Date: December 10th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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ANNOUNCEMENT! We will be going off the air in January 2006 unless we can find sponsors for the program! We need to raise $200 per program in order for Monks Media to break even. Please consider becoming a sponsor! You can advertise for as little as $50 per program or you can even buy a $10 shout out ad where we will read your personal message in the air. PLEASE ADVERTISE WITH US!!! Contact

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Monday, December 5th: Topic: How the Republicans Stole Christmas : The Republican Party's Declared Monopoly on Religion and What Democrats Can Do to Take it Back

·        Guest: Bill Press - Columnist, Commentator, Author, Radio/TV Talk Show Host & Political Insider.

Tuesday, December 6th: Topic: Hydrogen Peroxide Vs. Cancer.

·        Guest: Bill Munro, 81 year old self cured cancer survivor!


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: The fact that Howard Stern is moving to satellite radio serves as the perfect example of how freedom in this nation is vanishing. If you have been listening to Stern on his recent media blitz he explains that all he really wants to do is the material that he did on his program 12 years ago.

12 Years ago Stern had the freedom to be lewd & rude. At the same time he harmed nobody. He deceived nobody. He misinformed nobody. He never misled any of his listeners on any issues that caused them to vote for the wrong candidate.

If sex is obscene to you then become celibate but let others have fun as long as they hurt nobody. If you, like me, find the lies told by the media to be obscene, then stop worrying about Stern and start paying attention to the obscenities that take place on your news networks. These obscenities are called lies. Those obscenities hurt people, protect criminals and result in unspeakable atrocities. So tell me, what do you find to be the real obscenities in life? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Iraqi group claims US hostage executed - The US Government says it is unable to confirm a claim that an American contractor held hostage in Iraq has been executed.

· MARINE KILLED IN ACTION IN RAMADI - A Marine assigned to the 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action when his vehicle was attacked with an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations against the enemy in ar Ramadi, Dec. 7.





· Bush did NOT know there was difference between Sunni & Shiite Muslims until Jan '03 - In case you missed it like me, here's more proof our president is in over his head, a national security risk.

· G.W. Bush: Deaf Man Talking - George W. Bush and his handlers have a lengthy history of hearing problems. For more than five years, they selectively closed their ears to those who knew things they chose to ignore. For more than five years, they dismissed the advice of the experienced, and the knowledgeable. They heard nothing that was critical or challenging. They heard nothing that questioned their ill fated policies or their inaccurate conclusions. They heard nothing but their own applause.






· Foreclosures up 35 percent this year - Home mortgage foreclosure filings are on the rise in gritty cities and leafy suburbs, according to a new report showing a 35 percent increase statewide through October.



9/11 News :


· Before 9/11, Warnings on bin Laden - More than three years before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, American diplomats warned Saudi officials that Osama bin Laden might target civilian aircraft, according to a newly declassified State Department cable.

· 9/11 Truth Conference Opens In Tampa To Crowd Of 600 - Mainstream Media Again Ignores Event as Censorship Spreads Across Land Like Existed In Nazi Germany






· GOP Seeks Quick Passage of New Patriot Act - Congressional Republican leaders will press for passage next week of a new Patriot Act to combat terrorism, but a Senate filibuster looms on a measure that liberal and conservative critics alike say is a threat to individual liberties.

· House, Senate Agree on Patriot Act - House and Senate negotiators on Thursday reached an agreement to reauthorize the USA Patriot Act, the government's premier anti-terrorism law, before its major provisions expire at the end of the month, government aides said.

· Ex-congressman's home is sold - His share of proceeds will go to government





· Air marshals knew man was mentally ill before opening fire - But several passengers, including Mike Beshears, said they did not hear Mr Alpizar say anything. "He just was in a hurry and exited the plane," he said.

· Politics or Not, Bronx Warmly Receives Venezuelan Heating Oil - Chavez's gift, which arrived on Tuesday and is being distributed this week, may be nothing more than a chance to tweak the nose of the Bush administration, which has long opposed the South American leader. But few residents in the South Bronx, where 41 percent live on incomes below the federal poverty line, are inclined to worry about international politics.

· North Carolina Sued for Illegally Certifying Voting Equipment - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Thursday filed a complaint against the North Carolina Board of Elections and the North Carolina Office of Information Technology Services on behalf of voting integrity advocate Joyce McCloy, asking that the Superior Court void the recent illegal certification of three electronic voting systems.

· Eyewitness: "I Never Heard the Word 'Bomb'" - A passenger on Flight 924 gives his account of the shooting and says Rigoberto Alpizar never claimed to have a bomb





· Great Lakes near ecological breakdown: scientists - Stresses from polluted rivers to invasive species threaten to trigger an ecological breakdown in the Great Lakes, a group of scientists hoping to sway U.S. environmental policy said on Thursday.





· Trade motivating Iraq troop plan: Greens - Greens leader Senator Bob Brown says Mr Howard's decision is more about fostering Australia's relations with Japan.

· Iran's Ahmadinejad says Israel should be moved to Europe - "Why did you come to give a piece of Islamic land and the territory of the Palestinian people to them? "You oppressed them, so give a part of Europe to the Zionist regime so they can establish any government they want. We would support it," he said, according to a transcript of his original Farsi-language comments given to AFP.
TVNL Comment: Say what you want but this is a reasonable question.





· U.S. Military Probing Video Of Road Violence - British Contractors Appear To Shoot at Iraqi Civilians





· Sharing the Sacrifice, or Ending It - If this war is worth fighting, it's worth fighting right. And that means mobilizing not just the handful of troops who have borne the burden of this wretched conflict, but the entire nation. Taxes would have to be raised, the military expanded, the forces in Iraq bolstered and a counterinsurgency strategy developed that would have some chance of actually defeating the enemy.

· Waking Up in Bizzaro America - Someday in the near future, millions of American are going to wake up in the morning only to discover that somebody slipped a whole different country under their beds while they were asleep. At first they’ll be in denial, saying things like “No one could slip a whole different country under my bed without waking me up!” After denial, panic will set in. “Has anybody seen my country? I woke up and it was gone”.





· Howard Stern or Media Deception. Which Do You Find to Be Obscene? - If you, like me, find the lies told by the media to be obscene, then stop worrying about Stern and start paying attention to the obscenities that take place on your news networks.

· 78 journalists die in Iran crash - A military cargo plane attempting an emergency landing Tuesday in Tehran clipped an apartment building and crashed short of the runway, killing at least 115 people, including 78 journalists who were en route to cover military maneuvers in southern Iran.

· Keepers at the Gate: He Who Controls Television Controls the Masses - Television has become, quite simply, the greatest tool of mass manipulation and thought control civilization has ever seen, an incarnation of the myriad of myths, fables, fictions, story telling, theologies and all other forms of ‘bread and circus’ history’s elite have concocted from which to retain power and control the lower echelons of man’s corrosive pyramid of hierarchy.

· At 87, Wallace still tells it like it is - What in the world prepared you to be the commander in chief of the largest superpower in the world? In your background, Mr. President, you apparently were incurious. You didn't want to travel. You knew very little about the military. . . . The governor of Texas doesn't have the kind of power that some governors have. . . . Why do you think they nominated you? . . . Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that the country is so [expletive] up?





· Radium Weed Kills Skin Cancers - On the goggle box last night, the "doctors" and "experts" have suddenly "discovered" that the juice from Radium Weed (common name) causes sun spots, Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) to disappear, and drop off!





· US bars access to terror suspects - The US has admitted for the first time that it has not given the Red Cross access to all detainees in its custody.










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