Date: January 9th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        Tuesday, 12/27: News Talk. Holidays, America (the not so great), image vs. reality, France, sports…whatever. Call in today. Bring up a topic!

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: In case you missed it, today served as a prime example of how the priorities of the corporate news media are skewed beyond description. Not that I care one single bit about Dick Cheney’s well being (just the opposite), but he is in fact serving the role of Vice President (via election fraud) of the United States, and reports about his health, and related trips to the hospital, should be a higher priority to journalists than the well being of a miner who was in a mining accident.

Today, reports of the miner’s health came before reports of the vice president’s health on cable news. This is so wrong I do not know where to begin to address it. All I can say is that this world has gone mad to the point of having an absolutely absurd system of broadcast journalism go completely unnoticed by the public at large.

It reminds me of an old M.A.S.H. episode where Hawkeye told his friend Trapper that the people in the M.A.S.H. unit were so oblivious to the world around them that he could walk around the camp totally naked and nobody would notice. Well, he walked around naked and nobody noticed, until one person in the cafeteria gazed at him, saw Hawkeye’s very obvious nakedness and dropped his food tray as he stood there stunned. Then everyone became aware of Hawkeye’s nakedness because the dropped tray served as a wake up call to everyone else. Well, I feel that I am that one person who dropped his tray. To me the media is that naked Hawkeye, obvious but unnoticed by the oblivious; America is that oblivious M.A.S.H. unit; and my newsletter and website is that tray dropping to the ground sounding an alert. I just hope my tray is loud enough to expose the naked media! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· MARINE KILLED BY IED NEAR FERRIS - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action when his vehicle was attacked with an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations against the enemy near Ferris, Jan 7.

· MARINE KILLED BY IED NEAR AL KARMAH - A Marine assigned to the 2nd Marine Logistics Group, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action when his vehicle was attacked with an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations against the enemy near Al Karmah Jan 7.

· THREE MARINES KILLED IN FALLUJAH - Three Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed by small-arms fire in separate attacks while conducting combat operations against the enemy in Fallujah Jan 8.

· Suicide bombers kill 28 at Iraqi ministry - Two suicide bombers dressed as senior police officers blew themselves up inside the Iraqi Interior Ministry compound in Baghdad on Monday, killing 28 people and wounding 25 as officials marked National Police Day.

· Secretive military unit sought to solve political WMD concerns prior to securing Iraq, intelligence sources say - Three U.S. intelligence sources and a source close to the United Nations Security Council say that the Pentagon civilian leadership under the guidance of Stephen Cambone, appointed to lead Defense Department intelligence in March 2003, dispatched a series of “off book” missions out of the ultra-secretive Office of Special Plans (OSP). The team was tasked to secure the following in order of priority: fallen Navy pilot Scott Speicher, WMD and Saddam Hussein.





· Bush trying to round up all photos of President with Abramoff - Aides to President George W. Bush are trying to identify all the photos that may exist of the President and lobbyist Jack Abramoff together, TIME’s White House Correspondents Mike Allen and Matt Cooper report in Monday editions, RAW STORY has learned. From TIME:
TVNL Comment: Revisionist history?

· Time: FBI email says Abramoff case 'far from over' - Another official involved with the probe told TIME that investigators are viewing Abramoff as “the middle guy”—suggesting there are bigger targets in their sights.





· Funeral industry conspiring to keep prices high, suit says - The combined lawsuits accuse the world's largest funeral-service company, Houston-based Service Corp. International, of conspiring with competitors, independent funeral homes and the country's largest casket maker to fix prices and drive independent retailers such as Beresford out of business.

· More Companies Ending Promises for Retirement - Some are deciding they either cannot, or will not, keep making the decades-long promises that a pension plan involves.



9/11 News :


· THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT ONE YEAR LATER... - - After a lengthy wait, excerpts from Rep. Cynthia McKinney’s July 22nd Briefing are now available to view as part of the Congressional Record for 2005.

· The Nazi Destruction Of America - In fact, the strongest rampart of Bush's Nazi imperial America is indeed 9-11; it and it alone are the strongest link in the chain of events that bind Americans to the new Nazi Amerika. It is increasingly being shown that 9-11 was an inside job, perpetrated by the secret and deadly cabal of the JFK-killing and drug running CIA, the controlled demolition-savvy Israeli Mossad, and the Israeli-dominated and controlled Pentagon. The latter provided for "drills" as cover to disable our radar defense systems.






· A Donor Who Had Big Allies - DeLay and two others helped put the brakes on a federal probe of a businessman. Evidence was published in the Congressional Record.





· US agency head quits after reported Rumsfeld clash - The Baltimore Sun, which first reported Clapper's departure, said the NGA director was being forced out after angering Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on an issue involving intelligence reform.

· Enforcement of Mine Safety Seen Slipping Under Bush - Since the Bush administration took office in 2001, it has been more lenient toward mining companies facing serious safety violations, issuing fewer and smaller major fines and collecting less than half of the money that violators owed, a Knight Ridder Newspapers investigation has found.

· IRS Said to Improperly Restrict Access - The Bush administration has illegally stopped making public detailed tax enforcement data, which has been used to show which kinds of taxpayers get the most and toughest audits, a noted tax researcher says.





· World's top polluters to fight climate change - Six of the world's top polluters meet in Sydney this week to promote clean energy technology as a way to tackle climate change without sacrificing economic growth.

· Debate Swirls As Wind Power Grows Rapidly - "The wind resource in the United States is comparable to the oil resource in Saudi Arabia," said Tom Gray, deputy executive director of the association. "It's a major strategic national resource we should be making every effort to develop."

· Population size 'green priority' - Professor Chris Rapley argues that the current global population of six billion is unsustainably high.





· 10,000 protest U.S.-Thai free trade agreement talks - Bangkok - Thousands of Thais representing a diverse swath of society ranging from garlic growers to HIV/AIDS activists gathered outside a hotel in Thailand's northern city of Chiang Mai Monday to protest closed-door talks on a Thai-U.S. free trade agreement (FTA).

· Plane crash kills Iran commander - The head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards ground forces and at least 10 other officers have died in a plane crash.
TVNL Comment: Hmmm...

· China’s Stranglehold on the Dollar - The only thing keeping the dollar atop its fragile perch is the fact that other countries have been willing to lap up the $600 billion of American red ink every year via the trade deficit.

· The whitewashing of Ariel Sharon - The 'man of courage and peace' story ignores his bloody and ruthless past. - From the beginning to the end of his career, Sharon was a man of ruthless and often gratuitous violence. The waypoints of his career are all drenched in blood, from the massacre he directed at the village of Qibya in 1953, in which his men destroyed whole houses with their occupants — men, women and children — still inside, to the ruinous invasion of Lebanon in 1982, in which his army laid siege to Beirut, cut off water, electricity and food supplies and subjected the city's hapless residents to weeks of indiscriminate bombardment by land, sea and air. - As a purely gratuitous bonus, Sharon and his army later facilitated the massacre of hundreds of Palestinians at the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, and in all about 20,000 people — almost all innocent civilians — were killed during his Lebanon adventure.

· MPs leaked Bush plan to hit al-Jazeera - Two Labour MPs have defied the Official Secrets Act by passing on the contents of a secret British document revealing how President George Bush wanted to bomb the Arabic TV station, al-Jazeera.





· Mom's love & body armor - "That was another $800," she recalled. "I still can't believe I'm buying body armor on my debit card."

· Patronizing a prostitute is now a specific crime for servicemembers - For the first time, the Department of Defense has specifically made it a crime for a servicemember to patronize a prostitute. The punishment: up to a year in prison, forfeiture of pay and dishonorable discharge.










· Wake Up America, You Have a Naked News Media! - Today, reports of the miner’s health came before reports of the vice president’s health on cable news. This is so wrong I do not know where to begin to address it. All I can say is that this world has gone mad to the point of having an absolutely absurd system of broadcast journalism go completely unnoticed by the public at large.

· New York Times Journalist Killed in D.C. - He said police are investigating a report that two men were seen leaving the area in a dark-colored vehicle.

· Dean Crushes Blitzer On Abramoff - BLITZER: [Long pause, apparently getting direction in his earpiece] [Sigh] Unfortunately, we, uh, Mr. Chairman, we've got to leave it right there.

· So Many Lies & Just One Me! - So many lies, so little time…talk about job security…too bad there is no money in it!





· GM: New study shows unborn babies could be harmed - Mortality rate for new-born rats six times higher when mother was fed on a diet of modified soya
TVNL Comment: This is called global population reduction.

· States Intervene After Drug Plan Hits Early Snags - Low-income Medicare beneficiaries around the country were often overcharged, and some were turned away from pharmacies without getting their medications, in the first week of Medicare's new drug benefit.





· Scandal of force-fed prisoners - Hunger strikers are tied down and fed through nasal tubes, admits Guantánamo Bay doctor

· Va. bill would halt lesbian insemination - Del. Robert Marshall (R-Manassas), who has also sponsored measures to ban same-sex marriage and strictly limit abortions, pre-filed HB 187 on Jan. 2 for the 2006 state legislative session, which begins Jan. 11.

· My Lai massacre hero dies at 62 - Hugh Thompson Jnr, a former US military helicopter pilot who helped stop one of the most infamous massacres of the Vietnam War has died, aged 62.
TVNL Comment: Colin Powell was one of the key people involved in the cover up of this attocity and he is considered a hero.

· When Democracy Died in Wilmington, N.C. - White racists were particularly outraged at the large black political presence in Wilmington, where black people could be found at just about all levels of government.

· Germany's Merkel says Guantanamo should be shut - German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in an interview published days before her first visit to the United States, said Washington should close its Guantanamo Bay prison camp and find other ways of dealing with terror suspects.





· Scandal of force-fed prisoners - Hunger strikers are tied down and fed through nasal tubes, admits Guantánamo Bay doctor

· Va. bill would halt lesbian insemination - Del. Robert Marshall (R-Manassas), who has also sponsored measures to ban same-sex marriage and strictly limit abortions, pre-filed HB 187 on Jan. 2 for the 2006 state legislative session, which begins Jan. 11.





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