Date: December 31st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        Tuesday, 12/27: News Talk. Holidays, America (the not so great), image vs. reality, France, sports…whatever. Call in today. Bring up a topic!

Guest: YOU? Call in!



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: If you have not noticed yet there is a young student who just acted more like a journalist than virtually every single American news industry poser! This kid understood what his English teacher said while discussing journalism and the need for a journalist to immerse him/herself in a story.

He understood the difference between immersing himself in a story and embedding himself in a story, if you know what I mean. He got up and flew himself to Iraq. He did not embed himself in the controlled environment provided to the fake journalists by the US military; he went to Iraq to see what it was like to live in Iraq!

As far as I am concerned he just added to the embarrassment of the US news establishment. He out braved and out performed everyone in the US who calls him/herself a journalist (except for the independents who also immerse themselves as apposed to embed themselves…but we rarely hear from them). He also showed that he understands more about journalism than they all do. I think that the teacher who taught this young man about journalism also deserves kudos. Together they serve an example of how rare journalism is in America. So sad. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Minister goes in Iraq oil crisis - Iraqi Oil Minister Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum has been temporarily released from his post amid a dispute over the government's petrol pricing policy.

· Long Gas Lines in Baghdad; Attacks Kill 6 - Long lines formed at gas stations in Baghdad on Friday as word spread that Iraq's largest oil refinery had shut down in the face of threats against truck drivers, and fears grew of a gas shortage.
TVNL Comment: Are they really better off now?

· S Korea to pull troops from Iraq - South Korea's parliament has approved a government plan to bring home 1,000 of its 3,200 troops stationed in Iraq.

· U.S. teen leaves Iraq for home - Hassan’s journey began with a high school class on “immersion journalism” and one overly eager — or naively idealistic — student who’s lucky to be alive after going way beyond what any teacher would ask.
TVNL Comment: Every journalist in
America needs to take that course and they need to learn a lesson from this young man! He is more of a journalist than virtually every American "journalists!"

· Twin blasts hit central Baghdad - At least five people have been killed and 23 wounded in two explosions in central Baghdad, Iraqi officials say.

· SOLDIER DIES IN FALLUJAH - A Soldier assigned to the 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died of wounds received from small arms fire while conducting combat operations against the enemy in Fallujah, on Dec. 29










· Snow urges Congress to raise debt limit - U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow warned lawmakers on Thursday that a legally set limit on the government's ability to borrow will be hit in mid-February and urged Congress to raise it quickly.



9/11 News :


· FBI Hides 85 Pentagon Videos And 9/11 Truth - The Karl Schwarz group has found that the US plans for what has come to be known as 9/11 because of its date and its aftermath of ongoing wars originated in the Clinton Administration. Gore, Kerry, Clintons, Kennedy, Liberman et al join with the NY Times to hide the 9/11 photos and analysis:











· Covert CIA Program Withstands New Furor - The effort President Bush authorized shortly after Sept. 11, 2001, to fight al Qaeda has grown into the largest CIA covert action program since the height of the Cold War, expanding in size and ambition despite a growing outcry at home and abroad over its clandestine tactics, according to former and current intelligence officials and congressional and administration sources.

· Sibel Edmonds Calls for National Security Officials to Step Forward as Whistleblowers - In her first BRAD BLOG Guest Editorial, the 'Gag Ordered' FBI Translator Cites 'Patriotic Duty' of America's Intelligence Officials to Make Themselves Available for Congressional Testimony, Oversight - Appeals to them to contact her newly formed 'National Security Whistleblowers Coalition'

· Privacy slip on official US sites - The White House and National Security Agency have been caught tracking visitors to their websites in ways that may violate official US guidelines.
TVNL Comment: Sure; they "slipped!" They wrote tracking code and added it to their websites by accident. And why would they now the law? They are only the
US GOVERNMENT!!! How many free passes are the media going to give these criminals?





· Environmentalists Against War - What You Need To Know

· His Car Smelling Like French Fries, Willie Nelson Sells Biodiesel - BioWillie is a type of biodiesel, a fuel that can be made from any number of crops and run in a normal diesel engine. If it sounds like a joke, a number of businesses, as well as city and state and county governments, have been switching their transportation fleets to biodiesel blends over the last year. The rationale is that it is a domestic fuel that can provide profit to farmers and that it will help the environment, though environmentalists are not universally enthusiastic about it.





· New Bolivian leader to visit Cuba - Mr Morales will also visit a number of other countries including Brazil, China and South Africa - but not the US - ahead of his inauguration next month.

· Russia says gas cut won't hit EU - Russian energy giant Gazprom has renewed a threat to cut off gas supplies to Ukraine - but says it will not hit deliveries to Western Europe.





· Pentagon propaganda program orders soldiers to promote Iraq war while home on leave - The program, coordinated through a Pentagon operation dubbed “Operation Homefront,” ordered military personnel to give interviews to their hometown newspapers, television stations and other media outlets and praise the American war effort in Iraq.










· Walkout protest hits China paper - About 100 journalists from one of China's most progressive newspapers, the Beijing News, have walked out to protest against their editor's sacking.

· Student Puts US Corporate Media to Shame! - He understood the difference between immersing himself in a story and embedding himself in a story, if you know what I mean.

· Mass Mind Control Through Network Television - One of the most common examples of mind control in our so-called free and civilized society is the advent and usage of the television set. This isn't to say that all things on TV are geared towards brainwashing you. They're not. But most of the programming on television today is run and programming by the largest media corporations that have interests in defense contracts, such as Westinghouse (CBS), and General Electric (NBC).





· Vitamin D cuts cancer risk in half: study - Scientists at the University of California have found that the natural form of the vitamin, known as D-3, could dramatically reduce the chances of developing breast, ovarian and colon cancer.





· US threat over N Korean food aid - The US says it will stop giving food aid to North Korea unless it lets international relief workers monitor its distribution.
TVNL Comment: The
US puts terms on food aid to North Korea but they put no terms on weapons money given to Israel. Does this sound like the American way to you?

· UN concern at Guantanamo feeding - There are credible allegations that Guantanamo hunger strikers are being force-fed in a cruel manner, the UN special rapporteur on torture has said.

· Torture in the UK - The UK government has been quick to deny that we practice, or tolerate the practice of Torture. So it is perhaps not suprising that they are determined that you should not see the following documents:





· Hartford Van Dyke - The Truth About Pearl Harbor - The opening line to a rare 1975 document entitled The Skeleton in Uncle Sam's Closet reads, "I am Hartford Van Dyke, a Non Union lawyer. I have become sensitive to political situations because my family was involuntarily involved in the treasonous murder of 4000 men1 at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. My relatives knew it was going to happen beforehand."





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