Date: June 3rd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: With all the denials being put forth by the Bush administration regarding Geneva Convention violations in the US run prisons, nobody is mentioning the fact that according to the Geneva Conventions an occupying force is responsible for the security of the occupied nation.

12,000 civilians have been killed as a result of America’s actions in Iraq. That’s 4 September 11ths to you flag wavers. For you George W. Bush Christians out there that’s 12,000 people who have been the subject of extremely late term abortions (in other words full, not partial birth abortions). Another way of looking at it is that our actions resulted in 12,000 Teri Schiavo life ending interventions. Where are all the pro-life people? Can they be any more hypocritical? Can they support a more anti-life person than George W. Bush? Can the media ignore this hypocrisy any more than they already do? I think not. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,





· A Video Allegedly Showing the Devastation of Fallujah -
TVNL Comment: This video shows tough and shocking pictures and it’s aimed to adult viewers only.

· Suicide bombing kills 10 in Iraq - This brought to nearly 50 the number of people killed on Thursday in four bombings and other violence.

· LEGAL OBLIGATION OF COALITION FORCES TO PROVIDE SECURITY IN IRAQ - International humanitarian law, as reflected in the U.S. military's own guidelines, obliges the occupying power to restore and ensure public order and safety. Law enforcement must, itself, be conducted in conformity with international human rights law standards. These standards apply to all those acting under U.S. authority, including non-U.S. members and coalition armed forces, Iraqi police, and any international law enforcement officers who may eventually serve in Iraq.

· Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949. - In each case, such persons shall nevertheless be treated with humanity and, in case of trial, shall not be deprived of the rights of fair and regular trial prescribed by the present Convention.

· Iraq Puts Civilian Toll at 12,000 - Insurgent violence has claimed the lives of 12,000 Iraqis in the past 18 months, Interior Minister Bayan Jabr said Thursday, putting the first official count on the largest category of victims from bombings, ambushes and other increasingly deadly attacks.

· U.N.: Weapons Equipment Missing in Iraq - U.N. satellite imagery experts have determined that material that could be used to make biological or chemical weapons and banned long-range missiles has been removed from 109 sites in Iraq, U.N. weapons inspectors said in a report obtained Thursday.

· Iraqi Insurgents Kill 39 in Rapid Attacks - Three suicide car bombings struck within an hour and two parked motorcycles exploded in northern Iraq on Thursday, while gunmen in speeding cars opened fire on a crowded market in Baghdad in a series of attacks that killed at least 38 people.
TVNL Comment: Slaughter, made possible by the Bush/PNAC administration.



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· Gambling, GOP politics intertwine - After promising not to take money from gambling interests, Bush's campaign fund accepted large contributions from gambling-related sources. His 2001 inaugural committee raised at least $300,000 from gambling interests, including gifts from MGM/Mirage, Sands, and a leading slot-machine maker. Bush later appeared at a Las Vegas casino for a fund-raiser for his reelection campaign.
TVNL Comment: Flip flop? Lie? Change in policy? Whatever you call it, the media ignored it.

· New 'Deep Throat' needed for Iraq, says Nixon rival - The US media needs a modern-day "Deep Throat" within the administration of President George W. Bush to reveal how America as "misled" on Iraq, former presidential contender George McGovern said.

· Felt didn't betray his country, Nixon did - To hear Pat Buchanan and Charles Colson talk about W. Mark Felt is like hearing a couple of old mob captains dismiss a soldier who has gone bad.

· Andy Warren quits GOP - Calling Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick a "DeLay Disciple" and decrying the Republican Party's move to the right, former Republican Bucks County commissioner Andy Warren on Wednesday announced he has become a Democrat and is not ruling out a run for office.

· Administration's offenses impeachable - It was all a lie. Many of us have said for a long time it was a lie. But here it is in black and white: Lies from a president who has taken a sacred trust to uphold the Constitution of the United States. - So, what does it mean? It means that our president and all of his administration are war criminals.

· Eloquence in political commentary - Police in Germany are hunting pranksters who have been sticking miniature flag portraits of US President George W. Bush into piles of dog poo in public parks.





· Teens seeking work face fierce competition - Older workers, immigrants taking many entry-level jobs





· Post-Mortem for the 4th amendment - The Senate Intelligence Committee is working behind closed doors to expand the powers of the Patriot Act and deliver another withering blow to the 4th amendment.

· WHO IS THE US CONGRESS LISTENING TO? - They didn't listen to these people.





· Rising doctors' premiums not due to lawsuit awards - Study suggests insurers raise rates to make up for investment declines





· Huge New California Climate Initiative Trumps Bush Administration - Despite the Bush Administration's refusal to act against the threat of global warming, hundreds of cities, counties, states, colleges and businesses are moving ahead on their own. In the process they are saving huge amounts of money and helping reduce America's dependence on fossil fuels.





· Israel plan for new settler homes - Israel has announced plans to build 22 more homes in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank.

· World snubs Niger hunger appeal - The United Nations says it has not received a single pledge of money in response to its emergency appeal for food aid for Niger.
TVNL Comment: Where is our compationate conservative Christian George W. Bush now?

· Bush opposes UK Africa debt plan - The UK's plan to write off debts owed by African nations is facing opposition in the US - and particularly from President George W Bush.

· China attacks 'unfair' US quotas - China has attacked the US for imposing new restrictions on textile imports, dubbing the move "trade protectionism".

· Israel 'tit-for-tat' death claims - Two Israeli soldiers have alleged that they were ordered to carry out revenge attacks on Palestinian police after six of their comrades were killed.
TVNL Comment: In case you are wondering this is called state sanctioned murder!





· 2 Sergeants Charged in Iraq Prison Abuse - - Two American soldiers who said that high-ranking officers authorized them to use dogs to intimidate Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison were charged yesterday with abuse. They are the latest to face courts-martial in the scandal.

· Final Honors for Hack at Arlington - The U.S. Army on Tuesday, May 31, 2005, honored the late Col. David H. Hackworth USA (Ret.) during a funeral ceremony with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.

· Growing Problem for Military Recruiters: Parents - Two years into the war in Iraq, as the Army and Marines struggle to refill their ranks, parents have become boulders of opposition that recruiters cannot move.





· Cox Law Helped Enron Hide Fraud - Chris Cox, who Bush will shortly announce is his nominee to become chairman of the SEC, was the primary sponsor of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. That law helped set the stage for Enron and others to hide their fraudulent accounting practices. Moreover, it helped shield these corporations from liability once the fraud is exposed.





· Open Letter To The American Media - It is so simple, it is almost silly. All you have to do is work together to actually report the news accurately and appropriately. That means the "runaway bride" goes on page 24 and the "DOWNING STREET MINUTES" go on page ONE as the HEADLINE news it is, right along with GENOCIDE IN IRAQ, THE MURDER OF OUR OWN TROOPS, CORRUPT ELECTIONS and noting THE HALF-LIFE OF DEPLETED URANIUM IS 4.5 BILLION YEARS (not to mention it only takes about one year for the microscopic and totally lethal bits of radiation to mix thoroughly in the air so it can blow over the entire world), among other hot topics.

· Newsman says dissent stifled - Former National Public Radio newsman Bob Edwards says the United States is in a McCarthy-like era in which the government stifles political dissent while the news media and the public fail to speak out in opposition.
TVNL Comment: Scroll down.

· Cowardice in Journalism Award for Newsweek - For their good behavior, I'm giving Newsweek and its owner, the Washington Post, this week's Yellow Streak Award for Craven Cowardice in Journalism..





· · Man-made pesticides blamed for fall in male fertility over past 50 years - Pesticides and other man-made chemicals may lower male fertility for at least four generations, according to new research.

· India to ban smoking in films and TV shows - The ban, the most comprehensive of its kind in the world, will outlaw shots showing cigarette packs and advertising hoardings.

· UN calls for action to halt Aids - Aids is spreading faster than ever, outstripping efforts to contain it, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has said





· Calif. Bill to Legalize Gay Marriage Dies - A bill to legalize gay marriage in California died Thursday after it failed to gain the simple majority needed to pass the state Assembly.

· Judge: Release Abu Ghraib Videos, Photos - A judge has ordered the government to release four videos from Abu Ghraib prison and dozens of photographs from the same collection as photos that touched off the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal a year ago.

· Head of Amnesty International Asks To Inspect Gitmo - The leader of the international human rights group Amnesty International called on President Bush and the United States to allow the group to inspect the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.





· Wal-Mart Truth - Part - If you haven't read Part 1 first, please do so. It will insure that the following has clarity for you.

· Watergate Chronology

· Former Michigan priest reinstated by Vatican working in Fla. hospital - A U.S. Navy chaplain who was suspended by Detroit Catholic leaders on accusations of child sexual abuse but later won reinstatement to the active priesthood through an appeal to the Vatican has begun work at a Florida hospital.

· When is a Conspiracy Theory More than a Theory? - If you have not personally heard of Amdocs, however, I would suggest you read this In a nutshell, Amdocs is responsible for routing pretty much all of America's public telephone traffic and has been tied to an investigation of Israeli espionage in the United States.



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