Date: December 5th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TODAY, December 5th: Topic: How the Republicans Stole Christmas : The Republican Party's Declared Monopoly on Religion and What Democrats Can Do to Take it Back

·        Guest: Bill Press - Columnist, Commentator, Author, Radio/TV Talk Show Host & Political Insider.

Tuesday, December 6th: Topic: Hydrogen Peroxide Vs. Cancer.

·        Guest: Bill Munro, 81 year old self cured cancer survivor!


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Have you kept up with 4 years worth of news reports that included condemnations by the 9/11 Commission about how the Bush administration is not doing enough to protect us from the next 9/11? Well did you ever think that the reason that the Bush administration is not really paying close attention to this issue is because they know that events like 9/11 don’t happen without our cooperation? Did you ever think that maybe the Bush administration knows very well that the threat of such an event is unrealistic so they are not going to go through all of the motions just to pretend that they are protecting us?

Come on…if their mission was really to protect us don’t you think they would be protecting us? It is so painfully obvious that they are not protecting us from terrorism. They are in fact provoking & creating terrorism! If there was no threat of terrorism the Bush/PNAC team would be powerless and have nothing at all to offer to the people. That's why 9/11 was for PNAC, not for Islam! As they wrote in their manifesto (PNAC), they needed a new Pearl Harbor. They did NOT write about how anyone would benefit from the elimination of terrorism.

Look no further than our own nuclear waste dumps where Bush eliminated the programs to monitor & safeguard them! Is anyone foolish enough to believe that someone would de-secure nuclear materials in our own nation if they were really trying to protect us? Come on! Get real! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Saddam's trial will not be fair, says United Nations - The UN said yesterday said that Saddam Hussein's trial would never satisfy international standards because of ongoing violence and flaws in Iraq's legal system

· Two Dead in Attack in Afghanistan - An attacker blew himself up in a failed assault on coalition forces Sunday in volatile southern Afghanistan, while two U.S. helicopters made emergency landings during combat operations, officials said.

· Roadside bomb wounds 3 US soldiers in Afghanistan - On the same day, a suicide attack near a convoy of U.S.-led troops in the heart of neighbouring Kandahar province killed an Afghan civilian and wounded one American soldier.

· French Engineer Latest Iraq Kidnap Victim - Unidentified gunmen abducted a French engineer as he was on his way to work Monday in Baghdad, police said, the latest in a wave of recent kidnappings of Westerners.

· Angry Shi'ites pelt Iraq ex-PM Allawi - police - Iraqi police said an angry crowd forced former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi to cut short a visit to Iraq's holiest Shi'ite Muslim shrine during an election campaign trip to the city of Najaf on Sunday.

· Many Iraqi voters want Americans to go home - Anti-Western feeling is running high ahead of Iraq's election this month and many voters think sending U.S. troops home should be the priority of the next government, an informal survey by Reuters indicated.

· US Army admits Iraqis outnumber foreign fighters as its main enemy - Their conclusion, disclosed to the Sunday Telegraph in interviews over 10 days in battle-torn Anbar province, contradicts the White House message that outsiders are the principal enemy in Iraq.





· Now we know; Bush Has Corrupted the Justice Department, Too - We know that the republicans and the Bush administration have been trying to destroy the government infrastructure. They've been putting hundreds of judges intot he judicial system who have no respect for the constitution, and who put corporations and religions above constitutional rights and safeguards.

· Americans Want Different Type of President Next Time, Poll Says - Bush's policies in Iraq and high gasoline and energy prices had a ``very negative'' effect on his overall job rating for 45 percent of respondents, according to the poll, conducted between Nov. 29 and Dec. 1. The results showed 36 percent would like the next president to have policies similar to those of Bush, compared with 60 percent who want a different type of leader.








9/11 News :


· Protect Us From the Next 9/11? Come On, Get Real! - It is so painfully obvious that they are not protecting us from terrorism. They are in fact provoking & creating terrorism! If there was no threat of terrorism the Bush/PNAC team would be powerless and have nothing at all to offer to the people. That’s why 9/11 happened…it was for PNAC, not for Islam! As they wrote in their manifesto (PNAC), they needed a new Pearl Harbor. They did NOT write about how anyone would benefit from the elimination of terrorism.

· New furor over 9/11 EPA blasted for nixing cleanup - Despite the smoke and debris that blanketed Brooklyn after the Sept. 11 attacks, a high-ranking federal official said "it wasn't apparent" Kings County got enough toxic dust to warrant a cleanup.

· 9/11 Story Pulled - We were amazed that a FOX affiliate had actually done a story on 9/11 that WASN'T a "tinfoil hat" hit piece. ...So amazed in fact that we linked to their website so other people could see for themselves. -Oh, but our amazement was short lived. - Within days, the story was killed, the transcript removed from their website, the video links taken down, and all references in the archives were gone. POOF, just like that, it never existed.






· Congress Considers Stripping Homeowners of State Protections - The Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) is reporting that a new bill in Congress would override and weaken state anti-predatory lending laws that protect homeowners. Congressmen Ney (R-Ohio) and Kanjorski (D-Pennsylvania) have introduced legislation that would roll back state protections for homeowners.





· Documents Highlight Bush-Blanco Standoff - Thus began what one aide called a "full-court press" to compel the first-term governor to yield control of her state National Guard -- a legal, political and personal campaign by White House staff that failed three days later when Blanco rejected the administration's terms, 10 minutes before Bush was to announce them in a Rose Garden news conference, the governor's aides said.





· Fuel efficient cars hard to get - The Society Institute says few of the 86 or more car models that get a combined rating of 40 mpg or better are sold in the United States -- even though many are manufactured by Detroit manufacturers or foreign car makers with extensive U.S. sales operations.

· Raw deal: Utah gets California pollution - While Utah vehemently resists being regarded as the nation's dumping ground for radioactive waste, it is one of four Western states apparently willing to serve the same purpose for California's air pollution.





· At least five killed in suicide bombing at Netanya mall - At least five people were killed and more than 50 others were wounded Monday when a suicide bomber blew himself up at around 11:30 A.M. at the entrance to Hasharon shopping mall in Netanya.

· CIA's secret jails open up new transatlantic rift - During the weekend there were further revelations about the role of the CIA in kidnapping suspects. According to yesterday's Washington Post, the agency carried out a number of "erroneous renditions" - grabbing suspects off the street who later turned out to be innocent.

· Damage to Israel-Turkey relations feared - Foreign Ministry sends calming messages to Ankara following publication on contracts won by Israeli companies to train Kurdish security forces in northern Iraq, claiming companies acted on their own initiative

· Children die as winter snow sweeps quake valleys - As temperatures plummet in the foothills of the Himalayas, Dan McDougall reports on the misery of Pakistani Kashmir, where cold and disease are multiplying the woes of the disaster's survivors





· General investigated over death of soldier in Iraq - One of the army's most senior officers is being investigated over his role in what the attorney general has called "a concerted attempt" to block an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the controversial death of a British soldier in Iraq.

· Navy to Expand Fleet With New Enemies in Mind - The Navy wants to increase its fleet to 313 ships by 2020, reversing years of decline in naval shipbuilding and adding dozens of warships designed to defeat emerging adversaries, senior Defense Department officials say.










· WWL radio invites Rush Limbaugh to New Orleans so he'll know what he's talking about - But the misinformation continued Thursday, when Limbaugh read from a story in the Arkansas Leader newspaper that reported -- incorrectly -- that a Times-Picayune reporter had been "discredited and fired" for a story exaggerating the death count in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in the days after Katrina.

· Damaging Disclosures and the Plot to Bomb al-Jazeera - Interesting how it is a crime to reveal a war crime (or potential war crime), deemed a “damaging disclosure,” and Keogh and O’Connor may actually go to prison while Bush and Blair will be free to become “elder statesmen” advising others on how best to kill innocent civilians and journalists.





· Global warming is affecting our health - Health experts at the UN climate change conference say global warming is responsible for as many as 150,000 deaths per year around the world.





· Same-Sex Unions to Become Legal in South Africa - South Africa's highest court ruled Thursday that same-sex marriages enjoyed the same legal status as those between men and women, effectively making the nation one of just five that have removed legal barriers to gay and lesbian unions.

· Gay Marriages, Civil Unions Around World - A look at the situation regarding same-sex unions around the world:





· Neil Bush Meets the Messiah - Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the South Korean giant of the religious right who owns the Washington Times, is on a 100-city speaking tour to promote his $200 billion "Peace King Tunnel" dream.





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