Date: November 17th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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November 14th – Topic: George W. Bush, The Case for Impeachment
• Walter Williams: From the International Action Center, founded by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
• David Swanson: Washington Director of and of He is co-founder of the coalition, & creator of
• Larisa Alexandrovna: Managing Editor of Raw Story.
• Jimmy Walters: Founder of Reopen9/
Monday, November 21th – Topic: News Media Deception & Government
• Mark Karlin: From

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

NOTE: We have been having problems sending out our newsletter formatted in html. We are working to solve this problem.

TVNL Editor's Comments: I have a little question for Bob Woodward…do you know what the word “journalism” means? You mentioned that protecting your sources was “job one” in a situation like the one you are in. Where does it mention this in the definition of journalism? What class did they teach that to you?

Here is another question…if you were writing a book on sex crimes and you interviewed a man and all of a sudden it became apparent that he raped your mother, would protecting your sources still be job one?
Now we all know how to get away with crimes…we tell every journalist what we did confidentially. Then they can all protect their source, even when that source is a criminal, just like Woodward! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:


• II MEF MARINE KILLED IN ACTION - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team - 2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action from an improvised explosive device attack while conducting combat operations against the enemy in the vicinity of Hadithah, Nov. 16.

• Massive bid-rigging scam alleged in Iraq - According to the complaint, Bloom "conspired with United States government contract employees and military officials to obtain fraudulently government contracts."

• FIVE II MEF MARINES KILLED IN ACTION - Five Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team - 2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action during a fire fight Nov. 16, while conducting combat operations against the enemy in support of Operation Steel Curtain in New Ubaydi.

• TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIER DIES - On Nov. 16, a Task Force Baghdad Soldier died of wounds sustained in an improvised explosive device attack northwest of Baghdad Nov. 15.


• Bush's magnificent deception - In denying the charge, however, it is fascinating that the White House spin machine has avoided giving examples of its nuanced rhetoric on the subject of the alleged threat posed by Iraq at the time in order to make its case to a skeptical public. That's because there aren't any.

• Does Bush break the law every time he uses the troops as a backdrop? - Sections of the Hatch Act Amendments specifically state that, "Political Activities On Duty Prohibited. The law prohibits employees from engaging in political activity (1) while on duty; (2) in any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties by an employee or officeholder of the U.S. government or any agency or instrumentality thereof; (3) while wearing a uniform or official insignia identifying their office or position; or (4) using any vehicle owned or leased by the U.S. government or any agency or instrumentality thereof. The Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs report accompanying the legislation states that "politics on the job, including the wearing of political buttons, is prohibited.""

• National Security Adviser was Woodward's source, attorneys say - National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley was the senior administration official who told Washington Post Assistant Managing Editor Bob Woodward that Valerie Plame Wilson was a covert CIA officer, attorneys close to the investigation and intelligence officials tell RAW STORY.


• The Economy Gap - The only salient fact that Mr. Greenspan cannot grasp is the "trickle-down economics" simply does not work and never has. The super-rich will not voluntarily concern themselves with the plight of the lower classes unless they are forced to by a higher power and that power is the Federal government, "Putting the money back in their pockets" is to take it out of the pockets of the working class and the poor and "creating wealth" should not be the only end product of a democratic economy.

9/11 News :

• Prominent Conservative Leader: Government in Hands of Psychopaths May stage terror attacks - Former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts expressed his dire warning that the US government has fallen into the hands of psychopaths and that the Neo-Cons in the Bush administration may be set to stage another terror attack in the US as part of a black operation to demolish growing dissent and coerce the public to rally behind the government once again.

• Bush Gang Swore Saddam Was Behind 9/11 In Lawsuit - The fact that the administration's disinformation campaign was entirely successful is evidenced by an October 2004, Harris Poll, taken three weeks before the last presidential election, which reported that 62% of all voters, and 84% of those planning to vote for Bush, still believed that Saddam had ''strong links" to Al Qaeda, and that 41% of all voters, and 52% of Bush backers, believed that Saddam had ''helped plan and support the hijackers" who had attacked the country on 9/11.


• Senate Panel Does Not Extend Tax-Rate Cut - Facing a stalemate over one of President Bush's top economic policy goals, the Senate Finance Committee yesterday gave up efforts to extend deep cuts to the tax rate on dividends and capital gains and approved a $60 billion tax measure largely devoted to hurricane relief and tax cuts with bipartisan appeal.


• Special Education Ruling's Effects Unclear - It may take years to assess fully the impact of the Supreme Court ruling on Monday on disputes between school districts and the parents of special education students, experts across the country have said.

• Detroit votes don't add up - Canvassers find boxes with uncounted ballots, discrepancies in 30% of the precinct tallies.

• Some Fear a Vast Sell-Off of U.S. Land - A House bill would let mining firms and others buy federal acreage at a deep discount. Foes say it affects many holdings in the Sierra and deserts.


• Climate Shift Tied To 150,000 Fatalities - Earth's warming climate is estimated to contribute to more than 150,000 deaths and 5 million illnesses each year, according to the World Health Organization, a toll that could double by 2030.


• Furore in Europe over secret CIA prisons - Just when the United States thought the transatlantic row over possible Central Intelligence Agency terrorist detention camps in Europe had blown over, the European Parliament followed the Council of Europe's decision to launch an investigation into the allegations by holding a rowdy debate on the issue.




• Religio-Facism - The Insidious Corruption of Corporate Capitalism, Nation States and Institutional Religion on Natural Social Evolution

• Eerily Familiar News from "Down Under" - Finally, the book reveals the globalist's Achilles heel; how ordinary people can restore democracy; converting the power of one into people power. We are not into the metaphysical here; but are referring to proven and practical down-to earth electoral-level politics.

• Evidence Mounts That Bush Wants New Wars - Do the People of the United States Care Enough to Stop Him?


• Hey Woodward, What if Your “Source” Raped Your Mother? - Here is another question…if you were writing a book on sex crimes and you interviewed a man and all of a sudden it became apparent that he raped your mother, would protecting your sources still be job one?

• Rove Discussed Programming With Public TV Chief, Konz Says - Kenneth Konz, inspector general of the nonprofit company that oversees government funding of public TV, said in an interview yesterday that Tomlinson and Rove exchanged e-mails on programming and that Tomlinson also wrote to Rove about ``shaking up'' the agency and recruiting Republican staff.

• Columnist Robert Scheer Finds New Home at 'SF Chronicle' - Scheer's first Chronicle column under the new arrangement ran today. In it, he wrote that President Bush "sounds increasingly Nixonian as he basically calls the majority of the country traitors for noticing he tricked us" about the reasons for the Iraq War.

• Woodward Apologizes to Post for Withholding Knowledge of Plame - "I apologized because I should have told him about this much sooner," Woodward said in an interview. "I explained in detail that I was trying to protect my sources. That's Job No. 1 in a case like this. . .
TVNL Comment: Screw the nation, his sources come first! Does he know what the job of a journalist is?


• Bush's FDA Ideologues Stop Emergency Contraception - Although proven safe and effective worldwide for over 30 years, Bush's FDA denies emergency contraception to American women for ideological reasons.


• Gen Pinochet 'fit to stand trial' - Former Chilean leader Augusto Pinochet is fit to stand trial on human rights charges, a prosecutor has said.

• 173 prisoners found beaten and starved in Iraq government bunker - The Iraqi government has begun an investigation into the alleged abuse of more than 170 prisoners who were found locked in an interior ministry bunker in Baghdad, many of them beaten and malnourished and some apparently brutally tortured.
TVNL Comment: Imported American Democracy! Can you say Hitler?


• Chemtrails Are Over Las Vegas - Las Vegas residents are increasingly noticing the appearance of chemical trails overhead. They appear EVERY weekend without fail, the only exception being the two weeks after September 11, 2001.

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