Date: June 5th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: In the time it took our 3 cable new network to over cover the story about a woman who was abducted in Aruba, International News Network out of Canada covered the entire morning’s international news headlines (just some major stories and details of other stories that are never heard on American news networks). Do you think this woman is the only American to go missing in a foreign nation? Once again we have a clear indication of a controlled media where all the news networks mysteriously fixate on a singe story that is not really that important to anyone other than the woman’s family. Did you see how all three networks were desperately trying to stretch the coverage as they tried to make up questions, sometimes even repeating the same questions to the people they wee interviewing. It was absolutely obvious and painfully embarrassing! Maybe Comedy Central should buy all the news networks. That would be more appropriate. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,




· Saddam 'to face just 12 charges' - A spokesman said the 12 charges of crimes against humanity were fully documented and there was no point "wasting time" dealing with all 500.

· US "Fireballs" Threaten Iraqi Flora - US Apache helicopters have become a nightmare for Iraqi farmers and villagers who had thousands of acres of their farmlands destroyed by the flash bombs poured on them almost every day.





· US probes Isle of Man scheme used by billionaire Bush donors - The scheme, devised by one of America's biggest banks and used by two billionaire donors to George Bush's election campaign among others, is being probed for possible breaches of securities and anti-money-laundering rules.

· Bolton Said to Orchestrate Unlawful Firing - John R. Bolton flew to Europe in 2002 to confront the head of a global arms-control agency and demand he resign, then orchestrated the firing of the unwilling diplomat in a move a U.N. tribunal has since judged unlawful, according to officials involved. - A former Bolton deputy says the U.S. undersecretary of state felt Jose Bustani "had to go," particularly because the Brazilian was trying to send chemical weapons inspectors to Baghdad. That might have helped defuse the crisis over alleged Iraqi weapons and undermined a U.S. rationale for war.





· Richest Are Leaving Even the Rich Far Behind - The people at the top of America's money pyramid have so prospered in recent years that they have pulled far ahead of the rest of the population, an analysis of tax records and other government data by The New York Times shows. They have even left behind people making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.





· Downing Street Minutes - Throw your congresscritter a life-saver - STRATEGY SESSION: for when you call your Congressperson/Senator, who may have voted for the IWR, and, having done so, may be too fearful or ashamed to admit he or she made a mistake... MAYBE all they’re looking for is a graceful way out...Please consider planting this seed. - ALL they have to say is TEN WORDS: "Because I TRUSTED my president. And he LIED to me."





· Test shows voter fraud is possible - The group wasn't able to crack the Diebold system from outside the office. But, at the computer itself, they changed vote tallies, completely unrecorded.





· · Lawsuit: Reveal effects of military sonar on whales - A national conservation group filed suit Wednesday to force the government to reveal the extent to which ocean mammals worldwide have died as a result of massive sonic blasts from intense military search equipment.

· Md. Won't Challenge Power Plant Air Pollution Rules - The Ehrlich administration has opted not to join 12 other states in a legal effort to overturn new federal regulations that environmental groups say will hinder efforts to curb air pollution from power plants.

· Gore Urges Mayors to Fight Global Warming - "We are witnessing a collision between our civilization and the earth, a transformation of the relationship between our species and the planet," Gore warned. "Is it only terrorists that we're worried about? Is that the only threat to the future that is worth organizing to respond to?"





· · Satellite toll plan to make drivers pay by the mile - Each of Britain's 24 million vehicles would be tracked by satellite if a variable "pay-as-you-drive" charge replaces the current road tax.

· Haiti Elections and Starvation - Haiti a country that under the current circumstances can not feed it's population, spends millions on "voter-registration", the contract of which conveniently goes to a company in the country from which the original occupying force hails.

· Latin American Liberals Condemn U.S. Involvement in Suppressing Leftist Movements - Hundreds of intellectuals and politicians from Latin America's left gathered for an anti-terror conference in Cuba, but they never talked about al-Qaida, focusing instead on their own shared nemesis - the U.S. government.





· Air Force looks to strip planes from the Guard - Guard officials say they will be stretched too thin; plan backers cite need to streamline




















· An Administration's Amnesty Amnesia - Funny -- these officials had a different view of Amnesty when it was criticizing other countries. - "This administration eagerly cites Amnesty International research when we criticize Cuba and extensively quoted our criticism of the violations in Iraq under Saddam Hussein in the run-up to the war," protested William F. Schulz, executive director of Amnesty International USA.

· L. America world's most unjust region: OAS - "Income distribution levels (in Latin America) are the most unequal in the world and there are 200 million persons living below the poverty line," said Insulza in the interview with Spanish daily El Pais.

· Living Conditions in Iraq: A Criminal Tragedy - History will acknowledge that the criminal policy of the U.S-Britain and the illegal invasion of Iraq led to the current tragedy of the Iraqi people. In addition, history will have to acknowledge that the Iraqi people, alone, have resisted the genocidal sanctions and the U.S-British Occupation of their country.








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