Date: October 29th 2006

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: America Did Not Make Iraq’s Violence “Worse”; They Made it “Happen!”

No matter how hard the media works to keep Americans stupid the people of this great nation remain smarter than they think; only they don’t know it. The current message coming out of our media via the people who really run our government is that our presence in Iraq is making the violence in Iraq worse. This is clearly a pre-packaged excuse for bringing troops home and blaming the violence on the Iraqis, al Qaeda, Iran, Syria, the devil, liberals, Michael Moore, Nancy Pelosi, Susan Sarandon, NY Yankee Alex Rodriguez and anyone who did not want to launch this war based on lies. I forgot one…the Dixie Chicks!

Well Americans understand the logic of who really is at fault for the violence; only many of them don’t know it. We have laws in this nation that holds bars and bartenders responsible for allowing someone to get so drunk that they cause harm by driving drunk. Parents in this nation are held responsible for the actions of their children and can be arrested if their child commits a crime with their handgun. People in this nation even take issue when criminals are given light sentences by judges and then commit more crimes as soon as they get out of prison. We often become outraged and the “liberal” judge who did not protect society from the criminal.

Americans know that criminals often have support and sometimes they even have sponsors. Americans even realize that sometimes the criminal is sometimes not even the person who committed the crime; sometimes the real criminal is the one who creates a situation where someone who would never have committed a crime commits one. We have seen this in real life and we have seen this in movies. Americans understand this concept better than they realize.

The problem today, thanks to our criminal news media, is that Americans are not viewing the violence in Iraq for what it is. It is a lawless out of control situation that was created by one thing and one thing only; Americas invasion of Iraq. That is it. That is the only cause, the only reason and the only explanation for every single death that has occurred in Iraq for over three years. Every single bit of violence is the sole responsibility of the people who decided to invade that nation and unleash the ethnic hostilities what were kept in check by Saddam Hussein. Anyone looking at this situation must eventually acknowledge the greatness of Saddam as compared with America. While America can not stop the violence between the warring factions in Iraq in even one city Saddam was able, via strong-arm measures keep his nation calm and quiet.

Saddam killed Iraqis who were causing him trouble; we kill Iraqis who cause us trouble Saddam tortured Iraqis who opposed him. America tortured Iraqis for various reasons; none of which were explained. Saddam’s killings and torture kept his nation calm; America’s killings and torture has stirred up violence not seen in that region in generations.

The difference is that Saddam’s cruel and tyrannical rule kept Iraq relatively peaceful where people lived in fear, but they did live. America on the other hand, in taking over Saddam’s role, has created a hellish environment of death and destruction. Another difference between America and Saddam is that Saddam’s rise to power did not cause the sectarian hostilities in Iraq; you can blame Britain for that one. He just chose to use a tyrannical rule to control people who do not seem to respond to democratic rule. I don’t understand how Americans do not see this at this point. Iraqis seem to have issues and Democracy is not going stop them from addressing them. (This is a big “I/we told you so” moment in history!)

One day perhaps a majority of Americans will use the logic that they already have and apply it to issues that may make them a bit uncomfortable because it exposes some sad and disturbing things about their own nation. As sad and as disturbing as it may be the fact remains; America created the violence that exists in Iraq today. So it really does not matter if our current actions are fueling the violence because the violence itself is already America’s responsibility. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· America Did Not Make Iraq’s Violence “Worse”; They Made it “Happen!” - The problem today, thanks to our criminal news media, is that Americans are not viewing the violence in Iraq for what it is. It is a lawless out of control situation that was created by one thing and one thing only; Americas invasion of Iraq. That is it. That is the only cause, the only reason and the only explanation for every single death that has occurred in Iraq for over three years.

· Operation enduring chaos: The retreat of the coalition & rise of the militias - Iraq's savage sectarian war, with its indiscriminate torture and killings, is an even greater obstacle to peace than the insurgency. What will happen to the country when the coalition troops eventually pull out? Kim Sengupta reports

· U.S. strike kills 6 Iraqis, women, children-doctor - Six Iraqis including three women and two children were killed in a U.S. air strike in the city of Ramadi in Iraq's western Anbar province on Saturday, a doctor at Ramadi hospital said.

· Secret Cabinet memo admits Iraq is fuelling UK terror - But the memo leaves no doubt that all foreign policy must be driven by the goal of thwarting terrorism in Britain. It demands a "significant reduction in the number and intensity of the regional conflicts that fuel terror activity".

· Afghanistan war is 'cuckoo', says Blair's favourite general - Tony Blair's most trusted military commander yesterday branded as 'cuckoo' the way Britain's overstretched army was sent into Afghanistan.

· Taliban plan to fight through winter to throttle Kabul - The Taliban are planning a major winter offensive combining their diverse factions in a push on the Afghan capital, Kabul, intelligence analysts and sources among the militia have revealed.

· Top U.S. Military Officer Recommends ‘We Remove All Troops From Baghdad - President Bush has consistently said that his strategy in Iraq is dictated by military officials on the ground. Last night on the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, columnist Mark Shields revealed that one of the “highest ranking men” in the military has recommended removing all U.S. troops from Baghdad.





· How the Bush Family Makes a Killing from George's Presidency - In short, the "results are very good" for the Bush dynasty, perhaps even "better than expected," thanks to George's stint in the Oval Office. Dad's still setting up international deals. Uncle Bucky's cashing in his stock options. Brothers Neil and Marvin are laughing all the way to the bank. It's just the American people who have paid the ultimate price.




· GAO chief warns economic disaster looms - There's a good reason politicians don't like to talk about the nation's long-term fiscal prospects.

· Nearly 1.5 Million Back-Office U.S. Jobs Seen Moving Abroad - The Fortune 500 could save $58 billion annually if it shifts about half of its general and administrative workforce abroad over the next decade, a Hackett Group research study finds.



9/11 News :


· Rockefeller Predicted "Event" To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11 - Russo related how Rockefeller knew precisely what the event would lead to and which countries would be militarily targeted by the elite.

· Dr. David Ray Griffin Interview in Copenhagen and an Appeal to the European Community - VIDEO






· Forget Her "Pledge" Not to Impeach, She Took an Oath to Defend the Constitution - What Stahl should have asked Pelosi was whether she thought that President Bush had violated the law and the Constitution, and whether she believed he has committed impeachable offenses. The answer to that is clearly yes.





· Forget Her "Pledge" Not to Impeach, She Took an Oath to Defend the Constitution - What Stahl should have asked Pelosi was whether she thought that President Bush had violated the law and the Constitution, and whether she believed he has committed impeachable offenses. The answer to that is clearly yes.





· Ky. gets money for coal technology - U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman announced on Friday $450 million in grants over the next decade to further research into technology that would lessen the environmental impacts of coal use.

· Climate change 'hitting Africa' - Climate change is already affecting people across Africa and will wipe out efforts to tackle poverty there unless urgent action is taken, a report says.





· U.S. to Rebuild Mdeirej Bridge Destroyed by Israel - The United States will pay to rebuild the Mdeirej bridge in Lebanon, the highest in the Middle East, which was damaged by Israeli bombardment during the July-August war, a senior U.S. official has said.
TVNL Comment: Why are we doing this? Did you approve this? Were you asked about this by our democracy based government?

· Sandinista comeback alarms US - Ortega, ousted in a 1990 election after his Sandinista government had fought a civil war against US-backed Contra guerrillas, has reinvented himself as a moderate and a reconciler who will bring jobs and growth.





· Kidnapped soldier 'had secret wife' - AN American soldier who was kidnapped this week in Baghdad had left his base to visit his secret Iraqi wife, a relative said on condition the family not be identified.

· How do military personnel handle illegal orders in war? - Legal analysts, combat veterans and a former Marine drill instructor said military law is clear: An illegal order, especially one likely to result in injury or death, should not be obeyed.

· Third Soldier Charged With Rape, Murder - The Army arraigned a 101st Airborne Division soldier Friday who was charged with raping and killing a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and killing three others in her family.
TVNL Comment: Support the troops.





· A Message from Jerry Falwell to BuzzFlash Telling Christians to Vote for the Heathen GOP Leaders - What’s so morally totally reprehensible about it is not that it urges a "Christian" vote for Republican leaders in a partisan fashion, which is disgusting in and of itself. Rather it is that it still holds out to the fundamentalist base that the Republican Party is Godly and morally sound.

· Ruining America - The president declared himself confident that Republicans would sweep to victory and maintain their stranglehold on both houses of a Congress that's done nothing but rubberstamp Bush's war policies and Republican efforts to enrich their fat-cat donors and themselves, of course. If he's right and that's the result of the Nov. 7 elections, then the American people will finally have fulfilled H.L. Mencken's prophecy that we'd continue choosing the lowest common denominator until, in the end, we get precisely the government we deserve.





· China Puts Satellite Into Orbit - The satellite, known as Sinosat-2, was built by the China Academy of Space Technology for the Sino Satellite Communications Co., or Sinosat, a state-run provider of satellite communications. Sinosat-2 is designed to provide broader coverage of TV signals and allow for more digital and live broadcast TV services, Xinhua said.










· Robert Fisk: Mystery of Israel's secret uranium bomb - Did Israel use a secret new uranium-based weapon in southern Lebanon this summer in the 34-day assault that cost more than 1,300 Lebanese lives, most of them civilians?

· UK paper: Israel used 'uranium bombs' - According to the report, scientists found two soil samples thrown up by Israeli heavy or guided bombs which showed "elevated radiation signatures." "Scientific evidence gathered from at least two bomb craters in Khiam and At-Tiri, the scene of fierce fighting between Hizbullah guerrillas and Israeli troops last July and August suggests that uranium-based munitions may now also be included in Israel's weapons inventory - and were used against targets in Lebanon," it said.

· Childen Visit Dads in Prison. Families Can't. - Israel does not allow most Palestinian families to visit their relatives in prisons. So children, some as young as 4, take buses for 20 hours for a 45 minute visit.










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