Date: November 28th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TODAY: Monday, November 28th: America Today, Politics, Media & Reality Plus Jesse’s Rant! I have a lot on my mind today!

Guest: Jerry Policoff: Independent Freelance Writer.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: This morning, after CNN finished bringing us the vital in depth update on the status of Kato Kaelin (from the OJ trial), they did a nice long piece on young teens needing sleeping pills. In the case of the teen they used as an example it was said that this teen tried everything, including not having caffeine “after school!” They passed over this little tidbit as they talked about every prescription drug available to aid sleep.

Not once did they talk about the fact that teens, most notably teen girls, spend quite a lot of time drinking lattes and other fancy coffees. Do you know that latte has espresso (please notice that there is no x in that word, it is not expresso…which would be a good name for an overnight delivery service) in it? There was no mention of how much sugar (soft drinks) or other poisons were ingested by this teen, or other teens. There was no mention of smoking, which also interferes with sleep.

There was no discussion of any natural or herbal sleep remedy, such as valerian, kava-kava, melatonin, L-Tryptophan (the stuff in turkey that makes you sleepy after your Thanksgiving day meal, which was suddenly taken off of the market when Prozac was approved but restrictions were loosened in 2001), warm milk or even exercise! Drugs were the only solution entertained by today’s report.

I am convinced that the business of medicine is as evil as it is good. I think that there is a concerted effort on behalf of the pharmaceutical companies to keep you sick so that you remain a loyal paying customer. I am also convinced that they are behind the regulations that are in the works that will inhibit our rights to purchase or possess nutrients and herbs. We have to start paying more attention to how we poison our own bodies and how we address the symptoms of the poisoning. Common sense and nature should always be part of your self evaluation and don’t let CNN tell you different! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Two Britons killed in Iraq attack - Two Britons and an Iraqi have been killed in an attack by gunmen in Iraq after visiting holy sites.

· Official: 4 Iraq Aid Workers Kidnapped - Four aid workers, including two Canadians, have been kidnapped in Iraq, a Canadian official said Sunday, while Iraqi police have arrested eight Sunni Arabs for allegedly plotting to assassinate the investigating judge in the case against Saddam Hussein.

· Clark joins Saddam's defense - The trial of Saddam Hussein and seven co-defendants resumes in a fortified Baghdad courtroom on Monday with former U.S. attorney general Ramsey Clark joining the team defending Iraq's overthrown president.





· Measuring President Bush By His Own Words - In coming to the UN to deliver his speech that day, Mr. Bush made two fatal errors. First he arrogantly believed his religion and god was superior to those of other cultures. His second mistake was the perception that his form of government and political views were exemplary and would be welcomed by others and therefore easily exported through military means. Unfortunately, liberty and holiness can never be preserved or spread unless it is first practiced at home.

· Attacking Whistleblowers, Skeptics & Those Who Know Too Much - The same gaggle of GOP right-wing fake, phony, and fraudulent "veterans" who savaged John Kerry, John McCain, Special Forces Lt. Col. Dan Marvin 60 Minutes and others are now taking on Iraqi War veterans who have blown the whistle on U.S. torture of prisoners in Iraq.





· Middle Class Gets in Line for Help With Rising Heating Bills - They are retirees, young couples, the temporarily unemployed, the two-income families stretched to the limit of second mortgages and credit cards, a slice of the suburban demographic that social workers call "mortgage rich and pocket poor." The cost of natural gas heat, already high, has risen 50 percent since last year. Home heating oil prices are up 30 percent. What that means for the larger economy will be divined by economists.



9/11 News :


· Two 9/11 Airliners, Flight 93 and 175, Were Only Just Recently Taken Off The FAA 'Active' List - FAA records for four years listed both 9/11 United jetliners as still on the 'active' list. Now planes only 'deregistered' in September after snoopy researchers questioned FAA officials a month earlier.











· Math + science = innovation, but US lags in the equation - Captains of commerce have groused in recent years about everything from estate taxes to the expensing of stock options. But the issue that has risen to the top of the corporate complaint agenda this fall is the wilting of American education in math and science.





· U.S. says it won't accept any new 'constraints' at Kyoto talks - "It's unfortunate that the mistake is often made that the problem of climate change is not important for the United States," she said, citing data showing her country had cut its greenhouse-gas emissions by more than some others that have signed Kyoto.

· US to battle allies over global warming - Environmentalists say Kyoto backers should go ahead and plan long-term targets to curb emissions, reasoning Washington might sign up after President George W. Bush steps down in 2009. "It's clear from the mounting evidence of climate change that much deeper cuts in emissions will be needed from 2012," environmental group Greenpeace said. It wants a 2008 deadline for negotiating a successor treaty for after Kyoto.










· UK: RITUAL ABUSE OF OUR MARINES - THE News of the World exposes the bullying culture of Britain's elite armed forces with a secret video documenting a sickening catalogue of abuse.





· Jesus Takes a Pass On Celebrating His Birthday - Would Jesus be shopping for great bargains? Would he be party to the shopping frenzy? What would Jesus do on Christmas?

· Tired of Being Lied to? Modern History You Can't Afford to Ignore - Part II -- 1990- 2000





· Public Broadcasting's Enemy Within - As chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Kenneth Tomlinson proved to be a disastrous zealot. Internal investigators found he repeatedly broke federal law and ethics rules in overreaching his authority and packing the payroll with Republican ideologues.

· War on the Media: 'Don't Bomb Us' - Why aren't these companies speaking out when other media organizations like Al Jazeera are threatened and attacked? What are they doing to demand independent inquiries into the killings of journalists and media staff?

· Nepal radio shut over BBC report - Police in Nepal have closed a radio station and arrested five staff members for trying to rebroadcast a BBC interview with the Maoist rebel leader.

· 2nd Time Reporter to Testify in Leak Case - Viveca Novak, a reporter in Time's Washington bureau, is cooperating with Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, who is investigating the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity in 2003, the magazine reported in its Dec. 5 issue.

· While We Were Sleeping - Where Was the Media Between Invasion and Murtha? Networks Gave Vietnam War Twice the Minutes Iraq Gets; Baghdad Bureaus Cut Back; Amanpour: ‘Patronizing’

· For newspapers, news keeps getting worse - Flagging circulation is the biggest fret, because advertising rates are pegged to readership. There has been a 30-year decline in newspaper circulation that has sped up in recent years, and the readers who remain are decidedly older.





· CNN: Drugs Good, Natural Cures…Never Heard of Them! - I think that there is a concerted effort on behalf of the pharmaceutical companies to keep you sick so that you remain a loyal paying customer. I am also convinced that they are behind the regulations that are in the works that will inhibit our rights to purchase or possess nutrients and herbs.





· Behind the phosphorus clouds are war crimes within war crimes - We now know the US also used thermobaric weapons in its assault on Falluja, where up to 50,000 civilians remained

· Israeli settlers destroy Palestinian olive trees - "This is not the first time that settlers have cut down dozens of olive trees. Among them were trees more than 30 years old," said Adli Eshiya, a local councillor. Villagers said it was the sixth such attack this year.
TVNL Comment: Destroying the food supply of a population is a war crime.





· Scandal of sexual abuse by priests shocks Brazil's 125 million Catholics - 10% of country's clergy are sex offenders, says Vatican
TVNL Comment: Yet Atheists are evil?





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