Date: November 3rd 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!




TvNewsLIES Headline News


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THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Stop Everything!

I am going to say this to anyone who gives a damn about democracy: we can not continue to play along and permit the people who hold elected offices to maintain any authority over us unless we verify the electoral process. If we close our eyes to the very real problem of fixed elections we are voluntarily succumbing to a dictatorship and we are willingly pretending that it is something other than that. If we do not insist on verifiable fully transparent elections we are surrendering our democracy to criminals. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Police find 57 murdered in Baghdad in 24 hours - Police in Baghdad found 56 bodies and a severed head over the past 24 hours in various parts of the capital, the highest daily figure since the end of Ramadan, an Interior Ministry source said on Friday.

· Iraq a 'work of art in progress' says US general after 49 die - An American general in Baghdad called Iraq a "work of art" in progress yesterday in one of the most extraordinary attempts by the US military leadership to put a positive spin on the worsening violence.

· November off to bloody start in Iraq - A blood-drenched October has passed into a violent early November as a motorcycle rigged with explosives ripped through a crowded Shiite market in Sadr City on Thursday and suspected Sunni insurgent gunmen killed a Shiite dean of Baghdad University.





· Bush owes troops an apology, not Kerry - Olbermann: Bush ‘appearing to be stupid’ about Kerry’s joke




· Ford Cuts Health Benefits, Merit Pay - Salaried workers at Ford Motor Co. won't get pay raises next year and they'll pay more for health insurance under benefit changes announced by the struggling automaker.

· US credit quality in 25-year retreat toward junk-S&P - U.S. corporate credit quality has been on a 25-year decline toward junk status, with almost half of all companies now rated below investment grade, Standard & Poor's said on Thursday.

· The rich are getting much richer, much faster than everyone else - Over the past quarter-century, and especially in the last 10 years, America's very rich have grown much richer. No one else fared as well.
TVNL Comment: That is how capitalism works. Did you ever play Monopoly? How many people win?



9/11 News :


· Backers hail 9/11 theorist's speech - A startlingly large percentage of the population simply doesn't believe the official explanation for the towers' fall.

· Nun who helped at Ground Zero dies - A nun who said her lungs were permanently damaged after she spent six months at ground zero following the Sept. 11 attacks has died.






· Congress Tells Auditor in Iraq to Close Office - And tucked away in a huge military authorization bill that President Bush signed two weeks ago is what some of Mr. Bowen’s supporters believe is his reward for repeatedly embarrassing the administration: a pink slip.

· Big Oil's 10 favorite members of Congress - Wonder why we don't have a national energy policy or a serious push toward alternatives? Follow the money that oil and gas companies send to Congress.





· The Two Faces of Diebold - Stunning Document Surfaces to Show That America's #1 Voting Machine Manufacturer Hides Security and Operation Flaws from The State of Maryland and the Country

· Ad Challenges Voters To Read List Of GOP Scandals In One Breath... - VIDEO

· U.S. Web Archive Is Said to Reveal a Nuclear Primer - Last March, the federal government set up a Web site to make public a vast archive of Iraqi documents captured during the war.

· Democrats Are Still Fired Up Over A Manual - The manual in question encourages Republican poll workers to challenge the eligibility of the voters.

· GOP sees drop in number of voters - The number of registered Republicans in Massachusetts has fallen by more than by 31,000 since the state elected Governor Mitt Romney four years ago, in a 6 percent drop that puts GOP ranks at their lowest point in six years, according to a count released yesterday.
TVNL Comment: But let's see how the voting machines count the votes anyway!

· State Rep Reports ES&S Touch-Screens Dropping Candidate Names, Flipping Straight Ticket Ballots from Democratic to Republican in San Antonio! - The drumbeat of reports from around the country of touch-screen voting machines failing during Early Voting continues to grow. These aren't "glitches." These are failures.
TVNL Comment: Correction: These aren't failures, they are features!

· Indictment: Crooked deputies sold guns, drugs to public - A Virginia sheriff covered up a scheme in which a dozen of his deputies sold seized guns and drugs to the public, a federal indictment alleges.

· Official States Electronic Voting System Added Votes Never Cast in 2004 Presidential Election - This is the first time a Republican Director of a Board of Elections in Ohio has, after being confronted with massive evidence of electronic tabulation miscount, remarked "that the counting machines must have added votes to reach the certified totals".

· HERE WE GO AGAIN: 'Just Push the Yellow Button and Vote as Many Times as You Want' on Sequoia Touch-Screen Voting Machines! - It seems there's a little yellow button on the back of every touch-screen computer made by Sequoia Voting Systems, that allows any voter, or poll worker, or precinct inspector to set the system into "Manual Mode" allowing them to cast as many votes as they want.
TVNL Comment: Keep in mind this is not a flaw, it is a feature!





· State's shrinking glaciers: Going ... going ... gone? - While glaciers have ebbed and flowed through the region for millennia — the land where Seattle now stands was once beneath more than half a mile of ice — scientists say global warming is at least partly to blame this time.





· French Magistrate Says Iraqi Terrorist Veterans Threaten Europe - The biggest terrorist threat facing Europe comes from Islamic radicals who went to Iraq to fight alongside the insurgents and are now returning home to carry out new attacks, said Jean-Louis Bruguiere, France's leading anti- terrorist investigator.

· Carter Says Claim That North Korea Cheated `Completely False' - ``It lasted until 2002 when the United States in effect abandoned that agreement and branded North Korea as an axis of evil,'' Carter, 82, said in an interview to be broadcast this weekend on ``Conversations with Judy Woodruff'' on Bloomberg Television. Carter also said the U.S. further undermined the agreement by condemning summit meetings that took place in 2000 between North Korea and South Korea.

· Vietnam charges 3 U.S. citizens with 'terrorism' - Three Vietnamese-born U.S. citizens and four Vietnamese will be prosecuted on charges of plotting against the nation's communist government, officials said on Thursday in a move that could complicate efforts to improve trade ties.

· Britons: Bush threat to world peace - British voters see US President Bush as a greater threat to world peace than either the North Korean leader or the Iranian president, according to a poll.





· 9,300 reservists to be mobilized over next 12 months - That figure means that nearly one in three available reservists — not counting the 38,000 who have already been mobilized and the approximately 5,000 listed as not deployable for medical, dental, or other administrative reasons — will mobilize during the next year for deployments ranging from six months to more than one year.

· E-Mail Ballots for Military Questioned - In a letter to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, Democratic Rep. Rush Holt said the electronic registration and voting service is well-intentioned, but could expose troops to identity theft, or allow hackers or others to tamper with the ballots when they are in transit.





· How Neocon Favorites Duped U.S. - When American voters go to the polls on Nov. 7, one of the foremost questions that should be on their minds is how did the United States get into the Iraq mess, which has claimed the lives of more than 2,800 U.S. soldiers and possibly hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.





· Kidnapped Iraqi Journalist Found Dead - Reporters Without Borders "condemned the murder of Iraqi freelance journalist" Abdul-Majid Ismail Khalil who was kidnapped on Oct. 18 in Baghdad's eastern Jamila neighborhood.

· Fox News ratings take a steep tumble - Fox News’s total audience fell 24 percent in the past year, to 1.3 million viewers from 1.7 million, and its key primetime audience, viewers ages 25-54, was down 7 percent in October on a year-to-year basis, to an average 363,000 viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research data.





· Medicare Cuts Payments For Many Services 5% - Doctors caring for the elderly and the disabled will see a 5 percent cut in reimbursement rates when they treat Medicare patients next year.
TVNL Comment:
America, where the people who need the most help get the least help.





· An Abu Ghraib Offender Heads Back to Iraq - A military dog handler convicted for his role in the prisoner abuse scandal has been ordered back to help train the country's police





· Two versions of Dubya’s Yale grades - Grades publicly released for George W. Bush at Yale (1964-1968) apparently differ from grade records for Bush stored in his residential hall on campus. The published grades are better than the grades stored in earlier records.

· Church Leader Says Haggard Admits To Some Indiscretions - After Pastor Ted Haggard went public Wednesday night denying allegations of a homosexual affair, senior church officials told KKTV 11News Thursday evening, Pastor Ted Haggard has admitted to some of the claims made by a former male escort.

· 5 Jewish Brooklyn Teens Charged In Hate Crime - The charges stem from an apparent assault of a Pakistani man.





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