Date: June 1st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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TVNL Editor's Comments: For 30 years 2 journalists have protected the identity of Deepthroat, who committed a crime by leaking information to journalists for the purpose of exposing crimes committed by our administration. Today a journalist, Bob Novak, is protecting the identity of the person or people in our administration who committed a crime for the purpose of. punishing someone for telling the truth. With all the talk about Deepthroat going on I wonder why Novak has not come up. Then again…I don’t really wonder why. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

  • Deadly blast hits Afghan mosque - A suicide bomb attack has ripped through a mosque in Kandahar, southern Afghanistan, killing at least 16 people.

  • Recruiting of Salvadoran Mercenaries for Iraq Denounced - Social organizations in El Salvador have denounced that hundreds of Salvadorans are recruited by security agencies to work as mercenaries in Iraq under the veil of private security forces. - The enlisting operations are new ways of slavery because recruiters choose the needed and unemployed to accomplish the high risk missions in Iraqi territory, Human Rights Ombudswoman Beatrice de Carrillo warned.

  • Bloody May for U.S. troops in Iraq - The death toll for American troops in Iraq rose in May to the highest level since January, with the U.S. military saying Tuesday that insurgents have doubled their number of daily attacks since April.

  • Three Bombers Kill 31 In Iraq - Well-Coordinated Attacks Target A Police Protes

  • U.S. firms said to be named in withheld Bolton documents - Some of the information that the White House has refused to provide to Congress for its review of the nomination of John Bolton includes the names of American companies mentioned in intelligence reports on commerce with China and other countries covered by export restrictions, say government officials who have been briefed on the documents.

  • A liar and a coward - This is outrageous. The Vice President of the United States saying on national television that allegations of mistreatment at Guantanamo Bay are false. They are are not. He is, quite simply, a liar.

  • The 'I' word - THE IMPEACHMENT of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, should be part of mainstream political discourse. - Minutes from a summer 2002 meeting involving British Prime Minister Tony Blair reveal that the Bush administration was ''fixing" the intelligence to justify invading Iraq. US intelligence used to justify the war demonstrates repeatedly the truth of the meeting minutes -- evidence was thin and needed fixing. - President Clinton was impeached for perjury about his sexual relationships. Comparing Clinton's misbehavior to a destructive and costly war occupation launched in March 2003 under false pretenses in violation of domestic and international law certainly merits introduction of an impeachment resolution.


9/11 -
  • HALFTIME REPORT ON JIMMY WALTER 9/11 EUROTOUR - The Re-Open 9/11 European Tour organized and publicized by American philanthropist Jimmy Walter – now approaching its halfway mark – has already scored a significant success in moving world public opinion on this issue.


  • Another swing of the pocketbook - A week after they declared victory over Walt Disney Co., Christian activists have fired another missile in their long war against companies they think are destroying traditional American values.
    TVNL Comment: They should support traditional values like child abusing pastors, hatred and bigotry. Oh...we almost forgot...war and guns!

  • Conn. Lawmakers Approve Stem Cell Research - The state House of Representatives on Tuesday gave final approval to a 10-year, $100 million plan to fund stem cell research, seeking to position Connecticut to compete with other states in the emerging scientific field.

  • Mass. Lawmakers Override Stem Cell Veto - Under previous state law, scientists who wanted to conduct embryonic stem cell research in Massachusetts needed the approval of the local district attorney. The new law seeks to expand stem cell research by removing that requirement but giving the state Health Department some regulatory controls.

  • Bush signs bill increasing regulation of abortion clinics - Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush signed a bill Tuesday increasing state oversight of abortion clinics that provide second-trimester abortions, saying he did so "gladly, with pride and conviction."

  • 'Stealth' drilling threat to US park - But now the Gulf Islands National Seashore is under threat from what environmentalists are describing as a "stealth amendment" tucked away inside the 96-page emergency military spending bill signed by George Bush last month.

  • Sweden shuts down atomic reactor - Sweden has closed its Barseback 2 nuclear reactor. two years behind schedule, and 25 years after Swedes voted to stop using atomic energy.

  • One-fifth of Earth's bird species in danger: study - More than a fifth of the planet's bird species face extinction as humans venture further into their habitats and introduce alien predators, an environmental group said.

  • Venezuelan and Russian Officials Sign Twelve Cooperation Agreements - Venezuelan and Russian officials signed 12 cooperation agreements, including proposed electricity and mining projects as the two nations move to forge stronger ties.

  • Revealed: the new scramble for Africa - A Guardian investigation beginning today reveals that instead of enriching often debt-ridden countries, some big corporations are accused by campaigners of facilitating corruption and provoking instability - so much so that organisations such as Friends of the Earth talk of an "oil curse".

  • Jewish Settlers Take Over Abandoned Hotel - Jewish settlers led by well-known extremists have taken over an abandoned beachfront hotel in the Gaza Strip and plan to move in hundreds of people opposed to Israel's withdrawal this summer.

  • Nicaragua under state of emergency - Nicaraguan President Enrique Bolanos declared a state of emergency on Monday, suspending parts of the constitution in order to confront a crisis caused by rising energy prices.

  • Bush meets prominent opponent of Venezuela's Chavez - President Bush met a prominent opponent of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the White House on Tuesday in a show of support that could anger the firebrand leader of a major U.S. oil supplier.

  • Wounded Gay Soldier Discharged From Army - An Army sergeant from Ohio who was wounded in Iraq and wanted to remain in the military as an openly gay soldier was officially discharged Tuesday, according to an advocacy group.

  • Lawmaker Wants Lower Soldier Drinking Age - One Wisconsin lawmaker figures if the U.S. military trusts 19-year-olds with a $10 million tank, then the state should trust them with a beer.

  • Dust off the Nuremberg Files - Presently, the ongoing American and British slaughter of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians constitutes a blatant war crime. Average legal skills should be able to prove that a similar case for the prosecution against the current coalition leaders can easily be constructed on comparable lines.

  • WHAT IS THE PRICE FOR YOUR CHILD'S LIFE? - No, seriously, how much would you charge me to let me kill your kid? I'll make up a whole batch of comfortable lies about it so you can assuage your guilt when your kid comes home in a cheap box with a cheaper flag draped over it, but, c'mon, let's talk money here. How much?

    • Downing Street Memo Mostly Ignored in U.S. - A British government memo that critics say proves the Bush administration manipulated evidence about weapons of mass destruction in order to carry out a plan to overthrow Saddam Hussein has received little attention in the mainstream media, frustrating opponents of the Iraq war.

    • Demand The News - PROETEST GE's NBC News ProWar Government Propagandists not Journalists! - Degrading the Integrity of American Journalism - SATURDAY JUNE 4, 2005 11am

    • Press Freedom World Review - In the United States, press freedom is currently facing one of its most challenging periods in recent decades.

    • Fox News Admits Bias! - Even we at Fox News manage to get some lefties on the air occasionally, and often let them finish their sentences before we club them to death and feed the scraps to Karl Rove and Bill O'Reilly. And those who hate us can take solace in the fact that they aren't subsidizing Bill's bombast; we payers of the BBC license fee don't enjoy that peace of mind.

    • Tobacco companies took aim at female smokers - Tobacco companies did elaborate research on women to figure out how to hook them on smoking — even toying with the idea of chocolate-flavored cigarettes that would curb appetite, according to a new analysis.

    • Director of rights group defends critical study - "The Bush administration has regularly relied on Amnesty International when it pleases them," William F. Schulz, who runs the organization's 167-person staff, told The Washington Times. "So if we are such a left-leaning group, why did Donald Rumsfeld rely upon our reports in the run-up to the Iraq war and why is the administration more than happy to cite Amnesty reports on countries such as Cuba, China and North Korea?"

    • DFAT demands Kuwait investigate torture claims - The Department of Foreign Affairs says it has sought assurances from Kuwaiti authorities that an Australian man being held in the country is not being mistreated.

    • Bush Reality Show - I have a suggestion of my own for a reality show.

    • Monks defrocked after street brawl - FIVE Thai Buddhist monks have been defrocked and fined after a brawl with monks from a nearby temple, police and newspapers said today.

    • Palestinian Friday Service by Shiek Ibrahim Mudeiris - TVNL Comment: Ahh, the refreshing sounds of peace emanating from one of our many radical religious institutions.


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