Date: January 14th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Tuesday, January 10th: Topic: Bringing legal action against the Bush administration for complicity in the events of 9/11..

Guest: International lawyer who came up with a criminal solution to the treason committed by Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld on 911 rather than a POLITICAL solution by impeachment.

Guest: Leuren Moret: Expert Witness at the International Criminal Tribunal For Afghanistan At Tokyo. She is an independent scientist and international expert on radiation and public health issues.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: 2 interesting items were discussed on MSNBC this morning. One story was about the 300 millionth American will be born shortly according the Census Bureau. The other story was an in depth discussion on Angelina Jolie’s pregnancy and here relationship with Brad Pitt (a new item that is vital to our informed electorate…ha ha ha!)

What was not mentioned on this national news network was the warning from the Worldwatch Institute stating that Earth lacks the water, energy and agricultural land to allow for the kind of growth that is taking place. Of course many others, including I, have warned that we are creating an unsustainable existence but the warning by Worldwatch came yesterday and is timely news.

To all of my friends who are thinking of or actually having more than two children….DON’T! You will be contributing to the demise of civilization as we know it. I just hope your children or their children don’t have to ask why nobody listened to the warnings from a community that resembles the ones depicted in the Mad Max movies! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Taliban Leader Vows More Attacks in Afghanistan - Fugitive Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar on Monday vowed more attacks against U.S. forces in Afghanistan, a day after Afghan President Hamid Karzai suggested he ``get in touch'' if he wanted peace.

· U.S. law professor : Iraq war is "Pure Evil" - Iraq has become nothing less than a very expensive made-in-America killing field, in which every death -- whether Iraqi, American, or Coalition -- has cost U.S. taxpayers more than 2 million dollars. That's 2 million, per person, totaling 200 billion dollars so far.

· Situation in Iraq Is Civil War - According to the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition, the definition of a civil war is a "war between political factions or regions within the same country." That is exactly what is going on in Iraq, not a global war on terrorism, as the President continues to portray it.





· Bush Authorized Domestic Spying Before 9/11 - The NSA's vast data-mining activities began shortly after Bush was sworn in as president and the document contradicts his assertion that the 9/11 attacks prompted him to take the unprecedented step of signing a secret executive order authorizing the NSA to monitor a select number of American citizens thought to have ties to terrorist groups.

· The Lawbreaker in the Oval Office - The country has set the bar so low for the performance of George W. Bush as president that it is effectively on the ground.





· Deficit Will Climb in 2006, White House Says - The White House acknowledged on Thursday that the budget deficit would climb back above $400 billion this year, erasing the brief improvement last year and complicating President Bush's vow to cut the deficit in half by 2009.
TVNL Comment: Another broken promise ignored by the media.



9/11 News :


· New York Dismissed as Defendant in Collapse - Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein dismissed the city as a defendant after concluding that the establishment at 7 World Trade Center of an emergency command post with a backup generator "was a good faith effort undertaken by the city to facilitate civil defense."
TVNL Comment: If this was not dismissed the truth behind the collapse may have come out!!!

· Approaching 9/11 - User Submission From Damien Haining - The challenge of 9/11 is to penetrate public consciousness. It's all very well for aficionados to speak about Cleveland Airport, Flight 11 passenger gates and radar blind spots but the challenge is to express the legitimate concerns that arise over 9/11 to a public that has 'swallowed the blue pill' and finds it easier to remain disengaged. We need to give people reasons why they should open their minds to consider the matters of 9/11.

· VIDEO: MICHAEL PARENTI: THE GOAL IS THE THIRD-WORLDIZATION OF EVERYWHERE (& BLOWBACK) - “One of the nation’s leading progressive analysts, an internationally known author and lecturer,” Parenti’s lecture (U. of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Oct. 19, 2005) explicates imperialism, comparing Roman, British and our own grotesque neo-imperialism: ‘kill, conquer, pillage…plunder resources, exploit cheap labor, slave labor…new markets, enormously profitable for the ruling classes and comprador classes (the puppet governments they set up)…Americans are unexceptional in thinking they are exceptional…they are exploited through their patriotism, and through fear.’ Parenti references PNAC’s blatant conspiracy to invade Iraq, then veers off into the “progressive” metaphor to explain 9-11: blowback.






· Pelosi Wants Probe of 'Corrupt Congress' - House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said Republicans had created "one of the most closed, corrupt congresses in history" and urged the House ethics committee to investigate GOP lawmakers linked to lobbyist Jack Abramoff.





· Enron jury won't hear some tapes - The upcoming fraud and conspiracy trial of Enron Corp. founder Kenneth Lay and former CEO Jeffrey Skilling won't feature audio tapes of Enron traders discussing how they gamed California's power system for high profits when the state was plagued by rolling blackouts and skyrocketing power prices in 2000 and 2001, a judge ruled Thursday.

· Venezuela donates more heating oil to U.S. poor - Venezuela expanded a controversial program on Thursday of subsidizing costly home-heating oil for the U.S. poor with a pact in Maine, upping the ante in a political brawl with President George W. Bush.

· Starbucks 'bomb' was only a flashlight - What authorities thought was a bomb in a Starbucks coffee shop turned out to be a flashlight casing, police said Thursday.

· Detained, Not Rescued: Katrina Survivors Testimony to Congress - These are just a few of the Katrina stories that BushCo doesn’t want America to know.

· National uniform driver's license law is 'nightmare' - An anti-terrorism law creating a national standard for all driver's licenses by 2008 isn't upsetting just civil libertarians and immigration rights activists.

· Young men with bats kill homeless man, injure 2 others in downtown, beachside Lauderdale - Young men armed with baseball bats or sticks attacked three homeless men, killing one and hospitalizing the two others early Thursday morning in the city's downtown and beachside areas, police said.
TVNL Comment:
America; the greatest nation in the world?





· Chemical sneaks into Great Lakes - A little-studied fire retardant has accumulated in Great Lakes sediment and game fish for decades without detection, according to new research.

· Mad Max, Meet Our Children! - To all of my friends who are thinking of or actually having more than two children….DON’T! You will be contributing to the demise of civilization as we know it.





· Bolivia to Seize Oil and Gas Reserves, President-Elect Says - Bolivia's president-elect said his government plans to seize oil and gas reserves owned by international companies, leaving other assets such as pipelines and refineries in the hands of foreign operators.
TVNL Comment: And the oil wars kick up a notch!

· World Bank shuts Chad oil account - The bank account used to collect revenues from Chad's oil pipeline has been frozen by order of the World Bank.

· UN plans Darfur peacekeeper force - UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said rapes and murders were continuing in Darfur, and a new force would need air support and sophisticated equipment.

· Iran threatens to end UN checks - Iran has threatened to halt snap inspections of its nuclear sites by the United Nations if it is referred to the UN Security Council.





· Records Show Army Ended Abuse Probe Early - Internal Army documents about the Iraqi's capture on Jan. 4, 2004, and his subsequent interrogation at an unspecified facility at or near Baghdad International Airport were not reviewed, the records show, because investigators were told they had been lost in a computer malfunction.

· Documents tie shadowy US unit to inmate abuse case - The documents shed light on Task Force 6-26, a special operations unit, and confirmed the existence of a secret military "Special Access Program" associated with it, ACLU lawyer Amrit Singh said on Thursday.

· General in Prisoner Abuse Case Declines to Testify Further - Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller, the former commander at the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, who also helped set up the interrogation operation at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, is declining to testify further about harsh interrogation practices and will retire from the service, Army officials said Thursday.

· Beam weapons almost ready for battle - There is a new breed of weaponry fast approaching — and at the speed of light, no less. They are labeled "directed-energy weapons," and they may well signal a revolution in military hardware — perhaps more so than the atomic bomb.
TVNL Comment: But we can not feed or house our homeless veterans? Killing and profit are the priorities of the military industrial complex, our military are their pawns and the citizens of the world are their subjects.





· We have met the enemy -- and it is US! - If we at last fail to keep our republic, we will not be able to blame the British, or the Confederacy, or the Germans, or the Nazis, or the Communist hoardes, or terrorists.




















· · Pope Blasts Abortion Pills, Gay Unions - Pope Benedict XVI said Thursday that doctors should not give women the abortion pill because it hides the "gravity" of taking a human life, and also said it was wrong to give legal recognition to gay unions.
TVNL Comment: The Pope failed his science courses, didn't he? It is not an abortion pill; it is a pregnancy prevention pill. He also seems to want the world population to grow to the point of which Earth can not support it. Idiotic thinking.

· Gore to deliver scathing speech Monday on 'constitutional crisis' in Washington - Former Vice President Al Gore will deliver a scathing speech Monday at Constitution Hall in Washington -- just blocks from the White House -- at which he will declare America is faced with a constitutional crisis, RAW STORY has learned.





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