Date: November 20th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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November 14th – Topic: George W. Bush, The Case for Impeachment
• Walter Williams: From the International Action Center, founded by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
• David Swanson: Washington Director of and of He is co-founder of the coalition, & creator of
• Larisa Alexandrovna: Managing Editor of Raw Story.
• Jimmy Walters: Founder of Reopen9/
Monday, November 21th – Topic: News Media Deception & Government
• Mark Karlin: From

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

NOTE: We have been having problems sending out our newsletter formatted in html. We are working to solve this problem.

TVNL Editor's Comments: In a decision reminiscent to Clemenza’s in the Godfather, when he told his partner to “leave the gun” that he just used to murder someone, and instead he should “take the cannoli”, an Italian pastry that he had with him at the time of the murder…I say “Leave the troops, pull the administration!”

We obliterated Iraq at the behest of the PNAC/George W. Bush administration. We can not leave the people there to fend for themselves against the despots whom we have empowered. But we should remove the dangerous lunatics that ignored every warning about how their insane venture would turn out and forced it upon the world anyway.

Their little venture seems to be the most costly and damaging man made disaster in US history. The people who started this “project” are either insane, incompetent or they did this on purpose. In any case they should not be allowed to continue to control anything, especially a nation and a military! There is no reasonable justification for permitting people who cause this much damage to our nation to remain in the position in which they have already failed. If you look at it from a business point of view you would not keep a CEO that caused your business to take its worse financial losses ever while at the same time turning the public against your products and brand name. Why would we permit this kind of management when it comes to our nation? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:


• Admit It: The US Has Been Defeated in Iraq - American military might can destroy a country. It can kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. It can sow terror through the use of indiscriminate use of such WMDs as DU explosives, phosphorus bombs, helicopter and fixed-wing gunships and computerized drones and missiles. But it cannot defeat a concerted popular resistance.

• Abramoff Associate Charged In Scheme - Former public relations executive Michael Scanlon was charged yesterday with conspiring with former lobbyist Jack Abramoff to bribe government officials, including a congressman, and bilk millions of dollars from Indian tribes.

• Portuguese killed in Afghan blast - A Portuguese soldier was killed and three more wounded when their vehicle was hit by an explosive device east of the capital, Kabul, on Friday.

• S Korea to table Iraq troops cut - South Korea's government is to submit to parliament a proposal to withdraw a third of the country's troops in Iraq, according to media reports.

• Baghdad market car bomb kills 13 - Thirteen people have died in a car bomb attack on a crowded market in southern Baghdad and a suicide bomber later attacked police in the city centre.


• Who Are They Trying to Kid? Most Everybody Knows Bush Lied. - Bush/Cheney Subterfuge Then and Now

• Fitzgerald sees new grand jury proceedings - In a sign he may seek new or revised charges in the CIA leak case, special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald said on Friday his investigation would be going back before a grand jury.


• GM prepares to wield job ax - The world's largest automaker, which has lost nearly $4 billion this year, has said it will provide details by the end of 2005 about its previously announced plan to cut at least 25,000 manufacturing jobs as part of a broader restructuring plan.

• Ford to Cut 4,000 Jobs - The Ford Motor Company said yesterday that it would cut 4,000 salaried jobs, or 10 percent of its North American white-collar work force, in the first quarter of 2006.

9/11 News :

• Would the U.S. Terrorize Its Own People? - "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." - U.S. President James Madison

• Louis Freeh Charges 9/11 Commission Cover-Up - Writing in the Wall Street Journal's opinion page, Freeh gave a blistering review of the Commission and says new revelations indicate it is "a good time for the country to make some assessments of the 9/11 Commission itself."


• Uproar in House as Parties Clash on Iraq Pullout - Republicans and Democrats shouted, howled and slung insults on the House floor on Friday as a debate over whether to withdraw American troops from Iraq descended into a fury over President Bush's handling of the war and a leading Democrat's call to bring the troops home.

• VIDEO: Schmidt’s Shame - Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) today on the House floor, speaking about Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), a decorated former Marine:

• Congress Helps Self to $3,100 Pay Raise - The Republican-controlled Congress helped itself to a $3,100 pay raise on Friday, then postponed work on bills to curb spending on social programs and cut taxes in favor of a two-week vacation.
TVNL Comment: They cut food and heating assistance to the poor. Can you say "evil?" Is there any other word for it?


• Ashcroft turns into hired gun - Less than a month after Oracle Corp. hired former Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft's lobbying firm, the Justice Department notified Oracle that an antitrust inquiry into its proposed $5.8 billion acquisition of a rival database software firm had been dropped.

• Halliburton Case Is Referred to Justice Dept., Senator Says - Pentagon investigators have referred allegations of abuse in how the Halliburton Company was awarded a contract for work in Iraq to the Justice Department for possible criminal investigation, a Democratic senator who has been holding unofficial hearings on contract abuses in Iraq said yesterday in Washington.

• 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site - Federal immigration agents detained more than 100 workers at a construction site for a new Wal-Mart distribution center, authorities said.

• Diebold Attempts to Evade Election Transparency Laws - Diebold asked a North Carolina court to exempt it from tough new election requirements designed to ensure transparency in the state’s elections.








• Leave the Troops, Pull the Administration! - There is no reasonable justification for permitting people who cause this much damage to our nation to remain in the position in which they have already failed. If you look at it from a business point of view you would not keep a CEO that caused your business to take its worse financial losses ever while at the same time turning the public against your products and brand name. Why would we permit this kind of management when it comes to our nation?

• An Open Letter To Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald From Former White House Counsel John W. Dean - Those who leaked the information about Valerie Wilson breached signed contracts they had made with the government. These contracts, moreover, were not to be taken lightly: They enforced profoundly important obligations to national security, on the part of the very people who were supposed to be serving that end. Why are you not enforcing those contracts? Why have you not urged the president to sanction those who have released national security information? The president has said he would fire those who committed crimes -- but breach of such profoundly important contracts, even if it does not rise to the level of a crime, is surely cause for dismissal, as well.

• What are you going to do now, Mr. Bush? - "We used to have one reactionary dictator. Now we have tens of them springing up, who deny women the rights they had achieved before.


• Bush's War on the Press - In his speech to last spring's National Media Reform Conference in St. Louis, Bill Moyers accused the Bush Administration not merely of attacking his highly regarded PBS program NOW but of declaring war on journalism itself. "We're seeing unfold a contemporary example of the age-old ambition of power and ideology to squelch and punish journalists who tell the stories that make princes and priests uncomfortable," explained Moyers.


• Whistleblower Questions Teflon's Safety - Evers tells ABC News DuPont tried to hide the fact that the chemical coating comes off and ends up in humans in far greater concentrations than originally thought.


• France 'needs ethnic statistics' - French Equal Opportunities Minister Azouz Begag has urged the government to overturn a ban on collecting data based on ethnicity or religion.


• Vatican Official Refutes Intelligent Design - The Rev. George Coyne, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, said placing intelligent design theory alongside that of evolution in school programs was "wrong" and was akin to mixing apples with oranges.

• Chemtrails Are Over Las Vegas - Las Vegas residents are increasingly noticing the appearance of chemical trails overhead. They appear EVERY weekend without fail, the only exception being the two weeks after September 11, 2001.

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