Date: November 15th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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November 14th – Topic: George W. Bush, The Case for Impeachment
• Walter Williams: From the International Action Center, founded by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
• David Swanson: Washington Director of and of He is co-founder of the coalition, & creator of
• Larisa Alexandrovna: Managing Editor of Raw Story.
• Jimmy Walters: Founder of Reopen9/
Monday, November 21th – Topic: News Media Deception & Government
• Mark Karlin: From

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

NOTE: We have been having problems sending out our newsletter formatted in html. We are working to solve this problem.

TVNL Editor's Comments: Last night on MSNBC Tucker Carlson interviewed Stephen E. Jones, the BYU professor who has prepared a report suggesting the WTC buildings were demolished with explosives. On the program promo Carlson introduced Professor Jones by saying “He doesn’t appear crazy but we’ll find out!” Is this how a journalist frames a story of this magnitude?

During the interview the hyperactive Carlson barely let Jones make a point. Then it became painfully obvious that Carlson would not show the film of WTC 7 collapsing even though Jones sent him the film and repeatedly asked him to play it.

Carlson was so impatient and scattered that he did not let Jones get a convincing point across. Then of course, they ran out of time. They had no more time to dedicate to the most important topic in American history yet they had time to speak with a guy from ESPN about nothing That’s right, his next guest just chatted about things. No specific topic. Carlson’s behavior was so erratic that he apologized for the fact that they never got to the point with Jones.

Why don’t people like Jones speak with people like me before they expose themselves to the wolves of the media? Carlson, as are most of the talking heads in the media, are professional debaters. It is unfair to subject someone with no debating experience to an interview with people like that. Tucker is also an example of how people who do not even know the definition of journalism dominate TV news. How long are the networks going to be permitted to call themselves “news” networks? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

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• Iraq attacks kill nine policemen - At least nine Iraqi policemen have been killed in three separate attacks by insurgents in Baghdad and the northern city of Kirkuk on Tuesday.

• MARINE DIES FOLLOWING IED ATTACK - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died Nov. 15 of wounds received from an improvised explosive device attack while conducting combat operations against the enemy in New Ubaydi, during Operation Steel Curtain, Nov. 14.

• MARINE DIES FROM SMALL-ARMS FIRE - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died of wounds received from small arms fire while conducting combat operations against the enemy in New Ubaydi, during Operation Steel Curtain, Nov. 14.


• George W. Bush - The Case for Impeachment - Why the People Must Judge Bush


• No holiday bonus at 60% of companies - A survey finds that of employers who do plan to give bonuses, few plan to give cold cash.

• Economists expect sharp recession after real-estate bubble bursts - "The collapse of the housing bubble will throw the economy into a recession, and quite likely a severe recession," warned a July report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research.

9/11 News :

• The Professor & Tucker Carlson Talk 9/11, Or Do They? - Carlson was so impatient and scattered that he did not let Jones get a convincing point across. Then of course, they ran out of time.








• Israeli PM's son to plead guilty - The son of Israel's prime minister has agreed to plead guilty to providing false testimony and falsifying documents, Israeli prosecutors say.

• Spain probes 'secret CIA flights' - Spain is launching an investigation into claims that CIA planes carrying terror suspects made secret stopovers on Spanish soil.

• Deal reached to open Gaza borders - Israeli and Palestinian officials have reached an agreement to reopen Gaza's border crossings with Israel and Egypt, Condoleezza Rice has said.




• The Concept of Evil - Why It's Intellectually Valid and Politically and Spiritually Important


• Corporate Media’s threat to Freedom - There’s no similarity between the corporate media and a “free press”. The corporate media operates according to its structural make-up, which requires it to serve the interests of ownership and maximize profits.

• CHALLENGE TO THE US MEDIA - Italian TV just aired a documentary that proves the US used chemical weapons against civilians in Fallujah, and how Giuliana Sgregna, the Italian Journalist who was kidnapped, then nearly assassinated by US troops following her release, had been reporting on that very story along with one other journalist who was killed by US troops at the time. The British Press picked up the story this morning. The rest of the world is picking up the story. So, where is the US mainstream media on this?

• Secrecy order in CIA leak case challenged by media - A major U.S. media organization on Monday challenged efforts by special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald to keep documents secret in the CIA leak case that involved the Bush administration.


• Respectable Reefer - Sativex, a pulverized, liquefied, and doctor-prescribed form of marijuana, has the potential to transform the drug-war landscape.


• Former Iraqi Detainees Allege Torture by U.S. Troops - Men Say Repeated Beatings, Mock Execution, Sexual Humiliation Were Prevalent


• So why is this woman still wearing explosives? - This image made from television shows Iraqi Sajida Mubarek Atrous al-Rishawi opening her jacket and showing an explosive belt as she confesses on Jordanian state-run television Sunday Nov. 13, 2005 to her failed bid to set off an explosives belt inside one of the three Amman hotels targeted by al-Qaida.

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