Date: November 25th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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November 21th – Topic: News Media Deception & Government
• Mark Karlin: From
• Kristina Borjesson: Author of Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press & the newly released Feet to the Fire: The Media After 9/11, Top Journalists Speak Out.

TUESDAY, November 22nd – Topic: 9/11, Unanswered Questions
• Jim Brewster: Jim Brewseter, filmmaker, director of 911 Eyewitness

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

NOTE: We have been having problems sending out our newsletter formatted in html. We are working to solve this problem.

TVNL Editor's Comments: Today is Thanksgiving Day in America. Today is the day we are supposed to give thanks for what we have. We are supposed to give thanks for the privilege if living in “the greatest nation in the world”, whatever that means. Today is the day we celebrate the wonderful history of America and all the wonderful things about this nation.

Today we are not supposed to think about how we got this wonderful land. We are not supposed to remember the people who lived here before we “discovered” America. We are not supposed remember how we slaughtered the indigenous people of this nation; people who were decent and hard working. They were not "freedom hating" "evil" people. They were people of God who cared for their land, water and air as God would have. People whose nation we now occupy.

And in a sentiment that personifies American self righteousness we see what we want to see and we celebrate this day without thought one about the good people whose land we stole and whose dignity we destroyed.

As America continues its assault on human dignity, human rights, the health of the earth and of the perception of reality I have stopped fooling myself into believing how perfect we are for if we continue to ignore our faults we can never correct them. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:


• PM 'was double-crossed' over Iraq, says diplomat - The former diplomat who claimed the name of his CIA agent wife was leaked by the White House in an attempt to smear him today said Tony Blair had been "double-crossed" by Bush aides in the run-up to the Iraq war.

• Many killed in Iraq car bombing - At least 30 people were killed and 27 wounded when a car bomb exploded outside a hospital in a town south of Baghdad, officials say.
TVNL Comment: More horror as unleashed by the Bush/PNAC administration.

• TWO TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIERS KILLED BY GUNFIRE - Two Task Force Baghdad Soldiers died of gunshot wounds Nov. 23 southwest of Baghdad.

• MPs push for fresh inquiry into Iraq conflict - A cross-party group of MPs launched a fresh attempt yesterday to stage a parliamentary review of the government's conduct of the Iraq war - before, during and since the 2003 invasion - as critics of the conflict again pressed for the Commons and Lords to control powers of war-making.

• Iraqis miss oil fortune: report - Up to $US194 billion ($263 billion) in Iraqi oil revenues are going to multinational oil companies under long-term contracts, and not to the Iraqi people, a social and environmental group said.
TVNL Comment: This is called corporate looting. Saddam used oil money to finance free education & healthcare for his people. He also used it to industrialize Iraq. What is taking place in Iraq are crimes against humanity waged by the coproprate & military industrial complex as fronted by the Bush/PNAC administration. This world has never been more deceived and we have never witnessed lies on such a grand scale.


• Faith-Based Politics - For Bush the whole trip, dismissed by policy realists as counterproductive, was probably worth those moments and the photographs of him among the Chinese faithful in a land that persecuted and expelled its once-powerful Catholic community after the 1949 revolution.


• US jobless tally higher than expected - US initial jobless claims rose by 30,000 in the week ending November 19 from the prior week, according to figures released by the Labor Department.

9/11 News :

• More challenges to 9/11 circulating myths - The circulating myth about Sept 11 attacks on the United States is that it was carried out by 19 Arab hijackers, masterminded by Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they hate the U.S. freedoms.

• US convicts man of al-Qaeda plot - His lawyer said US investigators had extracted a false confession by denying his client food and sleep.

• Professor Jones is Right: Government Refused to Examine Trade Center Collapses - In other words, the U.S. structural engineer is saying that even the non-visual computer models which NIST used to examine why the trade centers collapsed are faulty.




• Ain't no free speech allowed in Dubya's America - But the First Amendment doesn’t mean much to cops in Texas or the Bush administration as a dozen protestors, including Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon papers fame along with the sister of Cindy Sheehan.

• Texas Anti-War Protesters Still Determined - War protesters say they are determined to demonstrate outside President Bush's ranch during the Thanksgiving holiday despite the arrests of a dozen people on Wednesday.

• 6,644 are still missing after Katrina; toll may rise - The whereabouts of 6,644 people reported missing after Hurricane Katrina have not been determined, raising the prospect that the death toll could be higher than the 1,306 recorded so far in Louisiana and Mississippi, according to two groups working with the federal government to account for victims.

• WHEN HISTORY REPEATS - Perhaps democracy first can be truly brought to America. Perhaps freedom can be restored here, too. Perhaps eliminating hypocrisy will cure the world’s ills in a kinder and gentler manner than can be accomplished by war. Perhaps the policy of regime change is indeed the correct way to inject democracy and freedom into a nation that is lacking in both. Perhaps that nation is America and regime change is most needed here.
TVNL Comment: Some things for Americans to think about on Thanksgiving Day.


• Toxic leak reaches Chinese city - Massive amounts of the chemical benzene were released by a blast 11 days ago at a plant in Jilin, about 380km (230 miles) further up the Songhua river.

• Snows fail to fall in Arctic tundra - Evidence that humans are pushing up global temperatures is growing ever stronger, ranging from a shrinking of ice in the Arctic to a warming of the Indian Ocean, many experts say.


• EU rejects US tactics on UN reform - The European Union rejected on Wednesday a proposal by U.S. Ambassador John Bolton to delay adoption of a two-year U.N. budget until key reforms are approved by the 191-member General Assembly.

• US threatens to block £890m Spanish arms sale to Venezuela - The US yesterday threatened to block a record-breaking arms deal under which Spain would sell ships and aircraft to Venezuela, in another sign of increasingly fraught relations between the Bush administration and the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez.

• Cuba announces major salary rises - Cuba has announced a major increase in government salaries as it tries to reward workers with high productivity and advanced university degrees.

• Canada holds indigenous summit - Canada's regional governments are due to hold a historic summit with the nation's indigenous peoples to address outstanding aboriginal issues.

• Fury over gagging threat 'to spare Bush's blushes' - THE Attorney-General was accused last night of using the Official Secrets Act “big stick” to gag newspapers in an attempt to save President Bush from further embarrassment over Iraq.




• Thanksgiving Day Reality Check - As America continues its assault on human dignity, human rights, the health of the earth and of the perception of reality I have stopped fooling myself into believing how perfect we are for if we continue to ignore our faults we can never correct them.

• An Orchard Full of Bad Apples - Corruption has always been part of our political system - the money, access and power attainable through shady deals and pay-to-play schemes is often too enticing to resist. But the culture of corruption that swept into Washington with the appointment of George W. Bush is a sight to behold. The tentacles of corruption have spread throughout the GOP and now that the bagman is under investigation, Republicans are running for cover.


• Islam and the Western Media - Stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam in the media are rooted in prejudice, and ignorance, says Bassil Akel.

• Times Confronted By Ms. Rice In 2002 But Held Ground - But one senior Washington bureau staffer said that as the Bush administration edged closer to invasion, the editorial climate inside The Times shifted from questioning the rationale for military action to putting the paper on a proper war footing. - “Everyone could see the war coming. The Times wanted to be out front on the biggest story,” the staffer said. “It became the plan of attack.”

• Freedom of Information logs shed light on media's military curiosity - The Pentagon’s records reveal that the law is broadly used—more than 10,000 requests have been made since 2000. But they also illuminate a seeming dearth of curiosity by news organizations about the internal files of the U.S. military establishment.

• Report: Dissenting View on Pre-War WMD Coverage Not Heeded at 'NY Times' - “Several current and former Times staffers recalled Mr. Risen's complaints about his time at the Washington bureau,” Sherman writes. “His intelligence sources were telling him that Ms. Miller's sources were wrong about the presence of W.M.D. in Iraq. One person who was in the bureau at the time recalled that Mr. Risen said that his intelligence sources were saying the administration's W.M.D. intelligence was 'political.'

• The Enemy in Our Living Room - "Dear Editor, TV is very bad for our country... it controls our minds... and makes [us] crazy. The enemy is right here with us in our own living room. People behave like the actors, and are now anxious, greedy and discontent."




• Iraqi detainees tell of torture - Prisoners at an Iraqi detention centre opened up to journalists have told the BBC of widespread abuse.

• Merrill pays out $2m for sexism - Three former Merrill Lynch workers in the US have won a $2m (£1m) payout from the broker over sex discrimination.



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