Date: May 24th 2005

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TVNL Editor's Comments: This morning on CNN Bill Hemmer was talking to Senator John McCain about the agreement made by members of the Senate so that they can avoid a filibuster. During this conversation Hemmer brought up the comments by Minority Leader Reid where he mentioned sending a message to the “radical” arm of the right. When Hemmer quoted Reid his face and voice expressed outrage at such an assertion, as if it was preposterous to think that anyone on the right is a radical. Well, this is NOT journalism. A journalist is there to report events, not take sides. Not only was Hemmer’s assertion that there are no radicals on the right absurd, but his conduct and a pretend journalist is deplorable. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

  • Iraq Can't Explain $69 Million in Fuel Oil From '04, Audit Says - Iraqi officials cannot explain what happened to $69 million worth of fuel oil produced in the second half of 2004, raising fears that it was smuggled out of the country for private gain, according to a report released yesterday by United Nations-appointed auditors.
    TVNL Comment: The Iraq invasion is the biggest crime of our lifetime.

  • US & ISRAEL Rally for War with Iran - War Pimps and Pigs At The Trough
    TVNL Comment: Video

  • At least 8,000 treasures looted from Iraq museum still untraced - Evidence of how quickly and irretrievably a country can be stripped of its cultural heritage came with the Iraq war in 2003.
    TVNL Comment: Another Bush/PNAC legacy.

  • Summary: Killings of Iraqi Officials - There have been at least 20 assassinations of Iraqis holding key government, political or religious posts since the first democratically elected government was announced April 28:

  • Whistle-Blower Suit May Set Course on Iraq Fraud Cases - To its accusers, the security company Custer Battles exemplifies corporate profiteering in postinvasion Iraq, when officials were pumping out hastily written contracts for everything from air conditioners to armed guards.

  • Seven US soldiers killed in Iraq - Seven US soldiers have been in killed in two separate bomb attacks in Iraq.

  • Car bombing hits central Baghdad - A car bomb has exploded in central Baghdad with reports saying at least five people have been killed.

  • AIPAC's Big, Bigger, Biggest Moment - How much clout does AIPAC have? - Well, consider that during the pro-Israel lobby's annual conference yesterday, a fleet of police cars, sirens wailing, blocked intersections and formed a motorcade to escort buses carrying its conventioneers -- to lunch.

  • Bush hails anti-abortion 'gains' - President Bush tightened access to abortion during his first term, banning some late-term abortions and offering legal protection to doctors and hospitals unwilling to carry out terminations.
    TVNL Comment: He did NOTHING to reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancy. As a matter of fact he made information on birth control harder to find and his policies have reduced access to birth control world wide.


9/11 -
  • WTC 7 Smoke & Mirrors On 9/11 - Three days after 9/11, The Albuquerque Journal interviewed Demolition Scientist Van Romero.

  • US Senate deal prevents showdown - The deal struck by 14 senators from both sides means at least one of the nominees - Texas judge Priscilla Owen - is likely to be approved on Tuesday.

  • The College Dropout Boom - "We need to recognize that the most serious domestic problem in the United States today is the widening gap between the children of the rich and the children of the poor,"
    TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.

  • Top US court tackles abortion law - The US Supreme Court has re-entered one of the country's most divisive debates by agreeing to look at re-instating a law limiting teenage abortion rights.


  • Egyptian opposition rejects Laura Bush comments - Opponents of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Tuesday rejected U.S. First Lady Laura Bush's interpretation of Egyptian politics, saying they could not even see the progress she was praising.

  • Syria Stops Cooperating With U.S. Forces and C.I.A. - Syria has halted military and intelligence cooperation with the United States, its ambassador to Washington said in an interview, in a sign of growing strains between the two nations over the insurgency in Iraq.

  • Bush rejects Karzai army demand - President George W Bush has ruled out handing over command of US troops in Afghanistan to the government there.

  • China ready to counter US space plans - China takes U.S. plans to boost its space military capabilities very seriously and is likely to respond with energetic counter-measures of her own, a leading expert on the Chinese space program told United Press International.

  • Students picket military recruiters - Chanting "Education not war, kick recruiters out the door" and other slogans, the students blocked the entrances to military offices and pounded on windows in Northgate, the University District and the Central Area.

  • Court-Martial to Begin for Navy SEAL - A court martial opened this afternoon for a Navy SEAL officer in the death of an Iraqi prisoner allegedly beaten and abused by SEALs and by CIA operatives at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad.

  • US army 'let down dead NFL star' - "After it happened, all the people in positions of authority went out of their way to script this," his father told the Washington Post.

  • Kleptodemocracy and Klepitalism - Today's societies and countries suffer from a politico-socio-economic disease: the "klep." This is a mental disorder; those inflicted with klep seek to steal what belongs to others, mistakenly thinking that such theft is morally justified. "Klep" means theft, and a kleptocracy is a government of kleptomaniacs, people with a compulsion to steal.


  • Study Contradicts Federal Government on Risks of Cholesterol Drug Crestor - Karas, who has received research grants and speaker fees from several drug companies - including the maker of Crestor - said that, generally, the people who should consider taking Crestor are those who are unable to lower their cholesterol enough with other drugs or those who may be allergic to other drugs.


  • Vatican reportedly drops probe of Mexican cleric - The news was met with skepticism by the co-accusers -- mostly Mexicans in their 60s and 70s -- whose meetings with Scicluna had raised their hopes that the case would go to trial before the Vatican's Tribunal of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

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