Date: June 4th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The entire media has consistently turned a blind eye to the demolition of Palestinian homes by Israel. The issue is ignored, underplayed and justified by liberals as well. I find this exemption to the principles of liberalism to be very disturbing. This is an issue of human dignity.

Collective punishment is a violation of Geneva Conventions. Demolishing homes for this reason is illegal, but demolishing homes to make room for Jewish settlers is a valid cause of rage among the victims and their supporters. We, the media and the people of the world have to eliminate the Israel public scrutiny exemption. It is the right thing to do! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,




· Despite Years of U.S. Pressure, Taliban Fight On in Jagged Hills - But the intensity of the fighting here in Zabul Province, and in parts of adjoining Kandahar and Uruzgan Provinces - roughly 100 square miles of mountain valleys in all - reveals the Taliban to be still a vibrant fighting force supplied with money, men and weapons.

· BEFORE the US attacked Iraq - Facts EVERY war supporter should have known
TVNL Comment: We did not know this because the American media intenionally missled is (LIED)!

· US soldiers killed in Afghan bomb blast - Two US soldiers were killed and another wounded in a bomb attack on their vehicle in southeastern Afghanistan, the US military said on Saturday.





· The Relentless Lies of George. W. Bush - TVNL Comment: IS ANYONE OUT THERE LISTENING?

· What Bush Owes Blair - IT'S PAYBACK TIME IN WASHINGTON. Britain's prime minister, Tony Blair, is coming to town to discuss the state of the world with President Bush: His steadfast support of Bush and America in Iraq entitles him to more than a friendly photo-op. Blair paid a heavy price at the polls for that support, and now has a parliamentary majority so reduced that some are calling for him to step down in favor of his chancellor, Gordon Brown.

· The Pimping of the President - Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist Billing Clients for Face Time with G.W. Bush





· Payrolls up only 78,000 in May; services business slows - The most important showed that employers added only 78,000 workers to their payrolls last month, far fewer than expected, even though the unemployment rate edged down to 5.1%, its lowest level since September 2001.





· Kerry To Push For Bush Impeachment - John Kerry announced Thursday that he intends to present Congress with The Downing Street Memo, reported by the London Times 1 May 2005.





· Air marshals sue Homeland Security over rules - A group of federal air marshals is suing top Homeland Security Department officials to challenge internal rules that forbid them from disclosing waste, fraud and abuse within the agency.

· Appeals Court Overrules Va. Late-Term Abortion Ban - A federal appeals court yesterday struck down Virginia's law barring a controversial late-term abortion procedure, ruling that the measure is unconstitutional because it lacks an exception to safeguard a woman's health.

· Count Every Vote Act 2005 - The Count Every Vote Act addresses an impressive number of the problems that Election Protection volunteers documented in 2004, and there's good reason for that. People For the American Way and the Election Protection coalition advised the bill's authors after spending weeks and months poring over the incident reports and voter testimonials which EP volunteers helped gather.

· Want to use the Web? Your fingerprint, please. - Soon, patrons of the Naperville Public Library - at least those wanting to use the Internet - will need more than a library card. - They'll give a fingerprint.

· George Ochenski: 'American democracy: Death by deception' - While President Bush blunders about the world invading countries, bombing civilians and forcing "regime change" in sovereign nations, our democracy here at home is dying. It is dying not because it is under attack from foreign forces, it is dying because the Bush government has changed America forever through its policies of secrecy, deception and lies. No democracy can survive when its own citizens no longer trust what their government tells them--tragically, that time has come for our nation.

· Investors take fright at Bush's choice for SEC chief - America’s biggest investors expressed grave fears over the direction of US corporate governance yesterday after President Bush nominated a Republican congressman with a history of hostility towards the investment community as the new chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission.





· · Permafrost May Be Shrinking Arctic Lakes - Arctic lakes are shrinking, and melting permafrost brought on by higher temperatures may be the reason, according to a research paper.

· Atlas depicts decades of damage around the world - An atlas of satellite photographs published by the UN environmental agency has exposed the physical damage wrought by the growing human population, including deforestation, retreating icecaps, dried seas, sprawling cities and pollution.





· Crackdown Muddies U.S.-Uzbek Relations - The United States is negotiating long-term use of a major military base in Uzbekistan to expand the global reach of American forces, despite a brutal government crackdown on protests there last month, Bush administration officials said.

· Latin America Leaders Balk at U.S. Plan - Many oppose the push to get the OAS to set democratic standards, saying they want to avoid the Washington- Venezuela dispute. 0 A study it conducted in 2003 revealed widespread sex abuse over the past 50 years, especially in the 1950s and 1960s. - It found that 30 of 372 priests had probably abused children.





· U.S. Confirms Urine Touched Quran at Gitmo - U.S. military officials say no guard at the Guantanamo Bay prison for terror suspects flushed a detainee's Quran down the toilet, but they disclosed that a Muslim holy book was splashed with urine.
TVNL Comment: Newsweek showed that a free press does not exist in this country by backing down and retracting their story. As was Dan Rather, they were correct in their genereal claim only the detials may not have been as acurate as the could have been.

· Pentagon Details Abuse Of Koran - The U.S. military released new details yesterday about five confirmed cases of U.S. personnel mishandling the Koran at the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, acknowledging that soldiers and interrogators kicked the Muslim holy book, got copies wet, stood on a Koran during an interrogation and inadvertently sprayed urine on another copy.

· US lowers standards in army numbers crisis - The US military has stopped battalion commanders from dismissing new recruits for drug abuse, alcohol, poor fitness and pregnancy in an attempt to halt the rising attrition rate in an army under growing strain as a result of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
TVNL Comment: New Slogan: Support the drug addicted, drunk, out of shape & pregnant troops! Fit that on a bumper sticker!





· The obsession of the religious right - So the issues most trumpeted by the so-called religious right are about how we got here, how we reproduce ourselves, how we should die, the kinds of intimate relationships we should and shouldn't have, who should judge the appropriateness of those relationships—and how our Constitution should be protecting us against the 'devil' in our midst. - In other words, by an obsession with reproduction. SEX!

· This is a family who loved a child that lived in a house that.... - TVNL Comment: A picture story by Richard Neville.

· SERVING CORPORATIONS AS TREASON - American law recognizes corporations as being citizens in many ways. Our Founding Fathers would have been appalled at this legal status for corporations.





· About - Watch the Washington Journal on C-Span from 7:45 - 8:30 a.m. ET Saturday June 4 for Co-Founder Steve Cobble. And phone in to have your say!

· The Downing Street Memo And Impeachment Get A Fair Hearing - Last night, Alan Colmes discussed the Downing Street Memo and impeachment for at least the second time on his radio show.










· · Jerusalem orders Palestinian homes to be razed - Jerusalem's city council has ordered one of the largest mass demolitions in the city's recent history, with plans to raze the homes of about 1,000 Palestinians in a neighbourhood claimed by Jewish settlers.
TVNL Comment: Where is the outrage? Is it any wonder that there is so much anti-Semitism?

· Torture Inc. America's Brutal Prisons - Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were committed in Iraq?

· Enforcing US Human Rights Laws - The Bush administration is using the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, as an excuse to launch a massive assault on the human rights of people throughout the world.





· US Church unveils sex abuse settlement - The Roman Catholic Church has agreed to set aside $US120 million ($Au158 million) to compensate parishioners molested by priests in the US state of Kentucky.



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