Date: November 6th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!




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THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Let Iraq Solve “Their Own” Problems?

I am hearing a lot of talking heads speaking about pulling troops out of Iraq because they (and other nations in the middle east, make that other than Israel) “should solve their own problems.” I have a better suggestion for the future…how about letting other nations “create” their own problems! From the British Empire to the American secretive black op driven foreign policy apparatus it sure seems like many trouble regions in this world have bloody Anglo fingerprints on them! I almost forgot to mention the painfully obvious problems in Iraq caused by the even more obvious American invasion!

So while I agree that America should let other nations solve their own problems in many cases I think it would be a better idea if we stopped creating or fueling those problems in the first place! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Saddam sentence: Justice or travesty? - How any Christian, or follower of any main religion, can rejoice at a death sentence being passed, defies logic. The decision to murder Saddam Hussein by hanging is the latest in a string of actions which have flouted international law in recent years.

· Two Marines, One Soldier Killed in Al Anbar - The names of the deceased are being withheld pending notification of next of kin and release by the Department of Defense.

· The Lie Factory - The inside story of how the Bush administration pushed disinformation and bogus intelligence and led the nation to war.
TVNL Comment: This is old news. Why is it just getting reported?

· US accused of breeding extremism in Iraq - An Iraqi parliamentary delegation has accused the US army in Iraq of breeding extremism by carrying out an "irresponsible arrest campaign".

· C.I.A. Review Highlights Afghan Leader’s Woes - The assessment also found that increasing numbers of Afghans viewed Mr. Karzai’s government as corrupt, failing to deliver promised reconstruction and too weak to protect the country from rising Taliban attacks.

· Iran: The Next War - Even before the bombs fell on Baghdad, a group of senior Pentagon officials were plotting to invade another country. Their covert campaign once again relied on false intelligence and shady allies. But this time, the target was Iran.

· Iraq for Sale: Director Robert Greenwald on Real Time - Robert Greenwald, Director of the new film Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers, talks to Bill Maher about the egregious war profiteering taking place in Iraq by private companies like Halliburton, CACI, Bechtel and Blackwater.
TVNL Comment: offers many of Mr. Greenwald's DVDs in our Donations section.

· Fighting erupts in Baghdad after verdict - Fighting has broken out in Baghdad between Sunnis and the Iraqi army after Saddam Hussein, the former president, was sentenced to death.





· Limiting the Damage - President Bush isn’t on the ballot tomorrow. But this election is, nonetheless, all about him. The question is whether voters will pry his fingers loose from at least some of the levers of power, thereby limiting the damage he can inflict in his two remaining years in office.


· GOP Must Go - The meaning of this election will be interpreted in one of two ways: the American people endorsed the Bush presidency or they did what they could to repudiate it.

· End of the Neo-Cons - The great unwinding of the American "benign global hegemony" first heralded by neo-cons William Kristol and Robert Kagan in 1996 will commence after the election, when America's political leadership will abandon Iraq and the neo-cons.
TVNL Comment: Don't be so sure!

· Cheney Would “Probably Not” Appear If Subpoenaed - It is still amazing how things change over time. Remember when Clinton was subpoenaed by Starr? He was refusing to appear and the Republicans thought that was serious:




· Once Safe, Public Pensions Are Now Facing Cuts - Years of supporting court interpretations have enshrined the view that once a public employee has earned a pension, no one can take it away. Even during New York City’s fiscal crisis 30 years ago, no existing pension promises were reduced. But now a number of state and local governments are quietly challenging those guarantees.

· High paying factory jobs continue to be replaced by low paying service industry jobs - While the unemployment rate fell by its lowest rate since May 2001 last month - the news isn't rosy in all sectors.
TVNL Comment: But you would not know that by listening to the administration parrot corporate media as they simply repeat the simple sound bytes that get approved by the powers behind the scene.



9/11 News :


· 911 Dutch Treat? - And so, we are supposed to believe that even as multiple NORAD drills were underway, video surveillance tapes from multiple cameras at multiple locations in three different "Category X" high security international airports just happened to fail to capture images of ANY of the passengers - the good, the bad and the ugly - about to board the ill-fated flights of 9/11!






· FBI willing to go undercover in Congress if necessary - The new chief of the FBI's Criminal Division, which is swamped with public corruption cases, says the bureau is ramping up its ability to catch crooked politicians and might run an undercover sting on Congress.

· More on what we're hearing about GOP dirty phone tricks in the New York 19th Congressional District. - Three TPM readers have reported a phone scam with a double whammy. The call purports to be for John Hall, the Democratic challenger, but makes negative assertions about Hall.

· The Difference Two Years Made - Republican leaders, particularly in the House, have developed toxic symptoms of an overconfident majority that has been too long in power. They methodically shut the opposition — and even the more moderate members of their own party — out of any role in the legislative process. Their only mission seems to be self-perpetuation.





· Republican "fake phone call" scandal spreads - now in Philly too - They're doing it across the country - Kansas, NH, and now PA. This is the Republican October Surprise, launched in November. It's to cheat, pretend that they are Democrats calling voters and then piss the voters off so much that they don't vote for the Democrats.

· What Is The FBI Doing? - An Essay in Pictures

· Report: Feds Refusing FBI Terror Cases - The Justice Department increasingly has refused to prosecute FBI cases targeting suspected terrorists over the past five years, according to private researchers who reviewed department records. - The government says the findings are inaccurate and "intellectually dishonest."

· 'THE PENTAGON PAPERS OF E-VOTING' - Previously Unreleased 200-Page Report Said to Document Some 180 Security Flaws and Recommendations Made to Diebold and the State

· Less Freedom on the Way to America - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has proposed a system which will in essence make it mandatory for you to have permission before leaving or entering the country, effectively putting everyone on a no-fly list unless the government says otherwise. Interestingly, the proposal does not seem to cover personal travel, only that on some sort of carrier like an airline or cruise vessel.

· Registered Republicans Less Enthusiastic About Voting Than Democrats - The G.O.P. also faces a stark drop-off in support from evangelicals and men, according to a new survey
TVNL Comment: But they will find some way of explaining the election results which will be altered by massive fraud!

· Automated GOP calls may break N.H. law - The National Republican Congressional Committee acknowledges that its automated phone program on behalf of a local congressman may violate New Hampshire law, but said that it would continue, despite opposition from local party leaders.

· State Advises Counties Not To Scan Absentee Ballots Early - COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The secretary of state's office urged counties Saturday not to begin scanning absentee ballots before Election Day because of security concerns, a day after a judge ruled scanning could start Monday.

· Columbus Ohio - predicts OHIO DEM LANDSLIDE - Let's see if criminals steal this one.

· The Roberts Court Takes on Abortion - THE arguments the Supreme Court will hear on Wednesday on the constitutionality of the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act promise much more than a resumption of a familiar debate over a method of terminating a pregnancy.





· U.S. defends itself on global warming - He was asked at a news conference whether reported pressure from British Prime Minister Tony Blair might have led to a change of attitude in the Bush administration toward Kyoto-style controls. "I certainly got no indication that there's any change in our position," the U.S. negotiator replied, "nor is there likely to be during this presidency."





· World Reacts To Saddam Verdict - Underscoring the fault lines that split the international community and widened the divide between Muslims and Christians, Islamic leaders warned that the verdict could inflame those who revile the United States — undermining U.S. policy in the volatile Middle East and inspiring terrorists to strike.

· Western firms doing business in N. Korea - U.S. regulations allow American companies to trade with North Korea under limited conditions, though tensions between the governments and lack of diplomatic relations raises the risk of doing business. Britain, Germany, Sweden and other Western governments, meanwhile, have official relations with Pyongyang.





· Groups at odds with Pentagon over e-mail ballots - System carries risk of vote tampering, identity theft





· No Elections in 2008? - Let me give you a formula for a coup d’État:

· Who is Holding Peace Hostage? - This ad is reported to be running in today's New York Times, Nov. 5.





· Murdoch says US death toll in Iraq 'minute' - Media mogul Rupert Murdoch said on Monday he had no regrets about supporting the US-led invasion of Iraq and argued that the US death toll in the conflict was "minute" from a historical perspective.

· Government closes 2 Sunni TV stations - After Saddam Hussein was sentenced to hang, Iraqi security forces closed two Sunni Muslim television stations Sunday for violating curfew and a law that bans airing material that could undermine the country's stability, the Interior Ministry said.
TVNL Comment: How's that for democracy?





· As Drug Prices Climb, Democrats Find Fault With Medicare Plan - LINK - For big drug companies, the new Medicare prescription benefit is proving to be a financial windfall larger than even the most optimistic Wall Street analysts had predicted.

· Mo. Catholics Back Stem Cell Research - LINK - A group of prominent Catholics is challenging church leaders' opposition to stem cell research and to the proposed Constitutional amendment that would protect such research in Missouri.





· Abu Ghraib movie planned - The film will examine the infamous abuse and torture of inmates held as suspected terrorists in the Iraqi prison located 20 miles (32 kilometres) west of Baghdad.

· U.S. Seeks Silence on CIA Prisons - The Bush administration has told a federal judge that terrorism suspects held in secret CIA prisons should not be allowed to reveal details of the "alternative interrogation methods" that their captors used to get them to talk.





· Home movies made by Nazi officers in the 1940s have been found in a church in rural Devon. - The films show members of the SS running a slave labour camp in southern Russia.

· Germans tell of secret Nazi program - While millions of Jews and others deemed "undesirable," were slaughtered, these children were carefully selected for their Aryan qualities and brought into the world in comfortable surroundings, well away from the Allied bombing raids.

· Jewish teens assault Muslim, scream “Jews rule this country!” - "They hit me in the face with brass knuckles four or five times while somebody held my hands," said the victim, Shahid Amber, 24, a gas station attendant.

· Haggard confesses to 'lifelong' sexual problem - Evangelical pastor Ted Haggard confessed on Sunday to a "lifelong" sexual problem, and said he was "a deceiver and a liar," in a letter read to his New Life Church.





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