Date: June 2nd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: This morning CNN headline breaks consisted of the following stories: a robbery where a hostage was taken, live coverage of the runaway bride as she arrived at court, a national spelling bee, a nine year old to stabbed someone, Rod Stewart’s personal life, the San Francisco 49ers public relations problem and maybe one or two other stories that have zero impact on the electorate and only affected a few dozen people on the planet. Is this the mission of a national news organization; to provide useless information that has no affect on the nation? Still missing on CNN after 5 years of waiting, a single news item about the Bush administration’s environmental policies, lost in the sea of missing vital news.

CNN celebrated their 25th anniversary yesterday. It reminded me of having a bottle of milk in your refrigerator that you forget about. Perhaps it was a good product that was good for you at one time, but after 25 years look what it has become! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,





· SOLDIER DIES FROM SMALL-ARMS NEAR AR RAMADI - A Soldier assigned to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died June 1 from enemy small-arms fire received while conducting combat operations near Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

· SOLDIER KILLED BY IED IN AR RAMADI - A Soldier assigned to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action yesterday when an improvised explosive device detonated near the vehicle in which he was traveling. The Soldier was with a unit conducting combat operations near Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

· TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER DIES OF NON-BATTLE INJURY - A Task Force Liberty Soldier died of a non-battle-related injury at about 6:40 a.m. June 1 in Kirkuk.

· Officials See Terror Threat From Iraq Vets - He said Iraq had become "a university on how to conduct highly effective assassinations and bombings."
TVNL Comment: So how are we safer as a result of the invasion? Please remind us.

· Iraq security forces suffer fatal month - Iraq's security services have suffered their deadliest month since the fall of Saddam Hussein, illustrating the rise in violence in the country.

· Wounded Iraqis Left Broken and Burdened - With Medical Facilities Strained, Assistance Is Hard to Come By
TVNL Comment: Oh yes, they are MUCH better off now!

· Mortar Blast Kills 3 Kids, Uncle in Iraq - The numbers of Iraqi police, soldiers and civilians killed sharply increased in May, according to officials from three government ministries.
TVNL Comment: When was the last time the
US media polled the Iraqi public on how they feel about the US invasion now?

· The last throes of truth in Iraq - THE WHITE HOUSE is searching for weapons of mass deletion. - All that is missing is a banner behind them saying, ''Misinformation Accomplished."

· Big, Bad Abu Musab al-Zarqawi - The creation of a myth - Is it time to ‘dispose’ of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? Has he ‘outlived’ his usefulness?

· Series of car bombs strikes Iraq - At least 16 people including a local official have died and 42 have been hurt in a series of car bombs in Iraq.
TVNL Comment: They are soooo much better off now that we invaded them!

· Mortar Blast Kills 3 Kids, Uncle in Iraq - A mortar barrage killed three Iraqi children and their uncle as they played together outside their Baghdad home, the latest deaths in an insurgency that claimed a total of six lives Wednesday and showed no signs of slowing down.



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· Impeachment Fever and Media Politics - If you think President Bush should be impeached, it's time to get serious.

· Watergate Proves That Even Presidents Will Break Laws To Achieve Goals - The parallels between the Bush and Nixon administrations are eerily familiar. Both bullied the press, were/are highly secretive, obsessed over leaks, engage(d) in massive cover-ups and quickly branded aides as disloyal if they dared to raise questions about the President’s policies.

· SEC Chairman Donaldson Stepping Down - Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William Donaldson, installed by President Bush to restore confidence in a stock market shaken by a wave of corporate scandals, announced his resignation Wednesday.

· Bolton: Secrets Spilled? - But the normally collegial Roberts and Rockefeller couldn't agree on whether Bolton handled the names appropriately once he received them.















· No Place Like Home for Poor Under Bush Housing Plan? - The administration of President George W. Bush, having slashed hundreds of millions of dollars from public housing programs, is proposing legislation that would reverse a decades-long federal policy that helped provide decent housing for some of the neediest people in the United States, say housing advocates.
TVNL Comment: More "Ruthless Conservatism!"










· Bush Maintains Opposition to Doubling Aid for Africa - Asked Wednesday about the issue, Mr. Bush said, "It doesn't fit our budgetary process."
TVNL Comment: His policies do however support increasing AIDS for

· UN veteran fired over oil scandal - Joseph Stephanides, who is alleged to have steered a lucrative contract to a British firm, is the first UN employee sacked over the scandal.

· Bolivian city gripped by protests - They are also demanding the nationalisation of the energy industry, saying a law which increases taxes on foreign gas investors, does not exert enough control over the country's resources.

· Thousands held in Zimbabwe blitz - More than 22,000 people have been arrested in the recent crackdown on Zimbabwe's shantytowns, a police spokesman has told state media.

· N Korea denounces Cheney remarks - A North Korean spokesman said Mr Cheney's remarks were tantamount to asking Pyongyang to stop negotiating.

· EU leaders set for crisis talks - Gerhard Schroeder will meet the prime minister of Luxembourg, the current president of the EU, after the French and Dutch rejected the EU constitution.

· Israel releases 400 Palestinian detainees - Approving the releases on Sunday, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said the move was necessary to "strengthen the moderate elements within the Palestinian Authority" and respect commitments made at a February peace summit to release a total of 900 prisoners.





· After 30 Years, Draft Fears Rise - Some Youths and Parents Worry Despite Government's Assurances





· Truth and Deceit - Now, with George W. Bush in charge, the nation is mired in yet another tragic period marked by incompetence, duplicity, bad faith and outright lies coming once again from the very top of the government.

· Analysis: Reversal of Andersen Conviction - While the reversal makes a retrial legally feasible, though unlikely, in truth the Supreme Court's judgment simply underscores the significance of a rule in white-collar cases: a jury cannot properly convict without first being required to conclude that a defendant had intended to engage in wrongdoing.





· Turner: CNN Focuses Too Much on Perverts - CNN should cover international news and the environment, not the ''pervert of the day,'' network founder Ted Turner said Wednesday as the first 24-hour news network turned 25. - ''I would like to see us to return to a little more international coverage on the domestic feed and a little more environmental coverage, and, maybe, maybe a little less of the pervert of the day,'' he said in a speech to CNN employees outside the old Atlanta mansion where the network first aired. - ''You know, we have a lot of perverts on today, and I know that, but is that really news? I mean, come on. I guess you've got to cover Michael Jackson, but not three stories about perversion that we do every day as well.''

· IWTnews Website Launch - Independent World Television is building the world's first global independent news network. Online and on TV, IWTnews will deliver independent news and real debate -- without funding from governments, corporations or commercial advertising. Internet fundraising makes it possible.
TVNL Comment: PLEASE consider writing to this group to recommend the editor of (me) for a possible position at their new organization! PLEASE take a moment to write them!!! Their address:

· Watergate case shows value of anonymous sources - But even as news organizations scramble to write new policies to limit their reliance on unnamed sources, the unveiling Tuesday of the world's most famous anonymous source, Deep Throat, reminds the media and the public why their use is sometimes necessary, journalism experts say.

· Lessons from Newsweek's Retraction - In the rush to condemn Newsweek's May 9 report about abuse of the Quran at Guantanamo, little attention has been paid to a technique the magazine used in reporting its original story: submitting articles to government officials prior to publication.

· Koran stories show media at worst - Recent hand-wringing over "Koran desecration" has reached the point of being obnoxious, and in doing so it has illuminated a much larger issue -- what is the "appropriate" role of the media when it comes to its relations with the U.S. military.

· Anti-Syria journalist killed in car blast - A prominent anti-Syria journalist has been killed when a bomb destroyed his car as he started the engine in a Christian district of Beirut, security sources said.










· 60,000 Iraqis 'Disappeared' into US Camps - Independent journalist, Dahr Jamail, citing local humanitarian and other sources says the number of Iraqis detained by occupation forces is now well over 60,000 -far in excess of the commonly quoted official figure of 17,000.





· Wal-Mart Truth - Straight From Their Lips - ANOTHER ARM OF THE GOVERNMENT? - Keep in mind as you read this, that their headquarters contains a Homeland Security office which is off limits to most Wal-Mart "associates" in the chain's headquarters. This office was never brought up in the documentary. One should ask, "WHY?"




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