Date: February 27th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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MONDAY, February 26th: Setting up the Next 9/11!
Guest: None. Tune in and lean how the media and the Bush administration is setting us up for a nuclear attack. Learn how the UAE port deal is simply a cover story!

THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
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Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: The 9/11 truth movement is closing in on the Bush administration and they, along with the mainstream media are getting desperate to fend off the public pressure! The information and evidence of 9/11 being, at least in part, an inside job is too abundant, too obvious and to powerful for even the Bush administration and their conspirators in the media to fend off forever! With every viewing of Loose Change 2, with every Sunday evening meeting at the St. Marks Church in NYC, with every public appearance by Jimmy Walter and with every tidbit of 9/11information that broadcasts out of Mike Malloy’s studio the noose tightens around the necks of the “new Pearl Harbor” administration! What we are watching now with the hoopla about the UAE port scandal is a desperate effort to reemphasize the 9/11 myth that has been told to us by the PNAC administration. This is an effort to counter the exploding 9/11 truth movement.

The 9/11 truth movement is growing fast. More and more people are finding out each day that the story told to us by the Bush administration can not possibly be true. Documentaries such as Loose Change 2, In Plane Site and 9/11 Eyewitness are finding their way into the DVD players of people who never before questioned the events. Scholars and academics are becoming vocal and active members of the realty based world and they are starting to attract the attention of the average middle American who may have trouble taking an Alex Jones seriously. The inside players are now desperately scrambling to reinforce their fortress of manufactured reality so as to ward off the ever growing collective voice of the reality based community. Well I have news for the Bush administration and the media; you are going to lose this one! The evidence of your complicity is too compelling and too widely available to the public. Eventually the majority of Americans will see the evidence and virtually everyone who sees it realizes that our president and his administration were complicit in the events of that day.

As you watch Tim Russert on NBC hold up the fictional 9/11 Commission report for about 30 full seconds today, you will understand that the PR campaign to reinforce the myth of the official story is on. As each UAE/Al Qaeda connection issue is raised by members of Congress we see how our legislators are either part of the conspiracy or they are incompetent and uninformed. Do any members of Congress remember the comments from our own FBI director, who admitted that we did not know the identities of the hijackers because they may have used stolen identities? This happened when he was confronted with the information about the discovery of 4 of the accused 9/11 hijackers, alive and well! This is yet another smoking gun of 9/11. If we don’t know the identity of the hijackers, how did we know who to blame and how do we know who not to blame?

The media helps the Bush administration focus on this UAE non-scandal. Port security is useless. One does not have to bypass security in order to conduct a nuclear attack on the U.S. One does not have to dock a ship and bypass security to unload a nuclear weapon in order to use it. One just needs to set off a nuclear device a mile or so away from the port…IT IS A NUCLEAR WEAPON YOU BONEHEADS….port security will not prevent this!!!

In the meantime the Bush administration is quietly performing subcritical nuclear tests. Yes, they are conducting nuclear tests. Guess what I think…I think they are testing small controllable devices so that when they conduct their false flag nuclear terror operation on the US they can do so in the same way they conducted the events of 9/11; with minimal death and maximum shock value! Think about it…4 planes where the combined number of people on the flights filled only one plane…and hitting the towers 20 minutes before the majority of the 50,000 people who worked in them were due to arrive. This is textbook false flag operations and we are now watching, with this UAE non-scandal, an effort to condition the American public to accept the next 9/11 cover story.

It is the Bush administration who is conducting subcritical nuclear tests. Congress and the Media are doing most of the dirty work as they reinforce the myth of 9/11. Don’t let it fool you. This is smoke and mirrors. We know who makes the nukes, we know who sponsors, funds and exports terror and we know who has been behind most of the terror groups around the world. At least America still has one industry that is thriving in a global economy!

I will be discussing this on my radio program on the Monks Media Radio Network on Monday, February 26h at noon ET. Call in with your thoughts. In the meantime do the math. The port security scandal is a non-issue. There is no way to prevent a nuke on the US without inspecting every single ship way offshore, securing every single nuclear device already existing in the US and without removing from power, by whatever means necessary, every single person who is part of the military & intelligence industrial complex including every member of the Bush administration and virtually every member of Congress. Unless we the people take our nation back we will continue to fall victims to the maniacs who seized control of our planet (while they were not shooting their friends in the face that is!) Think about it! (PS I stopped by our local Marine recruiting station yesterday and I dropped off a copy of Loose Change 2. Why don’t you do the same thing! )– Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

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· Iraq's death squads: On the brink of civil war - Most of the corpses in Baghdad's mortuary show signs of torture and execution. And the Interior Ministry is being blamed.

· MND-B SOLDIER DIES FROM NON-COMBAT RELATED INJURIES - A Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldier died from non-combat related injuries Feb. 24.





· Investigating impeachment - This is about applying constitutionally defined controls to an administration that, all too frequently, has placed itself above the law.







9/11 News :

· ALERT: Setting Up a Nuclear 9/11 - The UAE Port Scandal Brainwash! - In the meantime the Bush administration is quietly performing subcritical nuclear tests. Yes, they are conducting nuclear tests. Guess what I think…I think they are testing small controllable devices so that when they conduct their false flag nuclear terror operation on the US they can do so in the same way they conducted the events of 9/11; with minimal death and maximum shock value!











· Theodore Custer Abramoff - the worst since Little Big Horn - How the Jack Abramoff scandal has done more damage to Indian sovereignty than anything since manifest destiny and the Little Big Horn

· Governor Names Justices for Own Case - In an odd twist to the state hiring scandal, Gov. Ernie Fletcher appointed two special State Supreme Court justices on Friday to help decide whether a grand jury can continue issuing indictments against members of his administration.

· NO, YES, NO: Alaska Now Refuses Release of 2004 Election Data Citing Security Concerns! - A bizarre story concerning Alaska's 2004 Election has taken yet another even more bizarre turn this week, The BRAD BLOG has learned.

· Verizon Faces New $20B Suit over NSA Spying Complicity - The civil suit is the second to challenge corporations for helping the National Security Agency carry out a secret order by the president to spy on communications between people in the United States and parties overseas without first obtaining warrants.





· EPA OK’d plan to dump nerve agent into Delaware - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency won't oppose the U.S. Department of Defense and DuPont Co.'s plan to dump a wastewater byproduct of a deadly nerve agent into the Delaware River.
TVNL Comment: State approved mass murder of a planet. How is this not terrorism?

· World population hits 6.5 billion - Remarkably, despite the many new developments over the past 50 years, one fact looks very much the same, explained Kent and Haub: Populations are growing most rapidly where such growth can be afforded the least — an observation that has changed little over time, they said.

· US conducts subcritical nuclear test - The Energy Department has confirmed the United States has carried out a subcritical nuclear experiment at an underground test site in Nevada on Thursday (local time).





· IDF opens fire on medical team wounding many - Israeli military opens fire on medical team wounding Palestinian and International medical volunteers





· Why Has Our Military Refused to Show This Training Video To Our Troops Now Serving In Iraq? - The training materials were intended to instruct servicemen and women about the use and hazards of depleted uranium munitions. In addition, the training regimen included instructions for soldiers who repair and recover vehicles contaminated by depleted uranium.





· Let’s Outsource the Secret Service to the UAE - Why not abolish the Secret Service and let U.A.E. guard the President? Now this would show our Arab allies that we trust them.





· Where's the Washington Post article with the charge that Bush's foreign policy is based on "geopolitical fantasy"? - I cut and pasted the paragraph above and started to write the post. But, when I went back to the Post to get the link, the article was gone.

· Blogs are vital alternative media sources - Some of these people write well and some do not but the ones I read consistently have ideas that are worth thinking about - ideas that never would have seen the light of day if we were only allowed to read what the US corporate media have dished up for our entertainment.















· Urgent warning of imminent cataclysm in Northwest United States - While Americans are kept distracted with manufactured news of an impending attack on Iran because of supposed nuclear violations and trivia about Dick Cheney shooting a hunting companion, a dedicated campaign of electronic scalar tectonic warfare is ongoing that will soon bring America to the brink of destruction.





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