Date: May 24th 2005

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TVNL Editor's Comments: With all the news and talk related to Iraq, one important point has, to this date, never been brought up by the media. What exactly did Saddam “refuse” to do? Bush still claims that Saddam was given a chance to cooperate but he refused, so we had no choice but to invade them. What exactly did he refuse? What were his exact words? Remember, full, open ended, non-negotiable & fully intrusive inspections were taking place. The media never asked this question before the invasion and they still have not asked this question now that we know that the war was a forgone conclusion once the coup American of 2000 took place. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

New BOOKS added to our selection: • The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions - A Critique of the Kean-Zelikow Report • The New Pearl Harbor - Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 - Updated Edition with a New Afterword • Suicide in Palestine • The War on Truth - 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism • Challenging Empire - People, Governments and the UN Defy U.S. Power • Speaking the Truth - Zionism, Israel, and Occupation • Unequal Conflict - The Palestinians and Israel • Hijacking Catastrophe - 9/11, Fear and the Selling of American Empire • Calling the Shots - How Washington Dominates Today's UN We can get you any DVD! Now you can support TvNewsLIES EVERY time you purchase a DVD. Any time you want a DVD just write us a note telling us the title of the DVD and the best price you have seen it for. We will let you know if we can get the title for you and we will let you know what our minimum donation requirement will be. This way you can make a donation to us, and we can help save you money. Of course you can always choose to donate a little extra You can find all of the documentaries that we keep in stock in our shop located here: - If the link does not work please copy it and past it into the address bar of your browser. Then hit enter/return.

  • Fleeing Iraqi Christians on road to Damascus - Facing more danger and persecution since the Iraq war began, many Christians choose self-exile in Syria.
    TVNL Comment: How are we safer? Who exactly is better off now? Are we missing somthing?

  • Car Bomb Explodes Outside Popular Restaurant in Baghdad - A car bomb at a Baghdad restaurant today caused more than 50 casualties, the Iraqi police quoted by Reuters said, while in other violence in Iraq at least seven Iraqis, including an adviser to the prime minister, were killed in another bomb attack and an assassination, Iraqi officials said.

  • Military Families Against the War - ‘An insult to those who gave their lives for their country’ Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has rejected the demand for a full public inquiry into the Iraq war.

  • US military to build four giant new bases in Iraq - "They appear to settling in a for the long run, and that will only give fuel for the terrorists," said a spokesman for the mainstream Sunni Iraqi Islamic party.

  • TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED IN VEHICLE ACCIDENT - A Task Force Liberty Soldier died of injuries sustained in a vehicle accident near Kirkuk at about 2:30 p.m., May 22.

  • TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED - A Task Force Liberty Soldier died of wounds sustained in an attack at 10:00 a.m., May 22 when a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device was detonated near a combat patrol, just north of Tikrit

  • THREE TASK FORCE FREEDOM SOLDIERS KILLED, ONE INJURED - Three Task Force Freedom Soldiers were killed and one was injured in two separate terrorist attacks in Mosul May 22.

  • Iraqi rebels kill security chief - The commander of a new unit set up to fight insurgents in Iraq has been shot dead in Baghdad.

  • Analyst spells out flaws in Iraq plan - Tensions between Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and military planners over the staying power of Saddam Hussein's regime, leaks of highly classified war plans and little attention to the war's aftermath hampered planning for the Iraq war, according to a new insider account. - Near-constant demands from Rumsfeld and his aides for new versions of the war plan using fewer American troops wasted time and diverted attention from fleshing out a blueprint for the March 2003 invasion, Gregory Hooker, a top intelligence analyst at the U.S. military's Central Command, writes in an account published by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

  • Qaeda in Iraq says kills U.S. pilot - Web statement - The al Qaeda group in Iraq said on Sunday it killed a U.S. pilot it had captured and posted pictures of what it said were his identity papers on the Internet.

  • Bush: Worst President Ever? - George Bush is the worst president of the United States of America, ever. Hands down. - And here are just a few reasons why I believe that statement is true.

  • What Did John Bolton Do with the NSA Intercept Information? Did He Violate National Security Laws? - But one of the biggest issues that has eluded the mainstream media and venues like TWN is what Bolton did with the intelligence he reviewed.

  • Insurance Option Has Workers Pay More - For years, they were the kinds of health insurance plans one found at small businesses or among the self-employed, plans that had huge deductibles and required workers to pay a lot of medical bills themselves — such as allergy shots, chest X-rays and the cost of a new baby.

  • Top bosses get 21% raise - The bosses of Iowa's largest companies received an average 21 percent pay increase last year, dwarfing the raises of the average Iowan.

9/11 -
  • Worldwide Christian, Muslim, Jewish Alliance Pray Every Friday At Noon For Truth To Be Revealed About 9/11 - While President Bush is praying against the "forces of evil," tens of thousands of people worldwide are praying every Friday at noon that our Texas gun-slinging President "come clean" about government complicity in 9/11.

  • Blair faces US probe over secret Iraq invasion plan - SENIOR American congressmen are considering sending a delegation to London to investigate Britain’s role in preparations for the war in Iraq.

  • Frist's Attempt To Trash Constitution, Install Dictatorship - The purpose is to overturn the U.S. Constitution, in favor of White House dictatorship, by breaking the Constitutional powers built into the Senate's power to impose checks and balances against an out-of-control Presidency or temporary errant majority of the House of Representatives.

  • US congressmen: Israel first in US Mideast policy - While top Israeli and Palestinian officials met here to talk security, a US senator dispensed bitter pills to Arab leaders: The United States isn't ready to risk the prestige needed to create a Palestinian state and America's priority is to secure Israel in a way that, "if possible," is just to the Palestinians.
    TVNL Comment: Israel first, for better or worse, right or wrong, till death do everyone else part!

  • Sex offenders get Medicaid-paid Viagra - According to Hevesi, the problem is an unintended consequence of a 1998 directive from federal officials telling states that Medicaid prescription programs must include Viagra.
    TVNL Comment: Corporations controlling government.

  • U.S. Border Security at a Crossroads - Technology Problems Limit Effectiveness of US-VISIT Program to Screen Foreigners

  • Spy vs. Spy - Neighbors spying on neighbors? Mothers forced to turn in their sons or daughters? These are images straight out of George Orwell's 1984, or a remote totalitarian state.

  • New Drug Czar Report Relies Primarily On Unpublished Data - A report released this week by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) purporting to "set the record straight" regarding the number of inmates incarcerated for marijuana-related offenses relies almost entirely on "unpublished estimates" from a 1997 Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) survey.

  • Analysis: CIA Unit Has Negroponte's Ear - John Negroponte's early moves since taking over as the nation's intelligence director last month indicate he is focusing on one particular element of America's spy apparatus: the CIA's highly secretive clandestine service.
    TVNL Comment: Let the assassinations begin?

  • The rape of the rainforest... and the man behind it - He is Blairo Maggi, the millionaire farmer and uncompromising politician presiding over the Brazilian boom in soya bean production. He is known in Brazil as O Rei da Soja - the King of Soy.

  • 'Buy American' legislation draws fire - Adding fuel to the debate over U.S.-international trade, a tech industry group is blasting "Buy American" legislation passed by the House of Representatives this week.

  • Venezuela May Begin Talks With Iran to Discuss the Possibility of Developing Nuclear Power - "If we had the technical capacity and the resources right now, we would participate in this effort because it's one of the paths toward diversifying energy sources," Chavez added, without indicating whether he had broached the subject with Iranian officials.

  • U.N. Official Criticizes U.S. Reluctance on International Law - Secretary General Kofi Annan's chief of staff called the United States an "ungainly giant" that only plays by its own rules, criticizing the U.N.'s largest donor in unusually strong terms Sunday.
    TVNL Comment: He is correct.

  • Karzai rejects U.S. criticism on drugs, slams abuse - Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Sunday rejected U.S. criticisms of his antidrug efforts, called international help in the fight "half-hearted," and demanded justice for prisoners abused by U.S. troops.

  • Chavez considers breaking US ties - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he will consider breaking diplomatic ties with the US if it fails to hand over a Cuban-born terror suspect.

  • Schroeder plans early German poll - With five million unemployed across Germany as a whole, the general election may turn on the same issue, says the BBC's Ray Furlong in Berlin.

  • The Rumsfeld Stain - Much of what has happened to the military on his watch has been catastrophic.

  • Tillman's Parents Are Critical Of Army - Former NFL player Pat Tillman's family is lashing out against the Army, saying that the military's investigations into Tillman's friendly-fire death in Afghanistan last year were a sham and that Army efforts to cover up the truth have made it harder for them to deal with their loss.

  • When the Army Owns the Weather - Evidence of the Pentagon's interest in manipulating mother nature abounds. How come the public knows nothing about it?

  • Soldier Pleads Guilty to Assault in Beating Death of Afghan Prisoner; Gets 3-Month Sentence - "I have come to realize what I did was wrong," Cammack said.
    TVNL Comment: Beat someone to death, go to prison for 3 months. Sound fair to you? Is this juestice?

  • Officers Plot Exit Strategy - Many young lieutenants and captains, key leaders in combat, are deciding against Army careers in light of the open-ended war on terrorism.

  • Amnesty International says U.S. war dodger would be prisoner of conscience - Prominent human-rights group Amnesty International has declared that it will adopt a young American war dodger as a prisoner of conscience if Canada deports him to the United States to confront a possible prison sentence.

  • The War for American Constitutional Democracy - Make no mistake about it, the radical extremists who would destroy the American Constitution and national governmental system set up in 1776 believe that they are near their endgame.

  • 9/11 and Anthrax: FRAMING ARABS - The Anthrax letters came from inside the United States.

  • The Truth is a Valuable Commodity - Truth has become such a valuable commodity that the government of the United States and the media have started (to put it politely) economizing it. Documented cases of media deception over the years have made it clear that the media lies to the public on important issues.

  • Earthly Empires - Pastor Joel is one of a new generation of evangelical entrepreneurs transforming their branch of Protestantism into one of the fastest-growing and most influential religious groups in America. Their runaway success is modeled unabashedly on business. They borrow tools ranging from niche marketing to MBA hiring to lift their share of U.S. churchgoer
    TVNL Comment: Profit based religion.

  • Co-founder of CNN: Public has NO 'right to know' - TVNL Comment: Audio File.

  • Rwanda asks media to help lift African living standards - Rwandan President Paul Kagame is urging western media to refrain from portraying Africa in a purely negative light, saying that such coverage affected its ability to attract foreign investment.

  • BBC staff strike over job cuts - Unions say the cuts are the most damaging in BBC history. The corporation says they are needed so the BBC can invest more in programmes.


  • Psychiatrists May Push for Gay Marriage OK - Representatives of the nation's top psychiatric group approved a statement Sunday urging legal recognition of gay marriage. If approved by the association's directors in July, the measure would make the American Psychiatric Association the first major medical group to take such a stance.

  • Scientist Murdered After Call For Full BSE Testing - A prominent physician at San Francisco General Hospital who once headed the San Francisco Medical Society was found stabbed to death inside the doorway of his Diamond Heights home Thursday, police said.

  • Accused priest tries to block media coverage - The Green Bay Press-Gazette has filed a protest to an accused pedophile priest’s efforts to bar media coverage of his court case.

  • Police: Church sex abuse case may involve 24 children - Police have arrested the pastor of a defunct church in Ponchatoula, Louisiana, his wife and six former congregants in a sexual abuse case involving as many as 24 children, authorities said.
    TVNL Comment:Keep telling us how much better religious people are than non-religious people. History says otherwise.

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