Date: January 3rd 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        Tuesday, 12/27: News Talk. Holidays, America (the not so great), image vs. reality, France, sports…whatever. Call in today. Bring up a topic!

Guest: YOU? Call in!



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Do you know enough about the mining company that the trapped miners worked at? Do you know enough about how many violations that company had this year as compared to last year? Do you know what the procedures are for rescuing trapped miners? Do you know how the family members of the trapped miners feel (duh?) This is the information that our media has spent 2 days reporting to you.

Do you know enough about the companies that make the new electronic voting machines designed to count the votes that supposedly elects presidents and politicians? Do you know enough about the violations and code bugs that have been discovered in these machines? Do you know what procedures have to be followed in order to reverse the outcome of election? Do you know how the family members of the owners of the companies feel about the Bush administration?

Sure, the nation is pulling for the trapped miners, but the rest of the details of this story is nothing but filler. On the other hand the same type of reporting should be taking place regarding the most important aspect of our democracy; the legitimacy of the voting process. The voting problems, conflicts of interest, vulnerabilities and outright crimes related to stolen elections, have been completely ignored by our media. The media are supposed to be the guardians of democracy. Instead they have become the protectors of those who have destroyed it. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· The Guerilla War for Iraq’s Oil - Currently, the resource war is concealed behind a propaganda smokescreen created by the establishment media.

· US air strike kills 14 family members: Iraqi official - The US military had no immediate comment.
TVNL Comment: How in the world is this not considered murder? How do they justify dropping bombs from planes at this point in
Iraq? This is simple cold blooded murder!

· US forces step up Iraq airstrikes - The number of airstrikes in 2005, running at a monthly average of 25 until August, surged to 120 in November and an expected 150 in December, according to official military figures.





· Was Bush Wiretapping the Kerry Campaign? - I have a question about the NSA wiretapping scandal: Was Bush wiretapping the Kerry campaign? Were they wiretapping campaigns for the Senate and Congress?

· A Gestapo Administration - Bush has actually declared it treasonous to reveal his illegal behavior! His propagandists, who masquerade as news organizations, have taken up the line: To reveal wrong-doing by the Bush administration is to give aid and comfort to the enemy.





· Warning signs of the housing bubble crash (part two) - It's impossible to predict the exact timing on these things, but when the signs are there, you know it's coming. Eventually, it will go so far and people will get sane, and then things will start to unwind. It will accelerate towards a price collapse because there is a cascading effect. Once the housing prices collapse in one region, it can spread to another region.



9/11 News :


· The Secret World of Jack Abramoff and the 9/11 hijackers! - The 'secret world' of Jack Abramoff being probed by investigators today has definite connections and unmistakable links to the one inhabited during their final year in the U.S by Mohamed Atta and the other hijackers.

· 25 Reasons Why "White Collar Terrorists" Are To Blame for 9-11, "America's New War," and the Impending World War III - This ongoing practice-the "problem/reaction/solution" agenda of precisely "managed chaos"-appears to be standard operating procedures for oligarchs historically bend on developing a "New World Order." Sadly now for the American people, as it has been for the Third World, this effort includes killing approximately half of the world's current population.

· Action Alert: The SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Treason Independent Prosecutor Act - Please sign the petition supporting the The SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 TREASON INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR ACT at this website:











· California declares state of emergency - Californian Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared a state of emergency in seven counties hit by floods.

· Two charged in abortion clinic firebombing - A 24-year-old Shreveport woman and her 18-year-old boyfriend were charged Saturday with attempting to bomb an abortion clinic on Kings Highway nearly three weeks ago, authorities said.
TVNL Comment:
Domestic bomber...yet no mention of the words terror, terrorist or terrorism. The only acts of terror that are not described as such by US media are those that are committed by Israelis and those that are committed in the name of Christianity.










· Israel's Sharon aims to scrap peace plan - report - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon plans eventually to scrap a U.S.-led "road map" to peace with the Palestinians and instead seek Washington's blessing for annexing occupied West Bank land, a newspaper said on Monday.

· Sharon's son quits after party funding conviction - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's son Omri has resigned his seat in the Israeli parliament after being convicted in a long-running party funding scandal.

· Russia restores Europe's gas as Ukraine row simmers - Russia is restoring full gas deliveries to European states, but the Kremlin row with its ex-Soviet neighbour Ukraine, which triggered the sanction, is still bubbling.





· 'Military Times' Poll Finds Fading Support for President, War - While President Bush remains more popular within the military than outside it, support for him, and for the war in Iraq, "has slipped significantly in the last year among members of the military's professional core," according to the Military Times, analyzing its annual year-end poll.

· SC National Guard had to leave $50 million worth of equipment in Iraq - South Carolina National Guard units that deployed to Iraq last year had to leave $50 million in equipment behind and they aren't sure when the items will be returned or even replaced.

· US Rep. Murtha says he wouldn't join military now - "And I think you're saying the average guy out there who's considering recruitment is justified in saying 'I don't want to serve'," the interviewer continued. "Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

· U.S. military 'shuts down' soldiers' blogs - Troops are detailing their experiences in online journals, but military says some are revealing too much

· Gulf War syndrome persists in US troops after 10 years: study - ' Gulf War syndrome', a debilitating multi-symptom affliction identified in many soldiers after the 1991 conflict in Kuwait, is likely to strike US troops fighting in Iraq, a new study shows.





· 40 LESSONS FROM THE NEW MILLENIUM - Secret webs, scared bullies, a global mind shift





· The Failures of Post-9/11 Media - A new book asks America's top journalists for insights on why post-9/11, pre-Iraq War news coverage was so shoddy.

· 2005 Media Follies! - The 10th annual list of the year's most overhyped and underreported stories.

· Media Lick the Hand That Feeds Them - Does Wal-Mart’s money buy more than ads?










· Arrest of human rights activist 'distressing' - A former Australian ambassador to Cambodia says he is distressed by the arrest in Cambodia of one of the country's most prominent human rights activists.










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