Date: April 1st 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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ANNOUNCEMENT! TvNewsLIES Radio has a new time! Our programs on Monks Media & the Revere Radio Network have merged. Our new program will be aired live on Thursdays at 8PM Eastern Time. You can access it on both the Monks Media and Revere Radio sites. Archives will be available at both sites as well.

TVNL RADIO SHOW ARCHIVE! You can listen to the show live or you can download the archived shows. The live programs is being rescheduled. Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! SPREAD THE WORD!

THURSDAY – March 30th: Our Poisoned Food Supply
Guest: Pamela Drew - Pamela spent seven years working with Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center in Seattle, focused on drug development, transplant patient, nutrition and homeopathic remedies. She provided specialized analyst coverage for chemicals and drugs, with assessments from both the corporate revenue and public health perspectives. She now uses her dark gifts, acquired in the belly of the beast, to expose the covert maneuvers of America's secret establishment.

Being rescheduled: The Secret History of America's Beginnings & How George W. Bush hoodwinked American Christians.
David Bay - Director of Cutting Edge Ministries: For almost three years, David was assigned to a Pentagon-level facility in Okinawa, Japan. During this time, he received training on Military Doctrine and Political Strategy, Global National Strategy, and an understanding of politics. In training to be a good analyst, he was trained to correctly "connect the dots" between the facts: to know the background to "see through the veil" to reach a proper understanding of the enemy which his intel group had been assigned.



FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for its overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be conducting a live presentation entitled “American Corporate News Media:
America’s # 1 Enemy! The Media & 9/11”, in New York City on April 30th. It will be an in depth exploration of media deception with special focus on the reporting or lack of reporting of the events related to the attacks of September 11th, 2001. We will have a question and answer session as well.
The event will be hosted by
DATE: Sunday, April 30th, 6:30 PM ET
Location: NYC – St. Marks Church –
131 East 10th Street at 2nd AvenueNew York, NY
Contact 212-714-4147 -
Free admission but donations to will be accepted.
Please join me! Thank you, Jesse – Editor,


DVD Producer Volunteer Wanted: If anyone in the NYC area can help me put together a simple DVD for public distribution please contact me at I would like someone who can help me mix digital video with wmv, mgp & avi videos as well as with graphics and power point slides. It is a simple project. If you know anyone who may want to volunteer some time please let me know. I will pay expenses, production fees and if possible I will pay for the service itself. Thank you.


YOUR DONATIONS ARE HELPING! We were able to purchase a video camera thanks to your donations! Being a bargain hunting consumer who does his homework before making a purchase I was able to buy a refurbished entry level Sony digital camcorder for only $200 ($100 discount)! I intend on taping my presentation at the St. Marks Church and making it available for all to view either on-line or on DVD. I have never done this before but I hope we are able to do this. The camera is not professional quality but we hope to get images that are high enough quality to share with the public. I want to thank the people who continue to support us! THANK YOU!


TVNL Editor's Comments: We Are All the April Fools of the Federal Reserve

Today is April Fools Day and there is no more appropriate day to take a closer look at society. Perhaps the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people of the world is the establishment the central banking system. Many of you do not know this but the Federal Reserve is not part of our government. They are a privately owned bank that has the power to dictate monetary policy in our nation. Yes, it is a private for-profit institution that is actually allowed to lend more money than it has, print money, set interest rates, decide on how much you pay for your homes and cars and essentially controls inflation, deflation, depressions economic stability and instability.

These are the people that lead us to wars and economic slavery. The people behind this scam essentially own all of our assets. I have posted part 1 of the Money Masters documentary so that you can learn about this not so secret secret. I ask that you take some time and watch it and learn how we live each day of our lives as the April Fools of the Federal Reserve! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Rice admits "thousands" of errors in Iraq - Local Muslims and anti-war activists told Rice to "Go Home" when British counterpart Jack Straw earlier led her on a tour of his home town of Blackburn in the industrial northwest, an area which rarely plays host to overseas politicians.

· Former US presidential advisor Brzezinski presents plan to quit Iraq - The plan would allow Washington to disengage gradually in Iraq, "without victory, but also without defeat," said Brzezinski, who worked for US President Jimmy Carter.
TVNL Comment: This is a powerful man who is one of the behind the scenes string pullers!





· Buckley Says Bush Will Be Judged on Iraq War, Now a `Failure' - Buckley said he doesn't have a formula for getting out of Iraq, though he said ``it's important that we acknowledge in the inner councils of state that it (the war) has failed, so that we should look for opportunities to cope with that failure.''

· John Dean Blasts Warrantless Eavesdropping - Nixon White House counselor John Dean asserted Friday that President Bush's domestic spying exceeds the wrongdoing that toppled his former boss from power, and Sen. Orrin Hatch snapped that Democrats were trying to "score political points" with a motion to censure Bush.




· We Are All the April Fools of the Federal Reserve - LINK - These are the people that lead us to wars and economic slavery. The people behind this scam essentially own all of our assets.



9/11 News :

· Watch Loose Change Second Edition On Line Free - Click Here! - This is a MUST watch video for anybody who wants to know more about the events of 9/11th

· Cheney Has a Slip of the Tongue - So we've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11.






· Former DeLay Aide Pleads Guilty - A former top aide to Rep. Tom DeLay pleaded guilty Friday to conspiracy and promised to cooperate with a federal investigation of bribery and lobbying fraud that has so far netted three convictions and prompted calls for ethics reform in Congress.

· Inside Trading: Congress for sale - It remains perfectly legal for a member of Congress to buy and sell stocks based on information that's not available to the public.

· Whistleblowers allege influence peddling by members of Congress, VP in Mexico wastewater project - An explosive report, obtained in part by RAW STORY, and soon to be released by the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), fingers high-level officials both on the federal and local California level in allegations of influence-peddling ensnaring members of both parties.





· 3 abused by priests file suits claiming illegal GOP meeting - Victims of sexual abuse by priests have filed two lawsuits accusing Speaker Jon Husted and seven other House Republicans of holding an illegal meeting before a House committee passed a hotly contested sex-offender bill this week.

· States Pressured to Certify Voting Machines - The 2006 deadline has passed, and pressure is being placed on states to comply with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). HAVA requires states to transition all voting machines to electronic and optical scan technologies in time for primary and mid-term elections of this year.

· Boston Archdiocese fires photographer who caught Scalia's obscene gesture - The hypocrisy of the Catholic Church -- especially the Archdiocese of Boston -- knows no bounds. When they're not defending child abusers, they're bashing gays. Now, they're defending and protecting Antonin Scalia. By now, everyone know Scalia made an obscene gesture and swore right in one of their churches. But, they are firing the photographer who busted Scalia:

· Sequoia E-Vote Systems Found 'Hackable' in PA, Testing Shut Down After Machine Failures! - 'Software Clearly Unstable,' Says Testing Official Who 'Transformed Handful of Votes into an Instant'!





· Feds' fuel rules come under fire - Yet the rules also take aim at a first-in-the-nation California law intended to fight global warming by curbing vehicles' carbon dioxide emissions. Increasing gas mileage is the most direct way of reducing those emissions. The Bush administration said such state regulations were "expressly pre-empted" by the new federal standards.

· Let Them Drink Sewage! - There are so many GOP scandals breaking every single moment that it is almost impossible to keep track of each and every high crime and misdemeanor. The latest corporate welfare project, brought to you by the good folks of the urinary executive persuasion, will soon have California residents drinking sewage directly out of the faucet while the EPA twirls about like a bureaucratic half-wit.





· Istanbul blast amid Kurd tension - A Kurdish separatist group, the TAK, said it carried out the attack in response to recent violence in the mainly Kurdish south-east of Turkey.





· US auditors fault Pentagon on bang for buck - The projected cost of major U.S. weapons has doubled under President George W. Bush to nearly $1.4 trillion, but the Pentagon is not getting enough bang for its buck, congressional investigators said in a report on Friday.

· Damage to the military will take years to repair - From the beginning of his current tour as defense secretary, Rumsfeld has shown an amazing ability to hear only advice that agrees with him. Contrary advice, especially from a uniformed expert in the subject of combat power, is met with swift retribution. Telling the truth in Rumsfeld's Pentagon will get you in trouble quicker than a tour of duty in Iraq's Triangle of Death.

· Getting America's Best? - It is good enough body armor that nine American generals in Afghanistan are wearing it in place of the standard "Interceptor OTV" armor issued to the troops they command. It offers such great protection that the U.S. Secret Service agents guarding the President of the United States wear it, and it is good enough that a civilian contractor in Iraq was shot eight times in the torso at close range and survived without even suffering soft tissue trauma. But the same armor, already in mass production, is apparently too expensive to provide to the men and women fighting and dying in the Global War on Terror (GWOT) every day.





· Ignorance by Content and Omission - As a nation and as a people we have come to where we are as a direct result of the information we receive through the commercial media. In terms of democracy creation the news is useless if its intent is to inform and to educate. It is effective if its intent is to purvey propaganda and to deceive the masses. So many well intentioned people fall in line behind the president because they fail to understand his policies.

· The Republicans are TRAITORS - They have made their stand, behind the most criminal, deceitful and incompetent President in the history of the United States of America -- and they will not be moved. Not by facts, not by arguments, not by the very Constitution they swore to uphold and defend.





· ABC Suspends Producer Over Bush-Bashing E-Mail - In one of the e-mails, written during the first presidential debate in 2004 and leaked to the Drudge Report, Green wrote to a colleague on his BlackBerry: "Are you watching this? Bush makes me sick. If he uses the 'mixed messages' line one more time, I'm going to puke."

· We honor Helen Thomas for asking the questions that affect all Americans! - Thank you Ms. Thomas for bringing up the Project for a New American Century in the corporate media and for asking the President the questions all Americans want answered about Iraq! Thank you for always siding on the side of truth and asking for others to do the same! We've got your back! Thank you, Ms. Thomas.

· New York Post gets down in the dumps - Tens of thousands of New York Posts were dumped at two recycling centers yesterday morning, just hours after being printed, in a bizarre circulation ploy that has already come to the attention of newspaper circulation authorities.
TVNL Comment: I love the NY makes a great liner for my parrot's cage!





· Some on Medicare May Have to Start Paying - A safeguard designed to ease elderly patients' transition into the Medicare drug program ended Friday, and that means some people will find they have to pay for their medicine out-of-pocket.

· FDA Staff Travels on Drug Industry Dollars - Groups tied to FDA-regulated industry paying for agency officials' trips










· CIA leak figure Armitage joins ConocoPhillips board - Oil major ConocoPhillips said on Friday that former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, a likely witness in the CIA leak case, has joined its board.

· Exposed: The Carlyle Group - Shocking documentary uncovers the subversion of Americas democracy. I defy you to watch this 48 minute documentary and not be outraged about the depth of corruption and deceit within the highest ranks of our government.





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