Date: March 21st 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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ANNOUNCEMENT! TvNewsLIES Radio has a new time! Our programs on Monks Media & the Revere Radio Network have merged. Our new program will be aired live on Thursdays at 8PM Eastern Time. You can access it on both the Monks Media and Revere Radio sites. Archives will be available at both sites as well.

TVNL RADIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows. The live programs is being rescheduled. Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!
Available for downloading: EYEWITNESS& VIDEO ACCOUNT: The Truth About What the US Did in Fallujah.
Guest: Mark Manning – Filmmaker: Caught in the Crossfire: Finally the American public will get to see for themselves what the US actually did in Fallujah. There has been a 100% media blackout on what took place there…until now!

Bring rescheduled: The Secret History of America's Beginnings & How George W. Bush hoodwinked American Christians.
Guest: David Bay - Director of Cutting Edge Ministries: For almost three years, David was assigned to a Pentagon-level facility in Okinawa, Japan. During this time, he received training on Military Doctrine and Political Strategy, Global National Strategy, and an understanding of politics. In training to be a good analyst, he was trained to correctly "connect the dots" between the facts: to know the background to "see through the veil" to reach a proper understanding of the enemy which his intel group had been assigned.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: George W. Bush: The Luckiest President Ever

George W. Bush is easily the most protested American president in history. We have never had a nation more divided. We have never seen anger and outrage saturate society as it does today.

At the same time Mr. Bush’s approval ratings vary but seem to reflect support from approximately 30-40% of the nation. Yet, when George W. Bush ventures out to engage the people he always seems to find venues where his approval rating is 100%

Yesterday Bush gave to a “free speech” crowd and there was not a single indication of even the slightest disapproval. People who were “permitted” to question Mr. Bush all seemed to have wrapped their questions in an envelope of supportive public relations messages where as they helped express Mr. Bush’s message as opposed to question his comments.

Amazing. I have never seen luck like this in my life. Nowhere.

Tens of millions of people have been trying to protest Mr. Bush to his face. They have been marching, writing, creating documentaries, traveling across the nation just to voice their opposition. For five years these angry concerned citizens have been trying unsuccessfully to gain access to George W. Bush. They have been unsuccessful because along with their routine violations of the US Constitution this Bush administration has decided that the 1st Amendment is not applicable in their world. They have banished opposing views to distant zones where they permit Constitutional rights to exist.

After years of unsuccessful efforts to voice their anger the outraged masses let a perfect opportunity to be heard slip by them; so we are told. The media is repeating over and over that the audience at Bush’s speech yesterday was not prescreened yet we are being asked to believe that not a single frustrated or dissatisfied American took this opportunity to question George W. Bush. Not Cindy Sheehan, not a single member, nobody from the DNC, no 9/11 truth movement representatives, no environmentalists, no opposition or dissatisfaction anywhere to be found. Amazing.

What luck! For 5 years the most protested man in American history has never been exposed to a single member of the American public who does not approve of his actions 100%. And we are now told that Mr. Bush, the most protested human in American history, had a non-screened audience and not a single voice of opposition rang out. Amazing luck; wouldn’t you say? Did you see the movie called “The Truman Show?” Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:


• New Business Blooms in Iraq: Terror Insurance - The Iraq Insurance Company, a state-owned group, has sold about 200 individual terrorism policies in the last year, and is now negotiating with several government ministries and private companies for group policies that would cover thousands of employees.
TVNL Comment: This is called extortion.

• Many dead in Iraqi prison break - Iraqi insurgents have launched an attack on a police station north of Baghdad, killing 18 people and freeing dozens of prisoners, police say.

• Palestinians Try to Flee Iraq, but Are Stopped by Jordan - More than 100 Palestinians fleeing violence in Baghdad and seeking refuge in Jordan have been denied entry by Jordanian border officials for not having proper entry permits, the spokesman for the Jordanian government said Monday.

• Iraqi diplomat gave U.S. prewar WMD details - Now NBC News has learned that for a short time the CIA had contact with a secret source at the highest levels within Saddam Hussein’s government, who gave them information far more accurate than what they believed.

• US objectives in Iraq prove elusive - "It's quite clear, the United States did not achieve its objectives in Iraq" because they were "fundamentally wrong,"

• Stinger missiles in Afghanistan a threat: US - US-made Stinger missiles will pose a threat to military and commercial aircraft across the region if they fall into the hands of Taliban rebels in

• Iraqi police report details civilians' deaths at hands of U.S. troops - Iraqi police have accused American troops of executing 11 people, including a 75-year-old woman and a 6-month-old infant, in the aftermath of a raid last Wednesday on a house about 60 miles north of Baghdad.


• George W. Bush: The Luckiest President Ever - For 5 years the most protested man in American history has never been exposed to a single member of the American public who does not approve of his actions 100%. And we are now told that Mr. Bush, the most protested human in American history, had a non-screened audience and not a single voice of opposition rang out. Amazing luck; wouldn’t you say?

• Cheney Certifiably Insane - Cheney isn't merely trying to convince the world and American people that Iraq is on the verge of utopia. He, like most crazy people, actually believes the strange voices in his head -- he listens to them just like Pat Robertson attends to those in his empty skull. Not convinced Dick Cheney is certifiably insane?

• This misadventure has alienated most of the world from Bush - That America's standing has plummeted with this approach is without question. Of the 10 countries polled in 2000 and again in 2005 by the Pew research group, the US had fallen in people's estimation in eight of them.

• Bush advance staff impersonated reporters: W Post - The White House said it would discipline two government employees who impersonated journalists in advance of a trip by U.S. President George W. Bush to the Gulf Coast, The Washington Post said on Saturday.

• Bush's situational ethics - Bush's message to our children in this surreal document is that situational ethics is right. Increasingly, that is how the rest of the world perceives us -- as believing that the end justifies the means.

• Nevada Republicans put president at arm's length - Some of Nevada's top Republicans running for re-election appeared to distance themselves from the Bush administration on Saturday at a gathering of party faithful.

• How the Right Wing Screwed Up Our Language - Terms like "pro-life" and "death tax" are conservative inventions designed to tilt the debate. Progressives lose by merely using those terms.


• Where Did All the Children Go? - In San Francisco and Other Big Cities, Costs Drive Out Middle-Class Families

9/11 News :

• Paramedic who worked at WTC morgue dies of respiratory illness - A 41-year-old paramedic who worked at a morgue for months after the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center was buried Monday after dying of an asbestos-related cancer.

• Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story - Calls for truly independent investigation, joins growing ranks of prominent credible whistleblowers

• FBI Agent Slams Bosses at Moussaoui Trial - FBI agent who arrested Zacarias Moussaoui in August 2001 testified Monday he spent almost four weeks trying to warn U.S. officials about the radical Islamic student pilot but "criminal negligence" by superiors in Washington thwarted a chance to stop the 9/11 attacks.

• New York Magazine - The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll - How could they, an hour after the first World Trade Center crash, allow an obviously hostile airplane to smash into the Pentagon, headquarters of the entire military-industrial complex, for chrissakes? And why did the Defense Department choose to stage an extraordinary number of military exercises on 9/11 occupying matriel and spreading confusion about who was who on that day?

• 9/11: Defense Contractor and CNN collaborated on Analysis of Collapse of World Trade Center Towers - An outfit entitled FACS (Foundation for American Communications), "secured Weidlinger engineers as a resource for journalists. The firm is a leader in defense-related blast effects research and design programs for more than four decades." The mission of FACS, as posted on its website is "to improve the quality of information reaching the public through the news".

• Is Another 911 In The Works? - Readers, whose thinking runs ahead of that of most of us, tell me that another 9/11 event will prepare the ground for a nuclear attack on Iran.




• Former ambassador urges public dissent - "I think in these times we need people who have survived very cantankerous and difficult times with the Bush administration to tell us about it to encourage us not to be afraid to speak up," said Loveland resident Trudi Manvel.

• I spy . . . a credible threat? - The government says it's trying to locate threats before terrorists strike. It has its eye on several groups. But is South Florida's Truth Project really that dangerous?

• NYC cops used covert tactics, `proactive arrests' at protests - In five internal reports made public Thursday as part of a lawsuit, New York City police commanders candidly discuss how they had successfully used "proactive arrests," covert surveillance and psychological tactics at political demonstrations in 2002, and recommend those approaches be employed at future gatherings.


• Conservationists Vie To Buy Forest Habitat - A recent U.S. Forest Service study predicted that more than 44 million acres of private forest land, an area twice the size of Maine, will be sold over the next 25 years.

• Calif. City Bans Smoking in Public Places - One of the strictest tobacco bans in the nation went into effect in the Los Angeles suburb of Calabasas last week, making smoking off limits in public places where someone else might be exposed to secondhand smoke: indoor businesses, outdoor businesses, parks, outdoor cafes, even apartment building common areas.


• US rejects Belarus election results - The United States rejects the results of the Belarus election and believes the campaign that re-elected President Alexander Lukashenko was conducted in a "climate of fear," the White House said on Monday.

• Court denies Puerto Rico US vote - Judges threw out the appeal by a group of Puerto Ricans - the latest development in a long-running debate on the islanders' constitutional rights.

• China, Russia ink major gas deal - Russia and China have signed an agreement to pipe large quantities of gas from fields in Siberia to China.

• Sweden FM quits over cartoon row - Swedish Foreign Minister Laila Freivalds has resigned in a row related to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. - She has been strongly criticised in the press after the foreign ministry ordered the website of a far-right party to be shut down.

• Fresh Nepal clashes 'kill many' - Authorities in Nepal say at least 36 policemen and Maoist rebels have been killed in clashes across the country.

• Chavez blasts Bush as "donkey" and "drunkard" - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday lobbed a litany of insults at U.S. President George W. Bush ranging from "donkey" to "drunkard" in response to a White House report branding the left-wing leader a demagogue.


• 2 Years After Soldier's Death, Family's Battle Is With Army - "All I asked for is what happened to my son, and it has been lie after lie after lie," said Mr. Tillman, explaining that he believed the matter should remain "between me and the military" but that he had grown too troubled to keep silent.

• US military probes Iraq killings - US military investigators have flown to Iraq to study reports that marines shot dead at least 15 civilians, including seven women and three children.
TVNL Comment: "Probes" is the military term for "working on an excuse!"


• Harvard, Chicago, and the 'Lobby' - "The combination of unwavering U.S. support for Israel and the related effort to spread democracy throughout the region has inflamed Arab and Islamic opinion and jeopardized U.S. security. ... Why has the United States been willing to set aside its own security in order to advance the interests of another state?... The explanation lies in the unmatched power of the Israel Lobby.

• Urgent Message From Holly Of Pennsylvania And Arun Of India: - Americans Wake-Up Now or You May End Up Dead Like Thousands Of Others Around the World Caught In The Vice-Grip Of The Bush War Machine

• The End Of Civilization - In preparing for the future demise of civilization you would also seek to increase the government’s power as much and as rapidly as possible. Why? To maintain control over those increasingly precious resources, and equally important, to control people – especially your own people – by force, if necessary.


• From 'Spy' to Psychotic - She had a history of mood swings and paranoid fears. People were watching her, she often said, although, as it turned out, federal agents indeed had set up surveillance and tapped her phone. Still, if she betrayed her country, did she do so knowingly?

• Bush & the US Broadcast News Media - With Us, Or Against Us? - Just a few examples of why Americans trust George W. Bush:


• Russian Communist leader sees U. - Russian Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov has blamed the United States for the spread of avian influenza, or bird flu, in a number of European countries, including Russia.

• This Essay Breaks the Law - Elevated homocysteine is linked to B-12 deficiency, so doctors should test homocysteine levels to see whether the patient needs vitamins. ACTUALLY, I can't make that last statement. A corporation has patented that fact, and demands a royalty for its use. Anyone who makes the fact public and encourages doctors to test for the condition and treat it can be sued for royalty fees. Any doctor who reads a patient's test results and even thinks of vitamin deficiency infringes the patent. A federal circuit court held that mere thinking violates the patent.


• Guantanamo film 'gets US release' - Cohen said: "We think this film is a visceral punch to the gut that will leave everyone thinking about Guantanamo in a new way. - "It plays like a thriller, but it also shows the real-life struggle of nations to balance fighting terrorism with preserving human rights."


• Archbishop: stop teaching creationism - The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has stepped into the controversy between religious fundamentalists and scientists by saying that he does not believe that creationism - the Bible-based account of the origins of the world - should be taught in schools.

• Baker’s Latest Assignment; tell Bush we lost - The AP is reporting that Congress quietly appointed an "Iraq Study Group" headed by James A. Baker to "assess the Bush administration’s policies in Iraq and political and economic developments in the troubled country". In other words, Baker has been picked to tell Bush that the war is over; we lost.

• Just Listen to This - In America?

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