Date: May 30th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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TVNL Editor's Comments: Remember the men and women who died during the Iraq invasion? Do you remember why they went to war? Does that reason still apply? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

  • Blast shakes NATO headquarters in Kabul - An Afghan police officer outside the compound, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a rocket had hit inside the heavily fortified base, which is near the U.S. Embassy and other diplomatic missions in central Kabul.

  • Senior Kurdish Official in Kirkuk Shot Dead - Maj. Gen. Ahmed al-Barazanchi, the director of internal affairs of Kirkuk province and a former police chief, was shot several times late Sunday, said Ismail al-Hadithi, Kirkuk's deputy governor.

  • Facing Chaos, Iraqi Doctors Are Quitting - In the past year, about 10 percent of Baghdad's total force of 32,000 registered doctors - Sunnis, Shiites and Christians - have left or been driven from work, according to the Iraqi Medical Association, which licenses practitioners.

  • Leading Afghan cleric shot dead - Gunmen have killed a leading cleric and opponent of the Taleban in southern Afghanistan, police said.

  • Baghdad family: 'This is not life' - Parents do what they can to keep children safe
    TVNL Comment: Another Bush/PNAC legacy!

  • Do The People Of Iraq Have A Right To Resist U.S. Occupation? - Do the people of Iraq have the right to defend themselves against violent foreign invasion and occupation by any means at their disposal against an aggressive and rapacious enemy enjoying overwhelming military superiority?

  • Bike bomb wounds 4 in Afghanistan - A roadside bomb has exploded in Kabul, wounding four Afghans travelling in a taxi behind a vehicle carrying soldiers belonging to the NATO-led peacekeeping force.

  • US forces mistakenly arrest Sunni leader - The leader of the Iraq Islamic Party was hooded and taken from his home along with his three sons before dawn by US troops, according to senior party official Alaa Makki. - No reason has been given for the detention.

  • Iraq bombers hit security forces - At least 20 people have been killed in two separate suicide bomb attacks in the predominantly Shia town of Hilla, 95km (60 miles) south of Baghdad.

  • Smoking Bullet in the Smoking Gun? - These are revelations of not only systematic efforts to bring a war against Iraq in most of 2002, it appears to be evidence that war was BEING CONDUCTED against Iraq in 2002. Representative Conyers provides us some new information on the question he has presented to Secretary of Defense Rumsfled and an action item.

  • 30 killed in attacks as Iraqi forces launch crackdown - The official said that despite an early warning that the operation was coming, "We are not seeing any indication that insurgents are packing up their bags."

  • 10 reasons not to kill Bush - If the assassin were looking for a way to hurt America, blowing up the president would be a good idea. Bush's martyrdom would put the last nail in the coffin of the liberal agenda. So, for those Bush-haters out there, here are 10 reasons you should stop praying for an assassinated G.W.B.:

  • A Bane Amid The Housing Boom: Rising Foreclosures - "Mortgage companies convinced us to refinance, and each time our bill went up," O'Mara said as he surveyed his narrow street from his shaded front porch. "You fall behind and they swoop down on you."

9/11 -


  • Two Volusia teens accused of killing homeless man for fun - Two teenagers have told Volusia County sheriff's investigators that they killed a homeless man for fun and something to do.
    TVNL Comment: But America is the greatest nation in the world! Keep saying that to yourself! There is no evil here!


  • South Korean Students Hold Anti - U.S. Rally - Thousands of South Korean students rallying Sunday against the U.S. military's five-decade presence clashed with police after trying to enter the American base, and at least 12 people were injured and more than 20 were arrested.

  • French 'Non' puts EU in turmoil - European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said there was now "a very serious problem" and there was no willingness to reopen negotiations.

  • French voters reject EU charter - Almost 55% of people voted "No, with 45% against, according to final interior ministry figures.

  • Soldier Who Killed Self Added to War Casualties - A U.S. soldier who committed suicide at Walter Reed Army Medical Center nearly two years ago has been added to the official Defense Department tally of Iraq war casualties.

  • America's recruiting dilemma - Retired Army Lt. Col. Charles Krohn got himself in trouble with his superiors as a Pentagon civilian public affairs official during the first three and one-half years of the Bush administration by telling the truth.

  • ON MEMORIAL DAY - Today is Memorial Day, the day we are taught to remember our war dead and to honor their sacrifice. - Except of course that for the most part, we don't remember them.

  • America, a Symbol of . . - This Memorial Day is not a good one for the country that was once the world's most brilliant beacon of freedom and justice.

  • Toxic Evangelization; The Vile Christian Disease that Has Killed Millions and Destroyed Hundreds of Cultures - I cannot believe that when Jesus told his followers to bring his message to the world, he meant for it to be done in the monstrous way that missionaries and Monarchs, Crusaders, Mega-church Leaders and televangelists have done so over the last two millenia.

  • Some See 'Moral Values' Hijacked by the Right - Liberal Churches Often Have Different Interpretation of What Is Moral

  • They Also Serve Who Stand for Peace - But on Memorial Day I also honor those who work to end war - or to avert it. Our diverse country is big enough for many kinds of heroes, including people who work for peace.

  • NY Times Headline that Should Have Been! - If we had a free press we would have seen something like this weeks ago:

  • Scientists link plastic food containers with breast cancer - A chemical widely used in food packaging may be a contributing factor to women developing breast cancer, scientists have suggested.

  • Millions Celebrate Gay Pride in Brazil - Almost 2 million gay men, lesbians, transvestites and their supporters — many in lavish Carnival costumes and waving rainbow-colored flags — paraded in Brazil's biggest city on Sunday to celebrate gay pride and call for the legalization of civil unions between homosexuals.

  • Eleven UK soldiers face war crimes trial - Up to 11 British soldiers and officers are under investigation for alleged war crimes over the death of an Iraqi civilian in British custody, The Independent on Sunday can reveal.


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