Date: May 31st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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TVNL Editor's Comments: Keep an eye on Venezuela. PNAC is concocting a scenario for going to war. They have been provoking an incident for several years. PNAC has them in their sites due to their oil. How else would you explain the blatant undiplomatic and disgraceful behavior the US has displayed towards them over the past 5 years? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

  • Three Bombers Kill 31 In Iraq - Well-Coordinated Attacks Target A Police Protest

  • Basra out of control, says chief of police - The chief of police in Basra admitted yesterday that he had effectively lost control of three-quarters of his officers and that sectarian militias had infiltrated the force and were using their posts to assassinate opponents.
    TVNL Comment: Courtesy of Bush/PNAC!

  • Death and Humiliation - “This is the freedom and democracy that America has brought us.”

  • Abducted Iraq governor found dead - The kidnapped governor of Iraq's Anbar province has been found dead along with his suspected captors after a clash with US forces.

  • Iraqi Aircraft Crashes; Americans on Board - An Iraqi Air Force aircraft crashed Monday in eastern Diyala province during an operational mission with four Americans and one Iraqi on board, the military said. It was not immediately clear if the four Americans were in the military or what their condition was.

  • The Success of Failure - The list of individuals who received accolades and/or promotions for performance that would otherwise call for reprimand, summary discharge, or even possibly criminal charges is quite lengthy. Some of the more egregious examples of people who have benefited from nonsuccess are as follows:

  • Texas Size Lies and Ideologues - It's hard these days to get very excited when George Bush or his minions tell another lie. They've lied to the American people and to the world at an astonishing rate. The lies are calculated, hateful, sometimes deadly and legion.

  • A Week of Bush Is Like A Year of Clinton - The number of deceptions, prevarications, miscalculations, bungles, calamities, usurpations, and out-right atrocities of which the Bush administration and its kept Republican Congress are guilty, only in any given week, boggles the mind, and evokes a depressing swell of nostalgia for the Clinton years.

  • Bush and Big Oil - What amazes me the most is that while the American economy and her people get hammered at the gas pump the American public is still not outraged by the fact the major US oil companies posted record oil profits for the year 2004. - As a matter of fact Exxon Mobil reported the largest one-year operating profit of any corporation in U.S. history and the highest quarterly profit $8.42 billion ever by a American company.

9/11 -
  • Al-Qaeda terror threat 'growing' - France's top anti-terrorism judge, Jean-Louis Bruguiere, has warned that al-Qaeda is now more fragmented and a bigger threat than before. - Judge Bruguiere stressed the importance of identity cards to prevent terrorism. - He also said the courts should be allowed to consider evidence gathered by wire-tapping - as in France, but unlike the UK, where it is inadmissible.
    TVNL Comment: This is by design. The controlling factors need the boogie men to scare the public so that their police state laws get public support.

  • Depeted Uranium Bill Introduced Into Congress - Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA), a medical doctor, on May 17 introduced legislation with 21 original co-sponsors in the House of Representatives that calls for medical and scientific studies on the health and environmental impacts from the U.S. Military’s use of depleted uranium (DU) munitions in combat zones, including Iraq. The McDermott bill also calls for cleanup and mitigation of sites in the U.S. contaminated by DU.

  • C.I.A. Expanding Terror Battle Under Guise of Charter Flights - When the Central Intelligence Agency wants to grab a suspected member of Al Qaeda overseas and deliver him to interrogators in another country, an Aero Contractors plane often does the job.

  • Boy, 4, Accidentally Killed During Target Practice at Holiday Weekend Gathering in Minnesota - A 4-year-old boy was fatally wounded when he wandered behind a paper target while family and friends were practicing shooting, authorities said.
    TVNL Comment: Guns are fun for the whole family! More guns! Be a patriotic American! Wave the flag and shoot something!

  • Wilderness Site May See Oil Drilling - Tucked away in the 96-page emergency military spending bill signed by President Bush this month are four paragraphs that give energy companies the right to explore for oil and gas inside a sprawling national park.

  • Israeli firms 'ran vast spy ring' - Police in Israel say they have uncovered a huge industrial spying ring which used computer viruses to probe the systems of many major companies.

  • US officials may face Caracas ban - Venezuela is threatening to refuse entry to US officials in response to the decision to bar Venezuela's top judge from entering the United States.

  • Flare-up in EU-US air trade row - A bitter row has reignited between The US and the European Union (EU) over subsidies for their aircraft makers Boeing and Airbus.

  • De Villepin appointed French PM - Dominique de Villepin has been named as France's new prime minister, following the country's rejection of the EU constitution in Sunday's referendum.

  • US Foreign Aid Greatly Exaggerated, Says New Study - The world's richest nations greatly exaggerate their aid to poor countries – with the US, the worst offender, giving only 0.02% of its income in real assistance, says a study released today by ActionAid International.

  • U.S. bid to dominate invites disaster - Gorbachev - "Trying to be a world gendarme today is an illusion. That is not the way ahead, but a blind alley." - If Washington pursued its efforts to put a defensive weapons system in space, the 74-year-old Gorbachev told the meeting at the United Nations European headquarters, "it will spark a new arms race, with all the consequences....

  • To the end, colonel a man of the troops - Top brass not expected at funeral of war hero - His adversary became the US military bureaucracy, which he railed against for 30 years on grounds that it failed to put the troops first. He also opposed military action in Bosnia, Kosovo, and especially Iraq.

  • Unceremonious end to Army career - But on a spring day last year, Riggs was told by senior Army officials that he would be retired at a reduced rank, losing one of his stars because of infractions considered so minor that they were not placed in his official record. - Riggs was blunt and outspoken on a number of issues and publicly contradicted Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld by arguing that the Army was overstretched in Iraq and Afghanistan and needed more troops. - A senior officer's loss of a star is a punishment seldom used, and then usually for the most serious offenses, such as dereliction of duty or command failures, adultery or misuse of government funds or equipment.
    TVNL Comment: With each day it it getting harder to support the troops. It is especially hard to support the troops that applaud Bush at each one of his public lying sessions.

  • Learning To Be Stupid In The Culture Of Cash - Let me put it succinctly: I don't think serious education is possible in America. Anything you touch in the annals of knowledge is a foe of this system of commerce and profit, run amok.

    • Israel's 'Mr. TV' Faults Settlements in Documentary - Now 72, Mr. Yavin, known here as "Mr. TV," is about to deliver a documentary about Israel's settlements in the West Bank that is pessimistic, angry and intensely personal. - "Since 1967, we have been brutal conquerors, occupiers, suppressing another people," he says in the documentary, "Yoman Masa,"' ("Diary of a Journey"), which he filmed by himself, with a hand-held video camera and without a crew, in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the last two and a half years.

    • Call for release of HK journalist - The International Federation of Journalists has expressed "grave concerns" over the arrest in China of a Hong Kong journalist.

    • Stem-cell pioneer criticizes White House policy - The Bush administration's reluctance to fully support stem cell research is impeding U.S. research that has the potential to make major medical breakthroughs, South Korea's top cloning expert said Sunday.

    • Kenya moves to ban public smoking - He said tobacco kills some 12,000 Kenyans each year and that banning smoking in bars, churches and sport stadia would reduce that figure.

    • Canada Red Cross used HIV blood - The Red Cross in Canada has pleaded guilty to distributing contaminated blood supplies which infected thousands of Canadians with HIV and hepatitis C. - The blood scandal is widely regarded as one of the worst public health disasters in Canadian history.

    • Tales of Abuse, Forced Confessions in Guantanamo Testimonies - Tales of alleged abuse and forced confessions are among some 1,000 pages of tribunal transcripts the U.S. government released to The Associated Press under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit - the second batch of documents the AP has received in 10 days.

    • Man summons UFO's on camera - VIDEO
      TVNL Comment: Very interesting!

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