Date: November 8th 2006

Some of you have been receiving more than one copy of our newsletter. This is because the problems with sending the newsletter continue and on occasion I have to resend the list. I am very sorry about this and I am working very hard to fix all the problems with the mailing list.

I’ll keep working until the system works as it should!




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THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: Listen to my live broadcasts on Thursdays! The Revere Radio Network has invited me to do a weekly program on their network. I will be doing a 1 hour program every Thursday night on their network. You can find out about the details here: .
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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.


Editor’s Comments -

TVNL Editor's Comments: Democrats Win, America Loses?

Before you jump to conclusions let me clarify the title of this editorial; in no way am I inferring that a Republican win would have been a good thing. As a matter of fact it is difficult to even find a Republican these days; it seems that they have been replaced by fascists while retaining the name of the party.

I am about to find out if my two biggest fears will come to fruition.

My first fear is that the Democrats of this nation conclude that our problems are now going to be solved simply because some politicians who call themselves Democrats took over. I fear they will become content and they will stop their activism and efforts to keep themselves informed (despite the relentless efforts of the criminal corporate media to misinform the public) about what really takes place in our government and in our world. They will do what the Republicans just did; they will allow their leaders to break every principle of their own party and they will support them because they have the correct party label on their name plate.

My second fear is that the Democrats were allowed to take control of Congress as a ploy by the people who really control elections in this nation, and I don’t mean you. This ploy would be to allow the Democrats to take over for a year or two. During this time the people who really control our government will do what they did in 2001 and we will see another 9/11. Be it a “LIHOP” (let it happen on purpose) or a “MIHOP” (make it happen on purpose) event, I believe something far more horrendous than 9/11 will take place while the Democrats are in control of Congress just so the people on the other side can say “I told you so! Democrats can not keep us safe!” This will pretty much put a nail in the coffin of anyone who is really a Democrat and it will surely lead to the complete demise of democracy & civil liberties. It can be the final step in creating a one world government with a tyrannical rule and most good Americans will not even understand this.

Now I want you to take a closer look at this Democratic Congressional victory. Take a look at the faces of the winning candidates. Do you recognize any of these faces from you local 9/11 truth conference? Do you see any of these faces during your commute to work on public transportation? Did you see any former Enron employees (not the criminals, but the employees who had their pensions stolen by George W. Bush’s friends) getting elected? Did you see any former U.S. auto workers who recently lost their jobs getting elected? Did you see any former computer programmers who lost a job to international outsourcing getting elected? Did you see any displaced individuals who had to relocate because of they were forced to sell their home due to the new eminent domain laws? The answer to these questions is “no!”

Sure, Democrats all over are going to think the problems in this nation have been solved because there is a new blue blip on the map. Nonsense. What took place last night was a change in management from one department of the establishment to the other. With very few exceptions real citizens who are truly interested in reform, democracy and exposing and eliminating the power brokers who maintain a strangle hold on our government have been once again kept out of government. “We the people” are still being ruled by “they, they establishment!”

Sure real regular citizens may have slipped into a few seats yesterday but I bet you if you asked them what or who PNAC is and what their connection to the events of 9/11 are they will draw a blank. Likewise I bet you that if you ask them if they know that 7 of the alleged 9/11 hijackers are still alive, or if they know that there were war games taking place on 9/11 or anything at all about building 7 they will look at you as if you were speaking another language.

Ask any one of these newly elected officials if the Federal Reserve is a legitimate part of our government or if it is an independent private for profit bank that gives secret private individuals complete control over our monetary system, and in essence our economy and they will look at you the same way a puppy would look at you during a conversation about physics.

Ask any member of this new crop of lawmakers if they are going to protect the Constitution and reverse the anti-Constitutional Patriot Act or are they going to continue to support the assault on the liberties of their constituents. The Patriot Act is here to stay; Republican or Democrat Congress aside.

Ask these new lawmakers if they are going to completely abolish private corporate oversight and implementation of U.S. elections or if they are going to continue to allow secret corporate control of our democratic process. The corporations will maintain control, period, end of story and end of democracy.

You see most of the people who were on our side during this election were not allowed equal exposure (thanks to Ronald Reagan), not financed by the establishment or in many cases not acknowledged in any way shape or form other than a listing on the ballot. The candidates who would have really made a difference in the way our government works, like Jim Bowman, Carol Brouillet.or Clint Curtis to name a few, stood no chance in this or any other election. These are the people who would have stood up every day repeating the vital issues, the real vital issues, until this nation was forced to take notice. They would have fought for truth and justice with the same relentless dedication that has driven the 9/11 truth movement to fight for real answers about what took place that day.

What this nation needed, what the Democratic party needed was activists, not politicians. The Democratic party is, as is the Republican party, a part of the establishment that needs to be reformed. If a few real citizens were elected while wearing the Democratic party tag that would have been a good thing; but it sure looks like this nation simply got an oil change last night. We went from synthetic oil to crude oil. What we needed was not an oil change, we needed a transfusion. We needed life blood and we got an oil change.

I hope I am wrong in every way but is sure is hard to see where I am wrong. Time will tell however and I would like nothing more in life than to one day say “holy cow, I was off the mark!” Unfortunately my observations seem to be right on the mark. I only hope we don’t need to spill any real blood in the process of giving our democracy the transfusion it desperately needs to survive. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:







· Marine killed in Al Anbar - One Marine assigned to 1st Brigade, 1st Armored Division died Wednesday from wounds sustained due to enemy action while operating in Al Anbar Province. Wisconsin Communities Vote On Bringing Troops Home -

· 14 Dead, 16 Hurt in Iraq Mortar Attack - Two mortar shells slammed into a coffee shop in a Shiite neighborhood Tuesday in Baghdad, killing at least 14 people and wounding 16 others, police said.





· Bush disappointed at Republicans' losses - He was told formally by his top political adviser, Karl Rove, that the House had gone to the Democrats. It was described as a businesslike environment with aides thumbing messages into their blackberries to keep track of developments.

· Bush’s November Surprise - How convenient for Saddam Hussein to be convicted two days before the midterm election by a U.S.-elected and -directed court, providing President Bush with his much needed November surprise. How irresponsible for the mass media to neglect to point out that the “crimes against humanity” for which Hussein was convicted occurred 15 months before Donald Rumsfeld, then the special envoy to Iraq, met with Hussein in Baghdad to develop an alliance between the administration of Ronald Reagan and that of the murderous Iraqi dictator.

· White House Caught Allegedly Doctoring "Mission Accomplished" Video... - VIDEO




· Analysts outraged over U.S. adjustments of employment data - U.S. non-farm payrolls data -- arguably the most closely watched indicator in the world's largest economy -- are revised so often and by so much that they can't be trusted, some strategists argued yesterday.



9/11 News :


· Pentagon 9/11 Video Being Held Back by FBI - Government says it needs "more time" before releasing a video that shows nothing






· Democrats regain House, promise changes - In tightly contested races being watched closely for their indication of the national mood, Democrats were all but running the board.







· Voting Expert: Widespread Election Fraud Again - Vote fraud crusader and rights activist Bev Harris has told the nationally syndicated Alex Jones Show that she is in possession of voting software used by the big three voting systems companies and is now in a position to completely expose the true scale of electronic vote fraud, as a cascade of stories about voter intimidation, arrests and machine meltdowns arrived on election day.

· Exit polls: Iraq hurt Republicans, but scandal hurt worse in U.S. midterm - The Iraq war hurt Republican candidates in the midterm elections, but corruption and scandal were bigger problems for them, exit polls found.

· Democrats Aim to Reverse Years of GOP Dominance in Governors Mansions - Democrats turned over the balance of power in the nation's statehouses Tuesday evening, picking up four new seats — Massachusetts, Maryland, New York and Ohio — in early returns.

· Here's how the 2006 mid-term election was stolen. - For six years now, our investigations team, at first on assignment for BBC TV and the Guardian, has been digging into the nitty-gritty of the gaming of US elections. We've found that November 7, 2006 is a day that will live in infamy. Four and a half million votes have been shoplifted. Here's how they'll do it, in three easy steps:

· Machine Records Dem Vote For GOP - My wife then had to call the person over another time after it recorded her vote a Republican again. In her frustration she asked the person who was responsible for the design of this system. The polling person leaned in very close to my wife and whispered, "We're f----d."

· Polling places turn to paper ballots after glitches - Programming errors and inexperience dealing with electronic voting machines frustrated poll workers in hundreds of precincts early Tuesday, delaying voters in Indiana, Ohio and Florida and leaving some with little choice but to use paper ballots instead.

· Voting nightmare: Democrats seek extension - Democratic party leaders are planning to seek a two-hour extension for voting in Denver, due to massive computer problems which have created long lines, and kept many from casting their vote.










· World sees Dems' win as a Bush rejection - Democratic gains in Congress were seen around the world Wednesday as a rejection of the U.S. war in Iraq that led some observers to expect a reassessment of the American course there.

· Blast kills 35 at Pakistan army camp - A suicide attacker detonated a bomb at the army's main training base on Wednesday, killing at least 35 soldiers, the military said.

· Muslim cop banned from guarding Blair - Farooq is claiming racial and religious discrimination against the department for the December 2003 incident, and a tribunal will hear the case next year, the reports said.

· UN to Appoint Former Moonie as Head of World Food Programme - Kofi Annan will this week put a former leading "Moonie" in charge of the UN's biggest humanitarian aid agency after vigorous lobbying by the Bush administration.





· 17 Marines' Conduct in Iraq Investigated - Seventeen Marine reservists just back from Iraq have been ordered to remain at Camp Lejeune while allegations of misconduct during their deployment are investigated, a spokesman said Tuesday.





· Democrats Win, America Loses? - What took place last night was a change in management from one department of the establishment to the other. With very few exceptions real citizens who are truly interested in reform, democracy and exposing and eliminating the power brokers who maintain a strangle hold on our government have been once again kept out of government. “We the people” are still being ruled by “they, they establishment!”

· Why Do Republicans Hate Democracy So Much - Not only is it a fair question to ask but, too, it is a vital query. Republicans pretend to love America and they pretend to love democracy, but they won't allow Americans to participate in democracy.





· Editor Is Forced Out at Los Angeles Times - Dean Baquet, the editor of The Los Angeles Times who defied orders from his corporate bosses to cut jobs, was forced out of his own job today, shocking his newsroom just as it was gearing up to cover election returns.




















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