Date: February 1st 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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SPECIAL New York 9/11 Event February 11th: Thanks to the hard work and personal efforts of James Richards we will be holding a special public screening of Loose Change 2. This documentary about the events of 9/11 will surely convince you that the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 as told to us by the Bush/PNAC administration is nothing more than a series of lies and deceptions. NYC police and Firefighters are encouraged to attend as well as members of the media and the NYC Department of Justice. The screening will be in New York City at the Pioneer Theater on February 11th at 9:00 PM. A screening and discussion will be held. Refreshments will be served. Seating is limited. If you wish to reserve tickets write to Admission is free but donations will be accepted. Donations will go towards 9/11 truth efforts.

ANNOUNCEMENT! We may be going off the air in January 2006 BUT YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO SAVE US!!! We (Monksmedia) need to raise $200 per program in order for Monks Media to break even. Please consider becoming a sponsor! You can advertise for as little as $50 per program or you can even buy a $10 shout out ad where we will read your personal message in the air. PLEASE ADVERTISE WITH US!!! Contact

TVNL RADIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows. The live programs are on Mondays at 12 noon ET! Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! or for the archive and schedule: SPREAD THE WORD!

THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: I am six feet five inches tall. I weigh 220 lbs and I do not have a single ounce of fat on my body. Often when I go out people ask me for my autograph as they think I am a famous model. My thick brown hair matches my glaring brown eyes perfectly. I am so handsome that it is physically painful. Women flock me everywhere I go.

My home is a sprawling mansion over looking the Hudson River. I also have a 9 room condominium on Riverside Drive. I have a small staff of servants and a private chef.

My health has been perfect. Doctors have been contacting me about the possibility of using my DNA when cloning technology reaches advanced stages. They say they can use my DNA to create an organ farm of perfect organs suitable for transplants. My body is so perfect that I do not need to brush my teeth. Bacteria can not survive on me. I never even had gas at an inconvenient moment.

Calvin Klein often consults with me prior to designing his new garments. I am considered to be a global trend setter.

Everything I own seems to work perfectly. My computers never break down. My cordless phones never need recharging even when I am in the middle of a 2 hour phone call. My Internet connection is perfect and I have never had a cable TV outage.

My car has never been ticketed. I never get stuck in traffic and divers around me are always courteous.

Regardless of what I eat I never get heartburn. I can drink a gallon of tequila without worry because I never get hangovers. My sinuses never have any congestion. Acne? What’s acne?

I have never cut my nails too short by mistake causing irritation and they never have any burrs that catch on to my blanket when I sleep. I do not perspire. When I eat raw garlic nobody notices.

I have never had a bad relationship. All the women I have dated have been of sound mind and have had wonderful attitudes. They never carried over hostilities from prior relationships and made me pay the price. They never tried to start a huge fight over a tiny issue.

My parrot never bites me and she speaks 5 languages. She only poops in the toilet, never on the floor, my cloths or on furniture. My sister is always considerate of my schedule when she asks me to drive her some place, my father never annoys me and my mother never forgets where she put my stuff.

OK…I think that will do it. I just wanted to prepare everyone for the departure from reality we are in for when we listen to George W. Bush give the State of the Union Address. I will return to reality tomorrow. I hope you make the appropriate adjustments to your attitudes. I hope this little departure helped! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· New U.S. Commander to Change Iraq Focus - With a new general in charge, the U.S. military's plans to fight Iraq's insurgents are expected to emphasize improving Iraqis' quality of life, rather than killing or capturing guerrillas.
TVNL Comment: He should start by kicking out every non-Iraqi company that went there to bleed the Iraqi's and the
US taxpayers to death! Start by kicking Cheney's friends out!

· DEAD because of LIES told to us by George W. Bush and the Criminal US News Media - This is a photo of the 99th UK troop (someone's child) to die in Iraq. Who is keeping count of the murdered Iraqis?

· 100th British Service Member Dies in Iraq - A British soldier was killed in a roadside bombing Tuesday, the second member of the country's armed forces to die in Iraq in as many days and the 100th fatality since the conflict began nearly three years ago, officials said.

· Global arms makers in India pitch - India is one of the world's leading buyers of conventional arms. In 2004 it bought $5.7bn worth of weapons, ahead of its Asian economic rival, China.





· Irrationality in Politics - Is there a neurological explanation for blind partisanship? According to this press release, scientists, using fMRI scans, have found that when "committed Democrats and Republicans" are faced with criticism of their favorite politician, they show no increase in activity of the parts of their brains associated with reasoning.

· Presidential signing statements are more than just executive branch lunacy. - There are two ways President Bush likes to wage war on your civil liberties: He either asks you to surrender your rights directly—as he does when he strengthens and broadens provisions of the Patriot Act. Or he simply hoovers up new powers and hopes you won't find out—as he did when he granted himself authority to order warrant-less wiretapping of American citizens.





· Real wages are having trouble keeping up with prices - After adjusting for inflation, wages have dropped in many of the nation's largest counties.



9/11 News :


· Getting Naked For 9/11 Truth - "this 'naked for 9/11 thing' is designed to show people (especially the mainstream media) two things. first, that on a grass-roots level, we are really this serious about getting your attention; we are not just going to shut up and go away. and second, that we will never tire of finding ways to transcend -- via the infinite creative potential of the human spirit -- the fear-based non-existence being demanded of us by the forces behind the bush cabal."
TVNL Comment: Found on

· Al-Qaeda Propagandizes For Bush On Eve Of State of the Union - Hot on the heels of Osama bin Laden's latest release, an audio tape that boosted George W. Bush's poll numbers despite it being described as a probable fake by bin Laden expert Professor Bruce Lawrence, Ayman al-Zawahri has popped up on the eve of the State of the Union to hand Bush all the ammunition he needs to threaten American citizens for a sixth consecutive time.






· Gonzales Is Challenged on Wiretaps - Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) charged yesterday that Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales misled the Senate during his confirmation hearing a year ago when he appeared to try to avoid answering a question about whether the president could authorize warrantless wiretapping of U.S. citizens.





· Promisgate: World's longest spy scandal still glossed over - The so called PROMIS affair would never have happened if the software invented by an American computer specialist, Mr. William A. Hamilton, had been a technical failure. But this case management and data mining software, developed in the early 1980s by a small Washington D.C. company, Inslaw Inc., had proven itself to be a perfect intelligence tool. Originally made for the Department of Justice to help the country’s prosecutor offices in their case management, it drew the attention of corrupt officials and of Israeli Intelligence.

· Peace activists stage spy-in' - Some two dozen members of NOAC and other groups affiliated with the coalition dressed in exaggerated spy gear to protest government surveillance of a NOAC meeting in Cleveland last November, and similar monitoring of other peace groups, including the Quakers.

· Protesters to try to drown out State of Union - Seacoast Peace Response is holding a rally during the speech and inviting people to come and make noise by blowing car horns, banging drums, playing music ... whatever.

· CREW SUES DHS OVER CONTINUING KATRINA COVER-UP - Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) today sued the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) over its continued refusal to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Katrina-related issues.

· Papers: FEMA Passed Up Available Equipment - Hundreds of available trucks, boats, planes and federal officers were unused in search and rescue efforts immediately after Hurricane Katrina hit because FEMA failed to give them missions, new documents show.















· The Pentagon's Private Army - This seems like it should be bigger news. Congress has recently granted the Pentagon $200 million to aid foreign militaries, a sum which the executive branch can now spend without oversight from either the State Department or the legislature.

· Judge offers a choice: Join the Army or go to jail - Michael Guerra, 20, had pleaded guilty to second-degree criminal contempt, a misdemeanor, after he was accused of violating an order of protection.
TVNL Comment: Support the criminals...I mean troops!

· Army's Rising Promotion Rate Called Ominous - Experts say the quality of the officer corps is threatened as the service fights to retain leaders during wartime and fill new command slots.
TVNL Comment: Our military; another part of
America that is being obliterated by the Bush administration.





· Beating Around the Bush By the Bourse - Only bimbos believed Bush when he said it was WMD's that made him attack, invade, occupy and massacre Iraq. Most of us thought it was to steal Iraq's oil, but we were only partly right. What totally terrorized the tyrannical Texan tycoon was when Saddam played the oil bourse card in November, 2000. When Saddam started selling Iraqi oil in euro's, he jeopardized greenback hegemony as the world's supreme foreign exchange transaction currency. If this brilliant idea catches on, it will trigger the total collapse of the USA economy. The oil grab is a sideshow. The main feature is the oil bourse.










· Primary care near collapse, physicians warn - Primary care, the basic medical care that people get when they visit their doctors for routine physicals and minor problems, could fall apart in the United States without immediate reforms, the American College of Physicians said on Monday.

· AARP to Seek a Better Drug Benefit - AARP, the preeminent organization representing older Americans, plans to ask Congress to change the new Medicare prescription drug program, in an effort to give more elderly people with low incomes extra help in paying for medicine and to create a bigger government role in drug prices.





· Coretta Scott King dies - She spoke out "on behalf of racial and economic justice, women's and children's rights, gay and lesbian dignity, religious freedom, the needs of the poor and homeless, full employment, health care, educational opportunities, nuclear disarmament and ecological sanity," her biography on The King Center's Web site said.










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