Date: November 5th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!




TvNewsLIES Headline News


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THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: A Shameful and Embarrassing America

While a war based on the pure lies of the Machiavelli Bush administration, a human and civil rights record comparable with Stalin’s Russia and a deplorable genocidal environmental policy can pretty much stifle the pride of any American who lives in the reality based world, having global headlines addressing the very real election fraud issues in this “beacon of democracy” may be just about the most embarrassing legacy gifted to us by the criminals who run this nation.

The English language needs a new word because the word hypocrisy is simply not strong enough to describe the efforts of a government hell bent on destroying democracy here at home to spread this perverted brand of democracy around the world.

The Bush administration has been pretty straight forward with the American people although most people don’t realize it. They speak about freedom and an ownership society but we don’t realize what they actually mean. They are indeed creating freedom; freedom for powerful rich people to run this nation free of legal restrictions. The ownership society means that they want the owners of the society to be able to own more of the society. They say it; the media spins it and the blind faithful swallow it with no questions asked.

Although Americans are told things they still don’t see them. During election day 2004 NY Republican Congressman Peter King was at a barbeque standing beside George W. Bush was video taped saying about the presidential election, "It's already over". "The elections over". "We won". "It's all over but the counting and we'll take care of the counting". That very night George W. Bush indeed “won” the election although the exit polls indicated otherwise. America brushed this off. Would the media and the Bush faithful say had Hugo Chavez been the president in this video?

The other night on CNN Lou, jump on the election fraud expose bandwagon six years later than a journalist should have Dobbs, ran a report on the very real crisis known as American election fraud. During that report he did a piece describing the Chavez election during witch electronic voting machines were used. The owners of the company that manufacturers the voting had ties to the Chavez administration; although we were never told what “ties” they actually had. There was an “expert” on the program who described how the American run exit polls indicated a Chavez loss and that the election was very likely stolen. Well the story paralleled both Bush “elections” exactly but Dobbs never mentioned this. What a surprise.

Now international headlines are drawing attention to America’s election fraud. How humiliating is that? We now have nothing left to hang our red white and blue hats on. The NBA can’t even win on an international stage anymore. I can not think of a single thing about this nation that we can still take pride in; at least nothing that separates us from other nations. For my entire life I have been told that I was lucky to live in the greatest nation in the world and for my entire I life I was told that the reason my nation was so great is because although imperfect our form of government was the best on Earth. What a joke that turned out to be. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Iraqis think few U.S. troops are fighting for them - Ask an Iraqi what American troops are fighting for in Iraq, and the answer likely will be: not for me.

· Saddam Hussein sentenced to death by hanging - Also sentenced to death were Barzan Hassan, Saddam Hussein's half-brother and former head of the intelligence agency, and Awad Bandar, the former chief judge of the Revolutionary Court.

· Iraqis getting taboo tattoos as identification in case of death - Iraqis turn to tattoos -- an Islamic sin -- to ID them if they are slain.

· The more-than-$2-trillion war - Two scholars, one a Nobel Prize winner, revisit their estimate of the true cost of the Iraq war – and find that $2 trillion was too low. They consider not only the current and future budgetary costs, but the economic impact of lives lost, jobs interrupted and oil prices driven higher by political uncertainty in the Middle East.

· 1999 war games foresaw problems in Iraq - The U.S. government conducted a series of secret war games in 1999 that anticipated an invasion of Iraq would require 400,000 troops, and even then chaos might ensue.

· Perle says he should not have backed Iraq war - Richard N. Perle, the former Pentagon advisor regarded as the intellectual godfather of the Iraq war, now believes he should not have backed the U.S.-led invasion, and he holds President Bush responsible for failing to make timely decisions to stem the rising violence, according to excerpts from a magazine interview.

· Conservatives challenge Iraq policy - A leading conservative proponent of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq now says dysfunction within the Bush administration has turned U.S. policy there into a disaster.
TVNL Comment: First of all it is not conservatives, it is NEOconservatives. Second of all it is THIER policy and it was doomed for failure from the start!





· Vice-President Cheney Tells Public, On Iraq, Their Opinion Doesn't Matter - Vice-President Cheney also refused to comment on a recent Vanity Fair article that two of the Pentagon's most ardent supporters of the conflict in Iraq, Richard Perle and Ken Adleman, now say they wouldn't have supported the invasion if they had known how incompetently the administration would handle it.

· Neo Culpa - LINK - In a series of exclusive interviews, Richard Perle, Kenneth Adelman, David Frum, and others play the blame game with shocking frankness.

· Saddam verdict date 'rigged' for Bush - "This court is a creature of the US military occupation, and the Iraqi court is just a tool and rubber stamp of the invaders," insisted Dulaimi.

· Court halts release of Cheney visitor logs - Three appeals judges agree to suspend a ruling that ordered the release of information about the vice president's visitors until after the midterm election.
TVNL Comment: Sure, we would not want the people of this nation to have information that may allow them to make an informed decision during an election!







9/11 News :


· 911 'No-Planes' Conspirators Seek To Sabotage Truth - And they make it clear that one reason they "hate" all the "truthlings" -- whom they slander as "racists" and "white supremacists" (always totally wrong -- a lie that is the exact opposite of the truth) -- they always heap their contempt on anyone whose findings point to Zionists or Israel being involved in 9-11.






· Foreign Lobbies Took the Guise Of Nonprofits - Early last year, two little-known nonprofit groups paid for Rep. John T. Doolittle (R-Calif.) and his 12-year-old daughter to travel to South Korea and Malaysia. Their last stop was the Berjaya Beach & Spa Resort on the Malaysian island of Langkawi, where they bunked at an oceanfront chalet staffed with a personal butler, got massages and rode water scooters on Burau Bay. - Doolittle's junket, which cost $29,400, was among the most expensive privately sponsored trips by members of Congress in recent years.





· What The Experts Say About Electronic Voting - Here is a sobering collection of quotes about electronic voting by experts around the country prepared by Kathy Dopps,National Election Data Archive. All of our elected officials should read it, and then take the appropriate actions needed to protect our democracy.

· O'Connor worries about courts' autonomy - Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said she fears judges are under growing political attack nationwide.

· Al Qaeda Leader: Materials Smuggled Across Border - A NEWSCHANNEL 5 investigation reveals what the feds don't want you to know. Suspected terrorists are hiding inside the U.S. and they got here by sneaking across the Mexican border.

· E-voting and voter registration: The vendors - Who's building the gear that's running the show?

· U.S. Attorney's Office: We're ready to investigate election fraud - In a preemptive move that underscores the highly partisan and tightly contested races for public office that will be decided next week, the Maryland U.S. Attorney's office said Wednesday that federal prosecutors and FBI agents are prepared to review and investigate allegations of election fraud.

· GOP Laying Grounds to Declare Fraud in Tennessee Election… - Drudge Gets the Ball Rolling, Everyone Else in the Corporate Media Follows Dutifully

· Those Damned Machines: Cui Bono? - So we have a CIA/military private firm that programmed the security in the voting machines for companies owned by some of the largest military contractors in the country. - Our voting is now in the hands of defense mega-contractors and former top-ranking military and intelligence officials. Think maybe they have a vested interest in controlling the result?

· Ohio Democrats sue to add election-day observers - The Ohio Democratic Party on Friday asked a judge to force Secretary of State Ken Blackwell — the Republican candidate for governor — to allow the party to add up to 300 observers to witness Tuesday's election.

· Calif. schools to fingerprint students - A plan to fingerprint elementary school students when they buy lunch has some parents worrying that Big Brother has come to the cafeteria.





· REPORT ON WIDESPREAD ROCKET FUEL POLLUTION IN NATION'S FOOD AND WATER - Scientists warn that the chemical, known as perchlorate, could cause thyroid deficiency in more than 2.2 million women of childbearing age.

· Merkel Calls for EU Climate Change Strategy - Europe needs to take the lead on tackling climate change and develop a unified strategy for when the Kyoto Protocol expires, German Chancellor Merkel after a meeting with British Prime Minister Blair.





· US TOURIST PUSHES BRITISH HOMELESS MAN INTO PARIS RIVER - The homeless man, a British citizen aged 35, tried to prevent the American from taking the photo and a fight broke out between the two men, during which the tourist pushed the Briton into the water.

· Bush Is The Biggest Worry 'Round the World - Anyone who's traveled abroad since Bush launched the war in Iraq probably has heard the same, and is probably similarly desirous of pointing out how differently he is than those Americans who approve of Bush.

· U.S. involvement sparks dispute in Nicaragua - The United States has kicked up a new storm in Nicaragua, one of its Cold War battlefields, over its efforts to derail former Marxist revolutionary Daniel Ortega's latest bid to return to power.

· Use of electronic voting machines suspended - “Electronic voting machines have been the object of criticism and concern not only here on Guam, but throughout the nation as well,” Gov. Felix Camacho said. “The issues and lawsuits that have been raised as a result of our most recent Primary Election have demonstrated that until proper precautionary measures are in place to protect our voters, we cannot rely on the accuracy of these machines.”

· Russia Reacts Angrily to U.S. Warnings over Baltic Sea Gas Pipeline - A crane installs a segment of the North European Gas pipeline near the town of Tikhvin, Russia / Photo: AFP A crane installs a segment of the North European Gas pipeline near the town of Tikhvin, Russia / Photo: AFP Russia Reacts Angrily to U.S. Warnings over Baltic Sea Gas Pipeline Created: 03.11.2006 11:51 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 11:51 MSK MosNews You're the 1,000,000th VISITOR! YOU'VE WON A FREE* LAPTOP! Claim within Seconds! Click Here to Claim!!!! *Participation Required On Thursday, Nov. 2, the Russian Foreign Ministry angrily criticized a U.S. diplomat’s warning to the European Union that a prospective gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea could further increase its energy dependence on Russia.

· Israel bombards Gaza with deadly air strikes - Eight Palestinians were killed in after-dark aerial attacks following violence in which 11 other people, including two women, were killed by Israeli fire, bringing the total Palestinian death toll to 35 in just three days.





· U.S. stops plan to return convicted soldier to Iraq - U.S. military commanders reversed plans to send a soldier convicted of offenses at the Abu Ghraib prison back to Iraq after news media disclosed the deployment, the U.S. Army said on Friday.

· Possible Iraq Deployments Would Stretch Reserve Force - The Army's National Guard and Reserve are bracing for possible new and accelerated call-ups, spurred by high demand for U.S. troops in Iraq, that leaders caution could undermine the citizen-soldier force as it struggles to rebuild. - A more sweeping policy shift is under consideration that would allow the Pentagon to launch a new wave of involuntary mobilizations of the reserves, as a growing proportion of Guard and Reserve soldiers are nearing a 24-month limit on time deployed, they said. Army officials said no decision had been made on the politically sensitive topic but that serious deliberations will unfold in the coming months.

· AWOL soldier's travails give pause to others who fled to Canada - But after hearing that a fellow former soldier who surrendered to the military and was ordered to return to his unit instead of being discharged, Glass may not return at all.

· Army general issues appeal to keep military ranks filled - "We need to remind people we are at war," Honore said.
TVNL Comment: WE need to remind the general that WE started this war!

· Reid: Military Papers Are Right; Bush Must Face the Truth and Rumsfeld Must Go - The following is a statement by Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid on calls by the Army Times, Air Force Times, Navy Times and Marine Corps Times for Rumsfeld to resign.
TVNL Comment: It won't happen because one can not fire his boss!





· A Shameful and Embarrassing America - Now international headlines are drawing attention to America’s election fraud. How humiliating is that?





· Kansas abortion MD wants O'Reilly probe - An abortion doctor plans to ask for an investigation of the state attorney general and Bill O'Reilly over comments by the Fox television host that he got information from Kansas abortion records, the doctor's attorneys said Saturday.















· Haggard resigns from Colorado church - Board finds evangelical leader guilty of ‘sexually immoral conduct’





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