Date: May 30th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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TVNL Editor's Comments: How much evidence does this nation need before we believe or do anything about a situation? We went to war with 2 nations based on no evidence yet all the evidence in the word exists implicating the Bush/PNAC administration in multiple high crimes yet nothing happens! How much evidence has to exist before something becomes reality? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

  • RAF bombing raids tried to goad Saddam into war - THE RAF and US aircraft doubled the rate at which they were dropping bombs on Iraq in 2002 in an attempt to provoke Saddam Hussein into giving the allies an excuse for war, new evidence has shown. - The attacks were intensified from May, six months before the United Nations resolution that Tony Blair and Lord Goldsmith, the attorney-general, argued gave the coalition the legal basis for war. By the end of August the raids had become a full air offensive.

  • Iraqi Shias 'tortured and shot' - The mutilated bodies of 10 Iraqi Shia Muslim pilgrims have been found in the desert near the town of Qaim, close to the Syrian border, Iraqi police say.

  • The extraordinary pleas of Saddam's right-hand man - Letters from Iraq's former deputy PM Tariq Aziz insist he is innocent and claim he is being held illegally

  • The Cost of War: At Least 132,224 Lives Lost in Iraq - For every death shown here; for every cancerous death yet to come from the US military's continued use of depleted uranium ammunition; for every lost limb; for every child, mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandparent killed or wounded in Iraq; for every returning soldier with irreparable psychological and physical wounds; for every one of these horrific tragedies, there lives a Bush administration lie.

  • Long Jailings Anger Iraqis - A large proportion of inmates at Abu Ghraib and another facility are held months without charges. Critics urge a transfer to Iraqi custody.

  • US fights Iraq fire with street fighters - Asia Times Online has learned that the US, instead of training up a regular professional Iraqi army, will create what in effect will be armed militias, acting under US central command, to take the militias of the resistance on at their own game.

  • UK soldier killed in Iraq attack - A British soldier has been killed in south Iraq after a military convoy was attacked, the Ministry of Defence says.

  • 45 Iraqis, GI Killed in 2 Days of Attacks - As of Saturday, at least 1,655 U.S. military members have died since the Iraq war began in March 2003, according to an AP count.

  • Violence Surges Across Iraq With 30 New Deaths Reported - The surge of violence that has swept Iraq since its first elected government took office nearly a month ago continued Saturday, with at least 30 new deaths reported across the country, some of them in what appeared to be sectarian killings.

  • Stripping Rumsfeld and Bush of Impunity - When these two leading human rights organizations make such bold claims about the President and the Secretary of Defense, we need to take the question of executive criminality seriously.

  • Review May Shift Terror Policies - The Bush administration has launched a high-level internal review of its efforts to battle international terrorism, aimed at moving away from a policy that has stressed efforts to capture and kill al Qaeda leaders since Sept. 11, 2001, and toward what a senior official called a broader "strategy against violent extremism."
    TVNL Comment: More proof that Bin Laden is a CIA or other secret cabal asset. This continues the pattern of protecting Bin Laded that the Bush administration started started as soon as the took office.

  • Capitol Hill Corruption: Operation Tennessee Waltz - According to the indictments, the suspects were accused of violating the Hobbs Act, which is a type of extortion, and of taking bribes to use their offices to help a company do business in Tennessee.


9/11 -

  • Hastert Directs Millions to Birthplace - Communities represented by powerful lawmakers have always had an edge in the scramble for federal funds. But Aurora's successful applicants have unusually close connections to members of its congressman's staff.

  • Asbestos - Republicans, fresh from their victory in passing class-action reform, are hoping for success on asbestos this year after several failed prior attempts.

  • Man Serving Life for Stealing Television Released After 35 Years - Allen, 65, walked out of prison Friday, ending a case that attracted widespread attention because he remained in jail while other inmates convicted of murder, rape or child molestation were released.
    TVNL Comment: And Dick Chaney is walking around as a free man!

  • U.S. Is Set to Test Missile Defenses Aboard Airlines - The tests are being financed by the Department of Homeland Security, which has been directed by Congress to move rapidly to take technology designed for military aircraft and adapt it so it can protect the nation's 6,800 commercial jets. It has so far invested $120 million in the testing effort, which is expected to last through next year.

  • One Hundred Names You Won't Hear This Memorial Day - On Monday we will celebrate Memorial Day, the one day of the year when President Bush actually has to acknowledge our otherwise officially-invisible war dead.

  • Smithsonian to Screen a Movie That Makes a Case Against Evolution - Fossils at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History have been used to prove the theory of evolution. Next month the museum will play host to a film intended to undercut evolution.

  • Secretary of State: Company selected to implement statewide voting system - Diebold Election Systems, a company specializing in election data information, has been selected to oversee the implementation of Alabama's new statewide voter registration system, Secretary of State Nancy Worley said Friday.

  • Tennessee State Senator Facing Bribery Charges After FBI Sting Submits Letter of Resignation - A member of the Senate for more than 30 years, Ford was arrested Thursday following the sting operation nicknamed "Tennessee Waltz." He is charged along with four other current and former state lawmakers with taking payoffs, and he is also accused of threatening to kill a witness.

  • U.S. Forest Service Suspends Whistleblower - The U.S. Forest Service has suspended an agency official who complained that some of its managers ignored environmental laws and rules for the spraying of pesticides and weed-killers on forests.
    TVNL Comment: Reward the bad guys and punish the good guys. Another Bush legacy!

  • Venezuela rallies over Cuba exile - Tens of thousands of Venezuelans have rallied in the capital Caracas to demand the US extradites a Cuban exile accused of bombing an airliner in 1976.

  • Annan pledges aid for south Sudan - UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has promised to help former rebel leader John Garang to implement peace in southern Sudan.

  • US blocks extradition; strained relations between Venezuela and USA - The BBC is reporting from London that the US has rejected Venezuela's request for it to extradite a Cuban-born terror suspect over a 1976 airline bombing that killed 73 people.



  • Nepal reporters in protest march - Up to 200 journalists have marched through Nepal's capital, Kathmandu, to protest against the government's closure of a radio production company.

  • Media quickly drops stories critical of Bush administration - A certain and clear pattern has emerged when a damaging accusation or claim against the Bush administration or the Republican-led Congress is publicized: Bush supporters laser in on a weakness, fallacy or inaccuracy in the story's sourcing while diverting all attention from the issue at hand to the source or the accuser in the story.

  • UK 'crippling Africa healthcare' - With the UK taking over the chair of the G8 in July, there is an ideal opportunity to stop the brain drain from poor to rich countries, they said.


  • Woman Who Filed Rape Charges Against George W. Bush Found Dead From Gunshot To Her Head - The Strange Death of the Woman Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit Against Bush
    TVNL Comment: We thought we would remind you of this little story that the press ignored.

  • FABIÁN ESCALANTE ON POSADA AND OPERATION 40 - “Who had the means and motives to kill Kennedy in 1963?”

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