1bn arms bribe' - Gordon Brown is facing mounting diplomatic tensions with the U.S. as Washington launches a corruption investigation into Britain's biggest arms deal.

African states oppose US presence - The Pentagon's plans to create a new US military command based in Africa have hit a wall of hostility from governments in the region reluctant to associate themselves publicly with the US "global war on terror".

German prosecutors want CIA agents extradited - Prosecutors in Munich, Germany, are requesting the extradition from the United States of 13 suspected CIA agents they say took part in the 2003 kidnapping of a German citizen.


U.S. Corporations Keeping Biowarfare Work Secret - A number of major pharmaceutical corporations and biotech firms are concealing the nature of the biological warfare research work they are doing for the U.S. government.

Number of Blacks Joining Military Down - The number of blacks joining the military has plunged by more than one-third since the Afghanistan and Iraq wars began. Other job prospects are soaring and relatives of potential recruits increasingly are discouraging them from joining the armed services.




The Most Embarrassing Night in American Television News History: On a Monumental News Day CNN’s Larry King Interviews Paris Hilton - Now even if we believe that the members of the US establishment news media are stupid enough to think that information related to the conduct and daily life of a person who has absolutely no impact on anyone outside of her family and social circle, like Paris Hilton, is of interest to the American people, can anyone really justify the fact that with all of the news that has come out on this given day, June 27th 2007, CNN’s Larry King could not find a more important topic to cover for an entire hour on live TV…on a network that claims to be a NEWS network?


BOYCOTTING PARIS, OR "WHY MIKA BRZEZINSKI IS MY HERO." - "'Give her the Paris Hilton story,'" Joe Scarborough joked during the 6am news update. 'No, I will not read that,' she said [Mika's the show’s news anchor], before tearing the script into several pieces.

Kentucky GOP calls for dismissal of newsroom employee - The Republican Party of Kentucky called on the Lexington Herald-Leader yesterday to dismiss a newsroom employee because he donated to the presidential campaign of John Kerry.
TVNL Comment: But no arrests requested for Carl Cameron who was FOX News's political corrispondent whose wife was working for the Bush campaign or for the owner of the company that supplied the damn voting machines used in the election who raised over $100,000 for Bush and promised in writing to help deliver the elction to him!

Protest will silence some online music - The protest could have a sizable effect on millions of Internet listeners.

CNN blows it. Truth told about Gaza. - ROBERTS: Nir, I mean what are you talking about, we have Fatah thugs being sent into the country to wage war with Hamas. ROSEN: Well, they were trained by the U.S. General Dayton (ph), our envoy to the peace process, was responsible for a program, along with Elliot Abrams (ph), the deputy national security adviser for the Middle East, and they actually trained Fatah in the West Banks.
TVNL Comment: This guy will never be back on TV in this country.


Huge weight gains reported by patients on prescription drugs - Thousands of people who take prescription medicines for everyday conditions are gaining large amounts of weight as an unexpected side effect, scientists have warned.

Aspartame linked to cancer: study - A US consumer group has called for the review after Italian researchers published a new study that showed aspartame - widely used in soft drinks - might cause leukaemia, lymphoma and breast cancer in rats.


This is what US aid to Israel looks like - A little reality that the US establishment media won't let you see.

Pentagon: Gays encouraged to continue to serve nation after discharge - The Pentagon, in a policy obtained by The Advocate, has indicated that lesbian and gay military personnel who are discharged under the Don't Ask, Don't Tell law are qualified to continue to serve the nation.
TVNL Comment: What a joke!

US armed forces used torture 'systematically' - "Moreover, more than 100,000 pages of government documents released in response to [an] American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU] Freedom of Information Act request reveal that a pervasive and systemic pattern of harsh interrogation techniques have been used by military personnel indiscriminately in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay," the ACLU said in a statement Monday.


CIA tried to get Mafia to kill Castro: documents - The CIA worked with three American mobsters in a botched "gangster-type" attempt to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro in the early 1960s, according to documents released by the CIA on Tuesday.

Pope changes rules for electing successor - POPE Benedict has changed the rules to elect his successor, in a move meant to ensure that future pontiffs have broad support before white smoke rises again from the Sistine Chapel.

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