Date: November 23rd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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November 21th – Topic: News Media Deception & Government
• Mark Karlin: From
• Kristina Borjesson: Author of Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press & the newly released Feet to the Fire: The Media After 9/11, Top Journalists Speak Out.

TUESDAY, November 22nd – Topic: 9/11, Unanswered Questions
• Jim Brewster: Jim Brewseter, filmmaker, director of 911 Eyewitness

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

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TVNL Editor's Comments: The media has successfully spun the questions surrounding the lead up to war into a question of what should get done now. As Democrats and some Republicans continue to ask questions about how we got to the point of invading Iraq the media as turned the tables on them and spun the issue and are now pressing the point that the Democrats do not have a better game plan for getting out of Iraq.

Well, let me be the first to point out that there are two separate questions here. While the media has placed on the Democrats the burden of coming up with a better plan to deal with the quagmire in Iraq the more important question relates to the issues surrounding the LIES that led to war.

The people who want to know if high crimes were committed during the process of going to war do not need to have an exit strategy before they investigate criminal activity of the highest order by the administration. This would be like asking the people who impeached Clinton if they had a plan to save Clinton’s marriage and clean Monica’s dress!

The real issues that we need to address relate to lies that led to the invasion of Iraq. We have to stop asking the police for their plans to clean up the crime scene instead of letting them investigate and arrest the criminals. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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• Italy mulls 2006 Iraq withdrawal - Italy will probably withdraw its troops from Iraq by the end of 2006, according to Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

• Senior Sunni Leader Killed in Iraq - Gunmen wearing Iraqi army uniforms broke into the home of a senior Sunni leader on Wednesday and killed him, his three sons and his son-in-law on the outskirts of Baghdad, his brother and an interior ministry official said.

• TWO TASK FORCE FREEDOM SOLDIERS KILLED - Two Task Force Freedom Soldiers were killed by small-arms fire while on patrol in Mosul Nov. 19.

• U.S. SERVICE MEMBER, AFGHAN KILLED IN IED STRIKE - A U.S. service member and an Afghan interpreter were killed when their up-armored HMMWV struck an improvised explosive device south of Tarin Kowt today.

• Legal gag on Bush-Blair war row - The attorney general last night threatened newspapers with the Official Secrets Act if they revealed the contents of a document allegedly relating to a dispute between Tony Blair and George Bush over the conduct of military operations in Iraq.


• It’s About the Lies That Dragged Us to Iraq - It’s NOT About the Solution! - The real issues that we need to address relate to lies that led to the invasion of Iraq. We have to stop asking the police for their plans to clean up the crime scene instead of letting them investigate and arrest the criminals.

• The Problem with Bush and Cheney's "Faulty Intelligence" Defense - Re-writing history may be wrong, but reviewing it is instructive. The record shows that Bush and Cheney's claims that they were duped by bad intelligence are disingenuous.

• A gutless, draft-dodging coward named Dick Cheney - Sorry Dickie boy, but it is you and your cronies at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue who have “no place anywhere in American politics.” It is hypocrites like you, you shameless, cowardly son-of-a-bitch, who should be led from the White House in chains and locked away in some hellhole to rot for eternity.


• Venezuela gives US cheap oil deal - Officials from Venezuela and Massachusetts have signed a deal to provide cheap heating oil to low-income homes in the US state.

9/11 News :

• TVNL VIDEO REPLAY: BARRIE ZWICKER: DEEP COMPLICITY, 9-11 AND THE MEDIA - Without the complicity of the mainstream media, the 911 cover-up could not exist. "Those who control the mainstream media control the brainstem of our collective consciousness. When those charged with being the skeptical inquirers are neither skeptical nor do they inquire, the only phrase for it is deep complicity. When investigative journalists fail to investigate the obvious, it is deep complicity. When investigative journalists only investigate that which distracts the public from the obvious, it is even deeper complicity."

• JFK, 9/11 and Conspiracy Theories - "There have been many things swept under the carpet. And I think it's a shame in a government that you trust - I think it's a shame, the things that they chose to tell you and the things they choose not to tell you." -- Sept. 11 widow Julia Sweeney, whose husband Brian worked in the World Trade Center - "One of my greatest shames, as a journalist is that I still don't know who killed Jack Kennedy." -- Hunter S. Thompson

• Key Bush Intelligence Briefing Kept From Hill Panel - Ten days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, President Bush was told in a highly classified briefing that the U.S. intelligence community had no evidence linking the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein to the attacks and that there was scant credible evidence that Iraq had any significant collaborative ties with Al Qaeda, according to government records and current and former officials with firsthand knowledge of the matter.

• Padilla indictment avoids high court showdown - In a surprise legal development, the Bush administration announced Tuesday that Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen held without charges for more than three years on suspicion of plotting a “dirty bomb” attack in this country, has instead been charged with conspiring to “murder, maim and kidnap” people overseas.


• Republicans Steal Thanksgiving - As the Republicans go home for Thanksgiving this week, House leaders are congratulating themselves on having squeaked through a divisive budget bill that takes canned goods from the poor in order to fund more luxuries for the rich.


• US Sues Missouri Over Voters in 2004 Election - The complaint, filed on Tuesday in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri, said 29 Missouri counties and election jurisdictions had more people registered to vote than there actually were people of voting age living in those areas.

• The California Secretary of State has invited Black Box Voting to hack away at some Diebold voting systems. - Diebold Election Systems has been trying to re-certify its “TSx” touch-screen machines in California. Diebold has added stronger passwords and encryption, but even the consultant hired by California to evaluate the system reported that the voting system remains vulnerable to alteration of vote results.

• Newspaper probe points to wrongful Texas execution - A Texas man executed in 1993 for a robbery-murder was probably wrongfully convicted, according to a prosecutor, the jury forewoman, an alibi witness and even a victim, the Houston Chronicle said on Tuesday.

• SCALIA RAPS GORE FOR '00 - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says the high court did not inject itself into the 2000 presidential election.


• WWF: Global Warming Already Harming Europe - Global warming is making life more dangerous for people across Europe and even starting to hurt businesses, necessitating urgent action from the European Union, the WWF environmental group said Tuesday.

• Toxic leak threat to Chinese city - Chinese authorities have revealed that major pollution of a river has forced the suspension of water supplies to Harbin, a northern city of 3.4m people.

• Internal Federal Memo Casts Doubts on Hudson Cleanup - The official, a coastal resources expert in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said in a confidential memo that General Electric intends to leave substantial amounts of contaminants in the river, capping them with additional material rather than removing them. But the cap could be washed away in a storm, releasing the remaining PCB's beneath, the memo said.


• European Watchdog Steps Up CIA Probe - Europe's top human rights watchdog stepped up its probe into alleged secret CIA detention centers Wednesday, while more EU governments were investigating possible CIA flights across their countries.

• 'Iron Lady' named Liberian leader - Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has been declared the winner of Liberia's presidential poll, making her Africa's first elected female head of state.

• Russian MPs act to 'curb' NGOs - Russia's lower house of parliament has backed in principle a bill that will give the state greater control over non-governmental organisations.

• Israel sets date for early poll - Israeli President Moshe Katsav says he has signed an order calling early elections on 28 March 2006 and dissolving parliament.




• Deep Impact: How Americans Feel Living Under this Bush Presidency - Many people in America are crying out to their countrymen to see what they see and to share their feelings about it.

• THE REAL STORY OF THANKSGIVING - The killings became more and more frenzied, with days of thanksgiving feasts being held after each successful massacre. George Washington finally suggested that only one day of Thanksgiving per year be set aside instead of celebrating each and every massacre.


• Fox News Won't Show Ad Opposing Alito - Fox News is refusing to air an advertisement critical of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, citing its lawyers' contention that the spot is factually incorrect.
TVNL Comment: Do they check the claims made in all of their commericals?

• Fox Says GM Layoffs Will Make Life "Better for Everyone Involved" - Jonathan Hoenig, another very frequent guest said, "It's terrible that 30,000 people are going to lose their jobs right before the holidays. I mean, it breaks your heart, but the truth is, ultimately, it's going to be better for everyone involved. People will rely on their own efforts to prepare for retirement and save, not hope that GM or Delta or United don't go bankrupt."


• Drug Costs Run Free Under New York Medicaid - For years, New York Medicaid, the state's health care program for the poor, has been an open-air bazaar for drug companies and their wares. Prescriptions that are severely restricted in many states are often dispensed freely here, and at higher prices, costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.


• Vatican Speaks Against Gay Seminarians - The Vatican is toughening its stand against gay candidates for the priesthood, specifying in a new document that even men with "transitory" homosexual tendencies must overcome their urges for at least three years before entering the clergy.

• Humanitarian lawyer suing the American government for crimes against humanity. - Charges include murdering medical personnel, attacking ambulances, and destroying hospitals in Fallujah.


• A Typical Right Wing Idiot - This is typical. It is also a perfect example of how right wing fanatics are morons who are great at taking a position but they are incapable of supporting that position. They call names and hurl insults but when it comes to asking them why they believe what they do their eyes glaze over.

• Monsignor in Phoenix Is Arrested - The former vicar general of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix was arrested Monday on charges he fondled boys and young men and asked them prying questions about their sex lives that he pretended were part of confession.

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