Date: December 5th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Monday, December 5th: Topic: How the Republicans Stole Christmas : The Republican Party's Declared Monopoly on Religion and What Democrats Can Do to Take it Back

·        Guest: Bill Press - Columnist, Commentator, Author, Radio/TV Talk Show Host & Political Insider.

Tuesday, December 6th: Topic: Hydrogen Peroxide Vs. Cancer.

·        Guest: Bill Munro, 81 year old self cured cancer survivor!


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Is there anyone on this planet who can honestly say that the economy is more important than the environment? This would be like saying that taking a job where you have to submerge yourself in molten lava is a wise decision.

Let’s understand something…without life there is no economy. Do you get it yet? Can you understand that putting money before the environment is illogical, to say the least?

I think this should be the litmus test for deciding who gets to share our planet. It is getting to the point where people who put greed, and that is what it is, over the environment are endangering the rest of us. This is like second hand smoke where the smoke will eliminate all life sustaining ecological systems. There is going to be a point where reality has to set in. I just hope it is not too late when it finally does! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Iraqi Politician, Police Commander Slain - Unidentified gunmen killed a parliamentary candidate and an Iraqi police commander in separate attacks Sunday while a bomb that detonated as a police patrol passed through central Baghdad killed three civilians, police said.

· Private Security Guards in Iraq Operate With Little Supervision - Private security contractors have been involved in scores of shootings in Iraq, but none have been prosecuted despite findings in at least one fatal case that the men had not followed proper procedures, according to interviews and documents obtained by The Times.

· Afghan MP dies after gun battle - A former militia commander elected to Afghanistan's new parliament has been killed in a gunfight along with at least two supporters, officials say.

· Iraqi soldiers killed in ambush - At least 19 Iraqi soldiers have been killed in an attack by militants in the area of Adhaim, 100km north of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

· FBI Is Taking Another Look at Forged Prewar Intelligence - The FBI has reopened an inquiry into one of the most intriguing aspects of the pre-Iraq war intelligence fiasco: how the Bush administration came to rely on forged documents linking Iraq to nuclear weapons materials as part of its justification for the invasion.

· Neo-Crazies Already Planning Beyond Iran - There are other steps Bush could take to prevail in the War on Terror he has declared, and neo-crazy Frank Gaffney has just published a book suggesting 10 of them. And a gaggle of fellow neo-crazies at the American Enterprise Institute has just published an obbligato – entitled "Launch Regional Initiatives" – based upon a couple of them.

· 11 Iraqi Soldiers Killed in Attack - Eleven Iraqi soldiers were killed and two wounded Saturday when a roadside bomb detonated next to their convoy and they were ambushed by insurgents, an army officer said.

· War Crimes: The Posse Gathers - "We cannot have these people pardoned. They need to be tried on war crimes and go to jail."

· U.S. SOLDIER DIES OF WOUNDS IN ROCKET ATTACK - A Soldier assigned to the 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died of wounds received when the vehicle he was traveling in was attacked with a rocket while conducting combat operations against the enemy in ar Ramadi, Dec. 1.

· THREE 48TH BCT SOLDIERS DIE IN VEHICLE ACCIDENT - Three 48th Brigade Combat Team Soldiers were killed in a vehicular accident southeast of Ali Air Base at about 3:00 p.m. on December 2nd. The incident is currently under investigation. The names of the Soldiers are being withheld pending next of kin notification.

· TEN MARINES KILLED IN FALLUJAH - Ten Marines from Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) were killed in action by an improvised explosive device while conducting a foot patrol outside Fallujah Dec. 1.





· IS GEORGE BUSH THE WORST PRESIDENT -- EVER? - This is what those historians said -- and it should be noted that some of the criticism about deficit spending and misuse of the military came from self-identified conservatives -- about the Bush record:
TVNL Comment: The answer to this question is YES...BY FAR! Nobody is even close!

· Bush Knew 10 Marines Had Died Prior To Rose Garden Remarks, Didn’t Mention It - MCCLELLAN: Yes, we did. The president was informed about the loss of the Marines last night and those that were injured, and then he was briefed again this morning.

· State Department using ideological litmus tests to screen speakers - The State Department has been using political litmus tests to screen private American citizens before they can be sent overseas to represent the United States, weeding out critics of the Bush administration's Iraq policy, according to department officials and internal e-mails.





· Greenspan Points to Danger of Rising Budget Deficits - Speaking at a meeting here of the Group of 7 finance ministers, he said the growing American trade deficit could be "quite painful" for the world economy if it was not arrested. He urged the United States and other countries with trade deficits to stop the "pernicious drift toward fiscal instability."



9/11 News :


· Fat cats milked Ground Zero - Hundreds of millions of dollars in federal aid intended to help small downtown businesses that were reeling from the 9/11 attacks often went instead to huge international corporations, companies with little attachment to the stricken area and businesses that were never in jeopardy.






· Miller: Bush, Cheney emerge as 'liars' - Miller, who represents Vallejo and Benicia, said several issues need to be thoroughly investigated, but that top congressional Republicans have "whittled away the mechanisms" that used to allow the minority party to initiate investigations. He said Congress is suffering from an "infection of corruption," evidenced by recent indictments against some top Republicans.

· Senate Intelligence Committee stalling pre-war intelligence report - Phase II, the follow-up to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into pre-war intelligence on Iraq, is still facing opposition from administration officials and has seen little action from the committee’s chairman, Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS), RAW STORY has learned.





· FBI faked terror probe documents - FBI officials mishandled a Florida terror investigation, falsified documents to try to cover mistakes and retaliated against an agent who complained about the problems, The New York Times reported in its Sunday edition.

· Bush DoJ Appointees Overruled their Own Voting Rights Act Attorneys to Approve Texas Redistricting Plan! - Unanimous Recommendation by 8 Staffers, Including Head of Voting Rights Division Ignored!

· Wearying Wait for Federal Aid in New Orleans - Three months after the storm, political figures here talk often of the progress that has been made - trash cleared, homes lighted, money spent. Louisiana, they say, is proving its self-reliance.





· What planet are you on, Mr Bush? (and do you care, Mr Blair?) - Tens of thousands of people marched in 33 countries yesterday to express concern for the environment. But will their leaders respond? Geoffrey Lean and David Randall report

· Green activists rally in Canada - Thousands of people have demonstrated in the Canadian city of Montreal to demand action on global warming.

· Bah, Hummerbug - Last year, GM sold 30,000 of the vehicles that symbolize America's blithe dismissal of global warming. - GM's plans to double its sales by inflicting the Hummer on places like Japan, which, according to Forbes magazine last month, has 10 times more people per square mile than the United States and 6 million more cars than parking spaces in urban landscapes ''where most roads are too narrow even to allow room for a sidewalk."

· Congress Researchers Fault EPA Studies - Researchers who work for Congress say the Environmental Protection Agency skewed its analysis of air pollution legislation to favor President Bush's plan.





· Rice rejects EU protests over secret terror prisons - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will inflame the transatlantic row over America's alleged torture of terror suspects in secret jails by telling Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and other European officials to 'back off'.

· Israel strikes Gaza after rockets - Palestinian security officials said the missiles hit a charity belonging to the Islamic Jihad militant group.

· Europe ready to challenge Rice on CIA - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will face a barrage of questions over reports of covert prisoner transfers by the CIA when she arrives in Europe for a five-day visit next week, European officials said Friday.

· Police stop truck carrying missile launchers on Toronto-area highway - The army is looking into a bizarre incident in which a tractor-trailer loaded with anti-aircraft missile launchers was seen rolling down a major Ontario highway.





· The Vet Strategy - The public is unhappy. The GOP is on the run. The Dems have a secret weapon: Iraq war vets, deployed on a new field of battle.

· Murtha Believes U.S. Generals Fear Bush Administration - In the most current issue of The New Yorker magazine, one article alleges that many of our military's most senior generals are deeply frustrated by the happenings in Iraq, but won't go public for fear they may jeopardize their career. Congressman John Murtha says he knows about these fears.

· Yes, the Military Needs Bodies. But Hold the Bodywork. - The Coast Guard is hardly alone in adopting a policy on tattoos. In recent years, the Army, the Navy and the Marines have begun forbidding new recruits to have tattoos on their neck, face, head or scalp.





· Do These Two Have Anything in Common? - Is the president historically right in his diagnosis of the allegedly similar dangers posed by Islamic extremism and by totalitarian communism?
TVNL Comment: Is he historically right about ANYTHING?

· It's all about the MONEY!!! - Money!!! It’s the big one. It’s bigger than God. It’s bigger than God in the minds and the lives of God’s biggest front men; people like Ralph Reed and Pat ‘hitman’ Robertson. If money and the power it grants has a greater attraction that the source of all power in the minds of those who- we’re told- work for the source of all power; how much greater must the effect of money be on the rest of us who aren’t washed in the blood? It’s got to be narcotic.

· Empire In Descent: The Deliberate Destruction Of America - There is a deliberate agenda at hand to reflect an image of America to the world as a corrupt, evil, deceiving, hypocritical and brutal power. The Bush administration is being played like a fiddle and as each horror story scandal emerges, America sinks further into the waiting jaws of its 'savior' - the dark stalker of global government.





· Frank Rich: 'All the President's flacks' - Woodward knows more about the internal workings of this presidency than any other reporter. He has been granted access to all its top officials, including lengthy interviews with the president himself, to produce two Bush best sellers since 9/11. But he was gamed anyway by the White House, which exploited his special stature to the fullest for its own propagandistic ends."

· The Real Price Of Propaganda - Exporting a bunch of budding Jayson Blairs simply feeds the unhelpful image of Americans as inept and hypocritical puppetmasters.

· Gay Couples Prepare to Tie the Knot - Hundreds of gay couples in Britain are preparing to make it official on Monday when they can apply for legal status under a new law allowing same-sex civil partnerships. Skip to next paragraph Reuters

· Lack of balance at C-SPAN’s Washington Journal - Out of the 205 partisan guests, Republicans outnumbered Democrats nearly two to one (134 to 70): Republicans accounted for 65 percent of Washington Journal’s partisan guests, while Democrats made up 34 percent. No representative of a third party appeared during the study period.

· Note to America's Press - If the Bush administration and/or the U.S. military are guilty of breaking laws, report it. If they aren't, report it. Granted, trying to answer some of these questions may lead to murky areas, but that murkiness must be explored in depth, lest our democracy disappear within it.

· Leading Turkey reporters charged - A prosecutor in Istanbul has filed charges against five prominent Turkish newspaper columnists who are accused of insulting the judiciary.

· Truth-telling LA Times columnist fired by Bush-supporting publisher - In a recent interview with Democracy Now's Amy Goodman, Scheer explained that the LA Times' new publisher, Jeff Johnson, wants to get in good with the Bush administration to get it to approve a lucrative media monopoly in LA since it also owns a major broadcast company there.

· Newsday cuts 72 more jobs and eliminates 40 vacancies - The cuts will include five editorial employees: two telephone operators and three editorial systems workers, according to Newsday editor John Mancini.










· Wrongful Imprisonment: Anatomy of a CIA Mistake - Unlike the military's prison for terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -- where 180 prisoners have been freed after a review of their cases -- there is no tribunal or judge to check the evidence against those picked up by the CIA. The same bureaucracy that decides to capture and transfer a suspect for interrogation-- a process called "rendition" -- is also responsible for policing itself for errors.

· UN envoy kicks off Zimbabwe visit - But this week the organisation Human Rights Watch said that since Mrs Tabaijuka's report, UN agencies in Zimbabwe have not done enough to help destitute people and have been reluctant to confront President Mugabe's government.

· CIA flew 'hundreds' of secret flights - THE German government has listed of at least 437 flights operated by the US Central Intelligence Agency in German airspace, the news magazine Der Spiegel claimed in its edition to be published on Monday. - "Such planes could be used to transfer presumed terrorists and place them in secret locations," Der Spiegel writes.

· Gay Couples Face Uncertain Legal Landscape - "There are lots of families in states where it's harder to be a strong family, where the state does everything it can to weaken you," said David Buckel, an attorney overseeing marriage issues for the gay rights group Lambda Legal. "It's challenging, it's discouraging, at some points it's enraging."

· List of Iraqi civilian martyrs killed in Fallujah by chemical weapons used by the Americans in their assault on the city in April 2004 - Babel Centre for Studies and Media and the People’s Struggle Movement in Iraq have identified the names and addresses of Iraqi civilian martyrs killed in Fallujah by chemical weapons used by the Americans in their assault on the city in April 2004.

· US civil rights group to sue CIA - A US civil rights groups says it is taking the CIA to court to stop the transportation of terror suspects to countries outside US legal authority.





· Another Bush Supporting Idiot - After reading this…tell me…is there really place on this planet for people like this? Is there any room for people who will threaten anyone who exposes information that they do not want exposed?

· Do they know it's Christmas? - But say a prayer, pray for the other ones At Christmastime it's hard, - but when you're having fun - There's a world outside your window, - and it's a world of dread and fear - Where the only water flowing - is the bitter sting of tears - And the Christmas bells that ring there - are the clanging chimes of doom - Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you
TVNL Comment: It's only gotten worse. Read the all of the lyrics. Think about reality.

· Neil Bush travels with Moon as "peace leader," paper reports - And another Bush joins the Reverend Moon world tour? Brother Neil's journey with Washington Times owner and possible Messiah Rev. Sun Myung Moon is reported in the Manila Bulletin.

· A History of (Pro-Life) Violence - The problem is that unborn children eventually get born and must live in the actual world. In this sense, "pro-lifers" are like the baby daddies of the spiritual world: full of promised love for the abstraction, and nowhere to be found when the kid shows up. They don't want to deal with the fact that some children in this country grow up starved of love, and warped by poverty.





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