Date: May 25th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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TVNL Editor's Comments: Amnesty International declared that the US is leading the global attack on human rights yet CNN’s lead story this morning was the Michael Jackson trial. Do people really trust the most trusted name in news to keep them informed? Why would they? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

  • In Iraq, efforts to catch militants fuel rage, fear - Some Iraqis said that while Operation Squeeze Play took some insurgents off the streets, it angered moderate Iraqis while giving insurgents a friendlier environment in which to carry out attacks.

  • Peace in Iraq 'will take at least five years to impose' - The thinktank's report said that Iraq had become a valuable recruiting ground for al-Qaida, and Iraqi forces were nowhere near close to matching the insurgency.

  • Insurgents Flourish in Iraq's Wild West - The U.S. military's plan to pacify Iraq has run into trouble in a place where it urgently needs to succeed.

  • 14 U.S. Soldiers Killed in 3 Days in Iraq - Eighteen U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq during the past week, raising concerns that insurgents may again be focusing their sights on American forces in addition to Shiite Muslims.

  • WILL THE REAL SADDAM PLEASE STAND UP? - And, after studying the teeth and ears closely, I must agree that a real doubt exists that the man on the right is the same person as the man on the left. Saddam was known to have used doubles for security precautions, and he came from a large family with many cousins who bore a striking resemblance to him. Did the US bag one of the doubles? It would appear so.

  • HOW THEY "FAKE PUBLIC" FOR "TOWN HALL MEETINGS - How Bush Makes Sure They Agree: A memo illustrates the way the White House is selectively casting members of the under-30 set to promote its Social Security plan.


9/11 -
  • The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie - In discussing my second 9/11 book, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, I have often said, only half in jest, that a better title might have been “a 571-page lie.” (Actually, I was saying “a 567-page lie,” because I was forgetting to count the four pages of the Preface.) In making this statement, one of my points has been that the entire Report is constructed in support of one big lie: that the official story about 9/11 is true.

  • Re-open 9/11 European Tour 2005 - Prominent September 11th Truth activists take to the road on a tour of European cities including Amsterdam, Vienna, Rome, Berlin, Madrid, London and Manchester, starting on 19th May and concluding in Manchester on 4th June.

  • 911 and the Precautionary Principle: Aircraft Parts as a Clue to their Identity - The government alleges that four wide-body airliners crashed on the morning of September 11 2001, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 human beings, yet not one piece of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to positively identify any of the four aircraft. On the contrary, it seems only that all potential evidence was deliberately kept hidden from public view. The hard evidence would have included hundreds of critical time-change aircraft items, plus security videotapes that were confiscated by the FBI immediately following each tragic episode.

  • Pentagon Plot - They say a Boeing 757 was never found at The Pentagon, that only one engine was found and that engine does not seem to match the engine from a 757, that airplane crashes leave wreckage, they mess up the ground -- Not at The Pentagon.

  • French fries protester regrets war jibe - Walter Jones, the Republican congressman for North Carolina who was also the brains behind french toast becoming freedom toast in Capitol Hill restaurants, told a local newspaper the US went to war "with no justification".
    TVNL Comment: Where is the "fair and balanced" news coverage of this?

  • Drug Deal - If Congress ratifies Bush's controversial CAFTA bill, pharmaceutical companies will be in for a windfall -- and the casualties will be poor AIDS patients.

  • Storm Brewing Over Weather Service Access - A storm is brewing in Congress about a vital government function Americans depend upon: weather forecasting.

  • House Bill Would Provide $45B More for War - Bush did not request any money to pay for the wars in the $419 billion Defense Department proposal for 2006 he sent lawmakers in February.

  • US House backs stem cell funding - The vote sets up a confrontation with President Bush, who has vowed to veto the bill if it passes the Senate.

  • G.O.P. Senator Sends Letter to Colleagues Opposing Bolton - The Ohio Republican whose opposition to John R. Bolton as United Nations ambassador nearly stalled his nomination in committee took a new swipe at him today, circulating a letter urging colleagues to vote against Mr. Bolton when his name reaches the Senate floor, possibly this week.

  • Veteran Democrat raises worries on civil liberties, 2002 Iraq attack plan - “Most of my career has been spent making more specific the guarantees and the rights and the privileges of citizens and the limitations of government power,” the congressman said. “We’re doing the reverse now. We’re having the executive branch [wade] more willy nilly into judicial matters, frequently into legislative matters, and there’s a certain arrogance that goes along with it.”

  • FBI asks US Congress for power to seize documents - The FBI on Tuesday asked the U.S. Congress for sweeping new powers to seize business or private records, ranging from medical information to book purchases, to investigate terrorism without first securing approval from a judge.

  • Attack on election board whistleblower and leaked Blackwell threats re-fire Ohio's election theft scandal - And newly released documents confirming a pre-election threat by Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell against election board officials has added to the mix, as has the dismissal of Blackwell's highly publicized sanction attempt against attorneys who challenged the election outcome.

  • Arctic Leaders Appeal Over Global Warming - Indigenous leaders from Arctic regions around the world called on the European Union on Tuesday to do more to fight global warming and to consider giving aid to their peoples.

  • U.S. Senators Mount Assault on Wind Power - Just in time to cast a pall over the wind power industry, which convened in Colorado last week for their annual trade show, two U.S. senators unveiled a bill that would cripple future development of wind power projects throughout the U.S.

  • Car bomb in Spanish capital injures 34 - The bomb, in a stolen car, blew up in an industrial zone in north-eastern Madrid 45 minutes after a Basque newspaper received a warning in the name of ETA, officials said.

  • Vets Sue Rumsfeld Over Health Care Cuts - Residents of a historic retirement home for war veterans filed a class-action lawsuit Tuesday against Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, asserting that the Pentagon chief has imposed excessive and illegal cutbacks in on-site medical and dental services.
    TVNL Comment: Where are the Bush supporting yellow ribbon people and FOC News on this one?

  • Death Rate for Reservists in Iraq Rises - The death rate in Iraq this month among members of the National Guard and Reserve is the highest since January and one of the highest of the entire war, Pentagon figures show.

  • U.S., NATO nuclear policies 'immoral' - McNamara - "If I were to characterize U.S. and NATO nuclear policies in one sentence, I would say they are immoral, illegal, militarily unnecessary, very, very dangerous in terms of the risk of inadvertent or accidental launch and destructive of the non-proliferation regime that has served us so well," he said.

  • The Harvest of Messianic Foreign Policy: Anti-U.S. Radical Islam - An interventionist U.S. foreign policy, fueled by the Bush administration’s messianic zeal to make the world more democratic, has contributed to a dramatic rise in radical political Islam around the world.

  • The pipeline that will change the world - The project, known as BTC, has driven a wedge between the US and Russia, triggered political unrest in the countries it passes through and their neighbours and sparked concern at extensive damage to the environment.

  • Thomas Jefferson's Warning To America - "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

  • Former Host Winstead Suing Air America - Former Air America morning show host Lizz Winstead is suing the network, claiming she was fired, then stiffed out of nearly $300,000, according to the New York Post.

  • Bloggers are outwitting the Mainstream and Corporate Media! - Bloggers are outwitting the empire lying machine. Why ? Simply Because they write with their hearts, they are free, they have no ideology.

  • CNN Latin rival launches network - Venezuela's government has started test transmissions for a new Latin American television network, Telesur, intended as an ideological rival to CNN.

  • House Dems to hold forum on media bias Tuesday with Franken, Brock, others - “I think a number of Democratic members have been disturbed about what is and what isn’t being covered in the corporate news media," a House aide said, speaking of the event. "Specifically, there’s been a great deal of disappointment of the media’s coverage of the Iraq war and the Downing Street memo and great concern about the White House’s efforts to intimidate media outlets such as they’ve done in the Newsweek matter.”

  • Galloway and the US Press - Cowardice is the only way to describe the recent coverage of George Galloway's hearing before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Not only did the nation's two major dailies get many of the facts wrong, they went out of their way to paint Galloway as guilty.

  • The Tillman Scandal: 'Newsweek' Error Bad, Pentagon Lying OK? - In the week after the magazine's retraction, where is the comparable outrage over the military's cover-up of the "friendly fire" death of Pat Tillman? His family is angry, but why is there so little attention on the press and public also being misled? And where is a Scott McClellan lecture on ethics and credibility?

  • Breast cancer patients should walk to live - Based on up to 18 years’ worth of data from 3,000 breast cancer participants in the hospital’s study of female nurses, walking three to five hours a week cut in half the risk of dying from the disease compared to women who exercised less than an hour a week or not at all.

  • US leads global attack on human rights: Amnesty - Four years after the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, human rights are in retreat worldwide and the United States bears most responsibility, rights watchdog Amnesty International said. - "When the most powerful country in the world thumbs its nose at the rule of law and human rights, it grants a licence to others to commit abuse with impunity,"

  • Pakistan: U.S. Citizens Tortured, Held Illegally - U.S. FBI agents operating in Pakistan repeatedly interrogated and threatened two U.S. citizens of Pakistani origin who were unlawfully detained and subjected to torture by the Pakistani security services.

  • Amnesty slams governments over anti-terror tactics - Tactics to fight terrorism in Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe have failed to prevent horrific attacks on civilians, although they have encouraged rampant abuse of human rights, Amnesty International has charged.

  • The Health Establishment and the Order of Skull & Bones - The Lasker Family and the Order have conspired together for more than a century to force their health fascist dictatorship on the world

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