Date: March 13th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Available for downloading: EYEWITNESS& VIDEO ACCOUNT: The Truth About What the US Did in Fallujah.
Guest: Mark Manning – Filmmaker: Caught in the Crossfire: Finally the American public will get to see for themselves what the US actually did in Fallujah. There has been a 100% media blackout on what took place there…until now!

TODAY: American Corporate Media – America’s #1 Enemy – Learn Why!

Tuesday, March 14th: The Secret History of America's Beginnings & How George W. Bush hoodwinked American Christians.
David Bay - Director of Cutting Edge Ministries: For almost three years, David was assigned to a Pentagon-level facility in Okinawa, Japan. During this time, he received training on Military Doctrine and Political Strategy, Global National Strategy, and an understanding of politics. In training to be a good analyst, he was trained to correctly "connect the dots" between the facts: to know the background to "see through the veil" to reach a proper understanding of the enemy which his intel group had been assigned.

THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
Past Shows Here:



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Extremists are all over Iraq. But guess what…they are in US military uniforms. Let me clarify something here. Along with the misuse and abuse of the term “terrorist” we, the media, and the Bush administration are misusing the word extremist by not using it in a fair and balanced way. Let me explain.

When a government “chooses” to achieve its goals by using the most extreme solution, war, that government can be considered an extremist regime. When war itself “is” the goal of a government that government can pretty much only be described as extremist.

Sure, there are Iraqi and foreign extremists in Iraq right now and they are acting or reacting in extreme measures. But let’s not fool ourselves; they are reacting in extreme measures “to” extreme measures by the extremist military of an extremist regime. That extremist regime is that of the George W. Bush & his PNAC handlers. There is plenty of extremism in Iraq but let’s be fair here…American troops represent the largest and most violent of the extremist groups in Iraq. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Americans Comprise the Majority of Extremists in Iraq - There is plenty of extremism in Iraq but let’s be fair here…American troops represent the largest and most violent of the extremist groups in Iraq.

· FOUR U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS KILLED IN IED STRIKE - The patrol was conducting route-clearance operations to keep the road open to civilian and military traffic.

· Iraq's president warns of civil war after bombings - Iraq's president pressed political parties on Monday to move faster to form a coalition government after deadly car bombings he said were aimed at inflaming sectarian tensions and triggering civil war.

· Sadr city morning after attacks - Up to six car bombs ripped through the east Baghdad stronghold of a major Shi'ite militia force on Sunday (March 12), killing 46 people and wounding 204, raising fears reprisals could again pitch Iraq toward civil war.

· Death squads operated from inside Iraqi government, officials say - "The deaths squads that we have captured are in the defense and interior ministries," Minister of Interior Bayan Jabr said during a joint news conference with the Minister of Defense. "There are people who have infiltrated the army and the interior."

· Iraq: The reckoning - What have we achieved three years on from Shock and Awe? To mark the anniversary of this bloody adventure Patrick Cockburn and Raymond Whitaker examine the coalition's record

· The War Dividend: The British companies making a fortune out of conflict-riven Iraq - British businesses have profited by at least £1.1bn since coalition forces toppled Saddam Hussein three years ago, the first comprehensive investigation into UK corporate investment in Iraq has found. The company roll-call of post-war profiteers includes some of the best known names in Britain's boardrooms as well many who would prefer to remain anonymous.

· Death toll in Baghdad blasts rises to 35 - police - At least 35 people were killed and 93 wounded in three apparently coordinated car bombs at two markets in Baghdad's Shi'ite district of Sadr City on Sunday, police said.





· Senior White House Staff May Be Wearing Down - While there are few stories of aides nodding off in meetings, some duck outside during the day so the fresh air will wake them up. "We're all burned out," said one White House official who did not want to be named for fear of angering superiors. "People are just tired."




· Gas prices up even as crude goes lower - Prices jumped nearly 11 cents over the past two weeks to $2.35 for a gallon of regular-grade gasoline, even though the price of crude oil dropped, a national survey said Sunday.

· Pharmacists Say Drug Plan Threatens Their Income - Pharmacists say they have been losing money under Medicare's new prescription drug benefit, and they have taken their concerns to the White House, forcing the administration to confront political problems caused by the rocky start of the program.

· Grads moonlight for $$: Second jobs the norm for debt-ridden ex-students - “There’s a danger because they have this debt and then they embark on a career path that often leaves them unhappy and wondering where they’ll go next.”



9/11 News :

· Pakistan weekly spills 9/11 beans - The Pakistan foreign office had paid tens of thousands of dollars to lobbyists in the US to get anti-Pakistan references dropped from the 9/11 inquiry commission report, The Friday Times has claimed. - It claimed that some of the commission members were also bribed to prevent them from including damaging information about Pakistan.

· On March 18, Stop the war on terrorism by exposing the 911 Inside Job. - Why is accepting that 911 is an inside job so hard for so many Americans to accept? If they believed this administration lied to the American people to get us to support a war with Iraq than why not believe that this government would lie to the American people about what happened on 911? Why can you believe one set of lies and not another?






· Taxpayers footing bill for Congress' car leases - Taxpayers paid more than $1 million last year for members of Congress to lease vehicles, including dozens of gas-guzzling SUVs and expensive luxury cars.





· 300,000 Marched in Chicago Friday. Why Doesn't Anyone Know? - There is nothing that scares a government more than to see 300 to 500 thousand people in the street...protesting.





· President's budget includes EPA cut that could reduce access to records - Buried in President Bush's budget proposal last month was a plan to reduce the EPA library budget from $2.5 million to $500,000 for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1.





· Israelis were warned on illegality of settlements in 1967 memo - Israeli ministers were secretly warned just after the Six-Day War in 1967 that any policy of building settlements across occupied Palestinian territories violated international law.





· Hecklers harass families of US soldiers killed in Iraq - LINK - Five women sang and danced as they held up signs saying "thank God for dead soldiers" at the funeral of an army sergeant who was killed by an Iraqi bomb. - For them, it was the perfect way to spread God's word: America was being punished for tolerating homosexuality.
TVNL Comment: Ahhh, the beauty of religion. Again we see vile acts conducted in the name of religion. When are people going to realize that more irreversible harm is done in the name of religion than good?










· Knight Ridder Newspaper Chain Agrees to Sale - Knight Ridder, the nation's second-largest newspaper company by circulation, agreed last night to sell itself for about $4.5 billion in cash and stock to the McClatchy Company, a publisher half its size, according to people involved in the negotiations.










· Human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Iraq - Besides all the problems facing the fledgling Iraqi democracy, they also face a growing problem with human trafficking to other middle eastern nations, according to the US State Department.

· Homophobia seeps across new EU - 'These are Catholic fundamentalists,' says Tomasz Szypula, of Poland's Campaign Against Homophobia. 'One of the first things they did after taking power was abolish the government office for gender equality, which dealt with all forms of prejudice here.'

· Catholic Charities to halt adoptions over issue involving gays - The Boston Archdiocese's Catholic Charities said Friday it would stop providing adoption services because state law allows gays and lesbians to adopt children.





· “He Shall Direct Thy Paths to the Weapons of Mass Destruction. - William Tierney, the former United Nations weapons inspector who unveiled the so-called "Saddam Tapes" at a conference in Arlington, Virginia, Saturday, told National Review Online that God directed him to weapons sites in Iraq and that his belief in the importance of one particular site was strengthened when a friend told him that she had a vision of the site in a dream.





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