Date: February 5th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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SPECIAL New York 9/11 Event February 11th: Thanks to the hard work and personal efforts of James Richards we will be holding a special public screening of Loose Change 2. This documentary about the events of 9/11 will surely convince you that the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 as told to us by the Bush/PNAC administration is nothing more than a series of lies and deceptions. NYC police and Firefighters are encouraged to attend as well as members of the media and the NYC Department of Justice. The screening will be in New York City at the Pioneer Theater on February 11th at 9:00 PM. A screening and discussion will be held. Refreshments will be served. Seating is limited. If you wish to reserve tickets write to Admission is free but donations will be accepted. Donations will go towards 9/11 truth efforts.

ANNOUNCEMENT! YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO SAVE US!!! We (Monksmedia) need to raise $200 per program in order for Monks Media to break even. Please consider becoming a sponsor! You can advertise for as little as $50 per program or you can even buy a $10 shout out ad where we will read your personal message in the air. PLEASE ADVERTISE WITH US!!! Contact

TVNL RADIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows. The live programs are on Mondays at 12 noon ET! Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! or for the archive and schedule: SPREAD THE WORD!

Monday, February 6th: The Next 9/11 – Nuclear Target Texas Captain Eric B. May has broken the code. He will share his information about the next state sponsored terror attack. This is one program you do not want to miss! His effort to expose this information seems to have already resulted in 2 aborted nuclear attacks on the United States to be carried out by our own government. Captain May will be taking your calls and answering your questions related to this startling information!

Tuesday. February 7th: Mark Crispin Miller – Author of “Boxed In : The Culture of TV”, “The Bush Dyslexicon” and “Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order”, will be discussing his new book, “Fooled Again, How the Right Stole the 2004 Election and Why They Will Steal the Next One Too”, accuses George W. Bush and his "theocratic militants" of orchestrating electoral fraud to "hijack" the 2004 presidential race.

Monday, February 13th: Blogging, Censorship & America Today. - Guest: Martin (Booman) Longman of – Join us as we discuss blogging, censorship and the general state of the world!

Tuesday, February 14th: What happened on 9/11? - Guest: James H. Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11 Truth (S9/11T), a non-partisan association of faculty, students, and scholars, in fields as diverse as history, science, military affairs, psychology, and philosophy, dedicated to exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 9/11.

THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
Past Shows Here:



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Another smoking gun memo proving George W. Bush lied us into war. This was front page news all over Europe and it was completely ignored by the US media. This nation is getting close to a breaking point where the leadership of the nation has to be completely removed and the US media has to pay the price for allowing things to get so bad. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Bush's 'Gulf Of Tonkin' Underlines Criminal Desperation For War - This week's revelations that George W. Bush and Tony Blair considered staging a war provocation by painting a US spy plane in UN colors and flying it over Iraq, in the hope that Saddam would order it shot down, illustrates a desperate depth of criminality only rivaled by previous notorious historical examples.

· NEARLY HALF OF IRAQIS POLLED SUPPORT ATTACKS ON U.S. TROOPS - The poll also found that 80 percent of Iraqis think the United States plans to maintain permanent bases in the country even if the newly elected Iraqi government asks American forces to leave. Researchers found a link between support for attacks and the belief among Iraqis that the United States intends to keep a permanent military presence in the country.

· Powell's Former Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson Calls Pre-War Intelligence a 'Hoax on the American People' - "I participated in a hoax on the American people, the international community, and the United Nations Security Council," says Wilkerson, who helped prepare the address.





· George Bush's Ministry Of Truth - Whether it's deliberate or accidental, President Bush is channeling the Ministry of Truth in making these statements that are intended to manipulate the American people into believing the words coming out of his mouth more than the evidence they can see with their own eyes.

· Bush Chooses Telecom Lawyer To Fill Republican FCC Vacancy - Robert M. McDowell, a telecommunications lawyer who works for a trade group that champions the interests of smaller telephone companies against the regional phone giants, is President Bush's choice for the third Republican seat on the Federal Communications Commission.

· New Details Revealed on C.I.A. Leak Case - Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff told prosecutors that Mr. Cheney had informed him "in an off sort of curiosity sort of fashion" in mid-June 2003 about the identity of the C.I.A. officer at the heart of the leak case, according to a formerly secret legal opinion, parts of which were made public on Friday.

· Asshole - Film Strip International







9/11 News :


· Synthetic terror alert BURNT ORANGE for Super Bowl XL - With the US Army stretched past ts limit, for the warmongers to successfully subdue Iran, they must use nuclear weapons. But they cannot do so without a false-flag nuclear explosion on American soil to "justify" a nuclear "retaliation."











· The State of the Union's Mystery Suspect - But on the same evening that President Bush was lauding democracy and freedom, there was one other person in attendance whose rights were infringed upon.

· 2007 Budget Favors Defense - Overall, the budget for the 2007 fiscal year would further reshape the government in the way the administration has been striving to during the past half-decade: building up military capacity and defenses against terrorist threats on U.S. soil, while restraining expenditures on many domestic areas, from education programs to train service.

· U.S. is back in assassination business - Under Presidents Reagan, Bush "41" and Clinton, the executive order prohibiting political assassination was maintained and honored. As has now been publicly revealed, the administration of Bush "43" secretly repealed the prohibition on assassination.

· Can the President Order a Killing on U.S. Soil? - In the latest twist in the debate over presidential powers, a Justice Department official suggested that in certain circumstances, the president might have the power to order the killing of terrorist suspects inside the United States.

· Surveillance Net Yields Few Suspects - The Bush administration refuses to say -- in public or in closed session of Congress -- how many Americans in the past four years have had their conversations recorded or their e-mails read by intelligence analysts without court authority.

· Postage Is Due for Companies Sending E-Mail - Companies will soon have to buy the electronic equivalent of a postage stamp if they want to be certain that their e-mail will be delivered to many of their customers.





· Green for Danger? - As the George W. Bush administration ratchets up its domestic spying capabilities, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is collecting "research" reports on direct-action environmental groups produced by right-wing think tanks.

· The plutonium question - What if, they ask, you could take the fuel that comes out of a nuclear reactor and instead of burying it in huge casks that must be guarded for centuries, you could recycle some of it and run it through a nuclear reactor again? Maybe even more than twice? What if that means less nuclear waste would be created and the stuff that is left over would be less radioactive?





· Haiti election may pave way for Aristide's return - Haiti's return to free elections when it votes for a new president on Tuesday may not go down well with the U.S. government, for all its talk about building democracy around the world, analysts say.

· Chavez makes call to arms - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he is considering buying enough rifles to arm one million people ready to repel a possible US invasion.





· Veterans Call on Beauprez to Apologize - Veterans called on Congressman Bob Beauprez to apologize for publicly parading in a military-issued uniform when selective service records revealed that Beauprez avoided ever serving.





· Silencing dissent a growing trend - This trend has a chilling effect on those who disagree with people in power, analysts say.





· Capitol Hill Blue founder steps down - Doug Thompson, the founder and publisher of Capitol Hill Blue, the Internet's oldest continually-published political news site, is stepping down, effective immediately, to return to local journalism.















· POSSIBLE DETROIT "SUPER BOWL" TERRORIST ATTACK? - Note: I have NO direct knowledge of any conspiracy as described below as a possibility. The facts and conclusions are drawn from stories the open media and the alternative media, including websites and mail groups.





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