Date: May 27th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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TVNL Editor's Comments: I received an e-mail today that got me a bit ruffled, so I want to share a thought with you all today. When taking a position, or battling someone else’s position, it is important that the discussed positions are explained. It is not enough to take a position without having and expressing the information to back it up. You should back up your position with information and you should DEMAND others do the same when they present their position to you! Just a thought. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

  • US Soldiers Opened Fire at a Bus in Baghdad - Three civilian Iraqis travelling in a minibus were killed, reportedly shot dead by US forces, AFP reported, citing officials.

  • Two U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq helicopter crash - Two U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq when their helicopter crashed after being shot at north of Baghdad, the U.S. military said in a statement on Friday.

  • THREE DETAINEES ESCAPE FROM ABU GHRAIB - Three detainees escaped from the Abu Ghraib theater internment facility before sunrise on May 26.

  • Military Says Helicopter Crashes in Iraq - An American helicopter was shot down Thursday night near Baghdad while another was hit but landed safely, the U.S. military said. There was no word on the conditions of those aboard the downed aircraft.

  • Two more officials assassinated in Baghdad - Baghdad's Al-Mustansariya University's Education College Assistant Dean Mousa Al-Amir was assassinated Thursday By gunmen in Baghdad bringing total figure of ranking figures killed today to four.

  • The Ostrich Approach - Confronted by serious political opposition at many turns, President Bush has come up with an across-the-board public response: Don't acknowledge any of it.

  • Coalition of citizen groups seek formal inquiry into whether Bush acted illegally in push for Iraq war - A coalition of activist groups running the gamut of social and political issues will ask Congress to file a Resolution of Inquiry, the first necessary legal step to determine whether President Bush has committed impeachable offenses in misleading the country about his decision to go to war in Iraq, RAW STORY has learned.

  • Republican Hypocrisy Revealed - STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA - TVNL Comment: Must read. Amazing list!


9/11 -
  • REPLAY: Missile & remote control systems added to small jets before 9-11; same parts found at Pentagon - Two civilian defense contractor employees--told to remain silent--say other workers quietly retro-fitted missile and remote control systems onto A-3 jets at Colorado public airport prior to September 11 when similar A-3 parts much smaller than a Boeing 757 were found at Pentagon - Presidential candidate says scores of retired and active military and intelligence officials would testify before current grand jury probing government involvement in 9/11 attacks

  • Judge Rules Group Tied to DeLay Violated Election Law - In the first major legal decision involving associates of Representative Tom DeLay, a Texas judge ruled today that a political action committee formed by Mr. Delay had broken campaign finance laws as it propelled the Republican Party into power in the Texas House in 2002.

  • Dem Lawmakers Refuse Medicaid Commission - "Unfortunately, the partisan nature of the commission and the lack of voting rights are not our only reasons for refusing to appoint members," the two lawmakers said in a prepared statement. "We fundamentally disagree with the premise that this commission should make recommendations on how to cut Medicaid outlays by $10 billion by Sept. 1."

  • Shays Blasts Bush On Threats To Veto Stem Cell Bill - "I think history will be extraordinarily unkind to a veto that will be based on ideology and not on sound ethics or sound science," Shays said. "This shows that their ideology has gotten them out of the mainstream of the American people."

  • 2 Boca high schools requiring Bible readings over summer - The English Department at West Boca Raton High School is asking all incoming 11th-graders to read from the book of Genesis over the summer. Nearby Olympic Heights High School also requires the reading for students in honors 11th-grade English classes.
    TVNL Comment: The Christian Taliban on the move again!

  • Massive review of voting laws under way - Some are hailed as much-needed upgrades that will assure everyone of a vote with no fraud; others are alarming civil libertarians who fear new restrictions could disenfranchise the poor and others at society's margins.

  • Global warming will increase world hunger-U.N. - FAO said in a report that food distribution systems and their infrastructure would be disrupted and that the severest impact would likely be in sub-Saharan African countries.

  • Blast rips through Pakistan shrine - At least 18 people were killed when a powerful explosion ripped through a crowd of mainly Shiite Muslim worshippers at a shrine in the Pakistani capital Islamabad Friday, a security official said.

  • Piracy Rampant in Israel - According to the annual global report jointly prepared by the Software and Information Industries Association (SIIA) and the Business Software Alliance (BSA), 48 percent of software used in 1998 in Israel was illegal, which represents lost revenues of US$63 million.

  • Air Force enforces 'religious respect' - The Air Force has told its top commands worldwide to make sure officers don't use their positions to advance religious beliefs, following criticism of religious intolerance at the Air Force Academy.

  • Military Deserters Flee To Canada - About 6,000 Soldiers Deserted From Iraq War; 150 Fled To Canada

  • Pentagon admits five acts of 'mishandling' the Koran - The Pentagon admitted last night it had substantiated five occasions when US military personnel at Guantanamo Bay prison "mishandled" the Koran of Muslim detainees. But it said it found no credible evidence to confirm a complaint that the Islamic holy book had been flushed down a toilet.

  • Chairman removes health care provision from defense measure - House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., has employed a rarely used authority to strike a provision in the committee-passed $441.6 billion defense authorization bill that would have opened the military's Tricare health care system to all National Guard members and reservists.
    TVNL Comment: Another GOP who works against supporting the troops yet the lemming Bush supporters blame the Democrats.

  • How to lose a country in seven easy steps - OK, let’s take this step by step, lest we be accused of sounding shrill, ideological or just plain out of our respective minds.



  • Judge Says U.S. Must Release Prison Photos - A federal judge in New York told the Defense Department yesterday that it would have to release perhaps dozens of photographs taken by an American soldier of Iraqi detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

  • Bush, Other Top Officials Should Face Torture Probes, Says Amnesty; Urges Arrests if Warranted - Rights watchdog Amnesty International urged foreign governments Wednesday to investigate and prosecute President George W. Bush much as they once did former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.

  • Typical comment from a Bush supporter - LINK - TVNL Comment: Read our reply.

  • Graph of Palestinian children killed by Israel against Israeli children killed by Palestinians - LINK - TVNL Comment: Shhh! Don't tell anybody!

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