Date: December 12th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        TODAY, December 12th: Topic: SPECIAL EDITION! The 2 Party System, Evil Vs. Evil - Vaccine Project - National Death Sentence, 9/11 - New Information About the Towers, Al Qaeda - Made in America

Guest: Karl B. Schwarz. : Former 3rd Party Unification Presidential Candidate & Republican insider.


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Could you imagine Walter Cronkite or Edward R. Murrow reporting box office results every Monday? Could you imagine them telling you that an interview with the cast of the movie “Kong” will be coming up? Could you imagine them actually promoting movies as they pretend that doing so is actually news and belongs on a television program with the name “news” in it? What the hell happened to this country all so stupid as to believe that TV news is anything more than an infomercial? Sometimes they sell product and sometimes they sell policy; but any way you look at it you won’t find journalism! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· THE IRAQ ELECTION - War experts advise strategy overhaul - Authors of downbeat report fear current course risks cataclysm

· Suicide blast injures civilians in Afghanistan - A suicide attacker blew up his car near a convoy of US-led troops in the Afghan city of Kandahar on Sunday, but did not cause any casualties among the troops, according to police.

· TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIER KILLED - A Task Force Baghdad Soldier was killed when a patrol struck an improvised explosive device south of Baghdad Dec. 12

· II MEF SOLDIER KILLED NEAR RAMADI - A Soldier assigned to the 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action by a suicide vehicle borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) attack while conducting combat operations against the enemy near Ar Ramadi, Dec. 11.

· TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIER KILLED BY IED - A Task Force Baghdad Soldier was killed when a patrol struck an improvised explosive device in west Baghdad Dec. 11.

· Ex-envoy questions wisdom of war - However, he condemned the lack of preparation for war and the "security vacuum" that has developed, warning violence would continue for years. Sir Jeremy, Britain's former ambassador to the UN, blames America for failings.

· Bush's War Means More Bush Lies - The president would like us to believe the Iraqi insurgency against U.S. occupation forces 10,000 miles away that is fought with small arms and homemade bombs is a grave and imminent security threat to the United States.

· Commission Finds Irregularities in Iraqi Voter Registration - When the experts scrutinized the voter registration forms, the commission said in a written statement, they found that many had been filled out incorrectly. Some had missing signatures and others had more than one signature. In some cases, the same name appeared on several forms.
TVNL Comment: What a shock! Who would have thought?

· The Pentagon is underreporting the number of American soldier casualties in Iraq. - For example, nearly 37,000 have mental disorders, including nearly 16,000 who have been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. Over 46,000 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan receiving benefits from the V.A. have musculoskeletal problems. These are all veterans who within the last four years were considered by the military to be mentally and physically fit enough to fight.

· Pro-War Arguments Don’t Hold Water- A comprehensive shredding of the Rep/Dem reasons to continue the war - There is absolutely no good reason to continue this war.

· ADMINISTRATION STRUGGLES TO DEFINE VICTORY IN IRAQ - So perplexing is it that the whole undertaking has set off a national debate about what victory is, what it might look like and what its implications might be.





· Lawyer Knew Rove Was a Source, Reporter Says - A lawyer for Karl Rove, the senior White House adviser, learned in the first half of 2004 that Mr. Rove had probably been a source for the magazine's July 2003 article that mentioned the C.I.A. officer who has come to be at the heart of the C.I.A. leak case, a Time reporter wrote today.

· From Creating Realities to Refusing Questions - White House Liars on the Defensive - Demands for truth about the "handling of prewar intelligence" (sparked less by politicians' epiphanies than by the successes of the Iraqi resistance and the mounting U.S. death count), are putting administration officials on the hot seat and causing the Commander in Chief to repeatedly lose his cool.





· Charlotte banks no exception to offshoring trend - According to consulting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, the increase could mean that 2 million jobs are shifted to countries such as India from the United States, Europe and Asia by 2010.



9/11 News :








· Critics of Patriot Act `won't get a better deal,' lawmaker says - Defending the compromise he helped craft on the USA Patriot Act, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner says a threatened filibuster by Sen. Russell Feingold "would be the most irresponsible thing that could be done."

· Two N.J. Congressmen regret their votes in favor of Iraq war - "I made a mistake. I must be held accountable," Pascrell told The Star Ledger of Newark for Sunday's newspapers. "But I also point to the president and blame him. He must be held accountable. I am not in denial. He is."





· Bush Advisor To Reporter: Katrina “Has Fallen So Far Off The Radar Screen, You Can’t Find It” - We are about to lose New Orleans. Whether it is a conscious plan to let the city rot until no one is willing to move back or honest paralysis over difficult questions, the moment is upon us when a major American city will die, leaving nothing but a few shells for tourists to visit like a museum.

· Professor says he was forced out over comment - A college professor who drew sharp criticism for comments deriding Christian fundamentalists over "intelligent design" said he was forced out as chairman of the university's religious studies department.

· FEMA reimbursements mainly benefit higher income groups - For the four Florida hurricanes in 2004, the reimbursements amounted to $242 million. Eighty percent of the money went to applicants in middle- and upper-income areas, including 45 residents of the moneyed island of Palm Beach and 221 people in a posh Orlando suburb with sprawling estates on lakes and fairways.

· Streetside mail on way out - The U.S. Postal Service plans to eliminate house-by-house mail deliveries in newly built subdivisions and require developers to build central mail stations, officials said.

· Ariz. town will go wall-to-wall wireless - Call it a municipal status symbol in the digital age: a city blanketed by a wireless Internet network, accessible at competitive prices throughout the town's homes, cafes, offices and parks.










· Analysis: U.S. Facing Credibility Issues - Secret prisons in Eastern Europe. Illegal detentions. Suspects snatched off the streets and shipped without extradition to other countries for harsh interrogation. Government directives cloaked in secrecy. - A flashback to Stalin's Soviet Union?

· China Overtakes U.S. as Supplier of Information Technology Good - After almost a decade of explosive growth in its electronics sector, China has overtaken the United States as the world's biggest supplier of information technology goods, according to a report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.





· Homeless Veterans: An Ongoing National and Local Disgrace - The Department of Veterans Affairs has estimated that “more than 299,000 veterans are homeless on any given night; more than 500,000 experience homelessness over the course of a year.”

· Politics delayed troops dispatch to N. - The documents show that the White House delayed its decision to deploy federal troops while it pressured the nation's senior National Guard official to persuade Blanco to accept the president's hand-picked commander to run the entire response effort.





· The United States is a psychopath - One of the many benefits of the Bush Administration is that it demonstrates, over and over again, just how big a bunch of hypocrites Americans are. The United States has always been involved in attacking sovereign countries. Iraq is novel only in the fact that it was done out in the open, in blatant contravention of international law (rather than covert contravention of international law).
TVNL Comment: Just what I pointed out in my blog the other day!





· TV News is Anything But! - Could you imagine Walter Cronkite or Edward R. Murrow reporting box office results every Monday?

· What Viveca Novak Told Fitzgerald - Luskin is unhappy that I decided to write about our conversation, but I feel that he violated any understanding to keep our talk confidential by unilaterally going to Fitzgerald and telling him what was said. And, of course, anyone who testifies under oath for a grand jury (my sworn statement will be presented to the grand jury by Fitzgerald) is free to discuss that testimony afterward.





· Federal Marijuana Monopoly Challenged - Researchers Want to Grow More Plants and Find More Medicinal Uses

· The Age of Autism: 'A pretty big secret' - Several studies have found a risk of asthma from vaccination; others have not. Studies that include never-vaccinated children generally find little or no asthma in that group.

· Activists' destruction of GM crops was justified: French court - That situation of necessity "resulted from the unbridled distribution of modified genes that constitutes a clear and present danger for the well-being of others, in the sense that it could be the source of contamination and unwanted pollution," it said.

· Ill. school board may ban whole milk, OK chips - But unlike current Illinois rules, which specifically crack down on "candy" and "potato chips," the new rules would not ban any specific junk food.





· Iraqi general tells of prison torture horror - In video footage Samarrai said he filmed at one detention center, men show whip marks and acid burns. One of them has lost an eye. Another's legs are broken. Still another has nails driven into his body.

· U.S. Rebuffs Red Cross Request for Access to Detainees Held in Secret - The United States said Friday that it would continue to deny the International Committee of the Red Cross access to "a very small, limited number" of prisoners who are held in secret around the world, saying they are terrorists being kept incommunicado for reasons of national security and are not guaranteed any rights under the Geneva Conventions.





· Can you imagine? - Video

· Pope: Christmas Polluted by Consumerism - "In today's consumer society, this time (of the year) is unfortunately subjected to a sort of commercial 'pollution' that is in danger of altering its true spirit, which is characterized by meditation, sobriety and by a joy that is not exterior but intimate," the pope said in his traditional Sunday blessing.





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