Date: May 26th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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TVNL Editor's Comments: How much more evidence needs to come to light regarding election fraud and 9/11 before the public and the media start asking some serious questions about the criminality of the Bush administration? For those of us who follow the news that is NOT reported by our corporate media, we can not believe that our administration is not behind bars at this point. The media has painted such a false view of reality that it is simply astonishing. When will the rest of the people wake up? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

  • US forces kill human 'shield' child in Iraq - US forces have shot dead a child which they say was being used as a human "shield" during an exchange of gunfire near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

  • Seven die in new Baghdad attacks - Anti-US insurgents mount daily attacks on US and government targets, killing about 600 people in the last month.

  • 5 ships ordered to ''surge'' to support war on terror - This so-called “surge” of forces follows last year’s nearly simultaneous deployment of seven aircraft carrier strike groups that were given little notice to get under way in an initial demonstration of responding to crises around the globe.

  • Worldwide Tribunal To Meet In Istanbul Over U.S. War Crimes In Iraq - "Since the U.S. administration does not recognize the International Criminal Court and the U.K. government has used its power to avoid being prosecuted for an illegal and illegitimate war, the citizens of the world have undertaken an initiative to reclaim justice," said Kuey from her office in Turkey. "The world is calling for Bush and Blair to be held accountable for the crimes committed in Iraq."

  • FBI Records Cite Quran Abuse Allegations - Terror suspects at the Guantanamo Bay prison told U.S. interrogators as early as April 2002, just four months after the first detainees arrived, that military guards abused them and desecrated the Quran, declassified FBI records say.
    TVNL Comment: So Newsweek lied at the behest of the Bush administration in order to cover for the latest in a long series of human rights violations.

  • Baghdad's Polluted Water Makes Children Sick With Cholera - Cholera is spreading in Baghdad’s impoverished al-Amil quarter where overcrowding and contaminated water are leading to fears of an epidemic. City officials blame insurgent attacks on infrastructure for the outbreak in southwest Baghdad.
    TVNL Comment: Another Bush/PNAC legacy.

  • DEPLETED URANIUM: We did it to ourselves - Series Intro: Dr. Doug Rokke, science teacher and 30-year Army vet, continues to expose one of the most egregious crimes against humanity, the US corporate creation and military use and sale of uranium waste (DU) in Desert Storm and elsewhere.
    TVNL Comment: VIDEO. Warning: This video requires the whole vid(18megs) to download before playing.

  • Audio of George Bush admitting to spreading propaganda - "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." — Bush in Greece, New York, yesterday.

  • Bush's war comes home - His dream of dominating every government institution in tatters, the US president is already plotting his revenge

  • A New Chapter In The Valerie Plame Case: - The grand jury investigation into the illegal leak of Valerie Plame's covert CIA identity still has not led to the public revelation of any suspect who might be responsible for the leak. Yet according to columnist Robert Novak, who published the leaked information, the suspects are two "senior" Bush Administration sources - who may be high-profile.


9/11 -
  • Missile & remote control systems added to small jets before 9-11; same parts found at Pentagon - Two civilian defense contractor employees--told to remain silent--say other workers quietly retro-fitted missile and remote control systems onto A-3 jets at Colorado public airport prior to September 11 when similar A-3 parts much smaller than a Boeing 757 were found at Pentagon - Presidential candidate says scores of retired and active military and intelligence officials would testify before current grand jury probing government involvement in 9/11 attacks

  • Sponsor of Stem Cell Bill Says Senate Could Override a Veto - Senator Arlen Specter, the Pennsylvania Republican and chief sponsor of a bill to expand federal financing for human embryonic stem cell research, issued a stark challenge to President Bush on Wednesday, saying he had enough votes in the Senate to override a presidential veto of the measure.

  • Priscilla Owen Confirmed As Federal Judge - Since her original nomination in 2001, to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, Democrats have argued that Owen has displayed a tendency for judicial activism, allowing her own political beliefs to color her rulings. In particular, they pointed to an abortion-related case in which she sided with a minority of the court that wanted to make it harder for teens to have an abortion without parental permission.

  • Judge: Parents can't teach pagan beliefs - An Indianapolis father is appealing a Marion County judge's unusual order that prohibits him and his ex-wife from exposing their child to "non-mainstream religious beliefs and rituals."
    TVNL Comment: So if you get a lot of people to believe in your fairy tale, it becomes mainstream and is therefore OK. Interesting.

  • WAKE the F*CK UP: **Stop Election Fraud** - We have found numerous serious election irregularities in the Ohio presidential election...Cumulatively, these irregularities, which affected hundreds of thousands of voters...raise grave doubts about whiter it can e said that the Ohio electors...were chosen in a manner conforming to Ohio law, let alone Federal requirements and constitutional standards.

  • Voters Group: Fla. Audit Shows Problems - The group also said there was a touchscreen machine malfunction; when votes were tallied the results from one machine had been counted three times, creating a discrepancy of 171 votes that became part of the certified canvass, the group said. - Fifteen of Florida's 67 counties used touchscreen machines, including most of the heavily populated ones.

  • THE CAGING OF AMERICA! - A Warning - CENSORSHIP ABORTION RIGHTS GAY MARRIAGE EVOLUTION SCHOOL PRAYER - Bill Frist knows: it’s all about the judges. That’s all, only the judges.- He is paving the way for advocates of the five fundamentalist obsessions that matter most to this faction. And he is actually getting it done.

  • America at War: - The United States of America is at War. Our enemies are not Iraqis. Our enemies are not Iranians. Are enemies are not dirty, stinking Arab towel head terrorists that "hate our freedoms." Our enemies are much closer to home and much more dangerous. - Our enemies are our illegal Government and their supporters.

  • Drivers Lining up for Converted Restaurant Oil to Fuel Vehicles - The state Department of Administration is giving consulting firm Madison Environmental Group a $15,000 grant to help Culver's start a pilot program of converted diesel cars running on used, filtered soybean oil.

  • US Selling More Weapons to Undemocratic Regimes That Support 'War on Terror' - The United States ranks top among the world’s arms exporters and in developing countries, a majority of its arms are sold to regimes “defined as undemocratic by our own State Department,’’ says a study released Wednesday by the Arms Trade Resource Center at New York-based New School University’s World Policy Institute. In the long run, it adds, the strategy risks undermining – not enhancing – U.S. security.

  • Mexico pressures US to extradite 'terrorist' - Mexico put more pressure on the United States on Wednesday in the sensitive case of a Cuban exile wanted in Venezuela for the bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people.

  • Colombian watchdog questions legality of US immunity - A senior Colombian legal official has called for the country to revise an agreement with the United States granting immunity from prosecution to its soldiers here.

  • US eases Indonesia arms embargo - The move will allow the sale of non-lethal items such as transport vehicles and communications equipment.
    TVNL Comment: The military industrial complex gets mo money, mo money, mo money!

  • Support sought for Darfur force - More than 180,000 people have died in Darfur, and some two million have been forced from their homes.

  • Giant Caspian oil pipeline opens - Some demonstrators were beaten and arrested last Saturday, with Azeri authorities saying that they acted because the protest was too close to the pipeline.
    TVNL Comment: The REAL reason we attacked Afghanistan.

  • US Silenced Information on Terrorism Supplied by Cuba - The text presented to White House officials on May 7, 1997 warned that US intelligence had enough information on the people involved in the terrorist attacks against the Island, adding that they could prevent this new form of terrorism on time if they wished.

  • Marines Drop Murder Charges Against Lieutenant Accused of Killing Two Iraqis - Prosecutors alleged Pantano intended to make an example of the men by shooting them 60 times and hanging a sign over their bodies - "No better friend, no worse enemy," a Marine slogan.
    TVNL Comment: Justice?

  • US stops N Korea work on MIAs - The United States has suspended its efforts to recover the remains of missing US servicemen in North Korea.

  • Stung by High Gas Prices, Uncle Sam Buys Minivans to Replace Army Humvees - The U.S. Armed Forces have ordered 19,000 minivans and 5,000 Pacificas from the Chrysler Group for use as light-duty vehicles in Iraq and elsewhere around the world, displacing less fuel-efficient Humvees, according to the Windsor Star.


  • 5 Leading Institutions Start Journalism Education Effort - The leaders of five of the nation's most prominent journalism programs are joining in a three-year, $6 million effort to try to elevate the standing of journalism in academia and find ways to prepare journalists better.

  • FCC Panelist Wants Probe Of Product 'Payola' - Adelstein cited reports in the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post that technology and other experts who are paid tens of thousands of dollars by such companies as Sony, Apple and Hewlett-Packard have positively discussed the firms' products on NBC's "Today" show, other network programs and during "satellite tours" of local TV stations.

  • New York Times Co. to Eliminate 190 Jobs - The newsroom jobs will be eliminated through a voluntary program, while the others will be a mix of voluntary and involuntary job cuts.

  • Newspaper union leader: U.S. military targets journalists - At a May 13 meeting in St. Louis, Foley said: "Journalists, by the way, are not just being targeted verbally or politically. They are also being targeted for real in places like Iraq. What outrages me as a representative of journalists is that there's not more outrage about the number, and the brutality, and the cavalier nature of the U.S. military toward the killing of journalists in Iraq."


  • Soldier Testifies Unarmed Iraqi Killed by Squad Leader Had Been Cooperating - An unarmed Iraqi cooperated with American troops searching his house and said "USA good" minutes before he was shot to death, a former U.S. soldier testified Wednesday at his one-time squad leader's murder trial.

  • Amnesty slams Israel 'war crimes' - The rights group's report for 2004 says Israeli forces have killed some 700 Palestinians - including 150 children - mostly in unlawful circumstances.
    TVNL Comment: Where is FOX News now?

  • N.C. church stands by sign saying Quran "should be flushed" - "My creed is the Bible, which tells me I am supposed to stand up and defend my faith," said the Rev. Creighton Lovelace, pastor of the 55-member Danieltown Baptist Church in Forest City. "I don't hate Muslims, I just hate their false doctrines."
    TVNL Comment: The battle over who's imaginary friend is better continues! Perhaps the pastor mentioned in this article can find the verse in his bible that taught a;; those priests and pastors to sodomize children. It seems that this book of "truths" does not guarantee that it will help make anyone a better person. Stop preaching and lead by example. All one has to do is to conduct their life in a way where they to not harm others. The rest is all for show and means nothing in the short or long run.

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