Date: May 28th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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TVNL Editor's Comments: There were official calls for international investigations and arrests of top US officials, including George W. Bush yesterday, yet CNN and company pretended it did not happen. They also ignored the news about Germany issuing an arrest warrant for Donald Rumsfeld over the same issues. Germany dropped the case against Rumsfeld when the US announced it would investigate the atrocities, but the investigation, as were all investigations under this administration, turned out to be a white wash. You would think that our media should report this just the same however. Just a thought. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

  • U.S. accused of reporting less than half its casualties in Iraq - An article datelined San Juan, Puerto Rico, says that troops under the US command have suffered at least 4,076 fatal casualties over 799 days of action.

  • Iraq car bomb blasts kills 7 - Two suicide car bombs have exploded outside a joint US-Iraqi military base near the northern town of Sinjar, killing five people and wounding at least 45, a hospital official said.

  • Body shown on video 'likely' to be Japanese hostage - A bloodied body shown on an Islamist website is very likely that of Japanese hostage Akihiko Saito, who was captured three weeks ago in Iraq, a Japanese embassy official said today.

  • Son of state Sen. Becky Lourey killed in Iraq - Lourey, son of state Sen. Becky Lourey, has been killed in Iraq, a senate spokesman said.

  • Analysts Behind Iraq Intelligence Were Rewarded - Pentagon spokesmen said the awards for the analysts were to recognize their overall contributions on the job over the course of each year. But some current and former officials, including those who called attention to the awards, said the episode shows how the administration has failed to hold people accountable for mistakes on prewar intelligence.
    TVNL Comment: It's like the Mafia, the bigger the crime, the bigger the reward!

  • Letter to Pres Bush Concerning "Downing Street Memo" - We the undersigned write to you because of our concern regarding recent disclosures of a “Downing Street Memo” in the London Times, comprising the minutes of a meeting of Prime Minister Tony Blair and his top advisers. These minutes indicate that the United States and Great Britain agreed to by the summer of 2002 to attack Iraq, well before the invasion and before you even sought Congressional authority to engage in military action, and that U.S. officials were deliberately manipulating intelligence to justify the war.

  • Assets will bar many low-income elderly from getting drug benefit - As many as 2.4 million low-income people will miss out on generous savings when the Medicare prescription-drug benefit begins next year because they have too many personal assets.
    TVNL Comment: What a compassionate GOP we have.

9/11 -
  • How Strong Is The Evidence For A Controlled Demolition? - The destruction of the World Trade Center has never been subjected to the scrutiny it deserves as a crime and as an unprecedented engineering failure, and an enormous amount of information crucial to a proper investigation has been irrevocably lost.

  • White House denies senators papers on Bolton nomination - White House officials declined yesterday to give senators the extra documents they are seeking regarding John R. Bolton, President Bush's choice to become ambassador to the United Nations, setting up a major standoff with Senate Democrats over the long-troubled nomination.
    TVNL Comment: If Clinton did this he would be impeached again!

  • White House Wants Search Limits Overturned - The Bush administration asked a federal appeals court Friday to restore its ability to compel Internet service providers to turn over information about their customers or subscribers as part of its fight against terrorism.
    TVNL Comment: Freedom? Liberty? What country is this?

  • USA TODAY Study says nation's urban roads deteriorating - A study to be released Thursday by The Road Information Program (TRIP), a transportation industry research group, says the condition of major roads in urban areas continues a decline.
    TVNL Comment:

  • Holocaust Survivor Leaving US - Sees What's Coming - "I'm going back because I've seen this before." He then commenced to explain that when he was a kid, he watched with his family in fear as Hitler's government committed atrocity after atrocity, and no one was willing to say anything. He said the news refused to question the government, and the ones who did were not in the newspaper business much longer.
    TVNL Comment: Take a lesson from this!

  • Romney Vetoes Stem Cell Bill for Mass. - Fulfilling his long-stated promise, Romney said at a news conference that he was unable to sign the bill because it includes a provision allowing therapeutic cloning, in which scientists create a cloned embryo to harvest stem cells in hopes of using them to treat and cure disease. Critics have said the practice amounts to creating human life only to destroy it.

  • US told to face up to climate change - Margaret Beckett today urges the Bush administration to accept that the "incontrovertible" weight of scientific evidence on the dangers of global warming is stimulating an urgent worldwide dialogue that the US must seriously engage with - or risk being left out.

  • Revealed: The real cost of air travel - It might be cheap, but it's going to cost the earth. The cut-price airline ticket is fuelling a boom that will make countering global warming impossible.

  • First-Ever Seattle Heat Warning Issued - Make that an iced coffee. While the Northeast was bidding farewell to unseasonably chilly temperatures, Seattle residents dusted off the sunscreen and shorts Friday as the National Weather Service issued its first-ever heat advisory for the city.

  • Japan pushes for doubling of whale kill - Japan is likely to provoke the biggest diplomatic clash over whale hunting for years today when it proposes doubling the number it is allowed to kill for "scientific research".
    TVNL Comment: What exactly are they researching; how to make whales extinct?

  • U.N. Party Planners Wonder, Will Bush and Friends Attend? - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has indicated she will not attend. So has former President George H. W. Bush. The controversial nominee for United Nations ambassador, John R. Bolton, has not been heard from, nor has President Bush, who was sent an invitation in February.

  • Month of Talks Fails to Bolster Nuclear Treaty - The gulf was so wide that the chairman, Sergio Duarte of Brazil, mused Friday on the question of whether the main treaty to limit the spread of nuclear arms, signed in 1970, was actually further weakened by the session.

  • U.S. Sends Mixed Messages In N. Korea Nuke Dispute - Amid increasing concern over North Korea's nuclear ambitions, the United States is sending mixed messages about its intentions, promoting negotiations while planning for ``other options'' if talks fail.

  • Death toll in Indonesian twin bomb blasts rises to 22 - Among the fatalities in the town of Tentena were an infant and a Christian cleric, according to Nyoman Agus, a police officer in the nearby town of Poso.

  • Anti-American Rallies Staged in Mideast - LINK - Thousands of Muslims marched Friday in Islamic countries from Asia to the Middle East, burning symbols of America to protest the alleged desecration of the Quran by military personnel at a U.S. prison in Guantanamo, Bay, Cuba.

  • 'Father' of Malaysia savages Bush and Blair - Mahathir Mohamad, modern Malaysia's founding father and moderate Islam's self-styled champion, denounced the Bush administration yesterday as a "rogue regime" bent on terrorising innocent civilians. He also said he was disappointed that Tony Blair, who he called a "proven liar", had won re-election after joining the US invasion of Iraq.

  • Marine gets 35 years for molesting young girl - Marine Staff Sgt. Craig H. Embry was sentenced to 35 years in prison Tuesday for molesting a 10-year-old girl over a two-year period.

  • U.S. Has Loosened Rules for Arms Sales, Study Says - The sale of military weapons to other countries, including many that were once barred from making such purchases, has increased sharply since the attacks on Sept. 11, according to a study by a New York research group.
    TVNL Comment: It's all about the money. Can you say Military Indistrial Complex?

  • Slain Soldier's Mom Rejected by Gold Star - Everyone agrees that Ligaya Lagman is a Gold Star mother, part of the long line of mournful women whose sons or daughters gave their lives for their country. Her 27-year-old son, Army Staff Sgt. Anthony Lagman, was killed last year in Afghanistan, but American Gold Star Mothers Inc., has rejected Lagman, a Filipino, for membership because - though a permanent resident and a taxpayer - she is not a U.S. citizen.
    TVNL Comment: How disgraceful can the people of this nation be? Apparently we have not stopped testing the limit! Another Bush legacy, deplorable nationalism!

  • US Navy commando cleared over Iraq beating - A US military jury has found a Navy commando not guilty of charges stemming from a 2003 incident in which members of his SEAL platoon beat a suspected Iraqi insurgent before handing the prisoner over to the CIA where he died in custody.

  • Holloman Sends More F-117 Stealths To S Korea - Fifteen F 117A Nighthawk stealth fighters are leaving Holloman Air Force Base this week for South Korea.


  • Pentagon spokesman lied repeatedly over claim Quran abuse hadn't been confirmed - The Pentagon spokesman who savaged Newsweek for reporting a claim that a U.S. military report would reveal investigators had confirmed Quran abuse lied repeatedly to the press about such incidents, RAW STORY has found.

  • Media Disinformation and the Nature of the Iraqi Resistance - The flurry of news, hypotheses, and disinformation about the nature of the Iraqi Resistance against the Occupation continues unabated. - How much of this is managed propaganda against the Iraqi Resistance?

  • Fox Freudian slip: Asman asked Lott why a compromise was needed when "we" had the votes for the nuclear option - Responding to Sen. Trent Lott's (R-MS) suggestion that Senate Republicans had the necessary votes to invoke the so-called nuclear option and that such a step was necessary, Fox News anchor David Asman asked Lott why Republican senators had compromised on the issue. Why compromise, Asman asked, "if we should have done it and if we had the votes to do it." Asman clarified that it was "you guys in the Republican party" who had the votes.

  • Flushing Out the Story - So the newly declassified FBI documents showing allegations of U.S. guards abusing the Koran have made a huge splash in the media, right? - Uh, no.

  • Study finds link between chemicals, damage to infants' genitals - Baby boys are far more likely to have smaller, less developed genitals if their mothers had high levels of chemicals commonly found in cosmetics, detergents, medicines and plastics, a study released Friday said.

  • Amnesty International Wants U.S. Officials Arrested and Investigated - Amnesty International USA urged foreign governments Wednesday to use international law to investigate Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and other alleged American "architects of torture" at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and other prisons where detainees suspected of ties to terrorist groups have been interrogated.


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