Date: February 21st 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TODAY: Monday, February 20th: The Illuminati & 9/11, The Greatest Lie Ever Sold!
Guest: Anthony J. Hilder – Join us as we discuss the ruling class, 9/11 and the latest projects of Anthony J. Hilder. : Click Here to checl out Mr. Hilder's latest DVD.

THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
Past Shows Here:



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Having Bush in the White House as we recognize Presidents Day is like celebrating Martin Luther King Day with a Ku-Klux-Klan rally. Today is real life oxymoron. There are not enough words to describe the farce that is the US government today. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Campaigners ask courts to rule Iraq war a 'crime of aggression' - Britain's most senior judges will be asked today for a ruling that could lead to the war in Iraq being declared an illegal "crime of aggression

· Video fallout hits UK Iraq troops - A second regional council has now ended all co-operation with the British Army.

· Oil attacks costing Iraq $6.25bn - A total of 186 attacks were carried out on oil sites last year, claiming the lives of 47 engineers and 91 police and security guards, a spokesman said.

· Many die in fresh Iraq bombings - In a separate development, the US has threatened to cut aid to Iraq if the new government includes politicians with a sectarian bias.





· Ridge: White House should explain port deal - The Bush administration needs to show Congress why national security won't be hurt by a deal that gives a company based in the United Arab Emirates management of six major U.S. ports, former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Monday.

· Bush seeks new budget power from Congress - President Bush's request for broad, and constitutionally questionable, authority to control spending by vetoing specific items in larger bills is drawing limited interest in Congress.
TVNL Comment: Creating a dictatorship in

· White House Working to Avoid Wiretap Probe - But Some Republicans Say Bush Must Be More Open About Eavesdropping Program

· Just Your Average Week of the Bush Administration Betraying America - How can this travesty, betrayal, incompetence, lying and selling out of our national security continue without any major eruption of outrage and cries for impeachment and prosecution?







9/11 News :

· "Able Danger" & 9/11 Foreknowledge - The ongoing coverup concerning the secret Able Danger operation provides further evidence that the "war on terror" is a farce.

· There is no war on terrorism - The bear is the U.S. government and media cover up of the 9/11 attacks. They never came close to proving that foreign "terrorists" were involved. - The 9/11 attacks were created for justification of U.S. covert plans to grab influence over oil politics in the Middle East and as an excuse to take away the rest of Americans' liberties through a manufactured threat-scenario called, "The War On Terror."

· The Shot Heard Round the World - But a source close to the commission, who declined to be identified revealing sensitive information, says that none of the staffers who worked on this aspect of the investigation believed Cheney's version of events.






· If Teachers Were Congressmen - For just a moment, pretend that a Superintendent of Schools, an admirer of congress’ way of getting things done, believes that it would be prudent to run the district’s schools like that of congress. The speech to the school board would likely proceed as follows:





· In N.C., GOP Requests Church Directories - The tactic was roundly condemned by religious leaders across the political spectrum, including conservative evangelical Christians. - Officials of the Republican National Committee maintained that the tactic did not violate federal tax laws that prohibit churches from endorsing or opposing candidates for office, and they never formally renounced it.

· Industries Get Quiet Protection From Lawsuits - # Federal agencies are using arcane regulations and legal opinions to shield automakers and others from challenges by consumers and states.

· Google throws out US data demand - Google has formally rejected a demand from the US government to hand over a week's worth of search records.





· UK radiation jump blamed on Iraq shells - RADIATION detectors in Britain recorded a fourfold increase in uranium levels in the atmosphere after the “shock and awe” bombing campaign against Iraq, according to a report.





· Howard hits at 'extreme' Muslims - Australian PM John Howard has criticised what he called a small number of Australian Muslims who "rave on about" jihad.

· New DR Congo constitution adopted - The constitution, approved in a referendum, is meant to transform DR Congo into a real democracy.

· Nigerian militants claim attacks - The group holding nine foreign oil workers in the Niger Delta say they have attacked another oil facility on Monday and blown up a military vessel.





· Ten killed in US Djibouti crash - The US military has confirmed that 10 crew members died in a collision between two of their helicopters off the coast of Djibouti on Friday.





· Red State, Meet Police State - A federal employee gets hassled by Homeland Security for antiwar stickers on his car. Is it a mistake, a new rule, or the part of a trend of the First Amendment being bullied out of existence?





· The Republican Talk Radio “Big Lie” - The Republican Right dominates talk radio entirely by using business pressure to keep Democrats, environmentalists, labor leaders, progressives and independent thinkers off the air.





· Whistleblowers Reveal Over-Medicating For Profit Scam - The fact is that drug companies are making a fortune off drugging patients who are covered by tax payer funded government programs.

· Churches urged to back evolution - US scientists have called on mainstream religious communities to help them fight policies that undermine the teaching of evolution. - "Such veiled attempts to wedge religion - actually just one kind of religion - into science classrooms is a disservice to students, parents, teachers and tax payers," said AAAS president Gilbert Omenn. - "It's time to recognise that science and religion should never be pitted against each other.





· Senior Lawyer at Pentagon Broke Ranks on Detainees - One of the Pentagon's top civilian lawyers repeatedly challenged the Bush administration's policy on the coercive interrogation of terror suspects, arguing that such practices violated the law, verged on torture and could ultimately expose senior officials to prosecution, a newly disclosed document shows.





· Tollbooths on the Internet Highway - When you use the Internet today, your browser glides from one Web site to another, accessing all destinations with equal ease. That could change dramatically, however, if Internet service providers are allowed to tilt the playing field, giving preference to sites that pay them extra and penalizing those that don't.





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