Date: November 19th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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November 14th – Topic: George W. Bush, The Case for Impeachment
• Walter Williams: From the International Action Center, founded by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
• David Swanson: Washington Director of and of He is co-founder of the coalition, & creator of
• Larisa Alexandrovna: Managing Editor of Raw Story.
• Jimmy Walters: Founder of Reopen9/
Monday, November 21th – Topic: News Media Deception & Government
• Mark Karlin: From

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

NOTE: We have been having problems sending out our newsletter formatted in html. We are working to solve this problem.

TVNL Editor's Comments: Who’s better off and how are they better off? I would like someone to tell me exactly, in detail, how the world is better off now that Saddam is gone? It seems quite obvious to me that he was MUCH better at keeping violence to a minimum in Iraq.

Sure he killed and tortured the so called trouble makers, but isn’t that what the US is doing now? The only difference is that the people of Iraq were not blowing up on a daily basis and they were not getting caught in any crossfire.

So tell me again how all these deaths, including the 2100 or so Americans, translate into “better off?” Somebody please tell me! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:


• Who’s Better Off Without Saddam? - Sure he killed and tortured the so called trouble makers, but isn’t that what the US is doing now? The only difference is that the people of Iraq were not blowing up on a daily basis and they were not getting caught in any crossfire.

• U.S. SOLDIER KILLED IN BUS ACCIDENT - A U.S. soldier was killed, and 19 U.S. soldiers and a third country national contractor were injured when the transport bus they were in overturned at approximately 9:50 a.m. today in Kuwait.

• ONE SOLDIER KILLED, TWO SOLDIERS WOUNDED IN ACCIDENT - One 101st Sustainment Brigade Soldier was killed and two Soldiers were injured in a vehicular accident while performing a combat logistical patrol north of Tall Afar at about 8:25 a.m. Nov. 17.

• SOLDIER KILLED IN VEHICLE ACCIDENT - A Soldier from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division was killed Nov. 17 in a vehicle accident south of the oil refinery in Bayji.

• Iraq suicide attacks kill dozens - A series of suicide bombings in Iraq has left dozens of people dead and about 100 injured.

• Pentagon agrees to probe Feith's role in Iraq intel - The Pentagon's inspector general has agreed to review the prewar intelligence activities of former U.S. defense undersecretary Douglas Feith, a main architect of the Iraq war, congressional officials said on Thursday.

• Who told the Senate that Saddam had WMDs capable of attacking the East Coast? - Someone” took the Senators into a closed door session and told them Saddam had UAVs capable of hitting the East Coast… shortly after they voted on the Resolution.


• The Big Lie Technique - The basic claim of the President's desperate and strident attack on the war's critics this past week is that he was acting as a consensus President when intelligence information left him no choice but to invade Iraq as a preventive action to deter a terrorist attack on America. This is flatly wrong.

• Cheney Sidesteps Travel Disclosure Rules - The vice president's office appears to have stuck taxpayers with millions of dollars in travel costs and has avoided disclosing its expenses and destinations.

• Fitzgerald To Present Evidence to a New Grand Jury - While the Woodward disclosure may muddy the Libby prosecution, the Wall Street Journal's Squeo and McKinnon report that the White House must now "brace itself" for the possibility that Fitzgerald's probe, "far from winding down, may have just gotten a second wind."



9/11 News :

• There Will Be No Patrick Fitzgerald for the 9/11 Attacks - Perhaps it should come as little surprise that the 2004 9/11 Commission Report failed to assign any real blame or demand any real accountability for the terrorist attacks.

• The 9/11 Cover Up - When you hear people claim that the government "did" 9/11, or at least let it happen on purpose, is your response "But the 9/11 Commission investigated all that and concluded that it was only Osama Bin Laden and his terrorists"?

• & Now Working Together - has entered into a cooperative agreement with - will assist in their efforts to bring the vital questions surrounding the events of 9/11 into the public discourse. Where possible we will lend our advice and assistance as tries to step in to the roll that the journalists of our nation have vacated. We will assist in any way we can.

• The Core of WTC 1 was Solid After the Aircraft Impact - Their escape demonstrates there was little fire in the building after the initial impact. It also demonstrates the core of WTC 1 was solid, so how did office fires collapse a building when a 470 mph aircraft impact couldn't?


• Senators Oppose Extending Patriot Act - A bipartisan group calls for more changes, saying the latest version doesn't protect the innocent.

• House Republicans eke out budget cut - The broader budget bill would slice almost $50 billion from the deficit by the end of the decade by curbing rapidly growing benefit programs such as Medicaid, food stamps and student loan subsidies.

• War Hawk Rep. Murtha (D-PA) Calls for Immediate Iraq Withdrawal - Representative John Murtha (D-PA), a Vietnam veteran, is known for support of the Pentagon and the Iraq war. Today, he called for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq.






• Protests hit Pacific Rim summit - Thousands of slogan-chanting protesters gathered outside the summit, shouting: "No to Bush, No to Apec. No to foreign rice imports."


• Military body armor vests recalled - The military is recalling more than 18,000 protective vests because they did not meet ballistic test standards when the body armor was made up to five years ago.


• Can I Get a Little Privacy? - Well, if the right to privacy is so difficult for some people to locate in the Constitution, why don't we just stick it in there? Wouldn't that make it easier to find?

• The Day America Died - Since that fateful day in September, we have seemingly never looked back. All pride……abject arrogance with no shame whatsoever. Never once questioning why so many people around the world have chosen to hate us.

• "Are they stupid, or are they lying?" - One of our better political commentators, Tom Tomorrow, has boiled down our entire current political debate to one question: "Are they stupid, or are they lying?" This seems to me pretty much how it goes, each side reduced to accusing the other of living in an alternate reality.


• Woodward: Mr. Run Amok? - Has Bob Woodward just become the Washington Post’s Judy Miller?

• Why are so many newspapers cutting jobs? - On Wednesday, five newspapers owned by Tribune Co. announced job cuts, but they're hardly alone. In recent weeks, no fewer than nine other well-known newspapers all announced cuts in payrolls or other expenses. What's happening?

• Ex-publisher Conrad Black indicted - Criminal fraud charges were announced on Thursday against Conrad Black by U.S. prosecutors who accused the one-time publishing tycoon of looting his media empire, once one of the world's largest.


• Vitamin warning! Some nutritional supplements use hydrogenated oils as filler - The next time you buy soft-gel vitamins, you'd better take a look at what's inside them. Would you be surprised if I told you that vitamin companies are taking one of the most toxic food ingredients known to mankind and putting it in soft gels as a filler?


• 'Cheney is vice president for torture' - On Dick Cheney he said "I'm embarrassed the United States has a vice president for torture.



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